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Ghost Stories in Category: Haunted Places: Page 11

House Sitting 2 by Fergie

This seems to be an annual event now, or maybe even bi-annual, as I found myself house sitting once more. Nicky, our eldest daughter, had accompanied her long-time friend to a seaside resort on our sub-tropical East Coast. Both were celebrating their birthdays, both are Sagittarians. The first f...

Grandma's House At Cairnhill - Part 2 by Jubeele

Whenever anyone in my family refers to "Grandma's House", I would always think of the Cairnhill place in Singapore. The sprawling, half-acre property was presided over by a stately, three-storied colonial house, with white-washed walls and a gently-sloping terracotta roof. The house belonged to my p...

The Argument by Kaitiebug123

It is not uncommon for a mother and a daughter to get into arguments. However, it is odd how this argument came to an end. I at the time was around sixteen years old, and me being sixteen liked to argue my point across. But one day my argument turned into a larger dispute with my mother. We we...

Odd Sensations And Strange Experiences With Cats by FangCat101

Starting not so long ago over the late summer, I have been feeling as though I am watched, and chills go up my spine nowadays in warm rooms of my home. I feel drafts when no windows are open, and my cat keeps staring at nothing and bounding away down the hallway. Plus, my cat goes crazy when in the ...

The White Figure In Front Of My Door 2 by Cole_Harris

This isn't so much a direct "sequel" to my previous story (The White Figure in Front of My Door), so much as an experience that happened a few months afterwards, in the same location with similar circumstances. I will admit, that part of this does involve a dream. However, I wanted to post this e...

Uneasy Spirit Lingering by BillyB

I just moved into my girlfriend's apartment and within the first week, while I was going to sleep one night, I saw a dark shadow floating above me with glowing eyes. I thought maybe it was just a dream but then my 2 year old was waking up in the middle of the night screaming and crying and pointing ...

Evil Vs Good by Cosmica

I've been wanting to share this for a while now, but something always seems to be pushing me back. This is by far the most close encounter I have ever had. It was around early 2013, I was 15 years old, laying in my bed, reading on my tablet. The lights were off, only the hallway light and the tab...

Grandma's House At Cairnhill by Jubeele

When I was a child growing up in Singapore, the weird and inexplicable was something rarely discussed in my father's family. It was not that the family did not believe in such things, but whenever the subject came up, Grandma would firmly squash all "irresponsible" talk. No one was allowed to speak ...

Rural Workplace Haunting by Thor220

About 3 years ago I started working a new job in a building that has a large service shop and office located basically in the middle of nowhere. And ever since I started this job there have been some strange things going on in this building. Most of them myself and the other employees have been able...

You Better Respect Him by roylynx

I and my sister went to an event held nearby a catholic church. The event finished quite later in the evening, since we had to wait for our bus, we went inside the church and rested a little. (The church was opened until 8pm and it was nearly 7:40ish) My sister suddenly said that she felt a touc...

"may I Step Out?" by ajonverge

Today I wish to share with you a story which was narrated by my grandma many years ago. They used to live in their native place in Pen, Panvel, Maharashtra, India during those days around 1950s. My grandma was just a child then. In those times, in India, there were huge joint families and it w...

The White Figure In Front Of My Door by Cole_Harris

My name is Cole. I live in one of the oldest houses in my town. While I often experience minor things such as footsteps, toilet lids closing, and the occasional sense of being watched, there is however, a few events that very clearly stick out in my memory. One of them occurred when I was in middle ...

Violent Spirits And Possible Demons by Toby

For as long as I can remember my house has been haunted. This is a record of mine and other's experiences, though most are mine since the others tend to dismiss them, they don't believe in ghosts. Red-Eyes - So, when I was about five I woke in the middle of the night from a nightmare, I had never...

They Took Me Out To Play by BART43

The story I'm about to tell is something that had happened to me personally when I was a baby. Mom told me all about what had happened. It was 1985, and I was just a few months old. Mom had taken us, that's me, my big sister and my two older brothers back to her hometown. The one from my previous st...

