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Knock, Knock, Knock


On November 12 my husband and I were sleeping when we were awakened by a knock on our bedroom door. My husband asked, "Who is knocking on our door at 2AM?" I, thinking it was one of my sons got up to open the door only to find that there was no one there. I got pretty freaked out and went back to bed and like a grown woman I hid under the covers.

On November 14th, my son and I were having a chat in the kitchen. We both heard a knock on the front door. Without hesitation, my son went to open the door. No one was there. He insisted that the house was shifting. Possible, but the house creaks when shifting, it doesn't knock!

I am wondering what and why now? We have lived in this house for 19 years. My parents lived in it for over 35 years.

All these knockings got me thinking of a childhood memory. I was asleep, but was awakened when I felt something hit my harm like a soft ball. I even heard it bounce. I sat up, but I didn't see anything. I thought it was my brother, but he was asleep.

I also remember hearing footsteps like an old person dragging their feet on the floor. Telling my mom this incident she suggested that it was the dog under the house.

I'm trying not to be afraid. I just want some answers... Like why knock?

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Kdurango (1 stories) (6 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-22)
So last night I cleaned my mirror really good. This morning there are smudges at the bottom of the mirror. Okay to me it looks like a hand print... But I am not saying anything to the fam. I think they think I'm nuts! 😲

Daz, thanks for your thoughts, I have written you and email and have sent you the picture of the streaks.
... Okay must get busy... With real life.,
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-22)
Not sure how to upload the photo, you may need to contact Martin about that...I'm not surprised that you have had further activity going in with the streaks on your mirror and I'd expected it... I was almost going to say that in my last comment... But didn't want to frighten you in any way... And please don't be... I know its easy said, but I believe your mother is coming through and doing it in a way to minimize your anxiety about the paranormal... I think back to 10 years ago... The first time I saw my dad... It did freak me out a little... So I understand how you feel... But after 10 years my fears are no more and my heart would fill with joy to see him again... Funny thing is at 430am this morning I woke up thinking about your story and heard three knocks on my wall... Which is validation for me... That somehow what I'm about to tell you is what your mother wants you to know... This significant decision you are considering, please have another good long think about it... I feel I know what it is, but will not talk about it here... You are at a crossroads right now and making the right choice is something that you must do... You can contact at my email address if you would like and we can talk there... Two questions... Have you been jumping a lot right at he point of going to sleep? And when your mother sat down on your bed was it on the edge or in the middle?

Daz 😁
Kdurango (1 stories) (6 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-21)
Thanks so much for the comment. Had some weird stuff happen. This morning I found streaks on my mirror. Don't what they were, but they were not there the evening before. I took a picture of the streaks. This is getting spooky. How can I upload this picture? 😕 😕 😕
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-20)
Kdurango...its interesting you say that... That you are considering making some changes in your life... That may hurt some people... Its not always cut and dry how things work in regards to how you interpret them... You just have to work things out yourself and make what ever choices is right for you... She could be asking you to reconsider? And its interesting you mentioned 3 knocks... They always knock in threes...I'm not sure if you interested in my thoughts but I can relate to what's going on with you at the moment, I have had spirits knocking on my walls for the last ten years... What I'm reading here seems like a pattern I know all so well... Please have a good think about your personal decisions and make sure there right... You may have come here not by chance to hear the words I just said... Best wishes...
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-11-20)
Kdurango: That dream is very interesting...

I think WB was right when she said death simply means "the end" of something... Since you're mulling over some drastic changes in your waking life, and also talking to your Mom, these two "things" merged...

Sometimes the signs we get from our passed love ones aren't very obvious... The knocking could be her just letting you know she hears you, and she's there watching out for you... It may be the only thing she can do to get through to you...Although, knocking on an entrance door always makes me uncomfortable...

