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Ghost stories from United States: Page 84

The Struggle & Two People Fighting by cjkint

I grew up believing in ghost and the paranormal. I've never had anything happen to me. Nevertheless, ghosts have been a big part of my life. I have gotten few EVPs that is about it. I lay in bed last night as I normally would have. I was on my stomach when I heard a noise. As I went to roll over ...

Naked Ghost On My Front Porch by ghostseer

A few nights ago, I experienced something very strange. I had just entered the living room from the stairwell leading down from the third floor. Coming around the corner, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. A NAKED creature was standing on my front porch, and it surprised me. It's been a...

The Housekeeper by Clinto

Four years ago I made the decision to return to the Billings area. I had literally left all my furniture and personal belongings, my clothing and computer at my previous residence out of state, with my former roommates, until such time that I would be able to find a new home and haul everything. I h...

Small Town Demon by demonslayer

I live in a small town in the middle of Utah, and have since I was only three years old. A few years ago, I moved to a house a couple of miles away, but still in the same town. My entire life, I've had some ESP gifts (for lack of better word), but I didn't know it was unnatural until I was about eig...

National Geographic by grimcarebear

Alright, I'm really here to tell you experiences of my close friends. I have had some experiences of my own (mostly just feelings of being watched and the occasional weird happenings), but my friends stories are ten times more interesting. This story is based around my roommate Shelby. Her Grand...

Third Eye And Ouiji Board by marcink125

Yes this is another Ouija board story, but it is not terrifying, but just interesting. In Feb. 2008 I bought an Ouija board from because I liked the artwork and it was handmade and wasn't just an ordinary parker brother Ouija board. Anyway I have used an Ouija board before and hav...

Haunted Hallway In My High School & The Little Blonde Haired Girl by blackrose149

What I am about to tell you happened a few days before Christmas. But first let me give you a little background: I'm currently a freshman in high school. It's a pretty big school with tons of classrooms, a library and a huge gym! It's about 15 minutes from where I live, because I live in a neighborh...

A Few Experiences In My Bedroom 2 by AnnaRuss

I've been mentioning how nothing has happened lately with my bedroom ghosts. Kind of jokingly saying they were getting lazy and I guess they took it as a challenge last night. I believe in what I saw 100% last night and there is no way it was a dream and there are several reasons why I know it h...

Nero Ansfield by Konjou84

While I am writing this my stomach is getting tight and my throat feels very dry because I am writing this in front of him... Nero is a guy, or a thing that I have known since I was in the 5th grade. I never got along with him well but he has saved my life so many times. The thing is I never real...

The Haunted House I Grew Up In by whitewolf1234321

I was about 2 years old when my family bought our house. We needed it on the count as we had a big family. Not to long after we moved in. My older sister had a baby, my niece. When she got older she started to talk to things. We all thought it was an imaginary friend, until she called him by nam...

Abandoned Graveyard by princess2

Have you ever been to one of those graveyards that are so far back up in the country where nobody ever goes anymore? Well not far from where I grew up there was this old graveyard. We had to go up a one-lane dirt road surrounded by woods on both sides for about two miles. We had to drive in the midd...

Whispers In The Night 2 by raingrl01

This is an update on the activity that has been happening in my house. This is a continued story so if you haven't read Whispers in the Night 1 then you should. More things have happened in my house recently! There have been cold spots, I feel like I'm being watched a lot, when I close the bathr...

My Personal Experience With The Paranormal by pvsdetailing

My experience started months back, when I had decided to go do some cemeteries investigations with another Paranormal Team. What we never did was pray for protection not before or after leaving any investigation cemetery or dwelling. I actually never thought about it. When I would get home my wife w...

Abandoned Street - Search For Answers? by C

Date: August 12th, 2006 Location: Newburg Maryland People: Clarke (me), Craig, Luther, Jerry Time: Between the early hours of 5 am to the late hours of 8 pm for the main story. Occurrences: Unexplainable. Many questions from this story have not been explained in any other way aside from the para...

Ghosts Outside The Old Church by ghostseer

A couple days prior to Easter, I drove past an old Catholic Church. It's a beautiful building with lots of charm, but the parking lot is shared by another denomination. The second church sits almost directly behind the first, and for some odd reason, I found myself staring to the right of both bu...