Unusual And Impossible Movements by MarvinScott

I have been really busy the past few months taking photos for requests from, and haven't had an opportunity to write more of my experiences from my role as a funeral director and embalmer, particularly in the latter role. Those who are familiar with my previous stories know that I hav...

Was It Something In The Ground? by The8Ms

There are only two supernatural experiences that really stand out in my life. I shared the first one in my last entry and now I'd like to share the other. I wish I could say this one is as happy as my last entry but it's not. It's not nearly as intense as some of the stories I've read on here but fo...

Spirits Following Her - 2 by fallenangel028

In part I of this story, I described a spirit that may have followed my stepmom from her old house to the house my Dad currently resides in. The activity has died down some since my stepmom passed away, but there has still been some interesting stuff happening. I still have ominous feelings when ...

Who's Walking Up There? by Janellexx89

It's been awhile since I posted a story. This will be my second story on here. Check my page for my first story. I have so many to post just never the time. This one I'm about to tell you happened last night. I was in my room trying to find something to watch on Netflix. The lights were on in my ...

In Pakuranga by Fergie

It has been two years since I heard this account, but it still sends a shiver of terror down my spine when I think of it. It was told to me with such conviction and gravity. I hope my puny effort to reproduce my nephew's words can convey his feelings. The weekend before we left New Zealand, our ...

Woman On My Bed by Cheong_Tai

Since I was a kid I used to feel strange things around me. Things as if someone is standing beside me or someone is watching me even when I used to be all alone in my room. I could easy feel a different kind of energy all of a sudden which is usually negative and then it makes me sweat. Right now...

My Timeline Of Experiences by bbqcthulhu

It's roughly around 2001-2002, and I was about 5 years old. The odd occurrences began when we moved half an hours drive up north of Bulahdelah, NSW. We went from a small rural town to an even smaller rural town, where we lived roughly 20 minutes on the outskirts of this rural place, in the middle of...

What's Going In The Attic? by Dooktar

I'm just an average 16 year old boy, picked up a job at a local hardware store to make my dad semi-proud of me. He thinks me working there is "teaching me life lessons," when in reality I'm just hosing out carpet cleaners and vacuuming carpets. Anyway, today, December 3, one of my managers told me t...

Guitar Strumming And Opening Closet Doors by GalaxiesGlaore

Now, this first story isn't mine, it is my sister's that I heard about when it happened (I would not be telling this story if I did not believe that it actually happened as strange things are known to happen in the basement of my house). Me and mom were talking in the kitchen of our house as my youn...

The Carriage House by EmmalineTexas

If you've read my accounts before, you'll know that I lived in a house built in 1920. It's on a huge plot of land with the original carriage house behind it. When we bought it, my sister and brother in law wanted a little house of their own here in Texas, so they renovated the carriage house complet...

Haunted Apartment Or Paranoid? by reyoflight

This is my first story on here. I have been an avid reader but am now too experiencing some things that you can hopefully help with. Apologizing now if this story isn't the best, this is my first time writing and recalling events like this. I live in university apartments that are relatively new, ...

My Dog's Growling by majarlika012

Before I go on with my story, I would like to give a brief background first about myself. I am not working in a call center but since I am working in an American company, it requires me to work on a shifting schedule because our operation is 24/7. We support supermarkets in the US, Canada and Aus...

What's Haunts Our Bathtub? by Ghostofme

We moved into our house in 2001. It was a nice little house with two bedrooms, a kitchen, laundry room and pantry, two bathrooms and a living room. It wasn't fancy just ordinary and had four and a half acres of land that went with it which we rented to a local man to plant his corn on for his cows a...

Step By Step by findingthetruth23

I have just moved into a new house, AWAY from a troublesome spirit. Before I was dealing with a very nasty spirit, with regards to scratching his initials onto my glasses and moving an entire cupboards worth of stuff onto the landing. This spirit is completely different, I can just feel her. Now...

You Hear Them Too? by ERINISAWESOME

A couple years ago I had moved out of my parents' house to go to college, but I still came home on the weekends to visit them and would usually stay over night. At the time, my old room was being used for storage so I was sleeping on a lovely little bed made of about 14 blankets on the floor with my...

