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Ghost stories from Malaysia: Page 1
Knocking At The Dorm Door by MrWafirius
It's been a while since my first story on this website and I wanted to check it out after I and my friends were talking about ghosts. There's a lot to talk about but I will probably only talk about this one moment at my University, Unimas, that has been sticking with me for a while. This happened a ...
To Be Heard Pt. 2 (update On My Experiences) by AmbitiousSlave
Its been a while since I have visited this site... And I managed to get back into my old account, wow where do I even begin. I want to clarify I hadn't realized just how many visions/paranormal experiences I blocked out from when I was younger until I read my old post... Now to be clear the exper...
The Board Game Incident At Primary School by MrWafirius
It was nearly 5 or 6 years since this incident had occurred in SK Pajar Sejingkat. I was in my senior years when this had happened. During this period, there was a spike of haunted game becoming famous among the kids of my school. Games like the Charlie Charlie Pencil, Bloody Mary, the Ouija board a...
Faceless With Stripe Dress by ssexyca
This will be a quick and bizarre one. For better imagination of the situation, think of a rectangle, the living room is located at the West end while the extended outside kitchen is located on the East end of the house. One night last year, my family and I decided to karaoke after dinner. I reme...
My Sister's First Encounter by ssexyca
It's been awhile! Today's story is from my sister's own experience. So here it goes. Before I start the story, this happened in her bedroom, her bed is located in the center of the room (she sleeps on the left side of the bed, near the front door); on the right there is a window, and the left is ...
The Fourth Floor Girls Hostel by ssexyca
This story will be a short one, it happened to me and friends when we were living in the school dorm. Just to give you an idea of how our dorm room looks like; imagine a square, each corner has a semi-bunk bed (similar to a bunk bed, but instead of two beds, below are a desk and a dresser), and the ...
Camping Experience Gone Wrong by Anis_Far_Min
When I was 11 years old, my school held a 2 days and 1 night camping experience in the school. It's a Chinese school in Masai, Johor, Malaysia. I'd rather not reveal the name of the school. The camping experience was held only for the 11 year old students or as according to the Malaysian education s...
Face On A Wall by melvindarsingh
Location: Bintulu, Sarawak Year: 200X This is a story from my sister's first hand experience. It is by far one of the scariest story I heard to date. So, I guess I have the duty to share this story in her place. It was a normal and typical night where the weather was hot, the air was humid an...
An Angel Saved Me by Gemini92
*Sorry if my English is bad, English is not my first language* This happened years ago when I was 5-6 years old (I'm 27 now), I'm female and I have a brother who is two years older than me. We live with our grandparents since our parents divorced. My grandparents have three big and tall Durian...
Bathing Princess by BART43
Greetings fellow readers. It has been a long time since I wrote anything. I'm sorry but a lot happened. Me and my wife got new jobs. We adopted 4 kids. And I have just kind of forgotten to write. There are still a lot to tell. But for this time being I would just liked to tell a story that happe...
Ghost Short Film by Superhero
This story happened in 2014, a story regarding my personal experience when I shot a horror short film during my college days. I and my group of friends were active in film making (we're still active now). We decided to make a horror short film. I'm the director of the film and it was my first film. ...
Angels Of Death And Grandma's Goodbye by Jelly91
Location: hospital (somewhere in sabah) My grandfather from mom side heavily sick from old age, so my mom and her sisters took care of him during his hospital stays. The day before my grandfather passed, my mom slept while sitting beside her dad. Then she said she woke up around dawn. She opened...
Sleep Paralysis Events by Jelly91
Location: federal territory of Labuan, Malaysia (dad house) and ex office place in Kuala lumpur. I would be consider this story to be sleep paralysis category. I encountered a lot sleep paralysis throughout my life, mostly during my teenage years. But there is 2 time that I got a very intense sl...
Haunted High School by Jelly91
Location: federal territory of Labuan, Malaysia. My all "girls high school". (I can't tell the name of the school, hehe) My high school big exams day were coming up (spm),so our school held a 5 days sleep over night class for studies. We're all form 5 students, (all girls) staying at school for...
