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Ghost stories from Japan: Page 1
Might Be An Ainu Ghost? by blosomes
This is rather a very short not too scary and kind of funny event that I have experienced. I was spring hiking with my friend, his family were said to be related to Ainu and they knew the culture quite well. We went to the Shikotsu Lake it was still kind of breezy but there were already lots o...
Echoes From Victims Of The Sankebetsu Seki Incident? by blosomes
The Sankebetsu Seki Incident was a bear attack that happened during the period of December 9 to December 14, 1915 in Rokusenzawa, Sankebetsu, Tomamae Village, Hokkaido (now Sankei, Tomamae Town) The brown bear attacked this farm village twice before being shot dead by a hunter. It is said to be the ...
Legend Of The Oni by blosomes
First of all to explain what Oni is. In legends or children's stories, Oni is an imaginary human-like monster. It is said to have horns on its head, naked and wearing a loincloth made of tiger skin, and to be monstrous and wild in nature. Oni are often imagined as monstrous creatures, but they c...
Aleshanee Was Talking To The Privious Cat by blosomes
As written in my profile, I had a cat which past off having a cat flu. My current cat is a second one, I couldn't think of another name so I named her the same name as the previous one, Aleshanee. They looked like twins but came to me in different timing, same grey coat, same amazing emerald green e...
Odds And Spiritual by blosomes
Caution, if you do not like tarantulas or have phobias against them, kindly skip this story, otherwise read on, because it is kind of spooky. (Sorry mods, I just need to share this story) I keep tarantulas and I breed "Baboons" which are tarantulas from Africa, no, nothing personal or against an...
Spirits Of The Death March Of Hakkoda Mountains by blosomes
A brief explanation on Hakkoda Mountains March, it was a training to prepare for the possible attack of Russia during 23th January 1902, which cost 199 soldiers death. The Imperial Japanese Army (IJA) had hidden many incidents of them being not prepared for the march, YES, the incidence is caused be...
Legends Of Ochi-musha by blosomes
First to explain, Ochi-musha are ancient Japanese legends or some real stories on ancient Japanese soldiers whom have ran away during a battle. Musha, the word itself is very old, means an armed person. You can imagine a samurai guy wearing a suit of traditional Japanese armor, dirty looking, with a...
Camping By The Riverside by blosomes
I went camping at out of Hokkaido last 2 days. It was hot like hell at Honshu Area (the main island where big cities like Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka are located). My destination was Gifu (famous place is Hida Takayama), indeed there are lots of steeps and mountainous area but I headed to a camping area ne...
What Did I Do? by blosomes
"Você pagará pelo que fez." (You will pay for what you did.) I heard a deep voice in my dream and woke up around 4am. I was begging for forgiveness the moment I woke up, but will then become conscious, and would wonder what really or who really did I talk or was with. I always forget what I have d...
Spirits On The Old Banyan Tree by blosomes
I did not know if what I experienced is what people of the Ryukyu Island considered as Kijimuna, a child like spirt which is red in color. But I am going to share it because what I experienced was similar to stories told by people as an urban legend about Kijimuna. This is actually a continuation o...
A Message To The Other Side by blosomes
My friend and I went to The Ryukyu Islands (now we call the place Okinawa). The place itself has many spiritual stories. We happen to meet a local Yuta (a spiritual person). I am not too familiar with the term but my friend said that local Yuta depending on their practices have very strong power...
Guardians Of Our Trip? by blosomes
I was riding my motorbike with my friend sitting in the sidecar beside me last week. It was still kind of cool for May... Actually breezy for me (12℃ says my watch). Well, we were going to this season's first camp. I was kind of excited to bring my friend along to my favorite campground at Shikot...
Local Hero? Or Is It Actually My Guardian Angel? by blosomes
Remember I use to go to a particular shopping mall back in my hometown in Brazil? I used to experience or should I say witness a ghostly boy in blue shirt saving people or kicking bad guy's a$$? Well, for those who are new or do not remember those stories there is one story posted with this account ...
Waiting For The Deceased by blosomes
I was listening to one of my favorite Japanese Ghost story teller on YouTube this afternoon. It was about a journalist interviewing a spirit. I will not say the details since it is not related to my experience at all. (I may comment the story of the journalist interviewing a spirt if requested.) L...