Church Ghost by rd1bigdipper

My name is Rick, and I'm almost 40 years old now. When I was about 18 or 19 I played guitar in a couple of different southern gospel groups. No big name groups, just friends and family mostly. One particular group I was in at the time had an invitation to sing at a church in Nashville, maybe 800 mil...

Swirling And Screaming by neu

I'm not sure if this would fall under the category of sleep paralysis or other such diagnoses, because though all of the following incidents have happened while I was in bed, they don't match the descriptions of any other accounts I've read, nor did they happen when I was just waking or falling asle...

Unexplained Flickering Lights by tiffy89

I don't know. I cannot explain what has been happening to me these last few weeks. I don't think it is all in my head and just a short circuit but it could be. I had watched Paranormal State and watched the episode with the girl possessed by a demon, it had freaked me out so bad that it sent chills ...

The Buxton Inn by intothdark

So I went to the Buxton Inn which is in Granville, Ohio. I went with my Mimi (mamaw,grama, etc.) It was a 2-3 hour drive. So to the story: We went to the Buxton Inn, unpacked and went to CVS down the street to get a camera because the room we had was haunted (room 9). I was highly aware of that, ...

Remaining Ghostly Boarder by princess2

My two brothers just recently started tearing down an old deserted house that had been used as a boarding house. It had been deserted for years outside of your usual varmits from outdoors. One day my brother's were over there working, with one upstairs and the other downstairs. The one downstair...

Shadows Or Ghost? by loralia253

Many of you might know me from the chat room from the website for psychics. I need advice on how I can help my cousins on what they are dealing with? My two year old cousin woke up screaming and crying. She said that that shadows were crawling on her pj's and trying to get her mouth. Not knowi...

Will The Spirits Ever Let Me Rest? by Maliceb

As I left off in my last story I was to be moving since l a lot of stuff happened in my other houses. I was beginning to wonder if it would follow me. Would the spirit world ever let me rest? We finally sold our house and moved into a small two bedroom apartment on the other side of town. Trust m...

Can Night Terrors Be Related To Ghosts? by Thereisneverdarkness2010

I'm 16, and I'm also a christian. I have had a lot of trauma throughout being a teenager with my family and major health problems. 3 years ago I moved from Texas to Connecticut to live in a house with my grandparents. The experiences all started when I began to wake up in the middle of the night. I ...

Our Strange Old House by Tamsa

Our story starts 8 and half years ago. My 4 year old began to see "Shawn" when we first moved in the house. Shawn appeared to my child every night and the destruction was so much that I had to ask him to leave. He did, but the incidents continue. Some of our friends and relatives will not come t...

My Child's Uneasiness And The Black Shadows 2 by scaredtobealone

Hey, everyone I'm back and I'm sad to say that since my last story there has been little improvement but not much. I'm still seeing this black shadow; frankly this just has me stumped. Well, here I go the other day I was in my basement watching unsolved mysteries and a commercial came on. I looked u...

Dark Figure Of A Boy by BlueSRT4

I stumbled upon this site today and was astonished and some of the stories I read that specifically relate to my personal experiences. I couldn't believe it. For so many years I hated sharing my experience because so many people don't believe in ghosts, my own parents refused to believe me, and frie...

My Wiccan Girlfriend & The Black Hooded Thing by RollaMoMan

I have something that maybe someone could shed some light on for me. Over a year ago a large black hooded figure with red eyes was seen by my wiccan girlfriend a lot outside. By her accounts it would knock on the door right after I'd leave for work in the morning. Well it got into the house and has ...

A Few Experiences In My Bedroom by AnnaRuss

Ever since I was little I've loved scary stories and experiences. I believe it stems from some of the experiences I had. There have been some minor little occurrences at my house. This experience has happened twice and in the same general area. Walking from the kitchen to the laundry room one day...

Shadow Men And The End Of The World by gm_de_chaos

I've seen strange things my entire life; ranging from possessed statues to ghostly women, but my most memorable experience was the first time I met the shadow men. I woke up from my bed and instantly knew it was a dream. I often had night terrors as a child so I quickly learned to lucid dream in...

