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Real Ghost Stories

Our Friendly Housemate


I now reside with my mother and my two boys in her house, thanks to the economy. My mom lives in a 70+ year old house and probably has seen a lot of things going on since it's been here.

The first time I came to visit her before we moved in, I sensed something strange in the house. It didn't scare me or make me concerned about her being here by herself. I noticed shadows moving in the front room. I wrote them off as the shadows of the trees when the streetlight hit them.

When I spent the night, I would often feel something lightly brush my face, as if a fingertip from someone's hand was stroking my face. It felt weird, but nice.

And after we moved in here with her, some of the hauntings became a little more frequent.

When my youngest son went out the door to get on the bus, I waited on the step to make sure he got on okay. Then I went back to bed for a couple of hours before I had to go to one of my classes at the local community college.

I was almost asleep when the front door sounded like it was being opened. I didn't pay any attention because I figured my son forgot something and came back in to get it. I heard what sounded like someone walking around my bed and go through my closet. I thought my mom was up and needed a shirt from me or something. I peeked my eye open and didn't see anyone. I thought it was kind of strange and chalked it up to our "housemate."

One other morning, I was in that state of almost being awake when I saw a man in my face. My eyes were very fuzzy and it startled me. I didn't get a clear visual on him, unfortunately. I know he was young, perhaps teens to mid 20s with dark hair. He didn't and doesn't pose a threat.

The kids and I see him out of the corner of our eyes a lot of the times. He likes to play with my mom's wind chimes in the middle of the night. I bought a bell the other day in case he comes around and wants to make his presence known to me.

One of these days, I will do a search on the previous owners who lived here and see if there were any deaths in the house or in the immediate area. I would really like to know who this young man is.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, MunstersBabe, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

MunstersBabe (10 stories) (32 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-08)
[at] Miracles51031

I never consider any entity human or nonhuman a "demon". They may be very negative energies, however. Because of my own personal beliefs, demons do not play a role in my life. There are those people who automatically assume all spirits are demons who take on the guise of humans. It's really ridiculous.

I laugh whenever I watch these reality ghost shows every time I see someone like Lorraine Warren tell homeowners that they are being haunted by demons. *big eye roll*

I thank you for your kind comment. You and a few others seem to really know your stuff concerning the paranormal.

I also think it's really crappy that some others on here like to troll and make fun of people's experiences. It's people like them who keep people like us in hiding. I'm so glad that I don't have to hide anymore and I enjoy coming here to read other's stories.

Keep up the good work, guys! ❤
MunstersBabe (10 stories) (32 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-08)
WOW...Did I miss something here? Lol

I really wouldn't be able to pick him out of a photograph because I have yet to get a clear view of him. When I see him, he is either a blur darting in and out of rooms or in my face as I am waking up. Do you know how jarring that is sometimes?

My mother is not very sensitive to spirits because they scare her. People who are like that put up a psychic wall so that spirits can't communicate with them. It's really sad. I do see her turning her head to noises that she hears, but she quickly tells me that it's either squirrels in the attic or something else.

Thank you all for your positive comments
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-31)
No Problem. There have been a LOT of confused people on here as of late. Too many (for lack of a better phrase, but you ALL know who you are/were) high school games going on. Ridiculous, really.
What they do not realise, though, is that seems to draw attention TO the comment, and their "vote" will most likely be reversed, as YOURS was.😊
biblefreeme (2 stories) (137 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-31)
thanks whitebuffalo I think your right and I made them feel guilty because I went up by 8 overnight but your right its not worth stressing about you are very wise
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-31)
Do not worry about those Karma points. Last night, and for a week or more, there have been a few people who have nothing better to do than to knock the comments that seem to make the most sense.
No worries. Your comment made absolute sense and is more than likely what is going on here.
People who have abilities send out beacons, unknowingly at times, and it "pulls" some of the beings in. I would think the absolute same thing in this instance.
Wado (Thank you)
biblefreeme (2 stories) (137 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-30)
omg apologies if my last coment didn't go down well it realy was meant positivly I know I shouldnt care about points but I just hate losing them when I was being nice, ithink 😕
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-30)
Appropriate screen name.
Knock it off. THIS crud after only three comments? Point made.
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-30)
I gotta agree with Miracles first paragraph, and ask the same questions as Kim. You see him LOTS of times? Could you pick him out of a photo?
Wado (Thank you)
biblefreeme (2 stories) (137 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-29)
thats probably why hes around more since you came hes picking up on your positive energy he can sence your not scared and probably will try to comunicate if he can
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-10-29)
MunstersBabe - okay, now I like your approach to and acceptance of your "housemate." You didn't freak out or overreact and think "omigod it's a demon" and try to get rid of him or scare your boys and mom to death. Thank you!

I'd like to offer you the same advice I offer to a lot of people LOL! Keep a journal. Make it as full of relevant information as you feel necessary. Even moon phases (something I've been forgetting to do (Granny!), weather conditions, and even the moods of your household can have a bearing on paranormal activity.

Sounds to me like you have a very good ghost with you. Obviously he has no intention of deliberately scaring or harming you and yours.

I've had this typed and ready to submit for about 15 minutes and then realized you had 9 stories. I'd never read any of them, so I went back to read all of them to make sure I wanted to submit this comment. Nothing I read made me change my mind about what I wanted to say to you. 😊
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-29)
Does your mother ever mention any thing she has experienced in the home? How long had she lived in the home? Are your boys frightened by the occurances? I know you stated you are not afraid, I am just wondering how they are affected.

Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us! If you do the research and would like to update us, I would love to hear about it.

God Bless!

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