A Bite Of Chocolate by Jelly91
Location: federal territory of Labuan, Malaysia. Story by my mom to me... Once my mom got heated arguments with my dad. They quarrel a lot during my childhood towards my teenage time. Then my mom ran away from home to stay in one resort in Labuan island. It is far away from the city and locate...
Pitch Black by Ranarian_R
My family had received news of my maternal grandfather's death after his battle with pancreatic cancer; which meant we had to embark on a 4-hour long journey to the capital Kuala Lumpur (KL) for his funeral. And since we were his next of kin, we had to leave earlier to be present at the evening wake...
It's Starring At Me by BART43
Greetings to all readers. Its been a while since my last story. I have been so busy on work. So, this time I would like to tell a story to what happened to me many years ago. I was 21. It was the weekend. I came back to my mom's from college to spend the weekend there. I can still remember like ...
One Crazy Night by BART43
Greetings. The story I'm about to tell happens 20 years ago. I was in college. It was my second year there. I still reside in dorm houses while my other friends have left and rent their own house near the faculties. They put me in with peoples from other course. So I became close with them in a shor...
They Took Me Out To Play by BART43
The story I'm about to tell is something that had happened to me personally when I was a baby. Mom told me all about what had happened. It was 1985, and I was just a few months old. Mom had taken us, that's me, my big sister and my two older brothers back to her hometown. The one from my previous st...
"mom's Fright Night." by BART43
This story I'm about to tell actually happened to my mom and my two older brothers. I don't know much about the details as I wasn't born yet at the time. It happened in the 70's. My oldest brother was 3 or 4 maybe and the second oldest was still a baby. Dad was not around much as he was in the army ...
The Boy In The Red Vest by Jubeele
My mother has a theory that the "sight", for want of a better word, most likely stems from the "exotic" Thai side of Grandma's family. However, that ability may also have come from Grandpa's side of the equation. I never had the privilege of knowing my paternal grandfather. When I was six, I aske...
To Be Heard by AmbitiousSlave
Since my first personal accounts were rejected, I attempted but couldn't find any other places network wise where I could be believed... Since I was a child and moved into my current house I have lived in for about 10/11 years (basically my childhood), I have recently (as in the last 4 or so years...
Hospital Room Encounter by ccd_87
This is my sister experience. Being a nurse for 10 years, she encounter many nightmares and odd situations. However the story I'm going to tell now is really creepy. My sister was on night shift. I don't want to mention the hospital name, it's a specialist hospital in Butterworth. During her nig...
Someone's At My Window by NanaSpills
Everyone knows that boarding schools, colleges, or universities are mostly built at the most secluded part of the town to avoid students from easily leaving the premises. My ghostly encounters happened most when I was studying for my diploma in an institution located right smack in the middle of the...
Black & White Entities by OceaniaB
First of all I would like to apologize for my writings. I'm from Malaysia and my English isn't good. I hope it is understandable. Well the story goes like this. This happened to me after I gave birth to my son. It happened when I was still in the hospital and during labor I had complications and...
Last Trick by jane_lee
After reading one of the stories submitted in YGS, it reminds me of an experienced I had eight years ago. Although nobody was locked in, but while I was reading the story my mind drift back to this particular event. Back then I was working with an insurance adjuster company as a clerk. There is ...
Who Went In The Bathroom? by jane_lee
It happens on September 1997, I was 15. My eldest cousin is getting married at the end of that week and the wedding reception will be held at my aunt's house which is located downhill from my house. It was a very busy week for us. Every preparation was done by all our family members (siblings, cousi...
Revenge Of The Banyan Tree by jane_lee
This happen when I was 16 and I still feel scared when remembering this event. My parents are a very active CCR (Catholic Charismatic Renewal) member. During this time my father was the CCR group leader and my mother is one of the core group members. They are very active and sometimes with the permi...