Am I Crazy Or Is This Real? by ilovearcher

Every so often, strange things happen in my house. This is the first year I've ever seen a spirit or heard unexplainable things. No one else seems to see what I see, and they think I'm crazy! When I was brushing my hair, before I went to bed, I saw a small, cat like figure. It was white, and foggy...

Nana And The Note In The Closet by Justly4

My nana is dead 5 years. It is upsetting because knowing that my dad has no mom it is just sad. Sometimes I have encounters with her. But only at my dad's old home where he grew up. Mostly it takes place in her room. She has a big closet in her room, and that is where I found the note. It was Thank...

Working With Ghosts by 4d

I worked as a kind of early morning restock clerk at this supermarket near where I lived. My first day on the job I arrived about 25 minutes early to impress the boss. When I got there it was dark and apparently the only other person working was the security guard at the back entrance. He let me in ...

The Ghost Of Lillian's By The Lake by gummybearlover85

It was in the summer of 2006. I was working as a housekeeper at an old house that had been turned into an inn. We were told about some of the history of the house, why it was built and who it was built for. We were told about the tragic death of the man's wife, you know, the typical stuff that an em...

She Said She Would Come Back by princess2

I was visiting my aunt back before she died. She lived in one of those old two storey Victorian houses down south. She was a sweet old lady, but she had a lot of health problems. On her death bed she told me and my brother if there was any way to come back after death, she would. A few weeks aft...

Possible Incubi by Lisa_Raven22

(Please excuse my grammar mistakes; I know I might have made a few) My name is Lisa, and I'm 22 years old and I've been having some weird experiences while I sleep. I've had more than one, but I'll focus on just one for this story. Let me give you some history of my house I've been living in for...

Strange Man, And The Man On My Bed by whitewolf1234321

I was 18 when my grandfather passed away. My niece was down at my house conferring me. It was raining on and off when I decided to go for a walk around my town to calm down because my grandfather and me were so close. We turned to go down one road when I saw something in a yard walking. I nudged my ...

Swaggering Clone? by Vintage

I went to visit my good old friend just a few days ago. While we were jumping on the trampoline, we were making each other laugh so hard that we both had to pee. So she took the upstairs bathroom & I took the downstairs. I went upstairs after I was done. While going upstairs I looked out of the w...

Haunted Dorms by kjh159

Recently, I've moved from one student dorm to another. I hadn't heard anything about any ghost activity until AFTER things began to happen to me. The first few nights, I was bothered by the sound of someone walking back and forth behind me, near the bathroom and closet. I chose to ignore it. Then...

Travelling Spirit? by sjg0531

This is my first submission! I've had many experiences, but this is one of my most disturbing. I feel like it should have been something in a movie, but it wasn't. Let's start off by being frank. I have a hard time with the paranormal. It's not that I don't believe in it (I've always been somewh...

Dreaming Together Of The Shadow Man by 4d

Back in 1994 I had begun a relationship with the love of my life. She would hang at my house and I would cruise at hers always during the day. Our parents were pretty trusting of us so they allowed us to spend nights sleeping over each other homes, but not in the same room. The first night she staye...

The Darken Street By The Cemetery by Dimber

This happened to me in the fall of 2003. I was working late one night and had to send two of my employee's home because no one had came to pick them up. I sent one of them home and offered to drop the other employee off. The employee I was dropping of wanted to drive home. So I agreed to let her...

Haunted Or Not... You Decide by Blondie16

My name is chelly, everything in this house started happening when my baby brother was born. Strange things from conversations to noises. When my brother was about one, things really started showing up. For instance, mom would look at the monitor from the downstairs living room and see him pointi...

I Swear Boo, Dad's Not Home Yet by snowflake

This isn't my personal experience. It's one from my 12 year old son. Before I share it, I'd like you all to know that this experience took place before McKinley Park, but after my friend's passing. I'm not sure if any of my experiences are directly involved with my son's story. One night about 10...

