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Ghost Stories in Category: Apparitions / Voices / Touches: Page 23

Xai-xai Beach Cabin by triden07

This past December I once again visited with my parents in Mozambique. Differences this time were my aunt was not invited and I had undergone a big operation at the end of November and was not allowed to drive so my parents came to pick myself and my kids up. Due to the fact that I had a lot of pain...

The Thing In My Yard by gemini_syndrome

It has been a long time since this happened when I was 11 years old and I am still not too sure of what that thing was. Okay, so I walked back into my bedroom after watching some 'Monsters and Mysteries' downstairs (Highway 666 for those of you who have seen it) and I am always extremely paranoid...

You're Not Alone by this_chic_makayla

So all my life I have believed there was something out there that wasn't human. Since I was a kid weird things have happened that I can't exactly explain. When I was a kid I lived in a small blue apartment with my mom, stepdad, and older brother. Bu this time I was only about five and my brother...

What Did He Want From Me? by lindsayharjo

This was a couple year's ago it's been bothering me since. This story, just the thought of what I saw, brings me to tears. I had just separated with my boyfriend at the time and had found out I was 2 month's pregnant. My friend and her brother were at my house and we got bored so we decided to go...

Boston Experience by Chalice84

Back in 2008, myself and my family took a trip to the states on holiday. After five days in New York we took the train to Boston and rented an apartment in an old brownstone building (probably one of the oldest in the city) near the park. The apartment itself was originally one big room but at some ...

It Followed Us by dido

I will start with some of the incidents that have been most memorable to me. My mom and dad have been divorced since I was 3, so it was just my mom, sister and I who lived together. I must have been about 12 when we moved into a rented ground floor flat (apartment). At first everything was great...

An Experience That Led Me To Believe In Ghosts by Jacktea21

I was never a firm believer in ghosts or supernatural beings. I still kind of am not so fond of the thought but I'm willing to accept it more now after an experience I had about 3 years ago. I have a cabin in St. Helen and me and my family spent many years there, basically where I grew up. I was...

Demons Connecting With Me? by shaylamariah

So it all started last summer when I moved into my new bedroom in the house I have lived in for about 13 years of my life and I have never encountered anything like this before. At night, it seemed to be that my little chihuahua would growl but it was low and I thought, "Well, maybe he just hear...

Trying To Hurt Me Or Protect Me? 2 by xxmercedzxx

Things started back in December around my birthday. I was lying in the extra bedroom on my stomach playing my favorite video game when I felt something tug on my pant leg. I thought my pants had just gotten caught on something, so I brushed it off like it was nothing. A few minutes later, I felt ...

Black Silhouette, Scares The Life Out Of Me by LucieRebecca

To start off with my names Lucie. I am 20 years old and live in the Black-Country (near Birmingham) in the UK. I have always stopped at my best friend's house (her name is Lauren) from when I was 13 years old and for the first 5 years nothing bad, strange or weird happened. But when we turned 18...

Mysterious Figures And Strange Sounds by Samanta

It was a Friday. After school I went round my friend's house, we watched a film. It finished at around 5:30 pm and it was dark already, so I went home. I live about 15 minutes away from my friend. When I was walking home, someone was walking behind me most of the time. I wanted to turn around but I ...

Am I Following By A Ghost? by wohoho2

I would like to share a story that was happened to me. First of all, I want to apologize that my English is not very good. I hope you all will understand what I am talking about. My case happened on about 6-7 years ago when I was around 23. One day in the evening (around 7pm) while I was sleeping...

Strange Bright Figure by KC24X

This happened in my old house in Essex. It was a pretty freaky house anyway before this happened, because you never felt like you were on your own in there. So this weird thing took place in my bedroom when I was about 4-5 years old. It was quite late and I remember needing a drink and it was on...

Toy Room by SkitZoe

My family and I use to live in a two story house. The whole neighborhood, full of new homes, use to be acres and acres of peach orchards. Who would have thought that a new home can have someone or something going about the their house? One would think only old homes have these paranormal activities....

