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Family Home


We lived in this home, I am going to tell you about the place first, when you come in the front door, you had the living room and on the right was the kitchen, on the left was a hallway, you go throw the hall on the right is one bedroom and next on the right was the bathroom and them the big bedroom. You go back to where the kitchen is and there a hall away on the left is a bedroom and then across from the bathroom is a back door on the right. There is the washer and dryer and then another bedroom.

One night, me and my kids were in our living room watching tv. I looked back to where my room was and I saw the hall light on. I went and turned it off and come back and set down. When I sat down, my son said "mom the light is on". I looked at my kids, I said "did one of you go back there, I know they didn't" I thought I would ask, but they said nope.

I told my son to go turn it off, when he was walking back there he came back running, he said "mom there a man back there" I said "what?" he repeated "there a man back there!". I got up and went in there, no one was there but my back door was open. I got my kids and went to my sister's, she was next door to me.

We called the cops, they came and looked the places over. He said no one could have come in the back door. But he would stay with my sister and tell my husband when he got home. Well, after that, things would happen around the house. We would put things down and go back to get it and it was moved. My son liked his bedroom room door open, but it would close when no one was in there. My sister came and she said "you all have got a spirit in your home". I said "yea more than one".

Well we lived there for awhile. My kids did not like to sleep in their room and their friends would not come and stay with us. They would get up at 2am crying, they called their mom or dad to come and get them. What ever it was, it never hurt us none of them.

We moved out.

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KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-30)
Thank you for sharing your story with us. Sounds like an active home. DO you have any information on the history of the house?

God Bless!

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