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Ghost Stories in Category: Apparitions / Voices / Touches: Page 6

A Spirit Spoke Through My Sister by Lydia_Deetz

This isn't my personal story but I was there when it happened. I was only a baby, so this is the account of what happened, told to me by my mother and eldest sister. I was no older than 1 at the time and my mother had put me down to sleep on her bed. Mum and my 2 older sisters were standing in f...

Meeting My Daughter Thanks To A Dead Friend by iez

When I was like 15, one of the family friends died. I was really sad, she was always a safehouse when everything went rough. I dreamed about her a couple of months later, Japanese cherryblossemtree and wonderfull light. She then told me, she would be back with news, but that it would take some time...

Albert by Paranormal98

I am new to this discussion and wanted to share my experiences. I'll start with my first main experience I can remember. Something I came to realise is that in my childhood, I noticed things of a paranormal nature much quicker than anyone else, and I was what you could call a "psychic child". ...

Abandoned Office Building Ghosts by sherm784

We work in the garment district of midtown Manhattan, where many generations of office workers have come and gone and accidents have happened over the years. Directly across from my boss's office is an abandoned floor space which has not tenants since we moved in here 5 years ago. Every once in ...

A Visitor In The House by Savestheday

My parents bought a big house at suburb when I was 14. My bedroom was at the second floor. Up from the staircase, there is a mezzanine where you can look down to the family room next to the staircase and across to the neighbor over the big window. The rooms are lined up along concave mezzanine barri...

The Soldier by Kitto

So when I was really little we lived in an old OLD house in Lafayette, Georgia. Like I said I was little so details about this place are iffy, and my mom finds my interest in the paranormal disturbing. So I can not ask her any questions. We lived kind of close to a battlefield, Chickmaga I think. (T...

My "imaginary" Friend by AnnieLouise

When I was younger, around 3, my dad was walking our dog in a park. My dad's side of the family has always been sensitive to ghosts and such, so he could tell something was following him, but he didn't put much thought into it, thinking it was just curious about the dog or something. When he got hom...

The Playful Morning Ghost In My Bathroom by saxichan_2002

My kids woke me up this morning. I came out with them into the living room. I realized I needed to use the restroom. I began to walk in the hallway near the restroom. As I'm near the door I see something out of the corner of my eyes and have to wait because I see two black feet/legs swinging back an...

Crying Woman At The Cottage by LuciaJacinta

My grandfather built a summer cottage in the countryside of Pennsylvania in the 1950s.       There was a community of these summer cottages along a picturesque creek. The cottage goers would get together for BBQs  and beer parties, card games and family reunions and turtle soup days. By t...

My Uncle's Mean Friend by MaggieMay_Not

I hadn't intended to share another story right now, as I have 'Window View' waiting for approval. Two coming out at once seemed excessive, but for some odd reason I'm feeling a nudge. First a bit of history. My father's family were caretakers of a very old cemetery in Kentucky for all of his grow...

A Dark Figure In My Bedroom by Spark7777

Sunday morning 6 am I woke up suddenly, I saw the time in my mobile, it was 6 am. I never ever got up at 6 am even during the week days! I was wondering with myself what made me awake at 6 am that too on Sunday...! I looked at my mobile, it said "Battery down" I got up from my bed to charge...

The One Time I Got Scared by beckyr

I have always seemed to attract ghost/ paranormal activity/spirits whichever phrase or word you prefer to use to describe events. As a young child the one place we lived my best friend was a ghost of a 5 year old boy who had died in the house. Growing up there were always things happening sounds, si...

Mahasona by Pinka

I have not experienced anything lately where I live. We did a house protection right after the major incident happened few months back. If you've read my first two stories you'll get an idea. I still experience night terrors and weird dreams. The story I am sharing today is one of the uncles of ...

The Purple Flower Brooch by Xaria

This happened to my brother Joe when I was back in Elementary, probably when I was 7-8 years old. I remember the event vividly in my mind until this day. I lived with my 3 brothers, 1 other sister, and my parents. The rest of my siblings lived elsewhere with their spouses. Anywho, we lived in a dup...