The Dark Entity Or A Witch? by amberv

I have seen and been around things paranormal and none of them scared me as bad as this did. I was living in Baxter Springs, KS at the time (a really small town). It was a few days before Thanksgiving of 2004, and I had family that came from out town. My younger cousin, which I will call her b, ...

A Haunting In My Dining Room? by Chocolat

This event happened when I was quite young, so I have a little recollection of it, and my mother does as well. I grew up in a fairly nice 2-story, 4 bedroom, two and a half bathroom house in a suburban city just an hour or two away from San Francisco. In fact, I'm still living in that house. I ha...

Ada Started Crying by missy-ryton

In November 2012 me, my husband and two sons had a beautiful house in the north east of England in a town called Peterlee. It was the ideal home and we all loved it. Unfortunately, due to the recession my husband's shop was closed and we had no choice but to move back to our home town of Seaham so h...

Strange Paranormal Events by jordyoatsvall

This event occurred when I was between the ages of five and six. My mother and I lived in a new mobile home out in the country in southeast Missouri in the small town of East Prairie. I was in my bedroom floor playing a game and my mother was in the bathroom sink looking in the mirror in the bat...

I Don't Like What's In My House by Rman

This story is about the house I live in. I always considered myself lucky for living in a house like that--a yard, many rooms, spacious living. I find myself pretty lucky but since I was little, that meaning at the age of 4 or 5, I used to sleep in the living because I didn't have my own room, since...

Ghost In The Old Hospital by missy-ryton

So this is something that happened today (5-02-2014) at between 10am and 1pm. My partner Kevin works 5 days a week, 12 hour shifts from 7am to 7pm so usually he doesn't get to see our children during the week as their bedtime is 7:30pm and he doesn't arrive home until around 8pm. He has a week's hol...

Can It Be True? by Hartmann

When I was about 10 years old my grandmother died. And I inherited her bed, which I chose to sleep in. I was told, that my grandmother died in the bed, and I missed her, so I felt I could be closer to her by sleeping in it. One night I woke up with a buzzing surrounding my head and suddenly a gr...

Lady Wearing Anklet by pranjalisingh1000

I stay with my family in a colony which is quite old. It was made somewhere around 1975. In 2004, we shifted to a new house. I was 16 years old at that time, and I was in 11th Grade. Before this, I never used to believe in ghosts/spirits. I got a separate room and I used to study late nights. On...

Do I Have Anything To Worry About? by jesspress

Last night I was sitting on my bed working on my computer and about 11:16 pm I felt a presence in my room and felt compelled to look up. By my closed door, which was in front and to the right side of my bed, I saw a large misshapen black smoke. It seemed to be about 5 feet high (although did not sta...

Unexplained White Vapor Seen By 2 People by mikhill

On Saturday Feb. 1 around 6pm, just around dusk, my wife and I were sitting on the couch watching television. Out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of what appeared to be a white mist or smoke behind a Queen Anne chair beside our fireplace and in front of a window to my left. As I focused i...

Trying To Hurt Me Or Protect Me? by xxmercedzxx

Everything started when I was a teenager; they were small occurrences so I didn't pay much attention to it at the time. At random moments my heart would start pounding, I would feel dizzy and get a metallic taste in my mouth. After about a minute it would stop and I'd feel normal again. After I ...

The Forest People by AlliciaJayne

It wasn't that long after I saw the face in the door (my previous story "The Face In The Door") that I started seeing the forest people. They were strange things, roaming around the forest my family would visit quite often. They were glowing figures that would follow us around, protecting us from so...

The Sad Old Woman by tiffany21xo

It all began when I was five years old. Being almost 29 years old now, I sit back and think of all of the times I was told, "It was just a bad dream or you had a nightmare," that it was all just in my head and I was making up stories to get attention. As the years go by, experience after experie...

The Man At The Door by ghhaunted

When I was younger, at about the age of 5, I wasn't scared of spirits. I wasn't scared until I encountered one for myself. Here is my story. My childhood bedroom was connected to my parents'. They took off the door in case of an emergency. Every night I would have a dream. The same dream. I was ...

