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Ghost Stories in Category: Succubus / Incubus / Sexual Ghosts: Page 1
Romantic And Sexual Relationship With A Spirit by CosmicEnigma
This is a subject I have had a very hard time communicating to others and I have yet to find an outlet where it would be met with positive attention. I am somewhat embarrassed but I need to get some of it off my chest and just talk, and I need guidance from anyone whose had or heard of similar exper...
My Husband And The Ghost? by BrendaDances
I am not sure how to explain this experience, or what do to about it all, but I really need help in stopping what ever is happening from destroying my marriage. I have gone over this story a couple of times and tried my best to remove anything that was too graphic because I want to be taken seriousl...
Confused And Bruised 10/30/2019 by DazedConfusedNowBruised
I am in my mid 40s and until now never gave much thought to paranormal experiences. And I certainly never experienced any. I moved into my house April 2019 and the evening of Wednesday October 30, 2019 I laid in bed watching tv, after a couple hours I turned off my television & I tried to fall aslee...
Sex With Steven The Ghost by SleepingWithSteve
I have a regular ghost who visits me mosts nights. He has sex with me and leaves. Last night I had questions for him. When he arrived I asked him his name. He said Steven. I said where are you from? He said Lancaster. (I'm in Australia). I asked him how old he was. He said same as...
Reoccurring Incubus Haunting Question by AussieGuy81
I am a bloke in my mid 30's and yes, I know stories about Incubus/Succubus hauntings are being filtered/restricted for obvious reasons. But I am going to try and see if my story will be published and if anyone can help me with my current situation... So, first of all, a bit of background informat...
Is This A Incubus? by LaurenPotter1111
This might be long but this thing whatever it is keeps coming back and I have no idea what it is. My first experience with this thing was when I was 11. It was at night and I was laying in bed on my right side facing the wall, when I heard footsteps right behind me. I thought it was my mother beca...
Female Spirit Or Succubus? by Dagod
I know it is stated to not post dreams but I believe this dream is caused by the paranormal. Please help me try to figure out what is going on. Last night the dream was very intense and disturbing. So for the past few weeks or so I've been having a recurring dream. I know this isn't a dream inte...
Can It Be An Incubus? by MyStory15
Before I begin telling you my story, I want you to know that English is not my first language so there may be some errors and this is my own experience. I don't post this for attention or stuff like this, I post this for some help from people that went through similar things as me, that can give me ...
I Need Some Help Dealing With An Entity by Cas
I don't talk much about my "spirit friend" but let's just say he's starting to get on my nerves. Firstly, let me state that this is all true, and I am of sane mind. It all started when I was 8 years old, and my older cousin decided to play around in witchcraft, she messed around with some crap and o...
Demon? Possible Incubus? by ArianEgyptianGirl_89
9-2-17 I am a Female, 28 years old. Back in 2010 or 2011, I had my first experience with this "thing". The first few years it would come very few times a year to be with me sexually. The very first time it happened I was shocked. I was shocked because I didn't really know that these kinds of thin...
To Be Heard by AmbitiousSlave
Since my first personal accounts were rejected, I attempted but couldn't find any other places network wise where I could be believed... Since I was a child and moved into my current house I have lived in for about 10/11 years (basically my childhood), I have recently (as in the last 4 or so years...
The Possible Incubus And The Ghost In My House by Mika97
There are two, possibly three supernatural beings that dwell in my house. Two have confirmed as ghosts the other we do not know exactly what it is but because it displays sexual behavior I am thinking it is an Incubus. The first ghost does not bother me but it does bother my mother and elder sister....
Abused By Spirit by Chichi
I always had experiences from when I was a child up to now (more family-members,including my mother are paranormally-sensitive). I moved with my kids and husband to a new appartement last year. I only had a few encounters in the beginning, after that it was quiet. Since a couple of weeks, someti...
Succubus Or... What? by Cam-0
Alright here it goes, I'm a 17 year old guy and I'm wondering whether or not I have a Succubus on my hands or not. It all started about a month ago. I'm being me laying in bed thinking about random things before I fall asleep when I start to feel this "electric buzz" if you will on my legs. It then ...