"mom's Fright Night." by BART43

This story I'm about to tell actually happened to my mom and my two older brothers. I don't know much about the details as I wasn't born yet at the time. It happened in the 70's. My oldest brother was 3 or 4 maybe and the second oldest was still a baby. Dad was not around much as he was in the army ...

The White Woman by DarkAngelx91

This happened to me back in 2011. I usually never had any vivid dreams before this happened. I went to bed and fell asleep as normal but I had a very vivid dream that night which I still can remember to this day. I dreamed that I was in the car driving my normal route to work, when a woman in whi...

Phantom Doorbell by 3girls

I hope someone can help with my Moms' "issue". Over the course of about 2 weeks, maybe every other evening, between 7-9pm, she has heard a doorbell ring right beside her head. Normally happens while she's watching TV, winding down for the evening. My Mom's house does not have a doorbell. She says it...

Dark Presence In My Room by DarkAngelx91

This happened to me back in January 2016. One night I was on my laptop watching videos on Youtube when I came across the trailer for the Conjuring 2. I decided I'd watch it just to see what it was like since I'd seen the first movie. After I watched it I googled about the Enfield Haunting. I came...

The Creepy Farmhouse by DarkAngelx91

This happened to me and my family back in 2012 while we were on holidays in England. My family and I were on holidays in Northampton in England and we were staying in an old farmhouse for the week. When we first arrived everything seemed normal and the farmhouse was nice and homey. The first nigh...

The Dead Mans Ghost? by Avery

So its been a while since anything has happened in the house I'm currently in. In the late 1980's or early 1990's (before I moved in, and before I was born), a man died in the back bedroom. We have lived in this house for the past 3 years, next January will be 4 years, and things have only just star...

I Thought They Were Just Trying To Scare Me 2 by Girlfriend85

After my first story I had been so freaked out I had my cousin come stay with me. I didn't feel comfortable being there alone during the weekends when my roommates were away. This one night she and I were in my room upstairs doing our nails and shooting the s***. As she was talking I heard someone...

I Thought They Were Just Trying To Scare Me by Girlfriend85

Back in 2005 I had rented out a room in a 2 story home. My 2 roommates were cousins from Palm Springs and they were often gone during the weekends because they would be in PS with their family. (The house was in San Diego). The night I moved in they came to my room to introduce themselves and we got...

Under The Bed by MsTeek

When I was growing up in far north Queensland I was told that a small bowl of water or a belt on the end of your bed would keep spirits away while you slept, unfortunately I found as I got older that it wasn't as simple as that. In 2013 I was 18 years old and just moved in with my first boyfriend...

Ghost At My Grandmother's House by Ghosts4ever

This is my first story and it didn't even happen at my house. I love going to my grandmother's house. It feels like my second home. But I'm positive it's haunted. This story happen happened before I was born but my dad told me about it. It was Christmas and my dad was home alone at my grandmother'...

Am I Losing My Mind? My History Of Disappearing Acts by Rosebudx

So, I am typing this on my phone so pardon me if there is any wonky formatting. My laptop has officially gone kapoot as I'm no longer able to charge it so this is really all I have at the moment. Right now, I'm particularly perplexed. Genuinely flabbergasted. Confused and kind of upset...? I kno...

Investigation Done In Old Style by roylynx

I has with my friend's uncle and his team of "old" investigators, my friend's uncle wanted to show me how they used to investigate during old days and so he have gathered his "old friends" whom used to work with him as a team of local investigators. My friend told me not to bring any electrical d...

Fredericksburg, Va House Haunting by MrRiggs

In 1992 I rented a house in Fredericksburg, Virginia following several years of living abroad. It was a rather pleasant house, a ranch design, in an older neighborhood. There were many large trees that gave shade in the summer, and a wooded area behind the house. Along with friendly neighbors and a ...