Small Town Ghost by 3mily

My family (which consisted of my parents and 2 siblings) used to live in a relatively small town in the east of Queensland. It was a nice area close to the corner store and we had plenty of neighbours. Most of the houses that surrounded the town were old queen slander houses, so they were mostly ele...

Domestic Apparition by huldufolk

In September,2010,I went to visit my son and daughter-in-law in Stroudsgurg, PA for an overnight stay. They had just rented a house and were excited for me to see it. The house was a Cape Cod style house built in 1932 on four acres of, mostly wooded, land. There was a small brook running in front of...

I Think My Children May Be Haunted by missy-ryton

I recently wrote on here about my old home being haunted (Albert Street Haunting). I thought for six years that every time we moved house it followed but thanks to something my son said, I think it may be something to do with my two sons. We moved into our haunted house in November 2008, we moved ou...

A Haunted Holiday by sistermary

After 6 months living in the cold, lifeless town of Invercargill situated at the bottom of New Zealand's South Island, a spontaneous trip to the tropical shores of Brazil with my sister seemed like a marvelous idea. She had won a holiday with her company and invited me along, much to my fiance's dis...

Faceless Mannequins 2 by Jake141

I wrote a story a while ago about me seeing a faceless mannequin following me. If you want to see it just look at my profile and read it. So, it's been about 3 months since the mannequin started to follow me. After taking some massive TLC time off, the appearances started to become more further a...

Flying Unidentified Figure by CuriousGuy

Hey Guys, this is a story that involves me and a buddy, and for obvious reasons I will not give out real names during the telling of the story. We were hanging out one day in good ole North Carolina for quite a while. Most of the time if I am in NC I am hanging out with him. Well anyway, on to th...

Full Apparition In My Bedroom by shhh_im_sleeping

Lately I have noticed that my bedroom has gotten colder. It stays chillier than the other rooms. My husband says it's no big deal and I thought so too until January 30, 2014. I was sitting on my bed with the lights off late in the evening. The only light in the room was from my laptop and the te...

Disappearing Food And Noisy Footsteps by UntilDark

While I was coming home from school today, I felt afraid for seemingly no reason at a particular crossing that I have to go across almost everyday to reach home. A sheer terror gripped me all of a sudden and all I could think about was to get home as soon as possible. Just a few minutes after I had ...

Invisible Hand by amber73

In October 2010, we moved to Jakarta, Indonesia. We found this apartment which was in an old building but had spacious rooms and beautiful gardens. Soon after settling down we got a domestic helper who used to cook, clean and iron. She, as a live-in helper, had a room which was outside the apartment...

Visitors Late At Night by o-chibi

I read a story similar to this so I'll be sharing mine. This happened a few years back, when I was still in college. There were a lot of ghost stories in our campus being more than a hundred years old. I studied in Laguna, which is about a 2-hour drive from home. Because it was that far, I opted to ...

Marriage... Become Nightmare by sheetal

This is the thing which happened with my buwa (aunt, father's sister) which I witnessed myself only. This is little bit lengthy but I'll try to keep it brief. I and my Buwa are more likely a friend and she tells everything to me and I tell everything to her. My Buwa recently got married in May. ...

The Figures In My Bedroom by PeacefulKat96

I am publishing this story because I want others who may experience the same thing to know they are not alone, and hopefully, find some answers out myself. This, what I call odd, encounter started happening a couple of years ago, on and off, and has recently started happening again. I live in this ...

The Thrift Store Jewelry by trailblazr

In November 2013, my wife purchased a large zip-lock plastic bag full of religious medals and cheap jewelry from a thrift store in Stockton, CA. We have our home computer in our bedroom, next to which is our dresser. I dumped the jewelry on the dresser and went through it. It was mostly metal ea...

Shadow In The Doorway And Haunted Neighborhood by BrasilAndSweden

This begins when I was around 12 yo, and I was sleeping in my room with my performing dad. I always sleep with my door closed, then as well, and I woke up about 3am and looked around in my room. Nothing unusual, performing dad at sleep, mom as well, but the door was wide open, which it never is ...

