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Ghost Stories in Category: Apparitions / Voices / Touches: Page 7

Bpo-little Girl by mhyzthie_vHee

I'm working in BPO industry for quite a while now, or Call Center, as we know it here in Philippines. For those working in this kind of environment I'm pretty sure they had experienced paranormal or at least they know a story or two from fellow colleagues. I will share mine. We used to rent mult...

Alcatraz Ghost Was A Leg Man by monkeynavigated

My husband and I were in Northern California visiting his brother. While there, we did manage to fit in some touristy things like visiting Chinatown, and walking among the Redwoods. I was also able to find time to be felt up by a ghost at Alcatraz. What follow is that story. The tour started beni...

Sweet Dreams by Sanguirina

Most of my experiences has happened in my fathers home, located in Heidal, Godfirevalley (what the name of the valley becomes if translated directly into english), Norway. I've written about my very first encounter earlier, " Some Kind of A Door Was Opened That Night" where I explained that my g...

My Doppleganger Was Visiting My Mom Before She Passed by leahbee

Let me just say before you read this that losing someone you love deeply changes you. It rocks your core and brings you to the edge of your faith whatever it may or may not be. This is me rocked, raw, and spilling my soul. Take it for what it is. She was young, I am young and this was a tragedy alwa...

Vincent's Midnight Encounter by Meldel

My cousin Vincent enjoyed life to the fullest. He was a very jovial kind of person who always saw the humorous side of every incident. He could turn a bad story into something that would leave everyone around him in stitches! Vincent didn't believe in ghosts and if told about a ghostly encounter...

Unknown Rainbow by ElectroCutieWitchpyre

It all started when I was very young, my mother always thought of me as an "Old Soul" by the way I analyzed things and how I acted. I remembered going through her closet and she asked me what I was doing. At 3 years old, I replied, "When you get to be as old as I am, you'll understand." My mother co...

Grandma Stories by dilip506

This was a story narrated by my Grandma long back. It made a huge impact on me that I remember it even after 15 years. This happened to my Grandma's Father. Generally there was a rumour in her days, a baby born with legs out (instead of head) has the ability to see unnatural things through out ...

Some Kind Of A Door Was Opened That Night by Sanguirina

I moved a lot as a child, and have therefore lived in many different houses. Yet there is only one of these places that I have called 'home', where it was confirmed to me that such things as ghosts truly do exist. My home is located in a small town in Norway named Heidal, a valley whose name dir...

Hiding Behind Innocence by JustAnotherPerson

It has been several months since the last time I have posted an encounter on this website. One would view it as a good thing if it has been awhile, and I do, until now. I believe my last post took place when I was either 17 or 18. I would like to say that I have since graduated from high school, ...

The Mysterious Woman I Saw by SpookyCheesecake

It's my first story on here and I hope I could get some feedback. I remember it was November/December and must have been in the 9th grade (back in 2011), because we had to prepare sandwiches for the canteen to save money for our school trip. Anyway I had to get up earlier as usual and it was pret...

The Friendly Silhouette by SuperPugLady

This is the first story I have ever posted, as I am new to the site. I hope that you like it, as I certainly found it intriguing, at the time! This particular incident took place, when I was ten years old. I had been ill and had, therefore, been sent to bed early, by my parents. The illness was n...

Voice On A Toy Phone by VeronicaMarie

This happened when I was about five or six years old. My sister and I were in our bedroom one night, and I was playing with a toy phone. Just a little plastic thing. Might have even been my baby brother's. I said hello into the receiver and clearly heard a man's voice say hello back to me, right int...

Spirits And An Unknown Entity by thatqueenb

I'm going to start off by stating that I'm a little bit of a skeptic when it comes to the paranormal. With that said, I still try to keep an open mind. This is something that mostly happened to my younger sister and my father, and I'm not sure what to make of it. I'll let you draw your own conclusio...

He Couldn't Run That Fast! by Meldel

My parents were married for about two years at the time of this incident. The two-bedroom house they stayed in used to belong to my mother's step-father who left it to her in his will. It was known as a semi-detached house. The piece of land next to the house was large enough to build a second hou...