My Incubus Experience by Chels8888
Let me state first before anything else that this story is not to get attention. I see stories of incubus encounters in many places, and I see many people think of them very negatively. I am here to share my own story that isn't negative, but rather very positive. It started a little less than a ...
Could It Be A Succubus? by Sagitkin
The past few months have been... Odd to say the least. It started in March I think, 2012. I just moved to live with my aunt and I started to have these slightly erotic dreams with girls that I don't know. The first dream, I was lying on the floor, nude, holding some girl I never met. She said someth...
I Was Never Sure by Emiliee
I've had a few small experiences that I thought were strictly my imagination running wild during my sleep... But after reading the stories published on this site, I began to rethink the situation. I'm an 18 year-old female, and I do attend church. However I have been struggling with faith for qui...
Sexual Ghost by pablo_sanchez
I am a 25 year old male and for the past few years I have felt there is a ghost who lives inside my apartment who is sexual. Many times I see the hair stand up on my arms and feel a tingling sensation around my thighs, back, hips. When I'm in bed it sometimes touches my private area, giving me an er...
Chosen By A Succubus by Visited
Author's Note: This story might seem a bit disjointed. It involves incidents that take place over many years that did not appear to be related until recently. There is a significant amount of back story that is needed to frame my recent experiences. I have chosen to tell the events in chronological ...
Dreams Becoming Real? by BrianaTaylor
Let me start off by saying I'm new to this site. I found it by exploring the internet really trying to get a idea of what was going on with me, and if it was real or if I was just letting my dreams become more real to me than they were. I've always been a strong believer of the supernatural. To anyo...
Stalker Demon by HelloMyNameIs-blank
So, normally I have a-okay nights, and I used to not be so terrified of the dark... Haha until it started. So, I don't normally have weird dreams or anything but this one was way out of wack, and it wasn't just the dream. In my dream this monster, that looked like well... The grim reaper himself, wa...
Me And My Four Succubi by gespenstschmied
This is not the first time I experienced having a 'wonderful' moment with an unknown girl in a dream that felt extremely real, and suddenly waking up feeling someone/something beside me. This happened three years ago. In my dream, there were these four girls, I didn't know them, they were just fo...
My Incubus And Succubus Experiences. Chest Pressure? by yourbliss
I've done a lot of research in the last week and read through most of the incubus/succubus stories here on this site. There is no doubt in my mind that I've got my own. I will try to be brief with my explanations. First off, I want to state that I am not religious. I believe in a higher power and cr...
Succubus: Real Or Fake? by 2142kdscircle
All right, here I am, after reading a lot of the posts on this site resulting in a scientific interest in the Incubus or Succubus, and that interest being followed by my own experiences that have been, if not close but almost exact to that of the majority of those of you who post here. I'd just like...
My Sweet And Caring Incubus by DarkAngel91
I've had my fair share of spirits around me. I have seen spirits all my life and am somewhat sensitive to them. When I was sixteen I believe I was attacked by an incubus it wasn't until I read some stories on this website did I figure out what really happened to me! This story is true all of this ha...
Dark Mornings With An Incubus by Nanciii21
I am new to this site, and I like it so far. I guess it's just good to know I'm not the only one going through these experiences. I don't know what to call it, paranormal the unknown spirits ghost. I have read a lot of stories concerning succubus and incubus that it has encouraged to share mine. ...
Was It An Incubus, A Dream Or Random Sex Spirit? by Mokonoki
First off it's my first time posting a topic like this and I hope you guys will understand my lame English since it's not my number one language. I've been reading other threads and comments here involving incubi/succubi/sex spirits and the reason is I kind of have had the same experience. I know so...
Sexual Encounter With Strange Entity by jb1haunted
I don't know what to say really. These past several days have been like nothing I could ever imagine. I feel as though my entire life has been setting itself up for what has occurred. Things done in my past I believe have triggered this sexual ghost to appear in my life and take over. Long story s...
Was She A Succubus? by Kevinizer
Recently, I've been having trouble sleeping. Before it would usually be drug's fault. What I first thought to be a special nightmare of it's kind, turned out to be a real-time event. One day at 16:00, when I woke up, I saw a woman. An uncontrollable question popped out in my mind. Was she dea...