He Is Me by CenterCore

It's CenterCore again... Wondering where to start. Well, first of all, just to get up to speed, check out my other stories. If not, you may not understand what I'm talking about. At any rate... Well folks, it's official; Jerry is not anchored to one particular place or area. I'm here in Illinois...

My Haunted School by taurusgirl10

This is Taurusgirl10 right here. And this is my very first story I've submitted here! "Congratulations " I told myself. Unfortunately, my first story is very, very scary. At least it was to me. I attended an elementary school a couple of years ago. I won't say the name, for privacy reasons. The...

Not Just A Dream by sharondipalma

My story starts in Krum Texas with my daughter Echo, who was twelve at the time. Echo came into my room where my now ex-husband and I were sleeping, she was crying saying that something was on her bed and touching her. My ex got up looked around inside the house and outside and saw nothing. I told E...

Our Guardian Angel by princess2

I've heard of people having experiences with guardian angels. But up until now I don't remember ever having any experiences before. One cold winter day me and my sister decided to go visit our cousin, who lived about ten miles from us. We were on a two lane country road that was both steep and c...

My Sadie Gave Me A Sign She's Still With Me by Gidget123

I had to put my beautiful beloved calico cat, Sadie down on March 14. She had extreme kidney failure. I had her since she was a little kitten 18 years ago. We lived in L.A. Until last year when we flew here to Rockville, MD to live with my fiancé. Our vet came to our house and it was very peaceful...

Our Poltergeist by Awsomeghoststoriesman

I've heard people say that poltergeists are demons but I'm not sure if that is exactly true. I would appreciate if you commented and told me your opinion on these situations. Our house was a newly built house that we built. And no one died in it. I've been having very odd paranormal things happen t...

The Unforgettable Experience by paranormgirl005

This one happened when I was already at U.S. I used to live in the Philippines but I moved to the United States when I turned 13. I didn't want to leave but I had to so I did. Anyways, here's my story. My family and I stayed at a hotel, which was rumored of being haunted, the first week we arrived...

I Tried To Be Sneaky by whitebuffalo

I recently quit smoking as an anniversary present to myself. My thought process is that I will be able to dance like a teenager at my 50th anniversary (fat chance!). A few nights ago one of my teenagers and I had a bit of a riff over her wanting to get on the computer at 11:30. Her homework was n...

Not Quite Sleep Paralysis by Michael331

I have had a few experiences in my life that I'd like some input on. I have experienced what some would call sleep paralysis. The big difference from most cases is that I was fully capable of moving if I wanted to, and as far as I know, I had never fallen asleep. Every time this happened I had rece...

The Pond by whitebuffalo

Let me start this out by saying this is an honest attempt to get some answers. I have an issue (maybe a few) going on right outside my backdoor that I have seemed to hit a brick wall in discovering WHAT the issue is. The best way to give you all of my findings, so far, is to lay out the facts we ...

My Ouija Board Experiences by October

To start off, I'm 14 years old. I'm from the Harrisburg area of Pennsylvania and have been pretty much my whole life. Soon after my 14th birthday, in October, I developed an interest into Ouija boards and the paranormal all together. For a while I was only interested out of curiosity. As I looked...

Evp: The Dead Speak - A Ghostly Mimic? by EVPResearcher

This account takes place in a small / medium sized cemetery. This is the same cemetery that I recorded the "I Killed' Em" EVP several months ago. On 03-26-2009 (9:20 PM) I arrived at the cemetery intent on trying the next phase of my modified equipment experiment. I stationed the experimental equipm...

Never Met Him But Had Some Sort Of Bond by snowflake

It was September 13th 2008 when I got the message that my friend Joey had passed away. He was in an auto accident. I never actually met him in person; we only spoke through a website. On his profile, he had a few songs, but only one that made me cry every time I visited his page. When I hear...

Is My Workplace Haunted? by elpe12

I started working at a chain drug store in my hometown about four months ago at the beginning of December. I never considered myself as psychic or anything relatively close to that, but now I'm not so sure. The first day I walked into the store as a paid employee, I had a feeling. It wasn't foreb...

The Old County Home by elpe12

This is actually my friend's story. Let's just call him Rick. He told me a few years ago that he and his mother both had heard different things in their home, and I asked his permission to share. Before I go off into the story, I want to give you some background on our town and his house. Rick an...

