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Ghost Stories in Category: Apparitions / Voices / Touches: Page 58

Hospital Trip by courtneyOMGG

At the moment, one of my close family friends is in hospital with bowel cancer. Her name is Tracey. She had surgery five days ago, they thought she only had one tumor, but when they opened her up, they found two. They successfully removed them though. Three days ago, my mum and I drove to hospit...

The Gym Incident by chloe14

I used to be a cheerleader for High School in an American School (South Korea). We usually went to one of our rival schools on a Friday, had a game on Friday afternoon, slept in their gym then had another game the next morning on Saturday. So we went to one our rival schools one weekend. After t...

Bedroom Fright by hazzardsyndrome

This is my second experience at my house. It's strange because as I said in my last story I've lived here all my life and haven't experienced anything until about a year ago. I know this seems such a typical "I was drifting off to sleep/just woke up/was really tired etc" but I still can't shake ...

Dark Hooded Figure by Zach

When I was really little, about 4 years old, I repeatedly saw a dark hooded figure in my room. It wore a long black robe and had a hood, but where a face should be, it is just blackness. I would wake up in the middle of the night and it would be standing in the corner of the room. It would stand mot...

Caught In The Act by sumner_fan

This experience is one that I have carried with me for quiet some time. When I was younger I used to go to a summer camp that was organized through my former Preschool/Kindergarten. The school itself was actually the remaining part of a large estate that was originally built and owned by Charlie Rug...

Leslie by jennifertorres

This story is about my little sister, which is seven. Her grandparents have retired to a small town here in Kennard, Texas. She's very close to her grandparents and spends many weekends and holidays over there. The last time that she was there she experienced much more than she should have. She told...

Someone's Calling Me by eris29

One night, at my sister's bedroom, I was about to sleep when I heard someone's calling my name. I hesitated to open my eyes because it was an unfamiliar voice, very husky, I couldn't determine if it was a man or a woman but I'm sure that he/she was calling me. I ignored it and tried to go back to sl...

Na-alimpungatan by yorakulit

This happened 1995-1997 at Quezon City, during these time that brownout is a fad, wherein the government is saving electricity by turning off the power from city to city. And during these times too, that manananggal (mythological creature that turns into a monster at night) is all over the newspaper...

The Empty Rocking Chair by ghostseer

My best friend was expecting her first child in four months. One evening, she invited me over for dinner, and I hadn't seen her new place yet, so I went. It was a cute little two bedroom, and the baby furniture she had picked was a collection of antiques from all over. The dark cherry wood was p...

The Invisible Ghost Party by dphoek

My story dates back to when I was about 13 years old. That would be about 14 years ago. I was staying with my aunt and uncle in a town 12 kilometres from my hometown. I loved staying with them, because they lived in the woods and I used to take long forest walks with their dog. Their house was, as I...

The Cat House by rhodes68

There is this very old stone house that still stands in one of the oldest neighborhood on the island just on the outskirts of the Medieval Town-the place I proudly call "Home". Almost twenty-five to thirty years ago when I was still a young child this house was a popular meeting place for kids my ag...

Weird Happenings At School by demonboy

It began at school. I was sitting talking to my friend-it was a normal day, neither hot nor cold. We were talking and suddenly I felt a cold feeling rush through me and I told me friend and he said he felt it too. I started to shiver and my teeth chattered and everyone else looked at me with a puzzl...

A Ghostly Farewell by fosnessie

I was around the age of 7 when I had my first paranormal experience. I was staying over at my aunt's bungalow for the night; it had 2 small bedrooms next to each other that opened out into a large living area, the small kitchen and bathroom were also next to each other on the opposite side of the...

Tiny Terrors by Piro

I'm Piro and I wrote the Nikki story. Back track to when I was 5 or 6, sitting on my bed with my best friend. We both went to a Catholic school and we were wondering if God ever came down to earth. I kicked him out for a moment and tried to ask Him to give us a sign of his presence. I opened...