My First And Shared Paranormal Experience by tancopps

This happened ten or so years ago when I was about nine, in my family home in Wales. I shared a room with my sister who is a year younger than me. The room has a large window on one wall which had a big table in front of it which we would use for drawing. We had a bunk bed that stood in the cor...

Shadows In Every Corner by kenziejo

My entire life I have had contact with spirits. They're drawn to me for some reason. When I was little I told my mom that my friend was named Franchesca and that she was a ghost. My mom and I have always seen things on our property, things many people don't see but mainly the farmer, his wife, and h...

Old Man In The Farm House by Griff84

When I was about 13 or 14, a small farm in the village I lived in was sold. It was bought by a housing development firm, who proceeded to build a new house* on the land. They took the large, old farmhouse and started converting it into 3 separate dwellings. As kids, we liked to play on the build...

Hope, No Hope by danielabella92

There's a place of yoga/meditation near my home. Hope is in the name, but I will not divulge more. I believe it is on a ley line because it emits a strange... Power. One night, I went to visit it with two male friends (I'll call them J and C). C had tragically lost his brother recently and was d...

Uneasy In My Bedroom by Sbutterfly83

So those of you who have read my other story know that I believe there are two men who stay/haunt my room. Mostly my closet. I never feel threatened by them. So what I am about to tell you... Freaked me out so bad. One night I was up late, listening to music and playing games on facebook because...

The Green Man by BlanknameSpace

I'm a strapping young man living in British Columbia, Canada. And I would consider myself fairly normal relative to other eighteen year-old boys, curious, hormonal, eager to make my way in the world and what not. Now that you have an idea of who I am, let me cleanly segue into what I came here t...

It Felt Like Pure Evil by Goodbyeblueskies

I always say this before I tell people this story... Words could never describe how horrible, evil and strong this presence was... And I have never felt close to hell like I did that night. I will try to keep this as short as possible, this is just one of my experiences. (I will add more another tim...

Uncomfortable Darkness by Angel44

Im going to start this off with I am a 24 year old female and I still sleep with the covers over my head. Embarrassing, but true. I have Many different accounts or experiences with the paranormal as do a lot of people in my family, but this is when it started for me... My mom always told me how ...

Man In My Brother's Closet by Light_is_Sanctuary

Note: This experience is not directly based around me but my brother when he was around three to four years old. As a big sister I always wanted to protect my brother even when we fought like normal siblings do, but when strange things started to happen I felt helpless. Not only because I was nin...

Attached Entity by Nachod

This experience started when I was young around 11-12 years old. I started feeling I was not alone in my house when I was the only one at home. I did not experience this anywhere else at the time. Over the next few months things have been getting, I guess, a little bit more frequent. The entity s...

Haunted Room by Vicki34

About two and a half years ago I lived in a different house. My bedroom was right above the garage. When I first saw the room I really knew something wasn't right about it. It seemed so dark. Every night I would hear noise like footsteps and banging on the wall. I always got VERY strong feelings...

Talking To A Man In My Room by Vicki34

About 10 years back when I had my first husband, we had bought a very old house. When we first moved in I found a scratched up picture in the shed in my backyard. It was of an old black man with white curly hair. Every night when I slept in my house the man came and visited me. I vividly remember...

I Think Activity Is Starting Again In My Home by shhh_im_sleeping

Last night, January 16, 2014, I went into the bathroom to get ready to shower. I turned on the light and air vent and, of course, the door was shut. As I was turning around in the shower the shower curtain was clinging to me a little bit. I didn't think much of it but as I turned my back towards the...

Dark Shadow Man Following And Spinning Around Me by something789

It was about 2:30am in early April 2012 when my brother, a friend and me decided to go for a night walk because it was a fullish moon and we were still up. We were going to walk to an old limestone quarry that we had been to many times before. The night sky was bright with occasional quick passing l...

My Shabby Haunted House by Ghost_adventures_fan

So, my story takes place over a long period of time. Weird things happened at my house when I was young, but I never really thought about it until I was having a rest in my mum's room. I laid their with my eyes closed for a while until someone walked in and rubbed the back of my head, kind of like m...