Incubus Or Something Else? Please Help by EternalLotus
I don't really know how to describe what's been interacting with me for the past two nights now, or if it is an Incubus of some sort due to its behavior differing from accounts of others being attacked, which is why I decided to share with all of you and see if you could help me. I'm not scared or f...
Incubus Perhaps? by Darkwolf_101
I'm a 16 year-old-girl living in a council house and just recently have been having strange experiences. First of I'd like to say I kind of "welcomed" this being into my life, whether I'm going to regret that or not is still to be decided. It all started on a Friday night when I was laying down t...
Incubus Got Me Pregnant? by InsertBlank
I'm a shy person and not forcing my point on view on the reader. But I have to tell anyone I can this because I'm really really scared and overwhelmed. From the beginning: I have heavily practiced occult teachings and I was a self taught witch. I have done many things as a witch which I won't...
Ghosts Have Sex With Me by ME12345
Im a 20 years old girl. Always been scared of the paranormal world. In December 2011, I met this boy and I slept over at his place. When I was almost asleep, I felt someone crawling up under my blanket from my legs and up. It was lying on top of me, pressing on my chest, licking my neck on the ri...
Succubus Or What? by Johnwayne
A couple of nights ago I got my first visitation from my new friend. Kinda tripped me out a bit since I am 38 and spent 14 years of my life in Army special operations. Kinda accustomed to the strange and don't scare too easily. Laying there and I started to feel the sheets tighten up around my legs ...
Incubus Is Having Sex With Me by Redhead
Before I start I would like to say English is not my mother language, so I apologise if I make any mistake. Also I am 22 y/o female from United Kingdom. So it started with a massive number of LDs, dreams with sexual references. Now spirit is interacting with me when I am awake. What this non-phys...
Incubus, Spirit Or Imagination? by InkTainted
So I just signed up to post this recent experience of mine, as I can't trust my own judgement on the situation and need more opinions on what had happened. I've always had a comfortable "relationship" with the spiritual world, I understood it existed and it never frightened me, even after several e...
Flirty Spirit by AngelFalls
I've been obsessing about this lately because I've had some similar things happen to me. Not as intense as all the other stories but I have felt someone get into bed with me and when I look no one is there, and the tingling sensation (like a mix of static and when your arm falls asleep). I was never...
My Bed Started Shaking by SoniaMary23
I Live in Okinawa Japan. I am American just so you know. I'm a 16 year old female and I feel that I have an incubus following me... About a week ago. I had this HORRIBLE nightmare that I NEVER had much worse before, And my nightmare was about how some people was summoning a ghost so to speak? Anyway...
Be My Lover by Locrian
I have decided to post my story here after leaving a forum about the following subject matter due to their narrow minded and dictorial view. Before beginning the story; I should point out that these experiences have been happening off and on over the past few years. It pretty much began as others wh...
Succubi Visited Me, But I Can't Communicate With Her, Help? by fishskywalker
So I'd like to start off by saying this is my first post. I'm a Christian and I believe in God, lately though things are difficult which probably why this happened. I am a 22 year old male, Name is Jon, I am from Seattle, WA. My story starts at October 9th, 2011 during the day. For some reason I...
Entity Is Attached To Me And Has Sexual Encounters by empty_elegy
So I know this is going to sound weird, however I have no idea what he is. I do know it is a male. Let me backtrack to when I was 8, around August: I was laying in bed, wide awake, hours after I read this book. I stopped at the part of this book (I forgot the title) where it read "Don't breathe it'...
Not Afraid Of An Incubus? by Chevy
This is a true story of a couple experiences I have had. The first one happened during the summer of my Senior year (basically a couple of months ago). The only way I can fall asleep is if I'm on my stomach and one night I woke up around three in the morning. I was half awake when I heard an angry...
My Sex Spirit by TheCollector
hey, this is my first post on this website, the reason why I have come to this site is, that I experienced the strangest thing I have ever experienced in my life on the 6/9 2011 / 4 days ago) I will start with a introduction My name is Alex, I am 21 years old, and live in Denmark. 4 days ago from...