The Runaway Motorcycle by jane_lee
My name is Jane. I was born and grew up at Sabah Borneo. I have been reading the stories here and decided to write my own experience. I'm not a very good writer so here goes. It happened in 1998 when I was 16. I was on the phone with my then best friend Mel. But first let me describe my house. I ...
Always Be Careful Of What You're Saying by lollipop_repellent
I'm a 15-year old Indian girl living in Malaysia. This is the story of my very first experience with something supernatural. I believe that things we can't see, or in other words ghosts and spirits, do exist. I'm the kind of person who love watching horror movies and reading horror books, but later ...
Ghost Sighting At An Abandoned Building by abhinair
This experience happened to me when I was 16 years old, in the year 2004. I had a friend named John (30 years old at that time) who has a pick up truck and he uses it load metal/steels which is left in abandoned construction sites. He would then sell the metals/steels collected to scrap metal compan...
It's Clinging To Her by selkay
I hope I don't sound like I watched too much Thai horror movies. This seriously creep me out, that I need to let it out. I'm now undergoing my training (I'm a trainee counselor) in a particular government that deal with a lot of unfortunate individuals going through hard time in their life. This hap...
You Know You're Dead by AngeLeeS
This happened 5 days ago while I was in my colleague's house in Malaysia. I was in Malaysia for my project and I decided to stay in Zati's house on the night before the submission of the project report. Her husband had gone to the other city for work and her sister was baby-sitting Zati's 11-month o...
Scary Experiences by jaylee_amanda
So this story is based on my own experiences in Malaysia. I am 14 years old now and this happened when I was 12 years old. I still remember that night my father asked me to sleep early but I didn't sleep early because I was too busy playing games and watching video on my phone. Few hours later I ...
Another Girl Who Liked My Boyfriend by kathleen16
Before I begin, a bit of information about me and my boyfriend. I used to live with my family until last year (2014) December, that was when I started living with my boyfriend. These series of events happened to my boyfriend, and he told me about it. I've decided to share with everyone that are open...
The Woman Who Sang, The Man, And The Boy Who Played by Haiqyy
Back when I was 15, I lived in Malaysia. The place where my family and I lived in was next to a graveyard, spooky isn't it? Well, there has been talks about banana trees on where spirits such as the banshee (pontianak) and toyol (a small devil who steals) lives. We had a banana tree on our backyard....
That's Out Of Line by selkay
I have fair share of brushes with the spirit world or whatever terms suited. This is the only time I was physically touched by our invisible friends. My fiancé was hopping from job to job after graduation and it really took a toll on our relationship as I had no problem with my career at all (g...
Get Up And Leave Now by selkay
The following experience sounds a bit unreal but it is 100% real. Last September I went back to my rented room near my campus a week early to prepare for the new semester. As graduate student we are expected to be fully prepared and well versed in our field of study. This particular night was hu...
My Bedside Watcher by selkay
I was abandoned by my biological mother when I was less than a month old in her rented room. She told her housemate that she will be back in an hour but the old lady never seen her again. When I was 3 months old, my current family adopted me. My mom told me when I was around 1 and a half years old I...
Our House Behind The Cemetery by chel_87
I never thought I would write in this website. I've been a silent reader for many months. Although it may sound stupid, I'll let you know my experience. I'm a very scared person when it comes to paranormal stuff since young. I'll be the most interested person to join in for a horror movie or a spook...
Jolted Awake Twice by onlykid
I had several paranormal experiences when I was a kid but I am not confident that those are real. This is the first surreal experience I ever had. I was 18 and was selected as one of the participants to join the national service for 3 months. I was sent to UUM, SINTOK. The first month we were re...
My Ghostly Neighbour by Valkyrie114
Back in my hometown Terengganu, Malaysia is pretty breathless. The state that I come from is half country and city sort of feel. There are haunted buildings all over the place, depending on the age of the area and its history too. It's a laid back state, hence a great place for a holiday. But the Ma...
