This is my first post. I'll start by saying this is not my first experience with the paranormal. This experience is however my most important one; it changed the way I look at life, the vary way I see things. Most of my previous happenings were corner of the eye shadows, my name being called, voices I could not understand, but this one had substance. It shook me so bad my brain would not let me understand it for days.
It all happened on a Wednesday, early winter late fall 2004. I was attending college at the time and had the day off. I was staying with my sister for a couple of days when we started to talk about my psychology cores. My sister was in college at the time to, and she told me about her professor; who is a licensed psychologist and parapsychologists. Me being a geek I said OK to my sister when she asked me to join her in her class the following day. The class was great, fun and free form. The conversation was light but intense. I saw the instructor's aura; the only aura I've ever seen before and hence. After class ended my sister wanted me to meet the instructor personally. While waiting to meet her the instructor was asked to do some sealing. I decided to watch having an interest in spiritual healing. That is when it started.
One of the girls was standing in front of the white board. The instructor was standing a few feet away from the girl shaking her finger and chanting some kind of mantra I could not hear. The girl started to weave back and forth and get dizzy bracing herself by the board as not to fall. That is when it happened.
I was standing there watching the sealing; when I almost passed out. I tipped forward blacked out almost hit the ground. I caught myself before I left my feet. When I stood up I felt this over whelming sadness. I started to cry harder than I had ever cried before. The professor did a sealing on me I felt better, but it was still hours until I calmed down enough to stop having the anxiety attack from the event. It was two or three days before I could see what it was that messed with my head and my emotions that bad.
I have trouble sleeping at night; well going to sleep anyway. My brain just won't shut up and let me rest some times. Well this night I slept and before I totally woke up. In the haze of a sleep idled brain and the fogginess of my vision. The events of the Wednesday played again in my mind. This time though the entity showed itself, or my brain allowed me to see it. I never saw it in its entirety or any detail.
The entity appears to me kind of like a hollow left behind when you take a sticker off a sheet, a black mass with white triangle eyes. Like a ghost made of a sheet and a basketball. Flowing out of the girl and toward me. I woke up before it hit my chest probably because I subconsciously did not want to relive the emotion it had attached to it. That's it. It may not sound like much but it really affected my life.
Please comment or tell me if you have had anything similar. I'd really like to know what this is called if it has a name. Thank you.