Grandad by Lex

I was nearly 13 when my granddad passed on after being sick for nearly a year. I hadn't seen him in about 3 years before then, as us grandchildren always made turns to go visit our grandparents as they lived far away at the coast, Cape Town. My granddad and I had always been close-he was a teach...

A Touch On The Face by ElinaIoneki822

It started last night, (10/26/08), when my friend Chad* and I were watching TV in his room. It had been awhile since I had seen my best friend, let alone come over to his house and hang out. My friend lives in Long Beach and I've been to his house many times before. I have felt a presence in his hom...

Ghost Picture by mulder81

I was in a treatment center in the early eighties, 1982 to be exact. I was taking photo's of people that I was getting to know. I was using the Polaroid camera, and was taking one of my two roommates that I shared a room with. After developing I noticed that picture was a double exposure and forgot ...

Double Vision by deadbolt

y sister and I have always been very close with each other, we tell each other most things, but when it comes to me being scared of something, I don't tell her. When we were younger, we liked to play, play, and play! Our parents would put us to bed, but we would go to each others rooms and conti...

Ghost Dream Wakes Me Up A Lot by amanda28

I have been having strange dreams. These dreams happen early in the morning when I am in a dream state. When this first happened I felt something pressing on the bed next to me. At first I thought it was my husband getting back in bed but when I opened my eyes nothing was there. I would feel thi...

Ghostly Face In The Window by Leanne

First off I would love to say I am very grateful to have found this wonderful site. I had many unexplained experiences through out my life and have always been a seeker to explain what I've seen personally and heard from others. The only time I have experienced a ghost/apparition when I was fully aw...

The Knocking Tree by Sapper

While on vacation last year (2007) my wife and I went to Ashfield, Ma. To visit her family and relax. We took are to pups Sapper and Kiki along for the trip as well. We drove from Florida to Mass camping in the State parks and forests along the way. It was a long drive which my wife decided to take ...

Roberto by Hankules

Normally the holidays are a special time for everyone, with gifts and parties. Well New Years Eve 1996 was an especially good day for me. Not for what you would normally think. On my side attached to my belt I'd been carrying a pager for almost three years, There was nothing extraordinary about i...

My First Paranormal Experience by she_reigns_forever

This story takes place in the in the well known town Glastonbury. Famous for its festival and the legendary King Arthur is said to be buried in the ruins of Glastonbury Abbey. It all takes place in the house that my best friend Celeste used to live in. I was about 6 or 7 years old and was slee...

Unpunished by PAIUTEbluejae

My boyfriend and I decided to move into his family's old house on the Lummi reservation. When we arrived, his uncle led us down to the basement that had been converted into a bedroom. In the far corner were a wood burning stove, a mattress and a dresser. There was no door only a sheet that divided t...

Dark Shadow by zappafan

Just thought that I would like to share my story, maybe some of you have had a similar experience or could even have some sort of theory. First it happened when I was alone in the kitchen, a feeling of being uncomfortable and of being watched. I did not see or hear anything. These feelings usu...

Double Trouble by dreadreadrea

You know what they say about Doppelgangers being harbingers of illness, bad luck, death and what not. Seeing your own doppelganger foretells your own demise whereas seeing a friend's or relative's doppelganger portends illness or danger befalling on that person. I'm just lucky to be alive and well r...

Experiences In The Philippines And Australia by aznbubigurl

My first experience in seeing something not from this plain, was when I first went back to the Philippines for the first time since I moved to Australia. It was in 2002 and all my relatives were either having an afternoon nap or out buying dinner. Us, cousins, were all sitting in the lounge room...

Ghost Of A Mushroom Or Mom by Laurel_Anne_Hill

I sat straight up in bed, my hands clutching the patchwork quilt. The translucent apparition from my spent dream danced in the air, a foot or so away from my nose. No, the figure of my mother's ghost had changed in the pale amber illumination from my night lights, become smaller than before. Soon on...

The Uninvited Guest by JoshuaAD

The exact date of this story: July 7th, 2004. I was at my mother's house in Aberdeen, Maryland. It was summer and I was living (I was 18 at the time) at home after my freshmen year at college in New Orleans. I should have stayed in New Orleans and lived at my new apartment, but no I decided coming h...