Dorm Ghost by monkeynavigated

Freshman year of college and I was visiting my friend, Catherine, at University of Georgia in Athens. She lived in Brumby at the time, a girls' dorm. Being underage, we spent our night smoking pot and goofing off in her room with her next door neighbor and another girl, Danielle, who had also gone t...

Is It Her, Another Manipulative Spirit Or My Mind? by Allicatt

In the last few months a lot has happened, some good and some horrible. My baby girl was born a few months ago and while it was a rough start things balanced out and she and I are healthy. All things seemed normal for awhile, life was good; a healthy happy baby, Maggie was about to start school,...

Lifted Off His Feet by Meldel

This happened to my Dad some years back. The house my parents were living in was a two bedroom house. There was a small patch of grass in the front of the house and the veranda was just two steps from the front gate. When visitors arrived during the day, they always walked to the back of the house a...

The Glowing Circle And A Hug by Jazolinlea

Life is not fair. It is full of love and loss. My high school class lost too many people (way too young) to accidents, sickness etc., before we even graduated. We all felt pain at such a young age. One in particular struck me quite hard, I looked up to him, he was special, he was one of my best frie...

House With The Purple Porch by hannagrace2017

When I was about six years old, my family and I moved into a five bedroom home in south Omaha Nebraska. This part of town was well known to be super sketchy. In all honesty it wasn't the greatest place to raise a family, however my family wasn't the richest and the rent was cheap and the house was b...

The Women In My Room by Siara

A couple of months ago, although I slept by 10pm, I would still wake up the next morning exhausted to go to work. During the second month, one morning I just sat on my bed, asking myself why do I still feel exhausted after having enough hours of sleep. Few days after that (it was the weekend- Sat...

The Girl In The Cemetery by Tunedin

After posting my first story about my nan visiting me, I have decided to share an encounter that my mum had a few years ago around 2001. My nan sadly passed away at the young age of 43 when my mum was only 19 and was buried in the local cemetery. When my grandad passed 16 years later in September...

The Only Exception - My Paranormal Experience Part2 by wolfsnow916

Before you start reading Part 2, I suggest you go back and read the first part of this story for you to better understand everything. The Only Exception - My Paranormal Experience Part1, here's the link to it: Thank you. Okay, now re...

White Glowing Eyes Watching Me, Activity Escalating by LittleBelle

It started on August 15th. I felt like someone was watching me, which is not unusual my home. It is active with a very specific Spirit who I believe used to be an owner of the house and is very particular of how he likes things arranged and moves about the house without malice or intent. (My home wa...

The Boy Out Past His Bedtime by manipatsy78227

I would like to reflect on a time when I was a child. At this particular time, I was about 7 years old. Now, my parents weren't very strict and didn't have a set bedtime for us and I remember playing late outside this night. My younger brother, Ernest, was playing with me. He was 5. After chasin...

Soldier Shadow Girl by Lince1307

Let me tell you first that I come from a family of "gifted" women and as such I've been able to see and/or feel spirits from an early age. This story in particular took place in Ft. Jackson, SC while I was at the Physical Rehabilitation Unit after suffering a fall during basic training. One nigh...

Didn't Abuelita Just Come Back From Church? by thething45

So this particular encounter will require some backstory, my apologies if it is a bit long winded. Both of my parents where born and raised in the same small village in El Salvador. It's really far out in the country side at the end of a dirt road. The village is called La Aldea on the Chalatena...

3 Visits To Canyon De Chelley by naturestacey

The first time I went to Canyon de Chelley, I went to 3 or 4 overlooks on the north rim. Each and every time I stepped out of my vehicle, I had overwhelming feelings of despair... And death. It made me feel horrible and didn't know why I was feeling that way. I drove over to the south rim and I had ...

The Only Exception - My Paranormal Experience Part1 by wolfsnow916

Before I start, let me just tell you my views about the paranormal (ghost and elemental, etc). I am a believer that those things/entities really exist but I haven't really seen, feel or have any contact with them. I am now 27 years old, married and have kids and not one single experience with them (...