The Boy Who Ran by Valkyrie114
What is the hungry ghost month? Qing Ming Day falls on the 3rd day of the 3th month in Chinese Lunar calendar or to be exact on the 104th day after the winter solstice. This festival usually occurs during the first week of the month of April of the Gregorian Calender. It's a Chinese tradition to cel...
She Slit Her Wrist by Valkyrie114
It's one of my few unforgettable experiences I still live to tell. It was still scary given my friend got the worst of it, and better when one of the few with me during those few nights can really freak out to real spooks. As for me, I cannot sit quietly about it just to make sure whatever that I fe...
Sounds And Voices by Suria
This story happened almost 11 years ago when my parents just moved in from Genting Highlands to Kuala Lumpur. (BTW my dad was a police officer). I was 18 years old that time. We rented a single storey house in Gombak, it was a temporary house before we shift to another bigger house just few meters a...
The Room For Our Graduation Trip by selkay
In 2004, I went to Genting Highlands, a popular casino and theme park destination in Malaysia, with my boyfriend and a group of friends after the last exam of our high school life. Being teenagers on a budget, we decided to get the most affordable hotel where we can afford to put two person in a roo...
The Rain Lady by selkay
I will not claim to be a sensitive or even someone who is in touch with the paranormal world. But since young I have this random ability to sense and sometimes see 'friends' or entities from the other world. What I meant by random was, I can sense/see some days and totally oblivious towards it for a...
Mother And Daughter's Love by JeunaBella
This story took place awhile ago when I was nursing a young girl who was diagnosed with brain tumor. In my high school years, I used to earn extra pocket money by babysitting or walking the dogs/caring for pets in my neighbourhood area. One weekend I was required to nurse a young girl who was te...
The Vending Machine by JeunaBella
This is my second story but it wasn't my second encounter with paranormal stuff. Also I wasn't really sure if it was paranormal or not. Just thought of sharing and here it goes. I was sixteen at that time and was still living in a rental two storey bungalow. Near my house was a local mini market ...
A Missing Person by JeunaBella
I am a regular reader of this site as I am interested in paranormal experiences and stuff like that. I prefer this site better because I can read paranormal experiences all over the world. I never thought of registering to this site before as I am kind of lazy doing the commenting stuff like that. B...
An Untold Tale by Haema
Lending a helping hand in solving problems especially for a friend is always recognised as a good deed. But what if luck is not on your side and that problem becomes your problem. This is tale from my past which was horrifying and beyond anyone's wildest imagination, buried in me for so, so many ye...
A Day In Mersing by Haema
A thrilling story... For the those who belief in the existence of the other being. My whole family were very excited about the trip to Kluang, Johor. The journey took us longer than expected as we had children with us and we needed to stop along the way as the kids needed to use the toilet often ...
A True Happening by Haema
An amazing life experience which is unforgettable. A hair raising tale of the past. My dad and mum were looking frantically for a home in Ipoh as our house in Penang was about to be sold in a few days time. I was studying in Kuala Lumpur at that time and I joined the search with them as my sister...
The Guy In The Window by KizumiHotawa
Every time when I walk into my house, I feel a presence running pass by me. My family members are all in the house. When I looked at that particular place, there was nothing there. Every time this happens when I am about to go into the house, even my little sister sees it. What's even stranger is...
The Floating Girl by thilakking
This incident happened a year ago, when I was still a student at a local university in a small town called Kampar. Kampar have tons of paranormal activities going on because it used to be a tin mining town during late 19th century, where many have lost their lives while working. But now, Kampar is a...
Why Do You Need To Stare At Me? by Curious_Guy
This happened around just after my high school. I am from Malaysia, at that time we were introduce National Service (mandatory government military service programmes) for our country. I was in the first batch to serve for my country well, lucky me! Things were not properly organize yet but all in al...
Night At The Motel by Amy-Boo
It wasn't the best of my days, but I remember it well. The incident happened a few months ago in June. The night was really late, me, my best friend Eloise and her boyfriend Hunter were on our way home from a wedding party in Malacca. The streets were empty and Hunter was getting tired and a li...