A Man & His Two Daughters - Ghostly Encounter On The Hill by pomlabs3

My story takes place about 8 years ago. It was a cool evening, summer was at its end and fall was just about to take over. This one particular evening, my parents and I were restless and not in the mood for television. So, my mom, knowing how much I loved ghost stories and anything related to ghosts...

Happy Birthday Song In The Cemetery by SpiritusMoJo

Over 20 years ago as a young teenager, my friends and I would sneak out in the middle of the night and toilet paper other people's homes. One night we decided to walk or cut through a cemetery. More than halfway through, we heard something and we all stopped. It wasn't very loud. There were four...

The Nightmares That Refuse To Go Away by kryptonitee

A while ago I was with my friends and we were babysitting my friend's twin brothers. We will refer to this friend as A. A put his brothers to bed, at around 10. It was almost 12 midnight and his parents weren't home, and B's mom wasn't there. (B is my best friend, and she is A's cousin.) So we were ...

Well... That's Trippy by UnknownKarmic

Greetings... I've got something to share with you that might not be anything paranormal, but is certainly trippy. I've been reading stories off of this site for years and now, I finally have something to share... Here goes... The past three years or so has been extremely challenging for me includ...

My Dead Uncle by vampie_cow

My parent's and I went to Missoula for a week when I was around 2. On our return my parent's received a really sad call telling us my uncle had died. I could not accompany them as the roads where too dangerous for me to travel with them so I had to stay home with my sister and her boyfriend. Not...

Ghostly Voice Calling My Name by princess2

One night after my husband and I went to bed I awoke in the middle of the night hearing what I thought was a female voice calling my name. I sat up in bed and looked at my clock it was 3am. I sat there for a minute and listened thinking maybe I was dreaming. Then it sounded like a ball bouncing outs...

Church Choir by Jayr123

These events occurred at a church, and the surrounding area, in my hometown. When I was approx. 12 years old, two friends and I decided to stay up all night riding skateboards. On the way back home, we were walking by the church. One of my friends said the church was haunted. He said there was a con...

Jericho Bridge Haunted? by bethxbrutality

This happened to my boyfriend, me and at the time his best friend, and a few other people while ago, last summer. My boyfriend and his best friend were OBSESSED with the paranormal. I wasn't much into trying to see or contact spirits at the time even though I was truly fascinated. The covered bridge...

My Childs Uneasiness & The Black Shadows by scaredtobealone

I'm from NYC (queens) and I'd say that I'm not very gullible and I don't scare very easily. But my recent ongoing experiences have made quite the believer out of me. I was about six to seven months pregnant and I was lying down on my air bed in the basement of my home. I was alone because my husband...

Is It Kevin - The Imaginary Friend? by sekmaati

I live in Ohio in a middle class community. The house that I live in is a duplex. I live upstairs with my two sons. The house is owned by my younger brother. My youngest daughter lived there previously. While she was here she would tell me that my grandchildren had an imaginary playmate by the name ...

The Christmas Orb Of Light by StrangeAtNight

Christmas Eve 1987... I was 7 years old and was looking outside my suburban 5th storey apartment window for Santa Claus in the night sky. I was so excited about Christmas that I couldn't sleep. I was panning the night sky looking at the stars when I saw a very bright one that stood out. It was so br...

Our Creepy Old House by mandalyn05

We moved into a house in Pomona Kansas when I was 13, just before I turned 14, and I absolutely loved it. It had pillars on the front porch and two small pillars separating the living and dining rooms. There was also a window seat in mine and my sister's room. It was such an amazing house! Anyway, t...

The Little Girl In My Basement by mandalyn05

When I was 13, I moved into a house north of Melvern, Kansas. I had no idea that the house had any kind of paranormal significance at the time. That summer, we had to haul some furniture and stuff to California, where a former resident of our house was living. While we were there, she asked me a...

The Old Woman - Elsie by mandalyn05

This was my very first experience with the paranormal and it happened when I was about 7 or 8 years old. I lived in this old house that was built in the 1920's. One night while I was sleeping, I awoke and looked towards my wall and saw an old woman standing there; she disappeared after about a minut...