Window View by MaggieMay_Not

Greetings! I thought I'd share something from the day of the last funeral I attended. I've told y'all the story of my husband, in 'The Skeptic' and this will touch briefly on that. His grandmother died a while back and I was required to attend that funeral. No getting out of that one to prep the ...

Oom Whitey by Zizzo

So we used to stay on the second floor of a flat which consists of three floors in a place called Westbury in Johannesburg. Which is one bad place. Anyway we moved out a couple of years ago. At our flat there was an old homeless man, who's name was Whitey. Not sure if that was his name but we all ca...

Bride Under The Tree by Youwillbelieve

What I am about to tell you is not mere a story about my first encounter with paranormal entity. It happened to me when I was in 1st year of engineering in the central part of India. I hope you find it interesting. It starts with my maternal uncle's place which he recently bought from a farmer in...

My Great-grandmother's Secret And The Ruby Necklace by virulentpeach

My maternal great-grandmother was by all accounts a kind, but very unique, woman. She had an aversion to the sun, believed in Old World superstitions, and washed my infant grandmother's hair with lemon juice to keep bad spirits away and, of course, to preserve its infant blondness. She was fiercely ...

A Rainy Day by Aakanksha10

It was a Saturday summer evening and it was pouring buckets. My vacations were going on so I had went to my grandmother's place which was a small village with very less population. It was peaceful there but you would not see many people so hanging out alone at that time wasn't really an appreciated ...

Demon Is Hiding In My Brothers Body?! by elhat1

Some weird stuff has been going on and I need some input as to what it could be. I live in New Zealand and there isn't really anything weird or airy in New Zealand so spirits and demons aren't really talked about here I guess and I've told a couple people about these few odd experiences I've had...

A Boy In The Woods by KeziahB

When asked if I had ever seen a ghost before, my immediate response would always be "no". I have always been open to the possibility of their existence, despite the fact I am sure I haven't seen one. I figured I just wasn't as susceptible to ghosts as other people: until today... Call it an epipha...

Are These Signs Of A Spirit Trying To Communicate? by Asteri

I'm not really sure how to write this, so, please, forgive any expression mistakes. And also, English is not my mother language, so forgive any orthographical mistakes. Well, lately (for the last month, I guess) I've been dealing with weird sensations. You must understand that I am a skeptical p...

Shades Of White by herman

This incident happened about 1 month ago. It had been a long day and I was about to fix supper for my wife and I. She was in the bedroom folding clothes and I walked into the kitchen. We live in a "open environment" apartment. This means the counter with the sink runs between the kitchen and livin...

Indian Chased My Friend Out Of The House by Dangslow

I live in an old Victorian home in a small town in Utah. Every year in the Spring there would be a big Mountain Man Rendezvous in the mountains to the east of my house. I have a friend who always went, but this particular year he asked me for a favor. He had a good job as an accountant in the city,...

A Young Girl Ran Through My Living Room by Dangslow

I live in an old Victorian house in a very small town. I have lots of stories I plan to tell, but one story stands out in particular. My seven year old Son and I were the only ones home one evening. My Wife had to work late and my five year old daughter was at a friends house. It was a chilly winte...

Stewart The House Spirit by milky

In my mother's country of birth, it is believed that every home has a spirit protecting it. You could call it a guardian angel or intelligent haunting, it doesn't matter. They're always there. It was my belief that if you feed the house negative energy, they won't protect you in your home (like in a...

Heard A Coworker's Voice In My Head by sherm784

One of the phenomena I've heard of is that of "projection" or a living person's voice or essence being present when the person is not there. I had something similar to that happen. One of my colleagues at work is an older Indian lady of Guyanese decent. Let's call her Mary. She speaks softly, pe...

I Saw A Spirit As Clear And Solid As A Living Person by Dangslow

I had a job working at a secured military facility out in the remote Utah desert. When I was hired the man who trained me asked if I believed in ghosts, because if not, I would before I left the job. He was kind of strange though, just like the rest of us graveyard shift workers, so I never gave it ...