Obese Entity In The Corner by felidee623

This took place in my apartment in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania. It was almost 7pm, and I had to go get my boyfriend from work at 8. I planned on cleaning and finishing the laundry for the next 45 minutes, so I put in my headphones and started cleaning. I was listening to a song called "Demons" by Tech N...

A Celebrity Visit Or Delusional Fangirls? by ladycastlemaine

This follows on from a comment I made on someone else's story regarding their possible connection to the late Chester Bennington. It's about a famous dead musician and I'm not comfortable with mentioning their name because A) I don't want to seem deluded and B) Some of my fandom will recognise my us...

Woman In The Window by lilpeachyghost

This happened a good month or so ago and hasn't happened again since but it's definitely something that keeps playing on my mind and I keep coming back to. I have no idea if it was paranormal or just someone being a creep but it felt... Wrong. So, I was sitting on the floor in front of the elect...

My Husband's Doppleganger by Tangela01

One day I was at home laying across the bed. I wasn't asleep, just relaxing, waiting on my husband V to come home, when something spoke to me not audibly but telepathically. It said my name T and said turn around. As I turned around this spirit appeared to me. It had on the very same clothes V was w...

You Cheater! by roylynx

Another interesting story that I wanted to share, I was having an afternoon tea with a few of my friends. One of them, let us address her as B, is sensitive to spirits. She does not have knowledge on how to communicate with them and touch them but from stories by people around her, would say that sh...

Girly Voices by HADDI

This is my first story and hope you guys find it real and interesting. My name is Satish. I previously lived in Palpa, Nepal (one of the haunted places). There I lived with my Grandmother, and uncles and aunts. They all used to scare me with their real ghost incounters. Therefore I always used...

A Story About An Abandoned House by Narmada

This is my second ghost story and I experienced this 17 years ago, when I was only 8 years old. One day my mother wanted to by some stuff so she took me to the supermarket. We live in a road with couple of bare lands. I remember it was around 7.30 pm and I was holding my mother's hand and walkin...

Female Spirit Guardian by allforlaughter

To be honest, I'm not sure if she's my "spirit guardian" or if that's even the real word for it. I don't know who she is at all or why she's been with me for so long. I only know she's a positive force, and I'd do almost anything for my hair to be the same auburn as hers. I grew up in an actively...

Hair Getting Tugged by msecrose

For about 2 or 3 years is how long I've really noticed this happening. It will start and then it will stop for a while but I haven't really noticed a pattern. Today I felt my hair being pulled again. I normally experience this only in my house. It especially happens in my room, home office, and kitc...

Was It Chester? by sherm784

I had a huge scare at work today. I was in the middle of a business call when I clearly heard someone whisper my name right behind my ear. I sit right in front of an older coworker. It clearly was not his voice; it was a very urgent and hushed whisper. I asked out loud who whispered my name but both...

The Next Door Neighbor by Daniel266jz

First off I want to start by saying hello. My name is Daniel I am now 19, I have a son and I'm an Electrical Estimator in training. To begin my story a little background must be established. I never experienced anything paranormal before in my life but my grandmother was big on it. Family stories te...

Family Incidents by Fergie

A few months back I wrote about my experiences while house-sitting at our eldest daughter's home. While I was away, my husband, Ray, had an incident of his own. Ray was sitting in our lounge one night, watching DVDs on the TV. He was seated in his Lazyboy, right opposite the TV, with only the lou...

I Think I Punched A Ghost by Bradyv32

Last night (August 6, 2017) as I was laying in my bed at about 11:30, setting my alarm on my phone, with the lights off, I thought I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. I didn't really think anything of it. I thought I must have just been seeing things so I went to sleep. Sometime du...

My Friend Bill by groundzero7

Is this a horror story? I rather not use that word because it involves one of my very best friends in the distant past and there was no horror in the event I will describe. Let's just say extremely unsettling (to me at least) and you might term it as a paranormal event, whatever that is, and let it ...

