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Ghost stories from United States: Page 11

Most Haunted Wisconsin? by gabriellesnotes

Alright, so I am not sure where to start so I will start with a little background on my story. This was in 2012, in Rothschild Wisconsin, I had found out that the original "idea" for the movie poltergeist was based on a house a block over from mine. It explained a lot of phenomenon that happened...

Active Childhood House, Still Going Strong by CuriousDee

I grew up in an active house (I'm not a fan of the term haunted, probably because of the negative feedback after sharing with others). Many times the experiences happened to my mother and father. I've heard plenty from my parents, but also conversations where they didn't know I was eavesdropping. I ...

Don't Stay In The House Alone At Night by El

I have seen and heard things in this house before but I've never been bothered by it because in my village I'm known as " brave" so I'm embarrassed to admit I am terrified of what's happening. I know everyone that has lived in this house has stories about what they've seen. My uncle said he would ...

Hand Grabbing My Ankle In Shower by kk3boo

So my family moved here to Utah about four years ago and ever since there have always been these presences. Some of them were kind and helpful. A couple of them I was able to talk to as well and they never did anything other than protecting the younger children in my household. However the other n...

In My Daughter's Room At Night by nolasara

I have written about my youngest daughter before. She is now four and is a pretty normal, healthy, happy child. Two nights in a row she had gotten up and gone into her big sister's room some time in the night. This, in itself, is something that is not too strange or uncommon for a child to do in m...

Kaci Is Still Here by lisadeanna1966

It started with my friend's daughter. She got very sick on Christmas morning of 1998. One of her lungs had collapsed. They rushed her to a hospital in Lexington Ky. They found out she had a large tumor behind her heart. They diagnosed sarcoma bone cancer. This little girl was a twin, she was only 8 ...

One Final Visit by RCRuskin

2018 has not been that great a year for us in Upstate New York so far. The big blizzards at the start of the year, and barely halfway through February and mom broke her arm and needs a joint replacement surgery. She's Orthodox Christian, and as dad says 'there is no ox so stubborn as an Orthodox.' I...

Phantom Vehicle by junemoonchild69

In August of 2006, I saw a "phantom vehicle" on Big Tujunga Canyon Road (Angeles Crest National Forest) in Sunland, California. It was late evening around 10:00 pm. My friend (who lives there) and I stopped by his home so he could pick up some of his belongings. We parked my Jeep in a small space on...

Satanists In Savannah by Zander

The year was 1986. I was dating a young man from a little town outside of Savannah, Georgia. Ours had been an immediate attraction but no one comes without a past. In his case his last relationship still haunted him, I could tell. It was never completely clear why they were not still together becaus...

The Queen Mary Kids? by SucculentMania

I am curious skeptic, it has always been a source of entertainment to watch paranormal shows like "Ghost Hunters" and the Saginaw, Michigan films made by "Prozak" (although I find Prozak's films to be a bit more difficult to debunk in certain cases). A California native, I have heard many times that...

Adam's Shadow by nofxroxx

Here's a little back story: I had a very good friend by the name of Adam for many, many years. We had probably been friends since elementary school up until he passed away in 2007. I am 29 now (2018)... First of all, Adam always said that he would die in a car accident at 19 years old. Well, g...

I Saw A Shadow, And Nobody Was There by kittyclassified

This happened around Halloween, in 2017. I was with a group of friends, and we were chilling in the backyard of one of the friends. Things were going good for a while, just normal middle school discussions and occasional doll in the window. (the friend had a little brother who was inside the house a...

The Crying Tree by nfw1993

This is a story my great Grandmother often told. When Grandma was young her family moved to a little town in Lincoln County, Missouri. The house they moved in to, unbeknownst to them was rumored to be haunted by the cries of an infant. They moved in and the first night as they lay down to go...

The Mimicking Spirit by Lilwolf

There has been some pretty creepy things going on in our apartment the last two weeks that is unlike anything I have dealt with. It started last week Jocelyn had been asleep for awhile and Cuyler was getting a shower while I was putting away dishes. I was just about done when I heard what I thoug...