Hide And Seek Nightmare by victoria_09

We lived in this very nice, middle-aged house in Westminster Colorado. I was 12, and my brother was 10 when we moved in with my dad, and his new family. That included, my stepmother, and my two half sisters. The house was very spacious, but it had this eerie vibe to it. I always had that feeling lik...

Scary Old Farmhouse by princess2

This happened back when my sister and me were little. We lived in a real old two-storey farmhouse, about two miles from the nearest neighbour. We were always hearing strange noises in the house. The stairway that led upstairs was very narrow with a door that closed them off from the downstairs. ...

Sleep Paralysis? Or Something Else by bethxbrutality

This happened about a month ago... I'm not exactly sure how to explain this, but here it goes. This night I did all of my ritual stuff before I went to bed. I've always had a good sense of paranormal things going on. Nothing felt strange as I was falling asleep. I mean I always have a feeling ...

My Faithful Dog by raingrl01

I read somewhere that an animal that is very close to their owner knows when it is their time to go. They can sense when they are needed in their owners life and then again when they aren't. My mother got us a cockapoo (cocker spaniel and poodle mix) when I was eight years old. She was the best ...

Answers For My House by LordRhodium

I am actually a bit ashamed of myself here. I came here for help originally when I didn't know where else to turn and you people helped me find it. Now it's been so long and I haven't posted any updates on what has been happening. I've tried coming back a few times, especially shortly after the las...

The Giant Light Bug by hannahJ

I'm Hannah. This is one of my first stories/experiences to write about so please, bear with me. This incident was around 2 years ago, but the memories are still vivid. I used to live in double wide trailer all of my life until up to a year ago I moved. I always had an interest for the paranormal...

A Childhood Of Paranormal Experiences by immortalsoul

When I was young I had many experiences I and others believe to be paranormal. This first one happened when I was only one years old. My mom and many others in my family tell me this same story. I had a play tent and I would go in there and talk to someone, and I would come out really annoyed. My mo...

A Twitch In My Being by Baneofthewolf

I can't remember the date to save my life. I was in school, grade 4. This can't be relevant to my first story... Can it? My brother was in Caritas Creek, for days. We got a letter from my brother saying: Hi guys I'm loving Caritas! See you later or some other nonsense. My Dog, Banjo was sick,...

A Haunting On Campus by cally

I am a college student. I have recently moved away from my home in Alabama to start my education. I attend a very historical college and I have heard 'stories' from a lot of people. I never gave the stories to much thought until about a month ago. One night around 1am I was walking across campus...

Haleys Ouija Board 2 by haleybug

So on with my Ouija board. By this time I was about 13 and in the 7th grade. I was really hooked on this thing, to the point I was blowing off every one around me. I would skip everything and go home to "play". Now my "friend" had a name it was Stu. Stu told me things that were true but he also ...

When I Sleep Am I Susceptible? by StrangeAtNight

I am a 29 year old male and the past few years I have had some strange experiences when I go to sleep. I had unexplainable things happen to me since I was about 7 years old. Sometimes I have really great experiences and other times downright fearful. About 3-4 times a month or more or less... I am p...

Haunted Life by Diyanuh

Hey guys I'm Diana and I'm 15 years old and the following things happened from when I was 9 to my age now. I have spent days reading every story and I am fascinated with all of them. My mom is scared about this obsession I have with ghosts but I don't care what she says. Well this is my story hope y...

Life At Our New Home & The Black Blur by MissAnimeOtaku

A little over a year ago, my mother and I moved from Concord, CA to Aptos, CA. We had to move out of our apartment because my mom quit her job and was not able to find another one. Things became really bad for us financially. Eventually, my mother turned to my grandmother for help, and my grandmothe...

Never Met Him But Had Some Sort Of Bond 2 by snowflake

Shortly after my friend Joey passed away, my youngest son started acting a little strange. He kept pointing up to my ceiling, and since he wasn't talking yet, it made it hard to understand what he was trying to say. I decided to try something, and asked him "where's Joey?" He pointed to the ceil...