I'm sure as time goes on, the signs will become clearer, you just have to pay attention! 😊 ❤
Kdurango (1 stories) (6 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-20)
At this point in my life I am wanting to make some very dramatic changes. Changes that would hurt a lot of people. I have been talking a lot to my late Mom, and I'm just ask her what should I do...? Yet, I fail to find the answers in the knocks. 🤔

My husband tried to recreate the knocks. The knocks were loud enough to wake us, but they were not angry knocks. Anyway, when he kept trying to recreate the knocks I had to tell him to stop I didn't want the ghost to be encourage.

Definitely knocks and not house shifting; both time is was 3 distinct knocks.

(DC, you comment was fine, I just didn't realize that the post you were addressing was hidden. Zero harm done.)
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (203 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-20)
I agree with WhiteBuffalo. Shifting houses can make some pretty convincing and weird sounds, so I would try to recreate it or find similarities if the sound happens again. Also, you might want to set up a voice recorder or video recorder. Sometimes, physical activity will also be followed with more paranormal activity, such as an apparition, orb, or voice.

Also, as ZzsGranny said, keep a journal and keep track of anything strange that happens around the house, and also keep track of things that may have happened in the past.

Don't be alarmed, though. Spirits are people (in a... Well, odd sort of way) and they need attention, too. When they don't recieve it, they tend to be obnoxious, because that behavior is noticed more.

And wtf is this about Justin Bieber? Was it someone who fails at being a troll?
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-20)
Kdurango, I can relate to your experience and probably ended my first comment a little strangely in regards to the loss of other lives... Your dreams I have had too... And it means you are reaching out to your mother and your mother can feel that connection... I believe it is your mum that is causing the knocks... This is how I should have finished on the first time I posted... Noticeable knocks will intensify when your mother wants to get through to you... To either warn you or prepare you for what's ahead... And sometimes just to let you know shes there... Try this... Next time it happens ask her to stop knocking and see if it does... She will know she got through and if you know shes there... Have that heart to heart and even though she may not respond she will hear everything you say...

Daz. 😁
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-20)
Your son is right.
A shifting house, CAN sound like a knock. Or a bang, or a creek, footsteps... It all depends on WHAT part of the house is involved, really.
However, These knocks ONLY seem to happen at DOORS?
Attention seeking ghosts try all kinds of things to get someone to notice them. This may simply have been an entity that wanted recognition. And you all recognised it's existence, by answering the door.

Your recent dream: Death, in dreams does not necessarily MEAN "death". It COULD mean the "ending" of something. A job, a relationship, living in a certain place, a habit... Just "the end". If she was "awake", that COULD indicate a conscious decision to end whatever that was.
Thank you.
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-20)
kdurango, I should apologize profusely, this is your forum and that comment I made was directed at something that had nothing to do with you or your story. Once again, sorry for my rudeness, and please know it was not meant for you. 😐
Kdurango (1 stories) (6 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-20)
New to this site. I was a little confused about the comment DC made, but I found the comment the poster was referring to.
Justin Beiber? That's a mystery in itself!
Kdurango (1 stories) (6 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-20)
Thanks for all the comments. I haven't heard any more knocks. However last night I had a dream about my mother. She passed away in 2004. I use to have a lot of dreams about her, but they slowly went away. Last night I had a dream that we were burying her alive. I was crying so hard and she was crying with me. I was trying to comfort her and tell her that she would only be alive for a short time and then die. I cried so hard because in my dream mind I couldn't imagine what it would be like to be alive and know that death is only moments away.
After we buried her, we had a lot of people coming to the house to console us. I was very mad, because I just wanted to be alone with my grief... My grief, I felt was being interrupted.

Weird dream... Does it have anything to do with the knocks, don't know.

My husband thinks it's great, because it reveals that there is some sort of afterlife...
xmeggymoo08x (2 stories) (5 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-19)
when a ghost knocks it meens its is following you and unless you don't tell it to stop the more knocking your going to get you need to tell the ghost to stop it and to go away
butthead (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-19)
i have a feeling that bizzare comment was made from someone of a young age, looking at previous comments in the profile.
Strange timing for such a question though. Lol
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-19)
I have to admit, it is one of the most bizzare comments I have ever seen and well put summed it up well...
Loganz_sis (1 stories) (150 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-19)
Great story, thanks for sharing.