The Dark Place by Shadowwulf113

When I was very young, my grandmother told me a story of when she was young. She said that she had played with a ouija board and that strange things began to happen to her. I have often wondered if in some manner she had submitted me to a lifetime worth of encounters. This is the time that I had bee...

A Visitor During A Hospital Stay by Mandee

It's Mandee again, and I have something to share that happened just last night. Those of you who have read my experiences with my daughter's Uncle Dusty know the circumstances and I'm pleased to report another visit while we are having a difficult time right now. My 16yr old daughter is in the hos...

Door Closing And Noises by Friedrich94

First, let me introduce myself. I was born in Phoenix, AZ, in 1994. I lost both my parents and my brother before I was 18 years old, after which I moved to Atlanta, Georgia, and I've been living alone ever since. I have a Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Tech...

Freedom by LuciaJacinta

I was a young mother in 2004. I loved my husband and children and just enjoyed the day to day routine of raising kids. We were living in Northern California at the time in a cute little home and I was happy. My oldest just started first grade. I had a three year old and a new baby. Life was busy...

The Fish Dish by LuciaJacinta

Around the late 1970s, one of my grade school friends was named Moonchild. (Name slightly changed but extremely close to this name.) The family lived in an old Victorian home. It wasn't a dark or scary home but one filled with love and family and little kids. But, you could tell it was a home th...

Just A Little Too Coincidental For Comfort by MaggieMay_Not

I had planned a different submission, something that would explain my thoughts and beliefs about ghosts and other paranormal entities, but that will have to wait. I need to share this with you - it is almost real time because it happened today - 1/24/2018 from 3:15 PM until about 4:00 PM. First I...

Running Up The Stairs by believeandsee

I was 11 when this story took place. I no longer live in that house and haven't experienced anything paranormal ever since. This story is about my sister Cas' dog, Lilo, who got hit by a car behind our house. Nothing strange had ever happened at that house until Lilo passed. I've had about two e...

Dollar Shop Ghost by DarkSoul94

I work at a dollar store just down the street from me. It's been there for over 10 years and it has been an ok first job. I get stuck with night shifts a lot, but in these instances it's been alright since most of the weird things that do happen are at that time. My coworker who was with me on thes...

Ghost With Glowing White Eyes by ButterflyBabe

Today, I had an abnormal new to me experience. I have occasionally seen an older woman always from the side profile never showing face or lower half of body. She would walk from the door to the fridge. It's been a few months since I've seen her. Today she appeared in human form except she looked at ...

Am I Just Crazy? by Alliedragoncat

Ever since I was a child I have somehow been connected to paranormal activity. My grandmother, who passed when I was a baby, came to me often in dreams and to comfort me when I was sad. She made me feel safe. This isn't about that however. Over recent years, I have had a spirit / entity follow me...

Barbie Legs (help) by Sempiternal

This is but one of countless experiences of which I've bore witness. Being a Wiccan Initiate, it is vital that I keep the psychic door propped wide open (not that I could close it anyway). Being in the Four Corners area (New Mexico), paranormal occurrences are not so paranormal. But this is a strang...

My Sister's Shadow Man by alizzle87

Hey all 👋🏾, I am writing this story in regards to my little sister who shared something with me last night while we were out dinner. A few months ago she casually mentioned how when she wakes up in the middle of the night, there's a black figure with a wide hat standing in her doorway. M...

Strange Knocking On My Wall by JudyW

I live in a small home in the suburbs of Chicago with my husband and 3 cats. As far as I know, nothing bad has ever happened here but the home was built in 1954, so the possibility is there I guess, for a tragedy to have happened at some point. We always get the feeling of being watched, and excep...

Moving From One Strange House To Another by Mandee

The experiences in this particular house weren't nearly as obvious as something in my previous home moving dolls around but a few small things did happen. Myself, my partner, and my daughter moved into a house shortly before I gave birth to my son. The house seemed ordinary until we had been there...

My Three Different Types Of Ghostly Experiences by oddie

The first experience that I had was in 1983 I was eight. In our house the living room and dining room was just one big room with an old time heating stove with pilot light and when it kicks on all the burners come on to heat the house. We had a fan next to stove to help circulate the heat. I was on ...