A Man Spirit In My Room by Vicki34

I haven't always believed in ghosts. I believe in spirits though, which are like the same thing but I believe ghost are evil spirits. So about 4 years ago, I was in my room at night. Suddenly a man came out of the dark shadow of my room. He looked like my dad but I can't really describe it. He wa...

Grandmother's Essue by HelpingBeacon

As asked, I now will tell my grandmother's first experience. The following statement was given by her and translated. "I was about ten years old. I also lived with my grandmother, as the youngest of three sisters. We were going through a tough time. My elder sister was working, my middle sister w...

Giggling Ghost Children On Kauai by Kauaianjuggalo

I just found out something that really messed with my head. I never told anyone about it and almost forgot it happened until I randomly found this article online. I was driving home from a friend's house around three or four am. Out of nowhere I heard what sounded like children giggling in my bac...

The Evil Road by Arwen1957

When my son was in seventh grade back in 1993 he had wrestling practice after school during the Fall and Winter months. I would go and pick him up around 5:30 pm then we would go home. At the time we were living in rural IL just South of Chicago. On the way to pick him up and bring him home was a se...

Tall Dark Man by Rebel13

It's a cold January night around 10:00 pm, just a normal laid back night. After watching a couple of episodes of Family Guy, me and my girlfriend climb in bed snuggle up and fall asleep. The bed room is dark except for one corner of the room next to the dresser where I have a night light plugged in....

Ghostly Deeds by moondreamer

It all started when my family moved in an apartment near my school. The apartment was decent and beautiful. According to Ms. Viole, the apartment was new and we were the first one to live on the 3rd side. But things started to became cold when my baby sister was born. My mom gave birth to my baby...

Ghostly Events Build Up To Nothing? by thyrampantpigeon

This is the first time I've decided to share one of my two experiences, so I'll try to keep it interesting. My name's Jamie, I live in a town East of Glasgow. I have had two experiences as I said. One in Glasgow, and the other in my own room. As you probably guessed, this is the one in my room. T...

There Is Just Something About Our Home by 22aya

It's been quite a long time since I've been on this website. My old username was aya22, which I deleted, but I tried creating another similar username and somehow all of my old stories came attached to my new one. (Good, at least I haven't lost anything.) I hope this doesn't offend people. I'm wr...

In My Head? by saymyname

Good evening all, thank you for taking your time to read my first post. I went through a really tough time when I was a kid with emotional balance. I had imaginary friends but a while ago I was informed he wasn't just any ordinary imaginary friend. In Jr. High I had a boyfriend that was deep int...

I Got It by shhh_im_sleeping

Since my Mom's passing in January of 2011, I spend most nights with my 79 year old Dad in his home because he doesn't like to stay alone. During the early morning hours on January 15, 2014 something creepy and disturbing happened in my Dad's home. I sleep on the couch in the living room. I awoke...

Cloud Of Dispersion by WAallday360

About two years ago, I believe it was in the fall, I was trying to fall asleep. I closed my eyes for a bit and all of a sudden everything became silent. No wind, no sprinklers nothing. I opened my eyes and in the corner next to my door I saw a figure. It was blue and then I focused my eyes and i...

The Man In The Black Attire by Fluffy7

Thank you for coming upon my story. I'm Fluffy7, on my account I will be sharing the obvious of my real ghost experiences. It was a quiet Thursday night, one of the quietest our city has ever had. I was reading a book, sipping on some tea my big brother had made for me. My parents had gone to a ...

Getting This Off My Chest by ashleymp

My name is Ashley and ever since I could remember I have had paranormal experiences. I will try to put all on one post for your perusing. History: My grandfather helped build my childhood house in the 1930s. He raised his kids there and my father raised us there. My grandfather died of a heart a...

My Cousins' Haunting by jesyka1234

So this is my first story on this site and it was quite a few years back. I think I was twelve. I was spending the night at my cousins' house after one of their birthday parties and it was around midnight. My cousin Danielle and I were laying in bed waiting for her sister Nathalie to come get us...