Ghost Encounter At Ruins Of Old Mansion by Jasonypw
This story happened to me on January 6, 2011. I heard through a mutual friend of a reporter in Penang (neither wishes his name to be revealed) that this reporter had discovered evidence of a crime that had happened in the Cameron Highlands on February 1, 2003. He never told me what this evidence was...
We Just Want To Play by solitude
This story dated back when I was very little. I was 9 years old and my little sister was still a baby. My family, as well as other relatives went for a holiday at my late grandpa's house in the countryside. It's a typical wooden house in a typical village with fruit trees filling up the yard. There ...
Whispers Leading Towards The Dark by Desir3
This was my first encounter. It happened when I was 9, and I can remember it clearly. Okay so every summer I would go to malaysia and visit my mom's side of the family. At that time, we didn't own a house (now we do though) so we used to stay in my granny's house. It was at night around 10pm whe...
The Devilish Print by Jojambo
I'm a Malay guy so English is my second language, so sorry for my English. This incident occurred around 12 years back. At that time I just started working in an insurance company here in Kuala Lumpur. I live in a 2 stories terrace house with my parents. My siblings all are married and have chil...
Mirror Writing by CF
The entity had not disturbed me for a very long time, so I was surprised when I found a message written in red marker on my mirror. "Want to get rid of me? It'll never be done." So I wrote back, "Whoever you are, you should know there are a few ways to get rid of a spirit. There is always a way ...
Ride Of The Valkyries by CF
Over the past few days, I gained some useful information. Since the entity was picked up at the castle Neuchwanstein, the possibility arose that the entity could be a valkryie. 'Mad' King Ludwig, as people call him, based a lot of Neuchwanstein's rooms on his favourite musician, Wagner. One of h...
Entity Becoming Unpredictable 3 by CF
When the sun went down, that was when the entity started to do some weird things such as pulling books out of the bookshelves and opening and closing them, but all relatively minor occurrences to what happened what everyone was asleep but me. Once I saw a deep blue light shining in the middle of the...
Entity Becoming Unpredictable 2 by CF
Finally, the hauntings stopped, and I thought it was over, that it wouldn't disturb me any more. But, after two short weeks, it came back. I should have known better that this entity always returns after a short period of time. Once, I was in the room that the entity was inhabiting, (read my story t...
Entity Becoming Unpredictable by CF
If any of you have read my stories, you all know that I have 'a haunted life'. However, this entity is getting worse. Once, I was looking for my workbook that I usually did work in. However, I could not find it. The next day, it was on my bedside table, even though I already checked it! A chill ...
The Witch On The Window by WhoAreThey
"Do you believe in ghosts?" There are moments in my life where I have been asked this question. And every time I would answer "I'm not sure". I cannot easily reject it, because I know you cannot deny something that can't be seen by the naked eye alone, but accepting the possibility of an unknown and...
Something Is In My House by ShanMindfreak
I moved to my current house back in 2003. The house I'm staying in is a double story house. The first day I stepped foot into the house, I knew something was wrong. However, when I told my father about this, he said it was nothing and asked me to go unpack in my room. Well for your information, I di...
Possession Or Poltergeist? 3 by CF
The entity had stopped scratching me (read possession or poltergeist 2) at least in the mornings, but now it began to whisper in my ear. It never left me alone! It has started to move things across the table (books, pencils, etc.). Once I tried to hold on to the pencil, but it was snatched out of my...
It Choked Me This Time by -_Syeetaque_-
Sorry for being missing for too long and a special apology to my friend Pendragon because I didn't post my sister's experiences (the ones at her school) as I promised to. Don't worry I'll make sure I keep my promise. A lot of time passed since, and within that period a lot has happened to me as well...