My Brand New Haunted House by overrated_07

My father was in the Navy until I was 18 years old. Spooky things have happened in many of the places my family has lived, but our home in O'Fallon, Illinois was the worst. My parents planned on retiring from the military so they bought a brand new house. We lived here 2006-2010, my 8th grade to jun...

A Choice To Be Made by EmmalineTexas

This story is personal to me. I'll merely present what I experienced and leave any judgement up to the individual reader. I believe that both evil and good are very real forces in our universe. I'll be happy to chalk it up as something that is non-supportable as far as evidence but I thought it migh...

The Skeptic by MaggieMay_Not

To date, I've told you about my mom's poodle, my brother, my dad, myself and my son. I've mentioned my husband. He is the ultimate skeptic who moves back and forth between belief and outright disbelief. He has no qualms telling me I'm imagining things or that I'm crazy. Then when something happens h...

Violent Spirits And Possible Demons #2 by Toby

Mysterious Bruises- I nearly forgot about this experience, but a few weeks ago my sister, the same one that took the photo (that she deleted before I could get it), came into our room and showed me some bruises that she had on her upper leg. She found them strange because they looked like they were ...

Many Experiences In Different Locations by deefrao

I have had many experiences, after reading the guidelines I feel it best to put them all together in one story. My first experience was at my parent's home when I was 21. I had gone out on a date with someone my parents truly did not approve of, we had actually argued about me going out with the p...

Crazy Encounters by meghanh14

My name is Meghan and I am from a small town in Southern, California known as Moorpark. Now, I have had a few encounters with I guess would be considered the paranormal. Two of which will stay with me forever. The first one occured in my childhood home. I was sleeping on the couch with my brothe...

Holiday Visitor by Oceana

Last year at Christmas, I went to Colorado for a holiday. I own a house over there so I stayed in that for the duration of the holiday. I got there on the 20th of December, at midnight so immediately I went to bed. In the morning I was woken up by this rapid banging on the front door. I opened it a...

The Man Made Of Light by EmmalineTexas

In 1998 I lived in Hawkins, Texas. My ex-husband and I had a little old house set into a grove of trees. The whole town was probably 900 people. Our nearest neighbors were on the other side of a huge line of scrub oak trees that had been there for probably 50 years. We were about 35 miles from Tyler...

Anastasia by LuciaJacinta

The first story I'd like to share (I have many) is about what I believe to be a residual haunting I experienced. This story is about a public library in the town I grew up in Pennsylvania. I wasn't sure if I should change the ghost name, but for this story, we'll call her, Anastasia. The libr...

A Boy Showed Up In My Picture by gstories

On April 21st, 2016 it was our last night in Arizona we went to Peter Piper Pizza and my aunt showed us this video she took in her garage and the video had all of these orbs in it. A night or two before she showed us that, we had stayed the night at her house and I was staying in my cousins room and...

Man In The Shower by Gh0stHunter

Just typing the title sends terror chills up my spine. This experience happened in my younger years. I think I was around 8 years old and my sister was 4 at the time. I'm 22 now and I STILL get goosebumps when I remember this childhood trauma... My sister and I were awake on the weekend watching ...

Old Home That Was Not The Home Of My Dreams by susanbrockerman

We lived in Missouri for about 20 years when we decided to move to a small town right by the river. It was a very old town and a lot of the buildings and homes were either falling down or being restored. We have a large family, 8 children so when I found this beautiful old home for a very reasonab...

Witch Hunt by Gh0stHunter

This was back when I used to "ghost bust" with friends, and was one of the first times that I went ghost hunting. Usually, I would go to this an old historical war marker that's just outside my town that I used to visit during childhood field trips that's 30 minutes out of town but, there is an old ...

Dolls Moving And Midnight Whistles by Mandee

These experiences happened when my daughter and I lived alone in an old house owned by a friend of my mother. Sarah wasn't much more than a toddler and I was heavily pregnant with my son. His father and I were technically together but we were still living separately until we could find a place to su...