I Am Not Alone by thewhiteknight92

It was about a year and a half ago, the time was 10:30 p.m., I remember. I was in my room watching TV, when I realized the time; I decided to go brush my teeth. I got up and left my room, where I entered my dark and quiet hallway. I was and still am afraid of the dark, but I remained calm and walked...

A Voice Crying Out In The Dark... The Railroad Tracks by ghostseer

Driving into the deserted parking lot, my stomach filled with butterflies. I always felt energized and excited, when I could see the trail leading to the beach. I searched the dark for hidden dangers-before parking my car in the usual spot. Once again, the lot was completely empty. I opened the ...

Edgewater Girl by mulder81

It was during a company picnic, that I witnessed the ghostly girl at the park called Edgewater Park. It only lasted a few seconds, but it was so real to me. We all gathered, co-workers, friends and their families, for our company gathering. Alcohol would be put on later at a different location. ...

Two Strange Things That Have Happened To Me by Pho3nix

When I was about 4 or 5 years old, my sister and I were spending a Saturday night at Granny and Grandpa's (as kids do when parents want a night off) in an old house in Bulwer Street in Pietermaritzburg. This was back in the 1980's when LA Law was on directly after Graham Hardt finished the weather o...

A Shy Hello by courtneyOMGG

All the experiences that I have had, the recent ones, have all happened while I have been in my room. This experience only happened around ten minutes ago. I'm sitting at my computer desk, doing an assignment for history, at school. I had my music on, but only very softly, so it didn't distract m...

Possible Ghosts Or Imagination? by Ishima

I haven't had anything happen recently but I will give you an explanation of the layout of the area that I had this encounter at. There is a hallway on the ground floor of my house, it has my bedroom and next to it is my parent's bedroom. Then the wall cuts at a weird angle and there is a door to th...

Who Or What Was Granny Grunt by Spockie

This event falls into the category of high wierdness. It took place when I was somewhere around 4 or 5 years old. I know it was before I started elementary school. As I explained in the first story I posted about my experiences in the house I grew up in, I was raised in a cotton mill house in a Sout...

Camping At Omak, Washington by tkkchang

Through out my life, I've had many experiences. Two of my stories so far are: Black Figure on My Ceiling and Ouija Board and Black Lab. I've lived in Sacramento, CA for almost all my life. This next story will be about a family camping trip at Omak, Washington, when I was 17 years old. Through ou...

Still Walking by Starlight

This happened about five years back during the summer time I believe. My cousins, Sukie and Katie, used to sleep over at my house a lot. I would say we were about ten and nine at the time this took place. My cousins and I had a sleep over at my house. We had decided to go to bed rather early that...

Multiple Entities 2 by autumnsmommy

My house has been pretty quite for the past week maybe two until the other night. Let me go back and remind everyone that the first half of this story took place after my husband and I had been fighting for a week. I saw a dark figure, my cat, and heard my grandfather. Recently, I have noticed th...

Whistler 3 by mulder81

This is the story of where the whistler gets his name, it came up on a visit with my stepson. The summer of 07, after the first events happened, came another visit form the ghostly intruder. I was outside and my daughter was in the computer room. My wife was sitting outside on the deck on this warm ...

Moms House by 1110PKH

When I was around 12 or 13 we moved into the house, where my parents are currently staying, everything was fine for the first couple of months. My mom started watching my young cousin during the day; she was maybe 2 or 3 at the time. One day Mom said she was in her room watching TV, when she wen...

They're Back by BriFischer05

It's been a while since my last story on this wonderful site. Happenings at my house subsided quite a bit there for a while... Until recently... My wife is quite the skeptic when it comes to the paranormal or at least she likes to portray that. I think it's mostly because of her upbringing. She cann...

The Noises And A Shadow by bnaredr3

I just wanted to share my story, maybe you guys can help me figure out what I experienced. I'm a bit of a skeptic but at the same time a big part of me believes in the paranormal. I don't know if that even makes sense. This happened to me back where I grew up. I lived in a 2 bedroom apartment wit...