Possession Or Poltergeist? 2 by CF
A few days after the 'incident' with the entity, (read Possession or Poltergeist) I decided to cleanse the house a few times. The entity went away for a day, and then came back. Soon I began hearing voices whispering in the house. I decided to cleanse the house again, as I thought the entity was wea...
Possession Or Poltergeist? by CF
This happened when the hauntings had become very frequent, however none of them of much significance. I had tried making the ghost that had followed me from the holiday go away, (read Holiday from Hell), but the ghost still wouldn't leave in spite of cleansings and threatenings. Especially when I wa...
The Room by CF
I have no idea whether this entity is trying to help or not. One day, I was looking for spoons in the kitchen area, and a drawer opened with a hiss, and on looking inside, it was jam packed with spoons! I began to think that it was the ghost from the terrible holiday that I had, (read Holiday fro...
Working In Sarawak by legend87
My father work as Welding Master and he used to travel a lot for some company projects with his fellow workers. I still remember that time I was just finish my SPM and I followed my dad to Sarawak for a project. There are 5 of us including me and my dad. We rent a pretty small double story nearby ou...
The Thing In The Reflection by WhoAreThey
Ghosts, most people use the term to refer to the lost souls of the dead, wandering eternally in the land of the living. Some believe in their existence, others don't. Personally I have never encountered one, and truth be told, I prefer it that way. However, if asked have I ever experienced a 'supern...
Yet Again He Is There by Emo_sharky
Please read my last stories before reading this one, ok to put it straight. It started off as an imaginary boyfriend. Now I found out that he is a ghost... I am confused. I don't share my feelings that often I keep all to myself, in a way he is helping me I think... Some time ago I was sleeping. ...
What Is He Trying To Say? by Emo_sharky
My story begins when I was 11, I was watching a show talking about spirits in the house and stuff like that that night, I went to sleep that night, I woke up in the middle of the night and I couldn't move at all. My eyes were open and I couldn't feel my self breathing, there was something forcing my...
Ghostly Love? by Emo_sharky
I don't know how to start everything so this is what I can say. Everything started when I told my guy-friend that I have an imaginary boyfriend which I really love. (I am still kind of young you see) So he told me that he is not imaginary friend but a ghost. My ghost name is Ash, My friend said that...
The Hoe Man & Other Bits Of The Happenings In Our Home by -_Syeetaque_-
Almost every night, my sister could hear the "chunk... Chunk" noise of someone hitting the ground using a hoe. The question is who would go gardening in the middle of the night, around 12 midnight or so? The noise went on almost every night, skipping a night or two once in a while, until one night, ...
Need Answers, Was I Violated By Incubi? by SillyLilGee
My very first "demon attack" occurred when I was a 22 year old college student. Until today, I have no idea what really happened on that day, and I would really appreciate feedback. To start with, I am not someone who is religious or spiritual. I do not practice religion much, and therefore, it onl...
White Mass Behind The Building by -_Syeetaque_-
Firstly, I would like to apologize as I have been M.I.A. Well, I am back with another new experience which just happened a few hours ago (I am writing this on March 23rd 2010, 1.00 a.m. Malaysian time). This happened at around 11. 00 p.m. March 22nd, Malaysian time. So here goes. Right now I am s...
She Whispered Into My Ear by -_Syeetaque_-
We've been living in our current house for almost six years now. The house is new. We are the very first owners. However, my family and I have been experiencing some scary occurrences. But luckily, the happenings are not frequent. Let me start with my own experiences. Once, I was sleeping soundly...
The Haunted House I've Been Living In by -_Syeetaque_-
Firstly, I would like to apologise if I've made any grammatical or spelling mistakes since English is not my first language. This is my mum's story. It happened back when we lived in our previous home. I was lucky not to meet or experience anything though. I could still remember when my dad told me ...
The Mirror by Kiing
Having done with my secondary school, I went to KL to study with C in a college in Setapak. The first thing we did when we reached KL was to look for accommodation. Being students, we tried to find cheaper accommodation and few days looking for it, we managed to find 1 that costs us RM500 per mont...