One Night Incubus by Oblivia
Ever since I was about 11 years old I have been able to take control of my dreams and sometimes even leave my body altogether. Ever since then I have encountered entities both benign and not-so benign. Last month, however, my experience was very different from what I have ever experienced. I live...
Sleep Disturbance by Lydia050
I'm 20 years old and live with my parents. Every day of the week, my parents go to work and leave me home alone which is amazing in my opinion lol. This morning I had something very disturbing happen to me. Let me say first, I am NOT a person who likes to be touched like at all and I have my reasons...
Angel Or Demon by coolskool
This happened a few months ago... Well maybe more like a half of a year? I really can't remember when. I had just gotten back from the mental hospital for my Bi-polarism which was triggered by a BAD encounter with a person online. I was REALLY depressed and feeling sad/angry. I was lying in bed t...
Suspected Incubus That Visits Me by LadyLynx
Hey everyone, I was hoping someone could shed some light on what has been happening to me. I'm a 24 year old female and a few years ago I was lying on my side in my bed when I came to consciousness because I felt a body on top of mine. It was definitely a man because I could hear him breathing very ...
Guardian Angel Incubus? by tsukieiri
For the past few years, I've had a... Well, not a problem, per se... It's more of a manifestation, though the word sounds unnecessarily harsh. It started three years ago, when I was in the seventh grade. It was a mid-February evening, and I was just getting home from the Drop In (officially HOME You...
Creeper Incubus by magicbanana
This is really hard to talk about because it scares me... A lot. It still happens. What disgusts me is that I like the experience. Last summer, I went to Dublin, Ireland with a friend. We were staying at this cabin resort with separate rooms, built like houses. The area was on the outskirts of Du...
My Erotic Dreams by Scarleteen_6
Before I start whatever I am saying may seem quite "dreamy" or whatever you do please don't name it as one of my fake teen "fantasies". I will be obliged if you agree to that! It started from the day of my fourteenth birthday, I guess? Okay... So yeah, and as every little young teenager I was VER...
Was This A Succubus? by Godtier
At around September of 2010. I remember being asleep lying on my stomach. Somehow I could sense someone in my bedroom as if they were making their way through my room. Then out of nowhere I felt the bed like sink in as if someone had sat on my bed. I instantly opened my eyes then all of a sudden I ...
I Thought Evil Was Bad? by LoversSeperated
I am A 15 year old girl living in a VERY old house with my Mother and Father. My room is the smallest Bed room in the house and I occasionally sleep on the couch due to extreme anger that occurs when I sleep in my room. Well I was tired and it was around 13:00 -army Time- so I went to sleep thinking...
Visitation From Ghost Or Incubus by magicpixie
I wanted to post my experiences here to get people's thoughts on what is happening, and how best to approach it. I'm 20, living in a rented Victorian two bedroom terraced house; I use one of them as an actual bedroom, and the other as a kind of spare room for my stuff. Recently, the bedroom I usu...
Woken By Sex With A Ghost by craftyinnh
I'm a widow and I live with my teenage daughter in a mobile home in a trailer park. My home is less than 20 years old but it is definitely haunted. We have two types of ghosts, one is human and the other is an animal. They seem to travel together, so when one isn't around neither is the other. Ov...
My Own Incubus by incubusoddid
I know some of you may think this is wierd but I am going to tell you my story which is 100 percent the truth. Ok so I'm 21 male I'm from Northern Ireland but currently living in England. It started when I was back home vistiting my mum and dad when I was on leave. When one night, I was lying o...
The Ghost Named Robert by Panini
Before I begin with my experience, I will tell you right now that everything I say here is 100% truth. I am currently a 16 year old. Okay, so when I was about 10, we moved into this nice, single suburbian house. I liked it, and me and my sister shared a room. We had bunk beds. And everything was n...
Foot Fetish by mellybarr
This is my first time writing and I would like to quickly state how glad I am that I've found this web site! I've always had an interest in the paranormal as I've experienced many strange things in my 35 years and I look forward to sharing some of them with you. I'm going to start off with the m...