Something Dark Has Followed Me Home by RockTrollie

It was days ago; the event took place outside my apartment bathroom door. I was sitting on the toilet, sorry to say, and I was thinking as people often do about random thoughts, such as planning to start a new life, working harder at my job, talking to someone I have not seen in some time, basic day...

Strange Happenings In My Apartment by mamatokar

I moved into my own apartment when my daughter was just under a year old. All the time, it felt as if I was being watch, or not even watched just that something was there. When we first moved into the building we were in a one bedroom suite, so we shared a room. After about a month strange thing...

My Indian Ghost by pinktot6

I was eating breakfast at my table at about 7:30, I took a spoonful and then looked out my window. We have a big swing on my porch, I saw it swinging and when I looked up I saw an Indian. But I didn't notice it at first. So I looked away and when I realized what I had seen I looked back and it was g...

Eerie Energy by Peanut

We have only told a few people, but we know we live in a haunted house. We built it and love it and while it is beautiful on the outside, and usually calm, strange things have happened. The trees are green and healthy and flowers bloom, but something does not feel right to me. I have seen ghosts....

Something Keeps Calling My Name by Kevan

This has been taking place for some time now, but at the same time, its very rare that it happens. I'll be lying in my bed at night, almost in a deep sleep, when all of a sudden, I will hear someone calling my name. It sounds a little like my grandmother, but different, so I usually get up to see wh...

A Black Figure On My Ceiling by tkkchang

I have never submitted a story before. Please bear with me. This incident took place in Sacramento, CA when I was around 22-23 years old, I'm now 30. At the time I decided to stay a night at my boyfriends (now ex) house because it was getting to late to go home. I was having a really hard time sl...

Touched Softly by mesa25

I am very confused and curious about a few things. I don't generally believe in paranormal activity or ghosts. Never have. My feeling is I will believe it when it happens to me. For the last six months however, I have been feeling like I am a loon. It is nothing major or scary, probably isn't even i...

Unexpected Roommates by ssteeno

My husband and I bought our first home in February of 2006, just a few months shy of my son's 2nd birthday. We were thrilled to give him his own room and a huge backyard to play and just a place to start new memories. Within months of moving in, he began talking of a man he saw. The man he said woul...

Grandmother? by leoluva101

I am very new to this site and I thought I would submit this Experience I had. I was 11 at the time. I have a history of Chronic Migraines. I had come home from my friend's house because I had a migraine. I came home took my meds and lay down. Later, I woke up and came downstairs to find that my ...

The Shadow In The Girls Bathroom by milmo99

This happened when I was 10 years old; it started when I was sat in class I needed the toilet so I walked down the hallway into the girl's bathroom. As I stepped into the bathroom I felt weird like I didn't want to be in there suddenly I felt very cold even though I had a fleece on. Just then I t...

The Man Who Gave Directions by Biemaster

I have a real encounter to tell you which happened with my mother and father. I think my brother and I were really small that time. I don't know if this is a ghost encounter or not so I need some answers! My family and I were going to visit a holy place (temple) called Shirdi where there is a bi...

The Yanker by LyssaLuva

Like all of my stories, they are based on the 8 ghosts I have contact with. This ghost is a young boy from the age of 6-10 and is a little shy. One night I was lying in bed and I heard something down the hall, I ignored it and looked at my clock it read 1:00am so I closed my eyes and tried to go ...

Bathroom Ghost by promghost07

This is where it starts off: My brother, my brother's girlfriend (now ex), my mom and I were in my mom's car. I had to go to the bathroom, and luckily we were parked in either a burger king's parking lot or a Carl's Jr parking lot. So my brother's ex-girlfriend took me inside to go to the bathro...

Hand On My Waist by courtneyOMGG

Before I begin my story, I will give you guys some information about how I feel while I'm in my room. When I am in there, whether I am home alone or not, I always feel like I'm being watched. If I'm anywhere else in the house, I don't get the feeling. I know it isn't paranoia, because it doesn't go ...