Garfield Ghost Town by envogs18

I work at a summer camp, and like most camps of course there is going to be some ghost stories being told. Well one weekend when just staff was at the camp we were all hanging out around the fire and some of the local counselors told us a story about the Garfield Ghost Town; which just so happened t...

Biter by EmmalineTexas

In 1999 my life was a mess. My ex-husband and I had recently separated, I had no savings and he wanted our house. It wasn't much but it was paid for. I was too exhausted to fight him. My father had just died and I had traveled to Fort Bliss just in time to say goodbye to him. My parents had visi...

Horrid Haunted Home by ElliotM

In January 2017 my Mother discovered that she was pregnant. With me, my sister, my parents and a new sibling on the way we all felt that it was time to find a bigger home. It took a while to find a house which both fit our requirements and which we all liked. After a couple of weeks we finally found...

The Copper Queen by EmmalineTexas

My story centers around an old copper mining town in Arizona called Bisbee. It's only eight miles north of the Mexican Border and is a little slice of the 1880's, right down to the Grand Dame hotel in town. The Copper Queen. I lived in California growing up but moved to Texas in my 30's and woun...

Starved To Death by claypray

This story happens the year of 2011 at my mother's apartment. My parents broke up since I was 8, my brother and I grew up on my father's side of the family since then. My Father died the year of 2009 and so no place to go, I and my brother moved to my mom and her new family. So here's the story g...

Tragedy2 by Roopa

This is the continuation for the tragedy story. One day I saw my son and the color of his shirt changed in front of my eyes from orange to red. I am scared about all this. My family members have tagged me mad and I don't have anything to prove. One day I was staying in my mother's home. And my hus...

Tragedy by Roopa

I stay in India. After I moved to this city with my husband and son, I have had bad experiences. I listen to voices. Recently I saw my son in inside window glass while my son really slept in the other room. He was carrying my second son who is two years old. Some people were torturing both my sons. ...

Something Didn't Want Us There by DestinyGirl

Some years ago (maybe 12-15?), one of my best friends from high school was looking to buy her first house. She had been living with her parents since we graduated from college, and she was finally ready to be out and on her own. She was a single woman at the time, so she would usually take her mom o...

Camping Site Activity by majarlika012

It happened in 2008. I'm on my 1st year college. We had a camping at the Jamboree Site in Mt. Makiling. It was part of the survival camp activity for our NSTP class. Everyone enrolled in NSTP in the university were required to join the survival camp. Since I was a girl scout during my elementary and...

A Ghost Getting Exercise by RCRuskin

Halloween has come and gone, with its tradition of telling ghost tales, both real experiences as on this site, and made up tales, such as the wrapping paper joke I recall from Boy Scouts. (Directions to our camp site included 'turn on to the one lane sand.') While discussing this site and variou...

You Okay? by Gh0stHunter

This experience was the reason why I got into ghost hunting. It was my very first time. There is an old historical war marker that's just outside my town that I used to visit during childhood field trips. It always fascinated me. Years down the road I'm ghost hunting with friends at 18, when I fi...

Bug Or Plane? by Gh0stHunter

This was back when I used to "ghost bust" with friends, and was one of the first times that I went ghost hunting. There is an old historical war marker that's just outside my town that I used to visit during childhood field trips that's 30 minutes out of town. It always fascinated me. Years down ...

Simply Stuck by rosaid

I can often pick up on the presence of souls and their emotions are often projected onto me. I have been living in my apartment now for a year and had an incredibly bad feeling about a particular corner in my closet, My cat often goes crazy by this corner, even with the doors open and looking righ...

Mischievous Little Girl 2: Ringing Bell Sounds by Mona777

As a somewhat continuation of my first account, I'll describe what else happened in that house. For those who haven't read my first account, I would recommend that you do, although it isn't really essential in order to understand this. First let me give a brief description of the layout of the house...

The Henn Theater by Lilwolf

I have always been a fan of historic buildings and attractions and seeing that I live in not only a small town but in a close proximity to a cluster of small towns in the Georgia mountains that all have some form of history still standing. Blairsville Ga, Haysville NC, Blue ridge Ga and Helen Ga the...