Foggy, Heavy And The Whispering by blosomes
I own a motorcycle with a side-car, you know, the famous Russian ones. I bought it quite cheap but since it was quite old, restarting the thing took nearly my life long working payment... (I kept a secret that I won a jackpot, nah... Joking) I was lucky that the mechanic guy was volunteering to gi...
A Touch In A Breezy Morning And Modern Technology? by blosomes
I am the guy who still has a life at what once was a forbidden place. Yes, the chanting is still going on but all my animals are safe and I am used to such a situation that I consider it a normal life now. My friend whose ancestors are Ainu came over again. This time he was staying over because he ...
Attention Needed - Strange Chanting by blosomes
I was in my home at Hokkaido, Japan. I might have said in my previous post that the land where my house is might be haunted. I mean maybe it might have been an important place for the Ainu. Odd things had been happening even after the " closet" is gone (see my "first?" post about the creepy closet)....
Native Spirits? by blosomes
Thus is not a scary or spooky story, but I thought maybe I can share this here to let you all think what this could be. It was a rainy afternoon, I was riding from the city part of Sapporo to the countryside part of Tomakomai back to my old antique house. I lost Aleshanee, my cat last month and I ...
Spirits From Old Periods by blosomes
I was driving my side-car motor bike heading back home after a far trip far south. I rested in a camping field, seldom will I camp overnight, but that night I had to camp overnight since the engine of my motor bike was over heated. I got some sweet corn from the owner of the field and had them fo...
Experiences In Okinawa by Skadus
Forgot to give a timeline for the last story. This set of experiences was during my time in Okinawa from 2009 to 2011. I was stationed there on Kadena Air Base and lived in an on base dormitory. There were three major occurrences while I stayed in that room. The first of the three was the least j...
The Old Creepy Closet by blosomes
I am not sure if I have delete my previous account or what, I used to be Roy Enowaki Lynx, and was in Brazil. I had moved to Sapporo, and felt I kind of need a Japanese name by my look and so now I am called Ryujin. Oh, we do have hot summer now a days but for a short period, its pretty cool here. ...
Voice Of My Dad by asires85
My father passed away due to cancer last Christmas. When he was alive, I was actively taking care of him especially when he couldn't move that much anymore. I was always grieving and crying whenever I feel lonely and whenever I miss him, which is normal because losing a parent will really affect you...
Anyone Experienced Leg Grabbing/pulling? by Taratwin999
Was visiting Japan, from Canada, July 2018. Meditating, laying down in a hotel room. I felt a very strong grab and tugging of my lower legs which quickly escalated up my thighs to my hips. I startled out of my meditation and sat up quickly to find nobody there. It felt like a strong person mauling m...
Woke Up To A Ghost Of A Soldier Sleeping Next To Me by Saracaveret
I was living in Okinawa, and already aware of it's rich history, and hauntings. I lived off base in the top level of a two story house near the ocean. There are a few little things that occurred, and I still don't know what to make of them, but what I'm about to tell you is still a mystery to me. I ...
Gigi Is Back? by GoldenDragon1984
Just to share some memories and a great moment about our great canine friend. Last week, my friend's greyhound, Gigi, had passed away. It was 19 years old and had come to Japan with my friend 10 years ago from UK. My friend and Gigi had grown up together and they are very close to each other....
The First Ghost Of The New Hospital by GoldenDragon1984
Last month I visited Japan again for an opening ceremony of a new hospital at Hokkaido. It was Chinese New Year and there were many visitors around, and there is a saying going, the more visitors the more accidents. That night right after the party, 2 patrons were sent to our hospital, car accide...
The Truth Shall Set Us Free by Mhannerism
I had an episode of sleep paralysis last February 8; I discussed it with Mom about it when we were having lunch a day after that. I asked her if she had experienced sleep paralysis because she's not the type of person who tells you everything unless you ask her to. So I asked her, she asked back. Wh...
Who Screamed? by GoldenDragon1984
One hot summer day, me and 4 of my friends were traveling around the countryside of old Tokyo. I rode my motorcycle and my friends drove a van. I stopped at a gas station to fill up my motorcycle. My friends stopped as well and bought some soft drinks to have in their van. We went shrine browsing...