The Weird Vase From The Estate Sale by Mandee

My Aunt Lily had a passion for flea markets, yard sales, and especially estate sales, but let me tell you, one time she brought something home she didn't expect! She bought a cardboard box from an estate auction full of odds and ends and she found a strange-looking vase in it. It was ugly, maybe a...

Combative Hazed Aggression by Gh0stHunter

This was back when I used to "ghost bust" with friends. I was at home doing what I usually do in my free time, animate, when my best friend, Kaitlyn, gave me a call out of the blue. I noticed that I actually had TWO missed calls from her. Which was odd. I will admit I do get into my animating. I t...

Loveless Fanged Terror by Gh0stHunter

This was back when I used to "ghost bust" with friends. There is an old historical war marker that's just outside my town that I used to visit during childhood field trips that's 30 minutes out of town. It always fascinated me. For this trip, I had taken three close friends of mine, Nathan, Kait...

A Ghost Girl, Looking For Her Cat? by ShyandWatchful

I have been for about a month feeling weird things. I've always been super sensitive to animals. I learned when I was very young how to temporarily tame insects, who are very sensitive to emotion and energy. I can go outside and reach into a yellow jacket nest without being stung. (Yellow Jackets ar...

A Near Fatal Encounter by Gh0stHunter

This experience was similar to the entry of my experienced that I've posted, "The Frightening Unknown". When I was still going to graveyards at random times just because I felt like I needed to. All throughout work, I had been thinking about going back to these graveyards I had recently and acci...

A Student Of The Supernatural by Bibliothecarius

Greetings, all. I feel I ought to apologize, first, because I've not been participating in the YGS conversations over the last two months; I have missed the banter and discussion. (I'll try to catch up on the 200 stories that I've not yet read when I have a moment.) The reason I've been preoccupied ...

Top Hat Man by Gh0stHunter

Alright guys, I totally forgot about this experience up until a few hours ago when I was shopping at a liquor store and saw a bottle of rumchata. Which by the way is the GROSSEST thing I have ever tasted (sorry rumchata lovers) but, that will be explained later on in the story. PS: If you wish to...

My Grandparents Farmhouse by kpshort73

Growing up being taught there were no such thing as ghosts, pop-pop's house proved us all wrong. I was 17 when we moved in to pop-pop's house. He had died about 3 years prior. I loved him and missed him dearly. I cried for years over him. It made it harder to deal with his death looking at all his...

Horror Sleep Over by susanbrockerman

When I was a little girl, first or second grade I believe, we moved to a small farming town in Colorado. I attended Elementary school there and did not have a lot of friends until one little girl with reddish brownish hair asked me to play. We soon became good friends and she asked me to spend the n...

Encounter With The Past by MJames77

The year was 1983. It was winter in Ohio. We'd had a lot of snow by this point but the weather hadn't been too terrible for a northeast Ohio winter. It was late in the year. If memory serves, November. It was a very cold Friday or Saturday night. I had met a friend in a local restaurant named Bill. ...

The Frightening Unknown by Gh0stHunter

It was late at night around 2:30am when I had awoken from a strange dream that I had about a graveyard. These dreams had been happening ever since my incident with an Ouija Board. I got dressed and headed out for a drive to clear my head and about 10 minutes into the drive, I felt an urge, a crav...

Christmas Guest by Jessbcr25

The conversation between my dad and I took place in 2000 when I was only ten years old. I must be honest with you that I can't remember how it was brought up but we began talking about my dads uncle with giant ears. I told him, "I know... I met him"... He would give me the weirdest look and argue th...

My Niece's Dinner Show by Cole_Harris

Before I can begin this next experience, I have to give a little bit of background. If only to give some sort of perspective to our circumstances when this happened. At the time of this experience, I was attending a local college. I was living with my parents and attending classes part time. About h...

An Unexpexted Shove Into The Future by MrRiggs

Ghost stories bring to mind creaking hinges, gloomy basements, lost souls and apparitions. Not so this time. In fact, there was no ghost at all in the ghostly sense. But there was something invisible that didn't hesitate to give me a good stout shove when it counted. Perhaps this will be of interest...