Someone Comes Home by aurora2017

Last year my niece rented a remote farmhouse near a state park in Southeastern Ohio. There were no visible neighbors and the house was over 100 years old. The owners had renovated the inside but had left the outside shabby to deter people from breaking in when it wasn't occupied. So this house had p...

The Fisher Farm by MississippiPearl

When I was about four-years old we moved into a big old house on a retired farm near Elk Mound, WI (USA). We called it the Fisher Farm, since that was the name of the landlord. Likely because I was so small, the house seemed gigantic. It was a two-story home with a full attic and basement, a nice su...

"oh Yup There She Is!" by ERINISAWESOME

My friend lived in the oldest house in the town we lived in. Her house was the first house to ever be built in the town. So we always made jokes about it being haunted as hell and how we could hear things. It never really scared us but we didn't dare taunt them either. She would have some weird dr...

Regretful Spirit? by Mannerizms

Hey guys! I know it has been a while and I've been pretty quiet; I have been reading just not being able to comment due to work! But I do have an interesting story! I work at [unnamed hotel] in Arizona, and earlier this year, we sadly had a suicide. I have to help housekeeping (managing the...

Strange Goings On In Psychiatric Hospital by villafan

My story is from 2008 and at the time I was working at a psychiatric ward. I had been there for over four years and at time I would sense something in particular parts of the hospital but never saw anything. However the feeling of being watched as you entered corridors and passed doorways was alway...

Keep Practicing by skeletonsRIOT

I had a guitar teacher/family friend (lets call him L) passed away this year suddenly, sadly and as a part of his will his stuff was left to me, my mom, sister, and our other good friend. After all the head ache of a funeral, his Will, and so on we got his belongings sorted out and placed with who e...

Little Foot Steps In The Office by eloisa28

This happened on October 26th. The day before yesterday. That was Thursday if I am not mistaken. Since the students had no class because it is their semester break for college and a vacation for preparing the upcoming All Saint's and All Soul's Day for elementary and high school students, there are ...

Calling For Noah by Cups

This is my first post here, so please be kind! I've had many what I would describe as paranormal experiences throughout my life. My earliest memories are of my 5 or 6 year-old self late at night, snuggled in bed. I'm not sure I'd classify this as a "ghost story" but I feel like I should start sharin...

Legs by Gh0stHunter

So one stormy night, 2 of my friends wanted to go on another ghost hunt. I didn't really want to for simply 2 reasons: We went yesterday, and it was pouring rain outside. Eventually they managed to get me to go with the dumb idea because we had never gone during a storm before. There is an old hi...

A Poltergeist That Hated Blondes by EmmalineTexas

My story started in 1982. My Dad had been in the military for 32 years and then had worked for NASA before he retired. Because of his military service, he and my Mom were eligible to travel anywhere in the world by military transport if there was available room and pay a nominal fee for any meals wh...

Shapeshifter by Aaru275

This story happened to my grandpa's sister. My grandpa lived in a village along with his siblings and parents when he was young. His sister was 21 years at that time. It was Winter evening. She was returning from a neighbours home. The distance between two houses was almost a kilometer. As it was w...

Phantom Statue In Salem, Ma by Butterflyguide

I grew up as close to my grandmother as I was to my parents. She lived only 15 minutes away in Massachusetts; we lived in New Hampshire. One day, my grandmother and I were driving through Salem, Massachusetts for some reason. I don't remember what the reason was. We were talking as we usually did wh...

The Night Every Object Came Alive by Celestina007

I deem it imperative before proceeding to share my experience to appreciate the creator (s) /developers of this blog/site. It gives me the chills and keeps me from boredom, although it compounds my insomnia I love it all the same. Now here goes my experience; I was 6 or 7 and still slept on the sa...

Spooky Room In Thailand by roylynx

Weeks ago I was off with my very close friend to Thailand. It was the first time for us to travel that far away from Brazil, the first night was always the hardest... We both suffered jetlag and could not sleep... We have both checked-in to our room and I went and took a shower. I found that ther...