The Sleeping Apparition by Claust
I have reviewed this experience repeatedly in my mind since it happened about fourteen years ago. I haven't told many people, not that it's anything to be embarrassed about, but I feel comfortable sharing it online anomalously. I know what I saw and I know for sure I was not dreaming the experience....
Is Our House Really Haunted? by ramencoat
This is my first time to share my encounter with the unknown on the internet. Although I have shared this to my family and some friends, I wanted to share it with all of you as well. It happened in the late 2004 at my mom's house in the Philippines. During that time I used to stay up super late t...
Girl From The River by no2riousx
It was on summer of 2012 good time for walking or biking in Japan, because at winter you can't just get out of the house especially when the snow is thick at around 5 meter on our place. I'm working on a construction company not so far from my apartment. If you will drive it, its around 5 to 7 minut...
Falling Woman? What Does She Want? by Hack-Generation
I'm currently studying overseas in Japan. Visiting my relatives and all that jazz. They live 3 kilometers from the infamous Suicide Forest. To make sense of this story I'd probably have to go back to 4 days earlier. My grandmother had been insisting on my visit for a long time because I'm in...
The Cry In Okinawa by B-Jrunner2013
Back in July of year 2010, I had a trip to Okinawa, located on south of Japan with Tokyo's diocese's teenage Catholics and few Fathers too (and yes, I'm Catholic, but don't judge me by the religion...). To be remembered: Okinawa is one of the places in Japan which had suffered the consequences of...
The Strange Shadow And The Rumors by B-Jrunner2013
When I was a senior high school student in Japan, where I was born and lived my entire life, I was in the Orchestra Section. The school itself looks recently renovated (Note: the school begun at closely 1956). One day, after a whole day of studies, I went to the Orchestra Section's training room,...
Ghost Kamikaze Plane? by MantisWasp
Last year me and my brother were fishing about 4 kilometers off the coast of Okinawa. It seemed like a good day to go fishing, fairly calm waters and lots of fish. This was the last day of my holiday in Japan (I flew back the next day) and I wanted to make it worth it. After about 3 hours we had cau...
Spirits Of Okinawa by Joyspud
I was brought up and always felt it was best to speak to someone of my experiences. My tradition, Native American, we have many beliefs in the spiritual and unworldly creatures. My family shares the same "gift" as I do, of course not all of us have it. I was told by my grandmother that we have a str...
My Bed Started Shaking 2 by SoniaMary23
I made a previous story that is connected to this one. I'm not really good at telling stories but I'm trying my best. This is beyond my control and I just want it to stop. A few weeks ago my bed finally stopped shaking but after a week thing began to change. I feel like the entity is getting s...
A Being Is Haunting My Twin Sister? 4 by DaisukiHaru
Sorry it's been so long since I last posted. Things became hectic, but I've been able to keep track of what's been going on for the past few months. About three months ago my sister started acting weird again, different than she was the last time. That dog that she said Kadan gave her when the d...
My Bed Started Shaking by SoniaMary23
I Live in Okinawa Japan. I am American just so you know. I'm a 16 year old female and I feel that I have an incubus following me... About a week ago. I had this HORRIBLE nightmare that I NEVER had much worse before, And my nightmare was about how some people was summoning a ghost so to speak? Anyway...
Takashima Castle's Guardian by GTRyan32
I'm glad this didn't just happen to me by myself but was also experienced by my Japanese friend at the time. It was amazing and quite a shock to our systems. I had wanted to visit Takashima Castle on the shores of Lake Suwa in Nagano Prefecture and finally drove there in late Autumn 2006. After ...
The Introduction by VincentBernier
I will be posting a lot of stories about my life as a boy who can see ghosts. First, I will start by telling my name; I am Amkawa Fangshang. Although my nickname is Vincent Bernier because it is the name y mother gave me the day my life started as her life came to an end. I lived for five years in...
A Being Is Haunting My Twin Sister? 3 by DaisukiHaru
Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. We moved and have been busy with a number of things. My sister's been doing better in a way. She doesn't wake up hurt anymore, though she doesn't eat much of anything unless it's apples or oranges. I still see that thing that bothered her from before though, I've ...
Sceptics Tale by Don-in-Japan
Being a former soldier, machinist, and mechanic... I can safely say I am one of the most pragmatic, non-spiritual guys around. If it can't be heated, welded, machined, or put into a 3D CAD file, it isn't worth thinking about. With that in mind, I had just gone through an amicable divorce, and was v...