Demon In Plain Sight by bcps

My grandparents are very religious so this makes this story very scary for those who are also religious. When my dad was younger he lived with his parents in a house (obviously) but this was no ordinary house it was built on an Indian burial ground and a man committed suicide by hanging himself in t...

Office Occurances... Again by KimSouthO

I sincerely believe that when tensions are high, we exert a lot of wasted energy. I also believe that the energy exerted can then be used by entities (for lack of a better word) to manifest. Tensions and frustrations have been running pretty high at work lately. The economy issues touch us all an...

I'm Not Your Daughter by Cole87

I am the youngest of the 3 children. My brother and sister are from my mothers first and only husband, Oscar. My brother was about 9 months old and my sister 4 years old when Oscar was "accidentally" murdered by his best friend. Reason I say "accidentally" is because that's what his best friend plea...

Whistler 2 by mulder81

The first encounters with the whistler happened the previous year in spring of 07. My wife was involved with the first visit from the ghostly visitor. She was on the couch quietly trying to take a nap after work. I her husband was down in my basement office and our son was in his basement bedroom pl...

A New Home Visitor by Adventure_Ms_Aqua

Our home is peaceful, quiet, and in a nice neighborhood, and there's only one thing; a ghost. This ghost does the same things as David from my previous stories to get attention. He/she walks loudly on the carpet at night, gives out little random "bangs" or cracks, and gives me the chills whenever he...

The Girl With Green Eyes by char1y

I had this experience about 7 months ago. I'm in no way new to seeing, hearing, feeling, or even smelling things that I myself cannot explain but this experience has changed the way I see everything. It was about 4am, I got up to get a drink of water nothing out of the ordinary. I crawled back in...

The Dark Man by Davron

I am a 31 year old male living in a seaside town called Weymouth. I was about 5 or 6ish at the time, living with just my mum in a one bedroom flat. I slept in the bedroom and my mum slept on a bed that was in the living room. One night I was asleep when I awoke to find a dark figure looking over me....

Is My House And My Father's House Haunted? by dmv99

I've seen a lot of things in my house and my father's house; I'm only going to mention a few. My house was built 12 years ago. One thing that's happened was when I was two I was sitting in a chair, and I looked at one of the walls in my kitchen, I saw a white figure go though one of the walls. I kne...

Many Events With Ghosts by Karahh

I was staying over a friend's house on a Saturday night. I was 8 years old at the time. I am now 13. Anyway for some unknown reason I woke up at 6:00am, it was summer so the sun was already out. I was slowly waking up and looked at a corner then I was fully awake and a girl, (she had an old fashi...

Oh No, Is My School Haunted Too? by mlc13

I seem to attract spirits, I guess. My house is haunted and apparently my school too. But I'm not sure; I could have just being imagining things. I take a bus to school. Normally I arrive when there are lots of people in the school because I take the later bus. On Friday it broke and I had to ta...

The Little Boy by lttledrag

This happened about five, or six years ago to this day. I and my friends must provoke it or something. Ok here it goes I will try to tell you the best I can. It was about midnight and I was staying at my friends at the time we decided to go jump on a friend's trampoline. We walked about three or ...

Knocking At The Door by Laura1103

To begin my story I must say that I live in a downstairs, two bedroom apartment. And we have been living here for eight months. As soon as we moved in my husband became friends with the neighbors in the apartments that surround ours. All the neighbors have lived here for a very long time (years) and...

Mysterious Events by Kira

I haven't typed anything in a while, because nothing to report but about 3 days ago I had a string of experiences. I have been seeing a lot of spirits lately, the most disturbing ones were of children staring at me, blood on their shirts, a girl in a white night gown, and a attack in one of my r...

Little Girl And Toy Box by Kii

This happened about 3 years ago. It was the weekend and I had driven over to my friend Al's house to hang out for a bit. We lived pretty close to each other, and were at each other's houses often. Al told me that he was going to have some relatives that were going to be staying for a day or two, and...

A Few More Of My Personal Stories by lilmzzoufan

I haven't posted a story in forever, but I have a few that I remember, and I want to tell some. I have already posted a few about my kitchen being haunted, and one about the U.S.S. Lexington, and also one about a ghost in my room, a light, my guardian angel as I call it. I begin with about a y...