Warning Signs To A Tragedy by 1966JRD425

I was born in Washington DC and lived in an old home in a neighborhood near an area called Mount Pleasant. My parents were renting the basement to a couple who recently came to this country and their three small girls. I was a small child so I'm remembering this story as it was told by my Mother and...

The Nun In The Bathroom by Rosaraider

I've recently gone on a retreat to this place called Caleruega Retreat House, situated in Nasugbu, Batangas, which is known to be the home of many ghosts, as it used to be a Spanish church back during Spanish Colonial times. Personally, I was not scared by the stories despite being a believer in the...

New House Spook 2 by Reaper666343

Here is the update that I am sure some of you have been waiting for. I have been paying more attention and I am realizing more occurrences do occur then I thought. The cats still both stare at the wall in the laundry room separately or together. However, I have also come to realize they stare at...

Pesky Ghosts Part 3 by NightlyEclipse

Back again with another update. I took some advice and announced to whatever is in my house that the board has to go. I cut it up and tossed it away. Hopefully, it won't reappear. I also ran the necklace I got under some water. I'm hoping that whatever is connected to it will be calming down. Ple...

Ghost In The Wire? by Rex-T

In the summer of January 1989, I was the supervisor of approximately thirty maintenance technicians for a large Australian telephone company, based in Sydney's northern suburbs. Our function was to detect, isolate and fix faults on our customers' telephone lines. To be successful in our roles, we...

The Lady Never Left The House by Meldel

My sister Sandy was pregnant with their first baby and for that reason she and her hubby decided to move from their small apartment. They purchased their first home, a modest three bedroom house. Shortly after they moved in they made some renovations. A wall between the living room and dining r...

The Old Boarding House by Lilwolf

This happened about three years ago, my friend Jessica had called and wanted to hang out for awhile watch a few scary movies because it was a stormy day and she is just kind of cliche like that. I instantly got a warning gut felling that said I should wait a little bit but I was bored and didn't wan...

Paranormal Pregnancy? by JazzyBaby

It has been a little over a year since I had given birth to my son, but during my pregnancy I had a number of paranormal experiences. I was in the middle of moving from Washington State to Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas, when I found out that I was four weeks pregnant with our son. My husband ...

Haunted Village House by nevym

I started living with my grandparents about 4 years ago without knowing how that would change me and my thinking forever. We live in a small village in west Serbia and its the kind of place where everyone knows each other. At first I didn't notice anything strange, I started hearing footsteps go...

Hotel Divinus - Debrecen by jeffinaustx

Hungary is a great country but most folks olny know it from BudaPest. While Debrecen is the 2nd largest city in Hungary, few have ever heard of it and even less have ever been here. Debrecen is on the far eastern side of the country and to get here you typically fly into BudaPest and either take a l...

3rd Funeral Night Of My Grandfather by verge

I could still remember that unforgettable evening I was at the wake of my Grandfather whom we called "tatang" he's a very kind and a gentle mannered Lolo for me and cared for us grandsons. I was in fourth year high school then, and it was the 3rd wake night for my lolo when me and my cousin and so...

Freaky Friday The 13th by brown_eyed_girl

I have always been very open to paranormal experiences. I've lived them since I was a young child so I know I can either believe or be in denial. That said, strange things still happen around me to this day, quite literally. My story began Sunday, October 1st. I got a kitten named Binx. The people I...

Knock On Window by sheld999

This encounter took place in July. I'll start it off with few events before hand. 2 months earlier I was on meds for health reasons I was having bad side effects which took awhile to get rid of. Roughly a few months. At the same time my childhood friend died. At same time I was feeling sad and was g...

Haunted By A Pesky Ghost Pt. 2 by NightlyEclipse

If you haven't read my previous Haunted by a Pesky Ghost, please check it out. It'll make things a lot clearer. I started documenting the things that happened. It's escalated ever since I brought home an ouija board (for more information on that read Mistakes Were Made). More random things are g...