The Goat And Grandpa by Aaru275

I am new here. This is my first story, It is not my personal experience, it happened to my maternal grandpa in 1980's when my mom was a child. Coming to my story, first I want to narrate about my maternal grandpa's locality. It is a very small area of Amritsar district in Punjab. Our locality is...

The Ghosts Around Me by sachita

My name is Sachita and I live in India. I am new here, so I don't know how to start. When I was in 5th and 6th standard, I would get up at night between 12 to 3 am. I don't know how would I get up, but it was usually at sharp 1 am or 3 am and I would see a man standing near TV and staring me, or ...

Dorm Room Problems by hsupe94

I was sitting in my dorm room with my roommate. We both had our headphones on, completely ignoring each other. My suite mate already left the dorm entirely. I was sitting at my desk working on homework and listening to music. Well, around 8 pm on January 13, 2014 I stared seeing a dark figure in...

Mary by Scappy

My memory has a tendency of failing me when it comes to the many areas of my childhood. Nevertheless, at the youthful age of fifty I can still remember growing up in the big village of Beachville, Ontario as clearly as I remember yesterday. I may not commit to memory the faces or the names of my nei...

Electronic Historian by wolflover123

This happened a few days ago. My friend was sleeping over. We both had an IPad. I put mine down to stretch. Suddenly Siri turned on. I have no idea how this happened when my friend was on my window seat and I was on my bed. My IPad was on my hard dresser, so it couldn't have moved. So when Siri turn...

The Upstairs by KateBug37

My parents recently moved into a two story house in the fall of 2012 in the Edmond, Oklahoma area. I lived with them for a couple months before moving out on my own, but I stay over often as well does my sister. I have never believed much in ghosts nor have I had any paranormal experiences until rec...

Strange Guest by brukernavn

I have had some experiences with the paranormal and know that at least two of the houses I lived in growing up were haunted. But for some years now I have been trying to ignore it every time I sense a ghost or a spirit since they seriously scare me sometimes. I do, however, have a question that ...

An Unfortunate Route by vikz91

The month was late November 2012. I was in 2nd yr., pursuing MCA from SRM University (Kattankultahur campus, Chennai). I used to stay in a rented room in what they call "Back Gate". Before exams, it was normal for students to gather around road side tea shops in early morning. The place is called Po...

Sounds Of Cutting Wood After Midnight by viciousdelicious

I will try to be as specific as possible writing down this story, although being new to this kind of thing, I do not specifically know what details are important and which ones aren't, so excuse me if it's too long. I live in a very old house - originally built somewhere at the end of the 1800s. ...

It's Not Just A Game, It's A Twisted Reality by kenneth-chipman

It all starts with me as a young boy. I would often times awake at night in need of a refreshment (I still do to this day). To inform you, this was every night. I would open my door and start walking down the hallway. This creature appearing to be a demonic version of "Crash Bandicoot" himself. ...

Pain Has Faded, Touches Return by triden07

To all readers, new and accustomed to my stories, this is about the 2 guardian spirits in my home, Gran and Charlie. After going through recovery from my operation in November, I had really started missing being able to feel Charlie or Gran with me, instead of just hearing them make little noises...

Sleep Paralysis Or Not by KiraLS

I am not really sure how to describe what it was that happened to me but I will try my best. It started when I was sixteen years old, after I had moved in with my mother. For the first few months nothing happened and everything was great. But then there was one night that I woke up in the middle...

Ghost Pretending To Be Girlfriend by superblok

I was staying over at my girlfriend's house and woke up at about 4 a.m. I looked up and saw a face staring at me. It looked like my girlfriend with her glasses on, but the face was a bit different and kind of creepy. I just stared at it for a few seconds but it disappeared. It seemed like she was st...

Little Girl by bonnybird

I was asleep in my bed one night when I woke up, it was around 12:00am and I had this "off-feeling", so I decided to sit up in my bed. After I sat up I heard the voice of a little girl, she spoke to me... She was warning me. Her exact words were "watch out, there's a ghost". It was pitch black in th...

A Hand In The Depths by AzraelX

What I am about to narrate is not my own experience, but my late mother's. My mother had died when I was in 6th Grade. My mom's house is in a little village in the state of Kerala, in India. The house was situated on the bank of a small river (it is the tributary to one of the bigger rivers in Ke...