Is My School Music Room Haunted Too? 3 by anne_k92
I am truly truly sorry for not posting my stories for months, believe me, I really am. It's a bit inconvenient to touch the keyboard in my current condition but Eric helped me out so I'll tell you what happened after I retake the piano lesson in the haunted music room. (I have no choice, I'm in my l...
Neigbour's Hell by unrealweapon
I am from Melaka, Malaysia. This story happened when I was too young to understand most things, but I do know how to be very afraid. Long time ago, when I was still in my primary school, I lived with my grandparents. My family practices Taoism. In our main hall we have a cabinet in which we have ...
My Father The Lizard by sandieshun
My knight-in-shining-armour and confidante was taken away from me so quickly that I was left feeling dizzy, empty and heart-broken. Why did God have to take my father from me? Yes, he had to manage with one good leg and a stump but he was so vibrant, so hilarious and entertaining, so much alive! Why...
A Haunted School by sandieshun
Everytime I think of this experience that I went through thirty-five years ago, the hairs on my hands start to stand! I wish it never happened because the thought of that eerie experience haunts me to this day. I have always been a person who does not want to believe in ghosts. I believe that if one...
Is My School Music Room Haunted Too? 2 by anne_k92
As you guys requested, I posted more details on my previous story-is my school music room haunted too. I once mentioned, I live near the school, or perhaps I live in a teacher's flat. My school is not an all-music school; it just offered music (piano only) as an extra lesson. We do change periods th...
Whispers In My Old House by anne_k92
Here's my second story. Hope that you'll like it. This happened when I was 15 years old or younger. I remember it was evening, which day I cannot remember. It was around 2-3pm. Me and my older sister spent the whole evening sleeping in the room. I was so tired this particular day. As tired as ...
Is My School Music Room Haunted Too? by anne_k92
This is my first story. Please forgive me if some mistakes occur. This is real but it's up to you guys to believe it or not. It all happened three months ago, when I was in Form 4 (Malaysia Secondary School standard, or as you could say, I was 16 years old back then). I still remember that day as...
The Malyan Speaking Ghost? by kwghost
I'm 14 this year but I've encountered a ghost twice in my previous home in Malaysia. (we have since migrated to Australia). The first time I encountered a ghost was when I was seven. I had just come back from school and was walking up to my room. I opened the door and as I stepped in, the door s...
My Ghostly Midwife by AnahksunaMoon
I was inspired to write this after reading a post from another user. Their story reminded me of an experience I had not too long ago. About a year and some months ago, when I was just six months pregnant with my son, Jazz, my husband and I left the local Thai hut. I was full to the brim with Tom ...
Ferotni by Ambu
When I was 4 and stayed over at my uncle's house in Bangladesh, he used to tell us stories about his house being haunted. His stories were funny and didn't scare us. One day I was near the village well. I sat down on the floor leaning my bach against the well when I felt something pinch me. I turned...
Breeze Through the Window by Nicolen
Years and years back, my family and I went up to Genting highland for few days vacation - our Indonesian maid had told us many times that she has the tendency to encounter spiritual experience, and she had many times growing up! Genting highland is the one and only casino in Malaysia - a lot of p...
Shadowy Legs by Mathy
This happened last saturday. I've never been freaked out like this in my life before. It was about 2.30pm, my sister came home to have lunch with me. We were sitting in the living room. My sister was seated facing to kitchen walkways and I was sitting facing the wall. For a few second we chatted, su...
True Encounters at Work by Mathy
I'm one of the true believer in paranormals. 2 months back, after reading a ghost story from this web site, I went down to the ladies room. My office's (connected with factory) ladies is located just outside of the office building. We have to walk down and there is main door and small door inside. W...
A Girl Standing Behind the Old Office by mathy
At first I would like you to forgive me for my english, I'm actually from Malaysia. A few years back, around 1989 (I was 12 years old, now 30) I was living in my dad's house (office, later was converted to a house). The house was owned by his boss. This incident happened on saturday evening about 2:...
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