Ghost Buildings by tigerfeet

This is my first submission to this wonderful site, and hope you find my experiences interesting. I'm more than happy to answer any questions you may have. This probably sounds really weird to other people, but it's something that happens to me, not on a regular basis, but from time to time. I se...

Ghosts In The Siberian Forest by Dreyk

It took several weeks to terminate our lease at the apartment complex. We only returned to the flat for brief visits to collect belongings. As neither of us had really provided any furniture, that wasn't a big deal. Clothing, electronics, some decorative "junk" we had collected together to enhance t...

No One "lives" Next Door by Dreyk

Life in Russia was a lot like life in the US. The similarities between the way people spoke, what they said, how they dressed, what they liked to do for fun, was pretty much spot on. There were some "odd" differences that took way more time to get used to than I was happy about. One time, I went to ...

Father Knows Best by MaggieMay_Not

In my first story, My Mother's Poodle, I was age eleven. This time I'll share one from my twelfth year. I grew up in Pittsburg, Ca. I have four brothers and no sisters. My father and mother were and are still together - 59 years strong. For fun, on weekends our entire family used to go for hikes up ...

The Knocks From Another Dimension by smigo95

This story begins with me and my old friend having a few beers in my mancave, being bored we decided that we should do something thrilling since this was the first time we were chilling out after he had moved out of our town. (I will not use his real name.) It was getting dark and we went to see...

Scary Hummmm Noises by Ayaz

I am very realistic, not superstitious, very logical person. Some spooky events happens in my life what I tell you. But I still wonder about them. In real life, thousands of people faced some kind of Supernatural spooky incidents in their life at least once. But most of them also never could underst...

A Shared Experience by SAYURI

This is one of the most weird and fascinating paranormal experience I ever had. I have a friend named C. Who used to visit haunted houses at night with some friends of hers. I visited her one day after a long time and she informed me of her latest adventures at haunted places. I was really thrille...

Mischievous Little Girl by Mona777

This is my first story on this site, I've been reading a lot of them so I decided to share my experience. I've had a few but let's just focus on 1 for now. I live in the UK, London to be more specific. This particular incident happened a few years ago, when I was staying over at my cousins house for...

The Roar At The Window by Sid926

I live in Pune. It has been three years I shifted at Sinhgad road. First I used to live at Navi Peth. It had been just 1year after shifting in that new flat when this incident occured. I have my own bedroom which is not too big and not too small. At night I have a habit of keeping the glass door ...

Girl's CR At The 3rd Floor by eloisa28

This is the second time I am going to tell you a story. From the first story, I mentioned there that I will tell you what I had experienced when I was in college. So the story goes like this... I was in the 4th year in college, with an evening schedule at school from 2pm-9pm. My classroom is loc...

My Dad's Old Creepy House by Vegan93

This was back when I was a snotty nosed teenager still living in boring old Indiana. My dad used to live in this two story house with his four kids from another woman. My parents divorced when I was really young. I was really attached to my dad growing up cause he was never abusive toward me like my...

Haunted By A Pesky Ghost by NightlyEclipse

Recently I've been noticing some odd things happening around the house. I've been closing more doors than I've opened, my cat will stare down the stairs into the basement at exactly 12:00 every night for the past week or so, and I've been noticing a lot of my items will go missing and then reappear ...

The Hooded Angel by GenjiGod

Now I love this site and read it all the time. But what you are about to read is what has and is still happening to me. This happened to me 5 years ago when I was about 11 years old, living in Fairbanks, Alaska. My family would always rent houses at Birchwood homes, a decent place to live outsid...

Someone Under The Covers With Me by EmmalineTexas

We live in Texas City and it's the site of a massive industrial accident that happened in 1947 that killed at least 576 people. The whole town was damaged and one ship's anchor was blown 1.5 miles and the other landed at the base of the Texas City Dike. That's about 4 blocks from my house. Many peop...

The Abandoned House, Demonic? by ghostyanu

I am from a small district in the state Chattisgarh from India. I am reading interesting stories in this page since 2013 and found it appropriate to post stories here. This is my 1st experience. My story is about the house in front of my house which was abandoned. People felt it creepy at night so m...

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