The Horror Of That Night: Stranger Girl by Aakanksha10

This is a real incident that me and my friend 'X' encountered. The story begins as... My friend 'X' had a night stay at my house as exams were near and we needed to study. It was dark outside, the time would have been probably around 12:30 am. Everybody at my home was asleep except for me and my ...

The Golden Haired Girl by EllaKS

First off, I'd like to begin by saying that this isn't an experience of my own. This happened to my mother when she was around the age of 11. It all started when my mother and uncle were sent to boarding schools across the country. My uncle was to attend a private school in the countryside and my mo...

The Mimicking Spirit by Lilwolf

There has been some pretty creepy things going on in our apartment the last two weeks that is unlike anything I have dealt with. It started last week Jocelyn had been asleep for awhile and Cuyler was getting a shower while I was putting away dishes. I was just about done when I heard what I thoug...

What Was Laughing In The Room? by Artickpiggy

This is the very first paranormal fact that happened to me. I was 14 at the time and my friends and I were always attracted by the paranormal world. Back then, we would try to write down a Ouija board (the adults never wanted us to use one), and try to contact spirits but thank god it never worked o...

Freedom by LuciaJacinta

I was a young mother in 2004. I loved my husband and children and just enjoyed the day to day routine of raising kids. We were living in Northern California at the time in a cute little home and I was happy. My oldest just started first grade. I had a three year old and a new baby. Life was busy...

Toddler Terrors by Nicky22

So this is my first story I've posted on here and I'm really intrigued on what you all think. I've recently moved into a two bedroom flat with my two young sons, my oldest is 3 years old and he's always been a very caring and sensitive little lad, but recently we've had a few things that have made...

I Told You So! by Pinka

I only have few experiences and thought of sharing the most terrifying experience which happened in 2017 September. When I was 16 years old I saw the ghost of my Grand mother and after that she communicated with me through black kittens and strange dreams which I will share in a future post. Then on...

Ghost With Glowing White Eyes by ButterflyBabe

Today, I had an abnormal new to me experience. I have occasionally seen an older woman always from the side profile never showing face or lower half of body. She would walk from the door to the fridge. It's been a few months since I've seen her. Today she appeared in human form except she looked at ...

My Father's Visitor by LostGirl

This account happened to my dad, but (with his permission) I felt I had to share it. It terrified me to say the least! Just over a year ago, my dad went on a trip to Scotland. I can't remember the name of the place he visited, but it was a beautiful manor beside a loch. He had a room to himsel...

Voices, And A Bang by sheld999

It was a Thursday December Evening, Its summer a cool night not too hot or too cold. It wasn't too late into the night when this encounter well not really a encounter but the incident that happened. I'll will try to write it with the correct way of trying to explain what happen as its still fresh in...

A Very Eventful Walk Home by Oceana

Today as I was walking home something very strange happened. I walk home on a path next to a main road. The road was empty which was strange as the road is always busy with cars and lorries. I told myself it was nothing and walked quicker because I was scared and cold. I got lost in my thoughts and ...

Crazy Encounters by meghanh14

My name is Meghan and I am from a small town in Southern, California known as Moorpark. Now, I have had a few encounters with I guess would be considered the paranormal. Two of which will stay with me forever. The first one occured in my childhood home. I was sleeping on the couch with my brothe...

Why Is She Just Standing There? by Jubeele

The housing estate of Queenstown, where my Mum still lives in Singapore, is reported to have been built over a Chinese cemetery during the early 1960s. This may explain to some extent my own unsettling experiences there as a child, as shared in "Disturbed By The Spirits". In my father's family, S...

The Man Made Of Light by EmmalineTexas

In 1998 I lived in Hawkins, Texas. My ex-husband and I had a little old house set into a grove of trees. The whole town was probably 900 people. Our nearest neighbors were on the other side of a huge line of scrub oak trees that had been there for probably 50 years. We were about 35 miles from Tyler...

Man In The Shower by Gh0stHunter

Just typing the title sends terror chills up my spine. This experience happened in my younger years. I think I was around 8 years old and my sister was 4 at the time. I'm 22 now and I STILL get goosebumps when I remember this childhood trauma... My sister and I were awake on the weekend watching ...