Wet Cross by Victorhdz

About 3 years ago I had went to work with my father. We worked that day until about 12pm. On our way home from work we get a call from my brother's wife, she was frightened! She had said that she dropped her twin daughters off in school and she came home went to bed, but something woke her up in the...

Choices Of Life And Death by MaggieMay_Not

This is an extremely personal, exceptionally painful account of life, death, and choices. I had not planned on ever posting this here as it deals with my and my son's souls. If you judge me, revile me, or hate me for my choices, know that I've heard it all. My own mother and father called me a murde...

Am I Crazy? Or Is This Normal/possible? by jungsdaughti

When I was 7 my family moved to a house in the Southwestern part of Missouri. It was a very old farm house, and the wooded area behind the house was very eerie and overgrown. Being a child from the city, it naturally scared me. It was mid-summer when I suddenly was okay with the wooded area and bega...

Is This A Incubus? by LaurenPotter1111

This might be long but this thing whatever it is keeps coming back and I have no idea what it is. My first experience with this thing was when I was 11. It was at night and I was laying in bed on my right side facing the wall, when I heard footsteps right behind me. I thought it was my mother beca...

My Daughter's Visiting Lost Boy by MaggieMay_Not

Hold on to your seats folks, this is about to get bumpy -Goosebumpy- The details of the boy are deliberately vague because... Well you will understand after you read the entire story, and if you don't, ask me in comments and I will tell you. When my children were 5 and 7 respectively we moved int...

Voices And Movement by Source

This is a true story and I have believed in ghosts, afterlife, and haunting as long as I can remember. My wife, son and I lived in a one story house several years ago that was built in the early 50's.This was in the central Ohio area and from the moment we moved in, we heard voices. Mumbling...

Hearing My Own Childhood Ghost As An Adult by Sunflower7991

I was abused as a child. The events I experienced as a child lead me to depression at a young age and I was full out suicidal when I was 11. When I was a teenager, I changed my name to start over and tried to become a new person. For privacy reasons I will not use my real names and instead will be S...

Friends Or Something With A Demon by Truth_Seeker13

So I don't know what to do. I need help. For the the past 2 months a Demon has been with me. Out of curiosity I did the whole 'automatic writing' thing which is like the ouija board but with a pen and paper. I was dumb I know. I asked if my guardian angel was with me. It replied back yes and that ...

Ghost Poked My Butt by Tarabritneyl

I am seriously freaked out. This isn't a joke, I'm not trying to be funny or anything. We just moved into this house about a month ago. I have had paranormal experiences in the past, but nothing like this. I have no idea what to do... About a week ago, my boyfriend said that something had poked hi...

The Voices I Hear by Kest

Recently, a comment from a story I wrote got me to thinking. Some people have said the experiences myself and my daughter had might be both of us, and that got me to thinking about an experience I have had ever since I have been a preteen. I think I was 11 or 12 when this started, and at night I hea...

The Argument by Kaitiebug123

It is not uncommon for a mother and a daughter to get into arguments. However, it is odd how this argument came to an end. I at the time was around sixteen years old, and me being sixteen liked to argue my point across. But one day my argument turned into a larger dispute with my mother. We we...

Odd Sensations And Strange Experiences With Cats by FangCat101

Starting not so long ago over the late summer, I have been feeling as though I am watched, and chills go up my spine nowadays in warm rooms of my home. I feel drafts when no windows are open, and my cat keeps staring at nothing and bounding away down the hallway. Plus, my cat goes crazy when in the ...

The White Figure In Front Of My Door 2 by Cole_Harris

This isn't so much a direct "sequel" to my previous story (The White Figure in Front of My Door), so much as an experience that happened a few months afterwards, in the same location with similar circumstances. I will admit, that part of this does involve a dream. However, I wanted to post this e...

Uneasy Spirit Lingering by BillyB

I just moved into my girlfriend's apartment and within the first week, while I was going to sleep one night, I saw a dark shadow floating above me with glowing eyes. I thought maybe it was just a dream but then my 2 year old was waking up in the middle of the night screaming and crying and pointing ...