Me And My Family's Ghost Stories by AnneChloeV

I have an old account "Ghostie016" I posted my first story there, last June 2013. I had trouble signing in, so I made a new one to share my and my family's ghost stories. Please don't consider this as fake because it's not. These stories happened in different houses. I'm not good at English, so plea...

Several Weird Events by shadibadoo

I don't believe in Ghosts, neither as the souls of dead people nor an imprint of their consciousness. I do, however, believe in the Djinn theory for how so many people experience so many different phenomena. That is, that either free/bound Djinn influence the senses of susceptible people to give the...

A Ghost Murderer by MysteryForever

It happened just now, which was January 8, 2014 at 4 PM local time. I'm a very hardworking student, not to boast, so I was working on my Toefl studies when my cat came in through the half-closed door. Her name was Mi Mi. She came in and jumped on my table where I had my studying books and some s...

Basement Ghosts by Tinpy

My family and I had moved into the house were currently living in a few months back. This house belonged to our old landlady and our friend and we had always liked it. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, I didn't feel any negative energy whatsoever. It started yesterday, my little sister had to ...

Ghost In Under-construction Home by boagart

I am hoping to get some feedback from someone who understands this kind of phenomena more than I do. My story has changed my life, beliefs and understanding of reality. It was a bright and sunny day in Burlington, Ontario in the upscale suburban neighbourhood of Millcroft. It was just after 4pm m...

A Deal With The Devil by Heath_McCloy

I was a third generation miner, and proud to be. But in the summer of 2010, the 135 year old company closed its door and locked its gate. I was crushed. Having grown-up as a miner, I felt as if I had little to offer the workforce. Besides this, I am from eastern Kentucky and there is very little wor...

Night Encounter With An Entity Who Spoke To Me by mangoushi

This experience just happened tonight. Well, to be more accurate, this morning at around 3AM. I had fallen asleep at 8PM but later woke up at midnight. I didn't feel like going back to sleep, so I browsed the internet, listened to music, and watched YouTube videos on my phone. Within three hours, I ...

Whistling Ghost by nickr97

So I'm sat downstairs in my house, just about to go up to bed. Everyone else is upstairs and I hear this very distinctive tune coming from the kitchen. I was naturally freaked out by this at first but me, wanting to just rationalise everything, I merely said it was the wind or my brother whistling u...

A Black Figure And Sleep Paralysis by SerenAgate

I am publishing this story because it correlates to a couple of the other stories I have read. Phase 1 In 2012 I was sleeping in my daughter's bottom bunk bed, she was away from home that night. I suddenly felt this great sense of dread and a presence. It didn't want me in the room and I felt...

Is There Something Or Someone In My Place? by mylittlerabbits

It's been a little while since I last posted. I live in an in-law in Daly City. Let me describe my place a little. I have to go into the garage to go into my in-law unit. Once I open the front door there is the living room and you just have to take about 3 steps and turn right and the bathroom is th...

My First Encounter With The Paranormal by Aomni

I have read many stories on this site over the past few days since finding it and have decided to share one of my personal stories about an encounter that I had when I was a little boy. I cannot remember exactly what age I was but I must have been 7 or 8, and to my knowledge this is the first encoun...

Man, Cat And Noises by MissSkeptical

I don't have a very strong opinion as to whether ghosts are real or not as I haven't experienced much myself, but here's some things I've experienced. My mum has told me several times of something weird that used to happen in our old house. I was about 2 years old at the time and my dad was worki...

The Jockey by Arwen1957

As most of you know, I work at a nursing home in Illinois. Some postings on YGS have me thinking about two incidents that happened almost 12 years ago. The first incident was odd. At that time I was still working in the housekeeping department rather than the activity department I work in now. I...

Unknown Presence Haunting Woods by Cetnik

This happened on the 30/12/2013 during the hours of 2:30am - 4:00am. I would like to stress that what I express in this story is not of imagination or of games, but of something evil and mysterious myself and two friends had encountered. I would like to note that we were under the influence of weed,...

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