Background information: The house where this took place at was haunted in earlier years and had some weird paranormal events when my sister was a little girl. It is the house in the foot hills so my grandparents had a big old property that was fun to explore and used to be owned by Indians.
It was the summer of 2004 and I was a younger girl living with my mother and my step-dad with my step-sister Breanna. We were a typical family that lived in the country and loved animals. My family and I had goats to take care of on our Grandma and Grandpa's very old property.
It was good sized house with a big garage where my Grandpa worked; out back was a satelite dish and many old unused tools and such. Behind that was a barbed wire fence with lots of mountain range behind it.
My sister and I where feeding the goats Nanny and Bobo. It was my job to get the water for the goats and her job to feed them. My sister and I were walking side by side in front of the house doing our chores when we looked to our left we saw our 'dad' crawling through the window wearing the same clothes he had been wearing. We shrugged it off, finished our chores and went into the house.
We were sitting down and decided to tell our step-dad what we saw. When we told him he looked at us as if we were insane and confused he said, "I didn't come through the window I came through the front door." Me and my sister looked at each other both shocked and didn't understand.