Whistler by mulder81

This is an addition to the Whistler at its latest event in our house in Glenville MN, just a few weeks ago. I will post more on the Whistler later. It was a Saturday when no one was home but me and the dogs. I was working in the garage and had the radio on in there that you cannot hear in the hou...

Presence In Dorm Room At Uni by blayzeamyotte

My twin brother is deaf. We're both at Demonfort University in Leicester. UK. It was around 1;50 am a few nights ago he came to my dorm room and told me he saw a shadow in the corner of his room, so I went down to check and found nothing. He insisted I stay with him, so I did overnight. It w...

My Day Of Unexplained Events by ps2

To start off this story I want to say that nothing like this happened to me before. In early May of this year I went to bed early watching a TV program. In the middle of the show my TV changed the channel; I thought a commercial came on. This being said I took the remote off the table, I found my...

Child Spirit Or Demon? by fallenangel94

This experience is a continuance from my journey back home from the hospital. As I wrote in my last story, I felt very uneasy going home. It wasn't until nightfall that I new something was wrong, I started to feel scared. I fell asleep and I started to dream. I was holding my baby, she was dresse...

The Lullaby by lala20047

When I was pregnant with my son in 2001, I lived in a very small town. We lived in a mobile home. It was small but comfy for us at the time. We did not own the home, we rented from a young couple who told us that the home had burned and they purchased and remodeled it. One night I was sleeping an...

Multiple Entities: A Cat, A Figure, And My Grandfather by autumnsmommy

My husband and I have been fighting a lot recently, and that's when I noticed all these things going on in our house. Recently we purchased a home and it needs a lot of work done to it. Trying to get that fixed, work, and take care of the kids has been putting a strain on us, so we have been fightin...

Years Of Poltergeist Occurrences? by sherryk

I am a 37 year old female living in Dallas, Texas. I have been bothered and harassed by something since I was about eight years old. It sounds so crazy that I have only told a few people. When I was young, I would "feel" things in the house that I grew up in. It was during these years that I fir...

The Beer Can by Kawaii52

We had a party for my Grandma's 60th birthday, and I was up at 2 am with my uncle and his friend, Angel. We went to his house where his parents were sleeping in their room. I had invited my boyfriend, so it was my boyfriend, my uncle, Angel and me. My uncle went into a room to get the DVD case so ...

When She Calls by Midnight_Dreams_Like_a_Flower

One night, as I was slowly closing my eyes, I felt something bite me. Unfortunately, no one was there. It felt like a baby cat bite, but I don't have any cats at my house. When I woke up, I didn't bother to see if I had a bite mark on me until it was summer when I was talking to my friends. I tol...

Strange Noises And Voices Outside The Door by Lali

This happened on Saturday, September 20. It was about 8:00 pm and my boyfriend and I were at his house alone. He lives with his brother and son who were out at a QuinceaƱera party. We had been alone since about 4:00 pm and nothing strange had happened. Well, actually neither my boyfriend, nor his b...

Paranoia Or Paranormal? by DeviousAngel

I'm glad that I got so many responses to my previous few stories and so many people were helpful with their opinions and insight. With that said, I wanted to ask everyone what they think about a few things that have started occurring around my house. Am I just suffering from some kind of paranoia, o...

Floating Poster And Flying Books by EllyElmo

The thing that happened when I was about eleven, and I am thirteen now. I still remember it clearly, how scary it had been. I have a vague idea of what type of spirit or ghost it was, but if anyone has a definite name for it, please let me know. It was August, and it was about 11 o'clock at night...

Who Was Still Watching Me? by Surlay2

Early one morning, my husband was leaving for work and he had kissed me goodbye. Before he left, the kids had woken up and he brought them into our room. My kids and I fell back asleep. It was probably about two or three hours later that I awoke because I just had this feeling someone was watching...

A Black Shadow Man by courtneyOMGG

When I around six or seven years old, my mum and I moved out from a townhouse into a unit. I still live here with her today. I'll explain how my unit block is set out, so you can get an idea of how I saw what I did. From the footpath, you have to walk down about twenty steps. There are paths and g...

