When we were twelve we moved into a house it was a two storey house with everything downstairs except the bedrooms. The layout was a little odd because one entire side of the second floor was a single long room with a door at each end; it was probably two separate rooms at one point. This is the room that I share with my twin sister Barbara.
Shortly before we moved my sister started trying to follow a vegan new-age naturist lifestyle. She started asking everyone to call her Crystal, and stopped going to church saying that the bible encourages hatred of women. From the very beginning I had problems getting my crucifix to stay hanging; it would frequently fall off the wall and always land face down. I changed where I hung it and but to no avail, nothing else hung on the walls had this problem, but I chalked it up to it being two feet of wood and thus pretty heavy.
After living in the house a while and making friends with a couple of the local girls we managed to convince our Mom to let us have a sleepover. Our new friends confided in us that no-one lived in this house for a while before us because everyone thought it was haunted. After we were supposed to be in bed they snuck out of bed and brought out a Ouija board, saying they wanted to contact the spirit. I didn't want any part of it but I stayed and watched. My sister was right in there though. At first it seemed like nothing was happening they bid the spirit to talk to them and asked if it was there. After a few times the pointer suddenly jerked towards the 'yes' spot on the board. They asked its name: Lilith. They asked if it minded us living in its house: No. The longer this went on the more uncomfortable I was getting with this whole scenario so I made them stop, before we did we closed contact, and told the spirit not to interact with anyone in the house anymore and put the board away.
Now several years later I have started noticing some odd behaviour in my sister, which is saying something, she specializes in odd behaviour. She is now living a Goth lifestyle and will only answer to Persephone. It started when she started sleeping a little more often and buying underwear and nighties that I can't believe any self-respecting young woman would wear. At first I thought she might be sneaking out at night to see a secret boyfriend but since we share a room, I would notice if she was going out.
It has gotten to the point where pretty much all she does is sleep, Mom has taken her to the doctor but he says there is nothing wrong with her. She is often late for school because she sleeps in, she rarely does her homework. And recently she has started making noises in her sleep, indecent noises. I never connected this to what happened when we were kids until recently she got a new tattoo. "Lilith" on the small of her back.
Is this spirit messing with my sister?
What is it?
A ghost or a demon?