Rural Workplace Haunting by Thor220

About 3 years ago I started working a new job in a building that has a large service shop and office located basically in the middle of nowhere. And ever since I started this job there have been some strange things going on in this building. Most of them myself and the other employees have been able...

Becoming A Spirit Of Sorts- Please Help Me by ashalli24

Please be patient with me as this is my very first post:) Let me preface with I have always been different. Even at a young age my Grandma told me that I was different than others and that made me more special. Well, I have obviously seen spirits that sort of thing but this is ENTIRELY different...

Uncle Dusty Liked My Haircut by Mandee

This is my 2nd story I'm submitting today and it's also about something that happened after my daughter found her uncle dead from a drug overdose. For any details about that, they're more specific in my other story about Uncle Dusty. Ok, just a few months after his death, I was alone in the house,...

Uncle Dusty Wanted To Talk To Me by Mandee

This experience I'm writing about today happened not only to my daughter Sarah but also to myself. Her father and I didn't work out and we split before she was even born but I remain close to his family. His only sibling was a younger brother, whom I was particularly close to. Sarah stayed with her ...

The White Figure In Front Of My Door by Cole_Harris

My name is Cole. I live in one of the oldest houses in my town. While I often experience minor things such as footsteps, toilet lids closing, and the occasional sense of being watched, there is however, a few events that very clearly stick out in my memory. One of them occurred when I was in middle ...

Dream Of Dog The Night She Passed by nicole4186

I'll start toward the beginning. It was 2014 and we lived with our 2 dogs at the time, an 8 year old Bichon Frise and a 6/7? Year old Mini Poodle mix. The Bichon was experiencing health problems very prone to the breed and we knew it was her time to go. It was a very difficult time for the whole fam...

Daughter's Night Terror by Desertmoon

I haven't written in some time, I don't have a lot of experiences to write about, but when my eldest daughter was about 6 years old she woke up one night to something that really terrified her. She did not have a history of night terrors. Only one time before did she wake up to a bad dream. Also nig...

Am I Being Haunted In My Sleep? by _bxbyfaith

I am 20 years old & I've been playing with spirit boards since about the 8th grade. I woke up a few times when I was younger locked in fear feeling as if someone was standing at the foot of my bed watching me, but I couldn't see. After that I stopped sleeping in the dark. I've had what I thought was...

Violent Spirits And Possible Demons by Toby

For as long as I can remember my house has been haunted. This is a record of mine and other's experiences, though most are mine since the others tend to dismiss them, they don't believe in ghosts. Red-Eyes - So, when I was about five I woke in the middle of the night from a nightmare, I had never...

A Few Weird Creatures by Mandee

The first experience I will describe today is the strangest thing I have ever seen in my life. I still don't know what it was but this is what happened. My daughter and I were on the way to my parents' house on a Sunday afternoon in early October. It was approximately 7-8 years ago but I remember...

Unusual And Impossible Movements by MarvinScott

I have been really busy the past few months taking photos for requests from, and haven't had an opportunity to write more of my experiences from my role as a funeral director and embalmer, particularly in the latter role. Those who are familiar with my previous stories know that I hav...

My Daughter And Possible Past Life Memories by Mandee

I've stated before in some of my experiences that my daughter Sarah, now 16, has startled me with comments and remarks that make no sense in regards to what is currently happening in our lives. One that I remember clearly is this incident. We were in the car and Sarah, aged 3, sat in her car seat ...

My Daughter Can See Departing Souls And Auras by Mandee

My daughter is now 16, but when she was 4 I allowed her father to take her out of state to visit his family before she started kindergarten. When she came home she had hours and hours of things she had to tell me. I stopped her on one of the things she was talking about and asked her to tell me more...

Was It Something In The Ground? by The8Ms

There are only two supernatural experiences that really stand out in my life. I shared the first one in my last entry and now I'd like to share the other. I wish I could say this one is as happy as my last entry but it's not. It's not nearly as intense as some of the stories I've read on here but fo...

Messages From The Newly Dead by MrRiggs

It was 1991 as I recall. An unknown member of my extended family sought to gather the clan by organizing a family reunion. I was contacted by this person, a second cousin, and invited to attend. This was a bit unusual as our family had scattered across the country long before the invention of the pe...