Touched By Something by guyinsane2008
I found this site after typing in some of the "symptoms" I've experienced into Google. Some of the stories here seem unbelievable and I guess mine would also fall into that category. I have a few to tell but my first would center on being touch by something in a sexual manner. I am a male under 3...
Reptilian Incubus by mamachong
I was 17 at the time. My mom and dad were renting a 2 bedroom at the time. I remember being alone in the house one evening. My mom was gone all week long, as was the rest of the family. My dad was the only one staying in the house all week with me, but was at work so I was completely alone. I was ...
Gay Incubus? Can It Have Aids? I'm Sick Of It by Habanerodude
I am a guy and I'm Bi-sexual. I have been encountering what I think is an incubus for the past 2 years. At the beginning I thought I just had nightmares and that waking up paralyzed was something to not pay attention to. I thought it was just sex dreams that I had. Until one day I was sleeping and...
Shape Shifting Ghost Or Succubus? by Shaneshaneshane
First of all I would like to emphasize that I published this story as a means of getting help, not as a means of getting attention. My name is Shane; I am a senior in college majoring in political science. I live alone in my condominium unit, and nothing has ever bothered me until now. It all sta...
The Incubus Is Back by Easy20
It's back. The incubus (thing) is back. I didn't believe it myself at first, but now I'm a 100% positive. Or rather, it comes and goes as it pleases. A few months back I was asleep on our couch (that's where I sleep now) and woke up already paralyzed. My eyes were closed but I could see through th...
Relaxing Massage by shadowspirit
Yet another succubus story. Just thought I'd upload this before I forgot about it and just a quick side note. I have done some research on my house as I said I would in my last part, it had a pretty interesting history, however it has nothing to do with my story at this current time, so I'll go into...
Incubus And Maybe Something Else by sleeplessmom
I am 32 years old. I have been having trouble sleeping at night and I don't know what to do. When I am lying in my bed awake I get a strange tingling sensation all over me. I look at the foot of my bed, and there is a black shadow, shaped as a man. He walks around to my head as I am lying there,...
An Angry Incubus by sbrown19
I'm a 23 year old female and have just had a terrifying experience with an incubus. I've suffered from sleep paralysis in the past with occasional intense, sexual presence. One time I felt my trousers being pulled down and another time I felt someone lick my arm while I was unable to move. I ...
Six Years Of Devil Torment by kibstud
I had always thought this sort of nightmare was happening to me alone until I have come across this site. I always took my suffering silently especially the unexplained sickness which always followed devil attacks. It all started on 28th November 2004 one hour to midnight. Whilst walking home aft...
The Valentines Visitor by shadowspirit
I haven't posted in a while, because everything has stayed pretty much the same since last time (see my friend the succubus) but anyway, this story takes place on Monday the 14th of February I said last time in my stories comments that I didn't know if demons or whatnot understood holidays. But a...
Possible Incubus by rcdavis67
Since I moved into my place, there has been pounding on the wall. It is extremely loud and yet I ignored it. Cabinet doors would open by themselves, shadows could be seen down the hall and if someone screamed or cried in fear, you could hear a laugh. I thought all of this was related. So, I did a ri...
Possible Succubus Encounter? by classicfirst
This experience happened about a year ago, in March of 2010. I was still in my home back in San Rafael, CA. At that point, my ex had just broken up with me and moved away. About a week after that, I was just chilling in my room on Facebook when I felt a light tingling sensation on the back of my nec...
Incubus Relationship by DayLight
I was from a Christian background. So when my sexual encounters have started, I thought it was Jesus I was dealing with. According to the Bible, Jesus is our Lover and a Future Husband. According to the Bible, we are the Bride of God. So I was very delighted with his visits. I was in love. I want...
My Sexual Demon 2 by outsider
Continuing my story. After seeing this female being sitting in the chair, I froze but I saw enough to describe her. Black long silky hair, big blue eyes, bat like wings, black netted ribcage, normal human breasts, black arms and hands and horse like feet and a long skirt green in colour. I saw ...