A Ghost Girl, Looking For Her Cat? by ShyandWatchful

I have been for about a month feeling weird things. I've always been super sensitive to animals. I learned when I was very young how to temporarily tame insects, who are very sensitive to emotion and energy. I can go outside and reach into a yellow jacket nest without being stung. (Yellow Jackets ar...

A Near Fatal Encounter by Gh0stHunter

This experience was similar to the entry of my experienced that I've posted, "The Frightening Unknown". When I was still going to graveyards at random times just because I felt like I needed to. All throughout work, I had been thinking about going back to these graveyards I had recently and acci...

Top Hat Man by Gh0stHunter

Alright guys, I totally forgot about this experience up until a few hours ago when I was shopping at a liquor store and saw a bottle of rumchata. Which by the way is the GROSSEST thing I have ever tasted (sorry rumchata lovers) but, that will be explained later on in the story. PS: If you wish to...

Encounter With The Past by MJames77

The year was 1983. It was winter in Ohio. We'd had a lot of snow by this point but the weather hadn't been too terrible for a northeast Ohio winter. It was late in the year. If memory serves, November. It was a very cold Friday or Saturday night. I had met a friend in a local restaurant named Bill. ...

The Frightening Unknown by Gh0stHunter

It was late at night around 2:30am when I had awoken from a strange dream that I had about a graveyard. These dreams had been happening ever since my incident with an Ouija Board. I got dressed and headed out for a drive to clear my head and about 10 minutes into the drive, I felt an urge, a crav...

An Unexpexted Shove Into The Future by MrRiggs

Ghost stories bring to mind creaking hinges, gloomy basements, lost souls and apparitions. Not so this time. In fact, there was no ghost at all in the ghostly sense. But there was something invisible that didn't hesitate to give me a good stout shove when it counted. Perhaps this will be of interest...

Ghost Poked My Butt by Tarabritneyl

I am seriously freaked out. This isn't a joke, I'm not trying to be funny or anything. We just moved into this house about a month ago. I have had paranormal experiences in the past, but nothing like this. I have no idea what to do... About a week ago, my boyfriend said that something had poked hi...

The Voices I Hear by Kest

Recently, a comment from a story I wrote got me to thinking. Some people have said the experiences myself and my daughter had might be both of us, and that got me to thinking about an experience I have had ever since I have been a preteen. I think I was 11 or 12 when this started, and at night I hea...

Mysterious Lady Asking For A Lift by ajonverge

Hope all is well. This is a ghostly encounter that my Dad had long back in the late 80's. He had narrated this to me a few years ago. My Dad (RIP) was a TV technician and often returned home really late at night on his Yezdi Bike. The house that we stayed in was a few paces from the main road. So he...

Hey Dad by Janellexx89

This story happened may years ago when I was still in high school. It was on a weekend and I was in my parent's room watching TV. Me and my dad I think were watching MASH. And my brother had just went in to the bathroom to take a shower. My dad was at the head of the bed by the head board and I...

The Guardian Storm And The Demonic Intruder by Faith456

This was the first time I've ever experienced paranormal activity. These events occurred two, years ago. My family and I moved from Florida, to Indiana so we could live near my father's relatives. My parents purchased a two story house built in 1990 from the owners' daughter. The previous owner want...

The Mysterious Lady In The Woods 2 by ColdSoul

It's been four years since I last saw Kareena, the mysterious lady that I met in the woods. After the high school graduation I decided to go home to my parents' house that summer. One afternoon I decided to check the woods if Kareena had come back, it was nearly sunset when I entered the small fores...

Horsing Around by Jubeele

During 2014, my husband and I went for riding lessons in the suburb of Box Hill, some 42 kilometres (approx. 26 miles) north-west of Sydney in the Hills District region. Once a month, we would pack up our riding gear into the boot of our SUV and make the 2-hour drive from home to the rural outskirts...

Alex The Trickster by DarkAngelx91

I don't remember when this happened as I wasn't keeping a record at the time. I really want to tell you guys the story of the trickster. He was a 15 year old boy named Alex and boy did he love to play pranks and mess with people. He just seemed to show up at my house one day and he stayed for abo...