Darker Then The Darkness by mlycourgos

One night I was in bed trying to fall asleep. My room was pitch black. For some reason I was focused on the top right corner of my room. It seemed darker than the rest of the room. I had this feeling of dread, and I knew something was going to appear and or happen. All of a sudden the darkness in th...

One Of My First Experiences With An Entity by amellon

I have had many experiences with ghosts/spirits both kind and evil; I am a magnet for some reason while years can go in between these experiences they tend to come in groups. I am a Baptist so while I believe in demons I believe that I am protected from harm thus they can try to scare me or even tou...

Sleep Paraylsis Or Not? by LovelyXDEATH35

It had been a long day... I was extremely tired that night. My family had a little party that I had to go to and I just hung out with my cousin playing Scrabble. We got home around 11:30 that night so I just went straight to bed, my dream that night was very strange, it was based at my school an...

Green Pond Hauntings by greenpondmike

When I was younger I always tried to avoid ghosts as much as possible because I used to watch Scooby-doo and it conditioned me to be afraid of them. Green Pond is a very small town surrounded by other small towns. Within a 5 mile radius of where I live I have heard of three haunted houses which are ...

Standing Around The Grave by ghostseer

Today, I went to pay my respects. They were gathered around the covered grave. The Aunties, the cousins, his Mother and Father. Funerals in Hawaii attract dozens upon dozens of people. There wasn't much as far as tears, but the atmosphere was solemn. Me, I stood off to the side. Being in the midd...

My Spirit Guide Cory by musicXisXmyXlife22

For most of my life, I have always felt that I was being watched by someone, but until last month, I didn't know anything about my spirit guide. Going back to a little over a month ago... I was at my friend's house for a sleepover, and somehow, someone started talking about spirits. A different f...

A Warning To Ouija Users by Darren

My name is Darren and I am from Tulsa Oklahoma. I am 40 years old, and have held a fascination with the occult since an early age. I have had many bizarre experiences with Ouija boards and I am writing this as a warning to people that bad things can happen because of these "portals." Parker broth...

White Male Apparition by jmreyesiii

This story just happened yesterday, and it is not my own experience. Rather, my father-in-law was the one to see the apparition, and he related his experience to us last night. The city is one of Chicago's southwest suburbs, about an hour's drive from downtown Chicago, and my father-in-law (I'l...

My Brother Visited Me by DixieChick101

My brother died 2-26-08. (He was paralyzed) After I got through the funeral of course I missed him. How could I not? But there was also the intense desire just to hear his voice again. It was like that for all of us in the family. So I checked my answering machine and my parents' answering machine...

Whisper That Follows by asande1979

I am currently caretaking a house in Northern Michigan. Being there for over two years now, I have found nothing out of the ordinary until 6 months ago. It just starts with the simple flickers of lights, and my cats staring at empty corners in the ceiling (it is interesting to see all three of th...

Coincidence, Or Relation by avenged90

I have posted before about the little girl in my house if any of you have read it. Since then I have moved out and gone to college in Pittsburgh. I have a small apartment with one roommate and my girlfriend. Now here's where I get confused. One night my roommate, our friend from class and I sat u...

Demon Or Just Crazy? by AngelSeeker

Some of you have asked me about the demon experience so I'll post it for you. It was back in 2007 in Pennington, New Jersey. I was about 13 or 14 then, I can't remember the exact date. It was late around 1am or so I had just gone to the bathroom and then back to my room. I got in bed and snuggle...

Music Birthday Card - Happy Birthday by no_average_angel

When I was five years old (I'm 13 now) my parents bought a single storey house near New Haven, Connecticut. It was a pretty small house, and the weird part was that my parents bought a lot of furniture but the small house still seemed empty. Other then that, to me it seemed normal. In fact, for the ...

Evp: The Dead Speak - 6 Cemetery Evps by EVPResearcher

I have a task that I am asking everyone to help me with. As you may know from my previous stories, If I don't have a place to investigate the Paranormal, I go "Haunt" a cemetery. I usually look for Photographic and Audio Evidence. Mainly, Audio evidence. I have been working on a piece of equipmen...

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