Two Incredible Saves by RedWolf

Most of you know I have a bad back but not to what extent. I have three screws that are loosening and you can actually see them if I have a tight shirt or if I lift my shirt. One is actually broken, these screws are about 1/4 inch thick. I have bad scoliosis, one of my ribs is touching one of the ve...

That Voice by Miracles51031

Brown_eyed_girl submitted a story that made a deep connection with me so I decided to submit my own experience about the voice. This experience takes place in the same house as "I Need My Mommy" ( and "I Need My Mommy 2" (

The Voices That Saved My Life by Faith1990

Prior to the following experience, I wouldn't hesitate to blame some doofus move on my part on the "voices" I hear in my head. "The voices made me do it!" That was such a funny thing to say. Little did I know or understand back then that the voices you have "in your head" can actually be a real thin...

Gabriel 2 by tburgos305

This is a second encounter I had with Gabriel. It was about two months after I first saw him that I had this encounter. This also has a "santera" lady involved; a santera or santero A Santera (Spanish for "saint-maker" may refer to either: An artisan who creates santos y revultos and other Spanish...

Old Copley, Abandoned Hospital by valkricry

Old Copley use to be City Hospital back in 1886, and boasted 25 beds. Of course, by the time they closed in 1996 to move to a much larger facility, it had grown considerably, almost swallowing up the original Queen Anne 3 story structure. Despite the original part being declared a historic site, the...

Gabriel by tburgos305

Friends, sorry I been away for so long I been really busy with life since I joined the Army. This story takes place back in 2006 when I was only 19 years old and I was pregnant with my now 10 year old daughter. I was home alone one day staying at my grandmas house for my pregnancy and everyone was...

Always Afraid Part Ii by alina_nefer

As I promised I will continue to write more of my stories. As I've said before I have moved to UK nearly 5 years ago and began to work as a care assistant, just nights. There I have experienced the worst things ever. My first night was horrible for me, not because I have felt something but becaus...

Ghost At The Work Place? by skyebg

This is a interesting story that my granddad told me recently. I have always been interested in the paranormal ever since I was little so he decided to tell me his story with the paranormal. My granddad has always been a blacksmith and he even had his own company which he ran by himself. Well, on...

Newtown Wandering Ghost by Lotus29

I've lived in an old worker's semi-detached cottage in Newtown since 1993. The house is over a 100 years old, and in a historic inner-city suburb. I bought the house because it had such good and positive energy and there have never been any paranormal issues while living here. In late 2003, when...

Three As One? Angel Of Death? by ShySgaile

I woke at perhaps 2am one night about 5 years ago, got up to get some water and returned to bed. I was sitting up, but there was a figure in our bedroom doorway. I thought one of our kids was coming in - perhaps not feeling well. But it was not one of our kids. The figure became clearer, and it ...

Encounter With The Black Spirit 2 by HunterJack

Readers, this is my overall experience of my previous post "Encounter With The Black Spirit". I have mentioned on that post that me and my brother saw a black apparition of a girl moving on our street. One year before that incident there was a young girl may be in her 20's lived in a home just after...

Encounter With The Black Spirit by HunterJack

This is my second post in YGS, and also one of the scariest experiences I had. I had many experiences about paranormal and spirits and this one is really spooky and give me cold in my veins when remember even now. This is not only my experience, my brother also experienced it. The incident was h...

Supercharged Guest by kixrox

This event is true. I will try to describe what I saw felt and heard on this night the best way I can. Back in May 2009 I was living in a town north of Dallas TX with a longtime friend and his dog in a nice house in a nice well kept neighborhood. At this time we were also babysitting a large Germa...

Girl? What Girl? by mhyzthie_vHee

This one still took place on our previous house in my first story. I mentioned the family who owns the house we are taking care of comes to visit only during summer. So it was that time. Around 6 in the evening the mother of the kids has a Ballroom Dance to attend to that night. The kids were ou...

The Great Samsara by ScottGrant

My story took place in August 1961 when I wore a younger man's clothes. I was home on leave visiting my mother after basic training in Ft. Knox, Ky. During a sweltering, humidity filled summer night in central Michigan. Mom had recently moved into an old Victorian style home and I was trying without...