Attacked By A Smokey Figure by DarkAngelx91

This happened to me back in 2013. I had just come home from work and the atmosphere in the house felt different than earlier that day. When I was starting to make dinner I felt very uncomfortable in the kitchen but I pressed on and got it done. Then for awhile after that the atmosphere seemed to ...

Peripheral Man Visits In Boiler Room by Kindly_refrain

This is by no means a scary or exciting account but it certainly was puzzling at the time. Even yet I have no definitive explanation but many people on this site have had similar experiences which lends an air of normalcy to otherwise inexplicable happenings. 18 years ago I was employed at a lar...

A Spirit That Follows Me by Iceball3

Hey, I am a 17 year old girl from Europe. I wanted to share my experience as I am curious if others have went through similar stuff and I really feel alone with this because no one really believes me or understands. I apologize if this is long. Firstly, my whole family believes in the paranormal...

A Terrifying Intruder by Jennifer40

It's been a really long time since I posted but last night I had something happen that I can't explain. I have been shooken up all day about it. Last night I went to bed about 9:30. A few hours later I awoke to a man standing near my bed. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. He had long brown m...

The Mysterious Lady In The Woods by ColdSoul

I like to share with you some of my memorable paranormal experiences, but before everything please forgive my English writing skills. So here is my story. It all started when I was around nine or ten years old, I live in a province north of Manila. Our small town is peaceful and surrounded with p...

Play And Drown by ajonverge

Hey Folks! I'm Ajay from Mumbai. This last week I have read so many stories here on YGS and I thoroughly enjoyed most. Thank You for sharing. I wanted to post an experience I had when I was just a kid in 1998 (14 Year Old) when I used to stay in Thane City (Adjacent to Mumbai) in India. Almost eve...

His Name Is Vic by Melda

Where to start? The beginning of course is always the best place. That being so, unfortunately, you'll have to bear with me to find out how I eventually came to know that his name is Vic. And yes, Vic is a ghost. As I have never kept a journal, I can only give approximate dates regarding my experie...

White Robed Figures by Cups

This event took place in the winter of 2011, when I had just relocated from Portland back to my hometown in rural Oregon. My house was built by my maternal grandparents in the 1960's. After they were both gone, my mom didn't have the heart to sell or lease the house. So, here I am. The property s...

Monster Voice by Zombiemare13

This happened to me in November 2012. My husband had recently died-he committed suicide behind our house about two to three weeks before this event. I was grief-stricken and very depressed at this time, as you can imagine, but I had to keep myself somewhat presentable and pulled-together for our...

Trying To Get My Attention? by DarkAngelx91

This happened to me back in November 2015. I had some friends over earlier that night discussing what our plans were for over the Christmas period. My friends stayed quite late. I tided up the kitchen before going to bed as I didn't want to leave the kitchen in a mess. By the time I had finished ...

The Ghost That Shouted Boo by DarkAngelx91

This happened to me back in May 2016 when I was visiting my parents. It was a really nice sunny day so I decided I would drive out and visit my parents for the day. I arrived at the house and everything seemed normal. My mum was really busy that day so I said I would help her out while I was ther...

Something Lying Beside Me by DarkAngelx91

Before I start this story I should tell you a little of what I've experienced. Since I was born ghosts have been drawn to me, it's like I'm a magnet for them. I've also seen them most of my life and I've had physic experiences, experienced sleep paralysis and have also been attacked. I'll be posting...

Incubus? My Mother's Tormentor by lady-glow

I supposed every mother is her children's hero and her teachings will influence many of the decisions they'll take through their lives. I grew up in a family that accepts the existence of ghosts. I remember listening to stories about dead love ones coming back to visit family members during thei...

He Came Home With My Son by truffles

To begin I have to tell you about my 17 year old son. I will call him T. From the time he could talk, he was always telling me and my husband about people that were around that we could not see. I can remember him talking in his room and I would go in and ask him who he was talking to and he would t...