DC> you make me laugh ha ha ha, you are on a roll... Read another comment somewhere (to Aramis I think) stuff!
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-18)
sarahi, What's wrong? You lonely? On a field trip and got lost? Can't find your mommy ahd daddy? Someone steal your lollipop? Dog won't bark? Cat won't scratch? What's wrong little one? No friends? Aaaaww! Poor little baby, nobody will play with you? That's sooooo saaaaad! 😭 😭 😭

This comment from sarahi is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

jzinck (4 stories) (54 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-18)
Maybe it was a forrunner? Did anthing happen in the days or weeks that followed?
Worried_Brit_Chick (6 stories) (108 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-18)
you may have a point there NightGhost, my Nanny heaard 3 sharp knocks on her kitchen cupboard when her sister died.

But that's not to say the knocks you heard are anything to do with death Kdurango, like zzsgranny said, it's probably just someone who would like to get your attention. Xxx
NightGhost (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-18)
It is trying to get your attention and deliver a message. There is always two varibles to any situation dealing with paranormal: Its either good or bad. But none the less knocks are ways of spirits communicating with us usually as a warning. It also depends on the amount of knocks. Was it two or three or five? Its a code in conversing. Family members upon death leave knocks on doors when they're bidding goodbye. If your knocks move to windows or walls its got a different message other then a fam member parting. Overall knocks always tie into death. Sorry. An old tale crows cawing at you and showing up are equal to a deathly knock. I have a saying. "CAW CAW says the crow. KNOCK KNOCK says the spook."
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-18)
Kdurango: True that all our houses creak and make noises through the night... Due to the rise and fall of the temperature... Causing the timber to shrink and expand... This is scientifically the explanation... But imagine this... Spirits can travel through walls and windows etc... And they posses a certain degree of energy... So as they travel through the wall... They sometimes hit that spot that gives that more unusual level of noise... Where we think hang on... Thats sounds a little more purposeful than just an normal creak of the house... Now heres the thing if you have a resident ghost, it will work out the areas of your house and concentrate its energy there to let you know there with you... And knocking is not as frightening as seeing them standing at the end of your bed when your in a communicative level of consciousness... So I'm leaning toward a departed family member letting you know there with you... Pay close attention to the intensity of the knocks before and after the loss of family members... And I hope you have none for a very long time...

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-11-17)
Kdurango: I'm sure if you think about it, there will be many memories of strange things happening in this house... 😉...
Ever have personal items missing that turn up exactly where you left them and looked for them days before?...Ever feel like someone was watching you, or heard your name called, when no-one (living) did?...Brand new light bulbs burning out, batteries that don't last... You get my drift...

I don't think this is anything to worry about... Try keeping a journal (advice that Miracles and I give A LOT) of the oddities that occur to see if there is a pattern...

I think someone's just trying to get your attention... It worked, HUH? 😆 ❤
jazzeyjay (3 stories) (215 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-17)
Kdurango: This is truly a bizarre story. I don't know if you can attribute these things to the house settling or not. I do know when a house settles it makes some really weird popping sounds and sounds like someone is trying to walk softly and sneak up on you or something. I also know that air can get into your pipes and make popping and knocking sounds too., but to knock on the bedroom door and then knock on the front door is a totally different thing in itself. If you experienced something in this home when you were a child, then this validates that there is something going on in that home. Is there any way possible that you can get a recorder and turn it on and everyone leave the house for a few hours and see if it picks up anything? See if you can leave it on at night when everyone is asleep and see if you can pick up any sounds coming from the inside of the house that are not from you or any of your family members. Even a video recorder set up somewhere to see what can be caught.
I hope this will help you and I pray things do not get any worse for you and family. Thank you for sharing this story with us!

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