The Hunchback Woman by Nifferz

I wanted to share my experience with you guys. I am not sure what it means or anything but if you do make it to the end of this story you can decide for yourself and let me know what you think. One night when I was 13, I couldn't sleep so I tried to turn the other way, on my side, to try to get mys...

The Midnight Hitchhiker by Zaruje

This experience of mine happened when I was still living with my parents in Bicol. I was 15 years old at that time and my cousins from Manila had their summer vacation at our house. It was a hot night and we, me and my four cousins,  couldn't really sleep well. We decided to go out and buy some...

Amelia by spookie1

This started happening a week ago (Today is Monday 26th of June 2017) and I still think about it constantly. That girl still lingers in my mind, and I just can't forget her. Before I begin I would just like to give an early warning, this might sound like a short story from a book, and I know ther...

1800's Child Ghost by Mitzij88

This experience happened in 2015 when I was living in a unit on Logan St Beenleigh QLD with my best friend. Many other things happened in this unit to me as well however I will just write about the relevant one. It was daytime and I was home alone standing in the kitchen washing dishes. I felt l...

Moved Into Our First Apartment Together by Marilynanguiano

I don't know how to start, I found this page all because of my recent scare, I Googled a lot to set my mind at ease. When I realized I wasn't the only one experiencing things, I decided to post my story to try to at least figure out why these things are happening and what to do. A little about me is...

Someone Was Knocking At My Door by my_universe_sparkles

It was a summer's eve around six pm, my two kids and I were sitting in the family room watching television. My mom was also home having a nap in her room. I hear about three or four knocks on the door, so I get off the couch to answer. On each side of the door are windows, mind you. I ask who's ther...

Dark Figure In My House by phanhrut

Greetings Friend! I have been reading YGS from quite some time and decided to share my experience with you. I am from Andhra Pradesh and settled in Bangalore, Karnataka. Please do pardon me if it is not exiting for you. Let's get in to the story. I have recently moved in to the current apa...

Doors Opening And Closing by pokemon_trainer

Two weeks ago I was at my Great Auntie's house, and she was telling me about the risky things she used to do. She told me that she used to use a Ouija board regularly in the house before her husband died. She, her husband and my grandma would all participate and they would get some frightening respo...

Dead Man With A Warning! by nalchen

This happened when I was 18, in 2004. All these years, I have had multiple unexplained happenings around my life and I for some reason feel that the spirit world is true. I have seen spirits, some unexplained possessions and some heart warming send off before death. But nevertheless, the fear of com...

The Breathing Spirit by Bastet

Just wanted to share my story with the Breather Spirit. First, I heard this when I was around 16, in the apartment I lived with my parents (in Latvia, Riga). I woke up around 4AM and heard the sound of breathing from the far corner. It sounded tranquil and rhythmical, like somebody is asleep. It rea...

Paranormal Or Hallucination? by bytheriver

For starters, I feel that it's important that I give a small synopsis on me and my past life before recounting this experience. I am 20 years young and a recovering addict - and have now been clean for over 15 months. I started using young and used a wide variety of substances but preferred indulgin...

Scratching Symbols At My Door, Possibly Demonic? by MetallicGirl

This happened to my family about a year ago but I can remember it very clearly. It was the first of several paranormal things that after a time just went away but this one, the first, is the one that I remember the clearest. Anyway, my brother and I were in our room when we heard scratching on o...

The Kid In The Soursop Tree by maa123

This story is actually from my friend's experience. It was late afternoon we have dance practice for our upcoming nightly program in our municipality. Our school is once a cemetery because of the WW 2. And there so many stories about the school such as headless nun. I can't see them but somehow...

Ghost Of A Little Girl by ChuckFL

I grew up in a home in Long Island, NY that my parents purchased from two older women that lived there for many years. I was about 5 years old at the time, and like so many young children, I would get scared and run through the house to my parents bedroom in the middle of the night to sleep with my ...