Newport Naval Base, Coasters Harbor Island by cbrown1919

From 1980 to 1984, my father was stationed in Newport, RI and we resided in officer's quarters on Coasters Harbor Island. There were only a few houses on this small island, which also included the War College, Officer's barracks, gym, marina, library, and officers club. I was 10 (to 14) years old at...

Lesson From A Ghost by jaded_disciple

It was a cold, foggy morning of August 16, 2017, that I decided to go out for a run. I planned to take my usual route which is to get to Mines View via South Drive-Outlook Drive. This is my usual route so I was expecting nothing. It would be a normal run. I didn't expect something out of the ordinar...

There's Something In The Closet...😱 by Thelambinator86

I'd like to say this is my first story I've put on here so I hope you enjoy 😊. So this happened when I was around 7 years old. It was me, my brother, and sister, we all lived in Indiana at the time, I'm not sure exactly what town it was but we lived out in the country in the middle of nowhere. We...

The Whisperer by aisyah1987

This incident happened when I was 19 years old and pregnant with my first child. I never believed in superstitious beliefs during that period of my life, as I was still young and carefree! Like... Who would want to put a bulb of garlic in the bra while sleeping? However, it was believed that...

The Boy In The Red Vest by Jubeele

My mother has a theory that the "sight", for want of a better word, most likely stems from the "exotic" Thai side of Grandma's family. However, that ability may also have come from Grandpa's side of the equation. I never had the privilege of knowing my paternal grandfather. When I was six, I aske...

Looking For Attention by BritGirl89

When I was younger I lived on Portland in Dorset (England), Portland is a pretty supernatural place and many things have happened there. This story is about one of the spirits I met whilst living there. When I was about 14 we got a horse and kept him at a stables on the Island, these stables wer...

The Lady At The Gate by KangkongKernitz

Short story of my first experience (with my friends). Location: Bauang, La Union, Philippines. It was during my sophomore in college when me and my friends experienced this paranormal apparition. One morning, February 14, the neighboring residential area of our farmland is being cleared. One ...

Ghost With Lantern by Ayaz

This real event happen in 1985. I am living in medium size city in West part of india. This city is along with big river and very old bridge on that river. This city has 27 govt. Post offices. Mr. Jamnadas was the Post master in the head post office. He was honest and punctual in his duty. He was ...

My Encounter With A Doppelganger by villafan

This encounter begins with my everyday working week commute to work. As I only live within 5 miles I usually run or cycle there as a way maintaining my fitness. I believe this is relevant to the story because it suggests that I wasn't in some kind of state of sleep but quite the opposite. This is ...

Golden Gate Bridge Ghost by EmmalineTexas

This encounter happened about 1982. That's quite a while ago, but it's stuck in my memory as one of the first encounters I've had with a spirit. Luckily, they seem to appear as normal people to me, so at the time I'm not especially frightened. The place was under the north pier of the Golden Gate Br...

The Street Walker by Lilwolf

This is one of the odder things that I have saw dealing with the paranormal, I was eighteen working at a waffle house it was a pretty normal Friday night. Mainly people grabbing a late dinner from hanging out with friends or running errands, a couple drunks and stoners and pervy old guys hanging aro...

My Nighttime Visitor by Rosiebob

This is more of an experience than a actual story. One night whilst watching TV in my living room with my little dog Bob for company I had the most crazy encounter of my life! The Flat was on the ground floor of an old Georgian property which was converted into Two Flats. The living room was at t...

Where Did He Go? by lady-glow

I do not even know if he was a ghost but, if so, there wasn't any hair sticking up not a change in the temperature or any other indication that this was a paranormal encounter. It was the summer of 1980 and my parents and I went in a trip to the western state of Michoacan. After few days visiting...

The Unknown Man In White by Vegan93

I am not a clairvoyant nor a psychic in any way but I do have my fair share of events to make me question. My family has some members that are "sensitive" esp an uncle in the family that can speak to the dead or angels. My grandma used to be able to talk to her dead brother and sister. My mom also u...

A Rare Sighting by harry1lynn

On the night of the final exam of 3rd semester in engineering college this incident occurred. I studied chemical engineering in a college situated in Nadiad, Gujarat. After 4 gruelling days of giving exams, it was the night of final exams where my group of friends decided to study until 3 A.M....