The Black Silhouette - Poltergeist? by ItsMsRoxy

When I was a freshman in college, I lived in a dorm on campus. My side of the dorm room was the farthest back, closest to the window and my roommate's side was closest to the door. My bed was placed in the corner towards the left of the window and approximately two feet above my head was a single sh...

The Ghost Girl by Tucker

Let me start by saying I never believed in any of these things or never had the desire to be interested in the paranormal. This changed about two weeks ago and I'm desperately looking for answers and possibly some comfort because honestly I'm a nervous wreck. I've been searching the web, for what, I...

Broken Tv Or Poltergeist? by elepeddermark2

It was so weird, typical opening, sorry, but it was. I was about twelve or thirteen at the time so I couldn't understand what was happening. I'll say this first - my house isn't that old. It was only about ten years old at the time and we were the first family to live in it. My parents were out and ...

Something In My Hallway by courtneyOMGG

This story happened the other night while I was sitting on my bed, leaning against the wall, using my laptop. When I am sitting on my bed, to the right is a window, to the left is the doorway, and in front of me is my TV and my computer desk. I was talking to my friends on MSN, around 10 pm. I only...

The Voice In The Apartment by MixedQT86

In March of this year, I was with my ex-boyfriend at his mother's house. She is a great woman always having a smile on her face. She just moved out of her old apartment and moved to the next town. Before we went there, we went to go pick up a bottle of wine for her. He also picked up beer. We went t...

The Music At Night And The Hallway Stomper by illusionation

I and my mom have lived in this house since I was about 3 years old. (I am almost 21 now) I still remember when I was little, I was just terrified of this place, but being so young, I really didn't know why. My mother just thought I was kind of, at lack for a better word, a neurotic child. I reme...

Late Night Cries by fallingcolors

My mom often told me stories when I was young about the haunts she had come across when she was younger. This one just happens to by my favorite. When my mom was about twenty, she had two baby boys, my oldest brothers. She couldn't afford to live on her own at the time so she had decided to live w...

Unexplained Mysteries by ElinaIoneki822

I have always been a believer of the supernatural, be it UFO's, ghosts, the unexplained. You name it, I'm into it. Recently I have been experiencing some strange things. I'd like to chalk it up as being ghostly encounters, but I'm having a hard time explaining most of the phenomena. I have two previ...

Moving Objects, Touching And Voices by MailOrderNinja

I have to tell somebody about these things so I decided to go ahead and put it on this site. I don't tell my wife about them because I don't want her to get scared, and I don't tell my co-workers or friends about them because I don't want them to think I'm crazy. Just a little background: I'm twe...

The Man In White Looking For His Love? by The6thK

In 1991 I was living in Cleveland, Ohio and was working at TGI Fridays, located on the west side of the Flats. It was the first day of snow fall for that year and I was working late as usual. After closing, I made it to my car. Since there was so much snow, I had to start my car and wait for it to...

Black Figure by Annio11

I have had episodes of sleep paralysis since I was young, but today I had an episode that I do not understand. I felt like I was lying in my bed and couldn't talk or move. Since this has happened to me many times, I know how to deal with this a little better. I always feel as if there is a presen...

Green Mist In My Closet by Tydin

When I was about four or five, I can vividly remember what happened. I was living in the US at the time, at an Air Force base called Elmendorf. I was lying in my bed at night, and then I got up to look in my closet. What compelled me to do so, I do not remember. Upon opening the doors, I saw what ...

Strange Happenings 2 by Grox6

I already wrote a story called Strange Happenings and for people who don't know, I think my school is haunted. This time, some things happened and my friend told me things that happened to her in the past years. When my friend and I were walking on the track near the field, I saw a grayish, whitis...

Four Unexpected Visitors by TigerLily

This is my first story and it isn't about me, but it is about someone very close to me! My mum - Christine. When Christine was about seventeen, she lived with her mum in Wales. She and her mum lived in a small rented apartment, which meant that Christine had to walk through my nana's room and up ...

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