A Friend Whom Had Lost His Mind by roylynx

I have a friend whom had lost his mind after going to one of the famous haunted beach in Brazil. He was one of the investigators working with my other friend's uncle. He was sent to the hospital injured from the exploded phone; he kept on writing strange letters on scrapped notes during the time he ...

I Think I Met Death by Sare

First of all hi everyone this is weird and I do not know if this has any hidden meanings. I live in a high rise block of flats and I use a lift to go up to my floor (I should really use the stairs) anyway, I was in the lift to go home just then I seen something in the corner of my eye, I turned a...

Kids Stuff by czamantha

I have been reading a lot of post in here and I am really learning a lot of things about paranormal activities, entities and so on... Anyway, as I've said from my first post, that was the scariest experience I ever had but there were still some incidents that, if I may say, not that bad but still...

Strong Shadow Entity-what Is It? by Meela22

*I apologize for my descriptions in advance, they are slightly confusing but I tried! It was very hard to capture what happened and put it into words.* BACKGROUND This event took place in Marion, Indiana. The year was around 2012-2013. I was in high school at the time. Living in the house at the...

The Djinn by aisyah1987

Greetings from Singapore! This is my first time posting and to be honest, I am superbly glad that there is a website for me to share my experiences with! I'll just have a short intro' about myself, and I will proceed with the incident! During my pre-teen all the way to my young adulthood, I...

The White Lady In Tierra Verde by Hommie

It was way back in 2004 when I ran away from home and stayed at my friend's large 2-storey house in Tandang Sora with four bedrooms owned by his older sister who lives overseas. There were 4 of us staying there including my friend's 3 year-old son. That place has become a safe haven for most of my f...

Mysterious Children In The Mountain by Hommie

I was in high school when my dad planned a trip to visit our grandparents in Catanduanes, which is one of the provinces here in the Philippines. When he asked us to come with him, we got pretty excited since it will be our first time. We could have taken a plane, but we don't want to miss the chance...

The White Lady At My Friend's House by Hommie

The story happened in Las Pinas, at the house of my dear friend whom I haven't seen for a long time. She's celebrating her birthday, so a couple of my college friends and I went for a visit. They have to leave early just right after the party since it's going to be a long drive back home. I, on the ...

Hospital Room Encounter by ccd_87

This is my sister experience. Being a nurse for 10 years, she encounter many nightmares and odd situations. However the story I'm going to tell now is really creepy. My sister was on night shift. I don't want to mention the hospital name, it's a specialist hospital in Butterworth. During her nig...

Strange Noises And Movements? Continued (part Two, Update) by Experience-PaS

So a while ago I posted an experience about my encounter with the supernatural and I have updates if any of you are interested. (I would recommend reading my previous "story" to understand everything I will mention later on.) *Link to previous story provided by editor

The Sepulveda Ghost by ABCNinja

It was Thanksgiving, as I rode home from my sister's house in San Fernando Valley. The streets at night in Los Angeles are normally pretty barren, but since it was a holiday weekend, I felt like I was peddling through a ghost town. I was twenty two at the time and sharing a one bedroom apartment in ...

My Therapist's Office by sherm784

I go to a shrink in midtown and every time I'm in her office I see human shapes in my mind floating up and down when she is talking. They are usually around the size of her head but sometimes I perceive them to have other facial features that don't resemble hers. Sometimes I think it is because ...

The Cloaked Woman by Imcr7

This happened about 15 years ago and is something that has puzzled both myself and my two friends who witnessed what we saw to this day. It was on my 10th or 11th birthday and it was late August. I live in a normal suburban development just outside of Buffalo, NY. Before I tell the story, please...

Ghost Of The Golds by yourstrulie

It happened way back 2008. A Japanese with our locals approached my dad asking if they can search his parents' lot where their old house was standing because someone told him that there might be golds underneath the old house. At first my dad was hesitant and didn't believe them but eventually h...

He Speaks by Tweed

This is about the ghostie I think of as a guardian. I've written about him a few times before. He seems to be the only ghost I can communicate with in a reliable way. Meaning I can usually find sense in any communication eventually. Whereas with other ghosties I'm often left with a bunch of possibil...