A Being Is Haunting My Twin Sister? 2 by DaisukiHaru
Over the last few weeks I've tried smudging the house and a few other things as well. Nothing seems to work with making the thing that's bothering my sister go away, it's only made it worse. After my sister broke her arm we tried to have the maid that saw tell us with our parents. My sister still th...
A Being Is Haunting My Twin Sister? by DaisukiHaru
I'm not quite sure how to start this but here's what I have to say. My twin sister and I live in this really old house that our uncle gave to our mother and father when he passed away. We don't know how old the house is, but here's the basic layout. Mine and my sister's room is on the second floor, ...
Saipan Airport WW2 Bomb Shelter Soldiers by AzulWater
In May of 2008, I went to the island of Saipan. Saipan is near Guam and Japan. Before World War II, Saipan belonged to the Japanese. The Japanese had an airport there that had military buildings and bomb shelters. In WW II, the US military fought for the island of Saipan and took it away from the Ja...
Countless Nightmares And Touches by GothicWinter
It started right after I turned fourteen on December 9th, 2009. I'd wake up feeling something cold and human-like rubbing my thigh. It scared me a bit but I've been able to see, feel, and hear spirits since I was a young child so I brushed it off as nothing. The next morning when I woke up, it was ...
Whistle Sound by themurph
I'm in Okinawa and this all started a couple weeks ago. First I kind of ignored it but it kept going on. First I thought I saw something from my corner of my eye. Next while sleeping (lights off) I saw the light light up a little. After that in the middle of the night I didn't feel part of the blank...
Demon Encounter In Tokyo, Japan by Zander
The year was 1978 and I was 15 years old. My best friend had returned to Japan after spending a year attending our junior high school in the states while her father was a visiting professor at the local university. I missed her terribly after she had gone and was able to persuade my grandfather to s...
Geisha's Song 2 by SummerEclipse22
After what I've had seen I was determined to find out what happened to her. Going back inside my room wasn't easy, but I had to because if anyone suspected anything wrong with me they would want to leave the house. The next day while in my room I dropped a coin and it rolled under a large chest ...
Geisha's Song by SummerEclipse22
I went on vacation in Japan to visit my grandmother, who lives in an old fashioned Japanese house. It was quite beautiful; it had a koi pond in the back with gorgeous vegetation surrounding it, fusuma (sliding doors), a spacious porch, etc. It was a pretty old house built somewhere in the 1930s, my ...
My Story In Japan by Jigoku_Shonen
My first experience was when I went to Japan for a family visit over the summer. It's been a long time since I visited them. I was only 15 and that's when it happened. Before I went to Japan, some of my friends would tell me ghost stories about Japan. I thought they were just teasing me, so I ignore...
Scary Encounters by princessgss
Since young, I can see those spiritual things. But this is the first time that it freaks me out that much. It's around 2 years ago when I am in Osaka. I share a bedroom with my cousin. We were given a room at the corner of the corridor as it is the last room left in the whole hotel. Normally, when...
The Mirror Above My Bunk by troyarn
In 1990 I was a corporal in the Marine Corps counting down the last six months of my tour of duty at Camp Butler, on the island of Okinawa. Being an NCO, I managed to get my own room. Although made for two people, the room was small. When you entered, there was a wall locker then a bunk on either si...
When She Calls by Midnight_Dreams_Like_a_Flower
One night, as I was slowly closing my eyes, I felt something bite me. Unfortunately, no one was there. It felt like a baby cat bite, but I don't have any cats at my house. When I woke up, I didn't bother to see if I had a bite mark on me until it was summer when I was talking to my friends. I tol...
Supper Time Ghost by Umi_Tamashii
To make things a little more clear, I want to give a little background detail of the house that I lived in. The house was an older traditional-style Japanese house. The kitchen/living room area was on the opposite side of the house from where the bedrooms (including mine) were. I also was the only o...
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Latest hauntings:
- Henrique, We Miss You
- The Third Player
- The Ghosts Of The Winding Staircase
- Spiritual Disturbances In Apartment
- Tha Phra Chan, The Amulet Market
- Return Of The Dead
- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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