My Sexual Demon by outsider
First let me start by saying that in almost every case I read about demons sexually attacking humans, it is either when they are asleep or semi-conscious, well that is not my case at all. I moved into a modern home on a farm not far from the city and almost immediately felt that there was a pres...
My Friend The Succubus by shadowspirit
Before reading this story, I recommend you read my story "the blue ribbon" to get an insight on my demon My story takes place on Sunday morning (30th of January 2011, between 6am and 9am GMT). I had not been feeling very well in the upcoming days and so I decided to stay in bed after I couldn't s...
The Blue Ribbon by shadowspirit
This story takes place about 2 months ago in November, before I had this dream I was feeling a presence of a female spirit (subbucus). I felt like I was being followed around my house and have has a few encounters when I was in the bathroom things had fallen off the shelves above the bath and toilet...
The Alien And The Hag by victoriarachel
Since I was little I have experienced strange paranormal phenomenon, though I am 23 years old and I haven't had one in a while until Wednesday of last week. I endured two episodes of sleep paralysis in one night. The first one an alien encounter and the second one having the 'old hag' sit on my ches...
3 Years Of Hell by SucubussesSuck
When I was younger, I wasn't inclined towards the spiritual. I drank and smoked and slept around a lot. Somehow during these youthful indiscretions, I attracted something to me. It all started three years ago. I was lying in my bed taking a mid-day nap and I was wide awake. Suddenly I felt something...
My Loving Succubus by TriggerNgo
In the summer of 2008, I moved to North Carolina with my family for a fresh start in life. Life was exceptional for the most part, by December; we purchased a new home and were officially settled. During the open house, one of the rooms had a strange air to it, as if something was already living the...
Something Is Having Sex With Me In My Bed by Jayscameraphone
Hi, It happened again last night and I quickly try to see if somebody wrote about the same thing. I'm a 43 year woman and bought my house a year ago and it was built in 2006. I have woods all around my house and 2 dogs outside all the time. Now a while back when I was sleeping I felt a strange fe...
Glimpses Of People From The Corners Of My Eyes by AliceLeftWonderland
I'll start from the beginning. All my life I have seen glimpses of people from the corners of my eyes, or felt someone/thing there in the room with me. It's usually friendly, and I'm not averse to telling the entity to leave if I feel threatened apart from recently. For about four months, I have ...
Incubus Won't Go by xAkumax
Ladies and gentlemen this is not a story about the past event but as a present one, I desperately need help and have searched everywhere for it. My girlfriend has been having encounters with an incubus demon for almost a month now, however they were neither asked for nor are they enjoyed, at firs...
My 3 Succubi by HauntedSoul
What's up, my name is Brandon. This is my very first post. I moved back into my Parent's house 2 years ago. They just purchased this house a couple months before my arrival. My 15 year old cousin stayed with them also. It's in a middle class neighborhood in St. Louis with huge trees all over (Forest...
Spirit Attachment Is Incubi And Sucubi by cephas66
What I have written is about what I have experienced and learnt about... I struggled for years to find a definition for it as I believed my health problems were all unconnected. I did not make a connection between some of my afflictions and my attachment or that they were spiritually induced e.g. P...
Sexual Experience With A Ghost by cmissw
When I was in my early teens, (I am now 30) I did some experimenting with a Ouija board and dabbled in some other spiritual things, shortly after, I began experiencing a strange occurrence at night. After falling asleep, I would be awakened by a throbbing pressure all over my body. It felt orgas...
I'm Married To A Ghost? by IGoRawrX3
To let you know, I'm 14. Luckily I'm old enough to publish this story. I'm in love with this ghost and you'll see why... My little incubus "Friend". I say friend because it follows me everywhere, talks to me in my mind, touches me and sexually touches me as well. This started last year. I was str...
I'm In Love With A Ghost And We Had Sex by Tatie25j
My name is Tatiana and I'm in love with a ghost. Well, he wasn't a ghost before. Let me go back to the beginning. About 3 and half years ago (in 2007) I went to my hometown in Haiti and met this wonderful guy that I fell in love with. We had a long distance relationship since he lived in Haiti and ...