Lady By The River by EJ3the1

This strange occurrence happened in the summer about 2 years back when a few friends and I decided to go and explore down by the Minnesota river. It was a very rainy afternoon when my friends and I were bored out of our minds sitting at home watching movies and playing video games when I had the ide...

Stoughton, Spiders, And Other Shenanigans by waltrow1274

My sister P had, is having, a rougher life than most people. She is a single mother of two and has been diagnosed with this illness that requires her to be labeled as 100% disabled. She's a workaholic, so this diagnosis was especially upsetting, not only will her body not let her do what she loves, ...

Tall Man In Slacks by kayraa

This happened about this time two years ago. It was the beginning of our good Irish weather and I was relaxing in my smaller sitting room. I had just spent the day cleaning and moving my sitting room from the larger room at the back of the house (extension) to the smaller room which was part of t...

Someone Was There by Rose97

The story which I am going to share happened to me some 7 years ago. I have faced many paranormal activities, it is one among them. I was a fearful kid back then who used to believe that there stays a monster under her bed who is always trying to harm her or take her away from her mother. Though tha...

Terrifying Girl With Doll by OGsan

Let me preface my experience by establishing that before this, I was never a believer in ghosts or the paranormal. Since I am currently Atheist, I used to think that if spiritual elements were man-made, then certainly ghost experiences were also figments of the imagination right? Enter a late dri...

Is This An Attachment And Can I Communicate With Them? by Keyleighfox

I'm sorry, this is a long story, it has been happening from as long as I can remember. I don't know what else to do. Basically, from as young as I can remember I have always been able to see spirits faintly. But as I got about the age of 6/7 I was living in Portsmouth with my mother, father and tw...

Vision By The Fireplace by ForceAwakens81

33 years ago, my parents bought a new built house when I was 3. They had 2 more children, and still live there to this day. My parents and us 3 kids lived there happily, its been a great family home. I don't think its haunted (and am quite a skeptical person). But... This is an account my sister...

Things Happening In Our House by Nicole2797

I'm here to get further information about the stuff that's been happening since last year or so. Last summer, I went to my room. I wasn't really paying attention to anything, but then I saw a weird grey shadow (?) around half a meter away from me and it jumped at me and then just disappeared. Few da...

"thumbing For A Hitch" by Ghoster2K

The week of Mardi Gras, I decided to drive out to New Orleans to surprise some friends of mine. We all had a great time. When on long road trips, I'm usually looking at the road or the scenery going by while talking with my girlfriend Carrie or listening to Music via my iPhone. On the morning of ...

Her Feet Were Swinging by Idontthinktheirevil

I was up late working on my computer. I'm a 39 year old male and I have always thought I saw shadow figures out of my peripheral vision but I always assumed it was my eyes playing tricks on me. Until a couple of months ago. I moved into a new home about 2 year's ago. The shadow figures were quite...

The Haunting On Deer Park by FredisFred

In late 2006 I finished my time in the US Army. I was young and wanted to enjoy my newly found outlook on life outside the Military. This new outlook was indicative of me enjoying some family time. This was family time that I had not had in years. So I moved back to Massachusetts to be closer to the...

The Scare That Backfired (respect The Dead) by Gigakhan

I grew up in York county, Virginia, less than a mile from where part of the revolutionary war was fought. The whole area has different stories about them. The older generation in my family is not religious but very superstitious, so they told us stories about people seeing things at different times ...

Mill Valley Santa by ABCNinja

I have enough material to entertain any campfire audience through out the night, when it comes to ghost stories my trunk is full of them. And when I'm into story four or five, I myself start to believe I'm full of shiat, but believe me, these stories are real. This one is about the time I cam...

Resident Spirit Giving Me A Heads Up by spiritwaiting

I have written some of the resident spirit in my home.It's a friendly one, and has quieted down a bit since my last cleansing. We have an understanding I suppose. But as of lately, I have noticed in quite a few incidents, that this one tends to warn me of things to come. On one occasion, durin...

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