when I was a bit younger, I used to see a man with a top hat standing in the kitchen watching me go up the stairs every night when I go to bed, I still do sometimes, and I was scared of him because he'd disappear after a certain step and then I'd feel something chasing me so I'd run to my bedroom. But just recently I've been hearing tapping on my shelves and on my radiator. I know the radiator is probably cooling down, but there is no excuse for my shelves because they are wooden and don't move or expand because my room isn't damp.
I have seen him in my room out of the corner of my eye, next to my cupboard. I think it's him tapping on my shelves. But it's weird, because when he does it makes me feel safe. I don't know why but something tells me he's protecting me. I don't know what of, I don't know why, but it's just a voice in my head telling me I'm fine when I hear him tapping. Also I hear something telling me his name... I don't know it's probably my head messing about (actually thinking about it really probably is) but I think its John, or Steve, I know completely different names but. Oh I don't know anybody else agree with me as in it's my head? It's telling me to include more detail so I guess I'll tell you about him.
He's fairly tall, and he wears a suit which was clean when first saw him but his suit has been getting more and muddier and really dirty. It's like he's been sleeping with pigs! He has a fairly big beard, not huge, quite prim, and a really long black jacket I know they have a certain name but I can't remember what they are called they have like a snake tongue at the back any way and he wears (now muddy) black, well ironed trousers. A white shirt and bow tie and of course what I said at the start a black top hat. Not one of those really tall ones, it's like half the size as one of them (in height). Anyway please comment any explanations!