Jeff Jeffedy Jeff! by roylynx

I suddenly remembered long ago, when I was still a little child I used to have an imaginary friend called Jeff. I imagined him as a person whom looked like the alien, "grey man" (pale grey skin, big eyes, oval shaped head, small body, long fingers and very intelligent). I would talk to Jeff whene...

A Praying Soul by MidnightReader

I was in my fourth year on my University years of Engineering at Baguio when this happened, I believe it was year 2000 then. As a student living an hour away from Baguio, I would always go back every Mondays just in time for my class. Sometimes, I bring my baggage at my first class then just go h...

Ghost Children From Texas City Explosion by EmmalineTexas

Let me preface my story by telling you that I live in a town right on the Galveston Bay in South Texas. It's a quiet town where you would never guess that anything dark had ever happened. Never the less, in 1947 a ship named the Grandcamp exploded at the pier and ignited one of the largest tragedies...

More About The House In Orkneys by nessiev

I had other strange things happen at the house. My husband and my son had both said they had seen a man in dark clothing walk past the back of the house, my husband said he had felt uneasy especially at night when out in the back garden with the dog, (he actually described feeling threatened). I had...

Childhood Ghosts by NightlyEclipse

When I was little, about two or three, and we moved out of the city, my parents and I moved to a plot of land that my grandparents (farmers) owned. The only way this will make sense is if I describe what the place looked like. We were right beside the main highway. Our backyard was huge. Surrounde...

Leprechaun... 3 Generations by BoyMom71417

When I was about 8 or 9 years old I was in bed (actually in my sister's bed, we shared a room and had bunk beds... I usually slept on the bottom bunk but for whatever reason I was sleeping in the top bunk with her). Anyway, I woke up (I was NOT sleeping... I was very much awake) I look over and ther...

The Tea Set by Lilwolf

From the time I was very little I have always enjoyed reading, my mom said that from the time I could walk I was constantly bringing books to her wanting her to read to me. So it was no surprise that I became an advanced reader at an early age, I was about six years old when I discovered my all time...

A Rather Strange Company by Sanguirina

This is a story where two have been combined. My own experience, which I only came to realise was out of the 'normal' because my grandmother mentioned (the second story) there was more to it. Therefore this story will be longer than the others have been, but I hope you'll enjoy it nevertheless. -...

Strange Wave Women by Ayaz

I tell you that I am never superstitious and not religious person. From my childhood I ave very much attraction about science and technology research. As like other peoples I have listened so many many ghost haunted stories. I know so many peoples who are doing false ghost beavers and they doing fun...

Highway Trouble! by nalchen

Wanted to get this story in here the very next day it happened, but I had taken a good 20 odd days to analyze the mysterious appearance and disappearance of a man, that in all means I believe, is a ghost. After visiting my cousin in Raleigh, North Carolina, I decided to go on a road trip via the...

The Lady In The White Gown by jadeledroit2000

When I was 15 or 16, my mom and step father got a divorce. We moved into our new house after all the creepy things that had happened with the past two houses. 7 years passed, and everything has been wonderful. Until the night I woke up to a lady in a gorgeous white gown, with hazel eyes, brown hai...

Afterlife And Possible Angry Spirit by sslayton63

Last month my ex-husband was killed instantly by a speeding drunk driver. Paul T was on his Harley-Davidson motorcycle cruising behind my son, Paul Jr when he was hit by a speeding car. His body hit the front of the car, knocking the hood up over the windshield, then landed on the top of the car. Th...

Who Was That Boy? by ragstoriches

I have been a reader of the stories on this site for about 1 month. Today I registered myself so that I could also post one of my experiences with you all. Sorry for my bad English grammar (being an Indian I would also apologize:)) as others do). So here goes the story. It's a real story of mi...

The Helping Ghost by themanthemyththelegend

This happened in June of 2016 when I was a sophomore in high school. I met this girl, I don't want to say her full name so we'll call her T. Towards the beginning of the year me and T had began to get close, she started getting comfortable around me and we had gotten so close that we became best ...

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