Spirits Following Her - 2 by fallenangel028

In part I of this story, I described a spirit that may have followed my stepmom from her old house to the house my Dad currently resides in. The activity has died down some since my stepmom passed away, but there has still been some interesting stuff happening. I still have ominous feelings when ...

Hey Dad by Janellexx89

This story happened may years ago when I was still in high school. It was on a weekend and I was in my parent's room watching TV. Me and my dad I think were watching MASH. And my brother had just went in to the bathroom to take a shower. My dad was at the head of the bed by the head board and I...

Who's Walking Up There? by Janellexx89

It's been awhile since I posted a story. This will be my second story on here. Check my page for my first story. I have so many to post just never the time. This one I'm about to tell you happened last night. I was in my room trying to find something to watch on Netflix. The lights were on in my ...

Strange Entity That Has Bothered Me And My Cousin by briii123

This whole entire story tends to make me doubt my sanity in it's entirety. It started of with my cousin saying that someone contacted her through her mind. I felt that was strange wholeheartedly in the first place, but it wasn't until later that things started to become real for me. There was...

What's Going In The Attic? by Dooktar

I'm just an average 16 year old boy, picked up a job at a local hardware store to make my dad semi-proud of me. He thinks me working there is "teaching me life lessons," when in reality I'm just hosing out carpet cleaners and vacuuming carpets. Anyway, today, December 3, one of my managers told me t...

Almost Drowned by AngelzRAmongUs

Note, this has happened years ago and I can only remember vivid parts of it. But, the more I tell it, the more clearer it gets. I was about maybe 6 or 7 visiting my aunt who lived in a two story house at the time. She had a pool and I always loved visiting partly because of the pool and mainly be...

Guitar Strumming And Opening Closet Doors by GalaxiesGlaore

Now, this first story isn't mine, it is my sister's that I heard about when it happened (I would not be telling this story if I did not believe that it actually happened as strange things are known to happen in the basement of my house). Me and mom were talking in the kitchen of our house as my youn...

The Carriage House by EmmalineTexas

If you've read my accounts before, you'll know that I lived in a house built in 1920. It's on a huge plot of land with the original carriage house behind it. When we bought it, my sister and brother in law wanted a little house of their own here in Texas, so they renovated the carriage house complet...

Female Spirit Or Succubus? by Dagod

I know it is stated to not post dreams but I believe this dream is caused by the paranormal. Please help me try to figure out what is going on. Last night the dream was very intense and disturbing. So for the past few weeks or so I've been having a recurring dream. I know this isn't a dream inte...

What Would You Call My Ability? Requesting Help/information by MaggieMay_Not

If you have read my previous stories, you will know I am no stranger to the paranormal. I actually consider existence after death to be natural, almost like a cocoon shed by the energy of your soul. In general I don't fear death or dead people. The living are bad enough thank you. This is a hard won...

Haunted Apartment Or Paranoid? by reyoflight

This is my first story on here. I have been an avid reader but am now too experiencing some things that you can hopefully help with. Apologizing now if this story isn't the best, this is my first time writing and recalling events like this. I live in university apartments that are relatively new, ...

The Guardian Storm And The Demonic Intruder by Faith456

This was the first time I've ever experienced paranormal activity. These events occurred two, years ago. My family and I moved from Florida, to Indiana so we could live near my father's relatives. My parents purchased a two story house built in 1990 from the owners' daughter. The previous owner want...

She Always Did Like To Annoy Him by The8Ms

I've been reading here for awhile and have really enjoyed reading everyone's experiences. My youngest child is a bit of a night owl and this site has made the time sitting up with her much more enjoyable. Thanks! I thought I'd make my first entry one of the short and warm fuzzy variety... My m...

What's Haunts Our Bathtub? by Ghostofme

We moved into our house in 2001. It was a nice little house with two bedrooms, a kitchen, laundry room and pantry, two bathrooms and a living room. It wasn't fancy just ordinary and had four and a half acres of land that went with it which we rented to a local man to plant his corn on for his cows a...

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