Incubus Or Imagination? Help by FrankieRawrr
So I just wrote this and my internet cut off before I could post it and I lost it all. Not happy! So basically I always feel like I'm being watched, it always feels like I'm with someone. Sometimes I'll find myself having a full on conversation with myself as if someones talking to me... Through ...
Spiritual Warfare by vm50younglane
I was raised in a devout catholic household and have been close to God all my life. I was playing with summoning spirits as a kid and that's when I started to see the devil. Later I believe the enemy tried to kill me for many years. Later in life I started to be close to God again. I have felt somet...
A Spirit Had Sex With Me by danielleS
This is the strangest thing to date that has happened to me. There are things I might mention that may sound strange but just read my story as it has a great ending. At age 11 I'd started my menses and even for young girls it never came every month or lasted very long but within that year mine came ...
Extreme Incubus Encounter by Lila091
This happened about 2 months ago at my sister-in-laws new house in Florida. I'd gone to visit her after learning that her and my brother were getting a divorce. My brother was on the other side of the world at the time and I had always been very close to her. When I first arrived at the house I felt...
Incubus Coming Back? Or Something Else? by McFlurried
I'm Sara, and I usually don't talk about my experiences out in public. I usually keep everything on the down-low to avoid being ridiculed. I've always had strange things happen to me even as a kid. Probably ever since my grandfather died when I was about 10 years old. Now, I don't want you to go...
Life With Joyce My Incubus by pinkyispink
To introduce the story I have to tell you some things about myself and where I am. Female, aged 16, location is irrelevant but I will not go into detail as I have been though a lot in the last 3 years. This is a true story, I know because I am still living it. A little personal background to start; ...
Incubus Attacks by Wendy35
I have been attacked by what I believe to be an Incubus for about 8yrs now. These attacks happen in dreams or when I am in a semi conscious state. I say semi conscious because I am quite aware of what is happening and am able to control what is going on; although, I am not fully awake. As this has n...
I Think I Might Have An Incubus Living In My House by Cassiemusic
THIS IS NOT A FAKE STORY. I need help because I have no one else to turn to and I found this site and looked at other people's stories and seen other people can leave comments and help them. Even if I did want to post a fake story I wouldn't even bother wasting my time because I have better things t...
Guardian Angel And A Possible Succubus? by theparanoidhunter
A while back I think two or three weeks ago (maybe longer) I was just sitting in my room, nothing out of the usual, and I started to feel like something was holding my shirt, tugging it slightly. So I brushed the feeling away slightly. I started to feel a little tired. So I decided to take a shower,...
Encounter With An Incubus by AlwaysHaunted
I don't know where to start with this, I just feel like I need an answer really. About 3 nights ago, perhaps four... I decided to take a cat nap around noon. I fell asleep alright for maybe about ten minutes... When I felt weird. I had a feeling like I was not alone in my bed. I don't recall much...
Possible Incubus Pregnancy? by towngirl41
It has been quite a while since I last posted anything on this site. While I have been occasionally looking at various postings over the last several months, I have been extremely busy with events in my own life. One of these events was extremely spiritual in nature, and so I thought I would share t...
Attacks From Incubus Or Ghost? by incuvictim
I am a 26-year-old male and I live in India. About a year back I broke up with my partner. I was very depressed after the break up. I trusted that person very much. After the break up I started to stay up quite late when I was of on days off from work. I would sit and browse the internet as well as ...
Eyes Of Incubi by carolyn3319
This is my first submitted story, so please forgive me. If I need to clarify any details I will be happy to do so as well as answer any questions. I am young adult, and have a weird feeling as to what may have occurred to me a week ago. After joining this site a few days ago, I quickly saw that ther...
Ella My Personal Succubus by Legendary
I am currently in a relationship with a succubus, her name is Ella, I first encountered Ella when I was up on night surfing the web, I was looking for random stuff, sense I was bored I typed in "summoning angels", nothing of interest came up, afterwards an idea came to mind, I decided to search "How...
My Two Incubi by gadget
I am an 18 year old female currently living in Texas. I have had many paranormal experiences in the past fifteen years, since my family moved here from San Diego, but this account is by far the most terrifying and threatening. I will apologize now for how long this story is, but I feel that all the ...
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