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Spirit In The Swamp


My encounter happened in early February of 1985 in a farming/swamp area of extreme south Florida outside Homestead, Fl. My father called it the East Glade; some folks call it the Double Canals. It's a very flat area, fairly large area 5x8 miles, where corn and potatoes are grown in the winter with a mix of willow, button wood, scrub oak, saw grass and cat tail slew. It is criss crossed with small drainage ditches that we called jumpers because they were just wide enough to jump across. Some larger ditches and 2 large canals (hence Double Canals). The drainage ditches were dug for fill for the roads which are set up in straight north south, east west grids and they divide the area up into large plots of fields and swamp.

It was late afternoon and the temperature was cold for subtropical Florida, mid 50s expected to drop to the low 40s that night. My buddy and I had been fishing the jumpers about smack in the middle of the glade on the edge where the farms yielded to the swamp. About an hour and a half before sunset I saw a figure approaching us from the swamp about 3/4 of a mile down the road we were fishing on. My friend was around a corner, so at the time I was alone near the car. I knew it was a person but it was moving very slowly and I didn't pay it much mind and continued fishing but kept an eye on it.

After about a 1/2 hour I could make out it was a woman. Then as she got closer I could tell she was barefoot, wearing only a long pink tee shirt with a teddy bear on it. The kind young girls sleep in. When she finally got close enough to talk to me I could see she had been out there a while. She had a slight build; her mouse brown hair looked like it had been wet earlier in the day and not brushed very well but her feet didn't appear very dirty. Her skin was slightly ashen but not pale and she wasn't blemished. She seemed fairly healthy, didn't seem lost or overly concerned about her situation.

She asked me for a cigarette of which I didn't have. When I told her I had none she just looked at me blankly. I then asked her what in the hell was she doing out there. She replied "I've been swimming with the alligators". I asked her who left her out there (I figured she was a hooker), she just said "they left me here". I asked her if she would like a ride back to town when we were done fishing and she said she had no place to go. I told her that I couldn't in good conscience leave her out there and would give her a few bucks, and then drop her off at a convenience store. She just said "I'll wait over there". She walked about 50 feet in front of my car and she squatted down in the road and pulled the shirt over her knees and just kind of settled there.

Now this was getting kind of strange so I went and found my buddy to tell him we had a crazy lost hooker we were going to take back to town. We spoke about it out of ear shot of the girl and decided where we would drop her that would be the least likely place that anyone would see us dropping off a fallen flower at. He did ask if she propositioned me, which she had not, then it seemed even stranger. He also said something to the effect that she might be trying to set us up to be rolled, which wasn't likely because I was wearing a rather large pistol.

Gets time to leave she gets in the back of my 72, 4 door, Chevelle and off we go. My buddy asked basically the same questions I did and she gave the same answers. Swimming with the alligators, not gators, alligators and that "they left her out there". She also said she didn't have any more friends in town. That they were all gone. From that point we just rode and were quiet

About 1/2 mile from the pavement and civilization she blurts out "I forgot my shoes". I told her she could get more shoes but she reiterated that she had to have her shoes. I told her it's almost dark and we're not going back for shoes. To which she replied "let me out, I must have my high heels". I wasn't going to argue with some crazy hooker so I stopped and let her get out.

She exited the car from the back passenger door and at that moment my buddy just looked at me and said "she's a spook". I told him he was nuts, she's a hooker, not a spook. He said "no a spirit". As I was explaining to him why his eyes were brown I looked in the rear view mirrors and she was gone. Turned around, no sign of her. The road we were on was white rock 50 feet wide and had flat freshly planted farm fields on either side. Not a bush of a tree in sight but it did have a jumper on either side. I still thought he was a loony as she was. Then he turned around and put his hand on the seat where she had been for the last 20 minutes. It was cold as ice when I put my hand on it. He then said "did you notice she didn't smell like anything". Then when he mentioned it she didn't, for someone who had spent a day in the south Florida swamp she had no odor at all.

I didn't tell hardly anyone about it except my wife, then one afternoon while chatting with my father I told him the story. With as serious a look as he could have he told me he had seen the same girl 50 years prior in the same area. When she approached she asked the same question, "Do you have a cigarette". Her attire was different. She was completely naked except a pair of high heeled shoes. My father told me that she had been out there for a long time. This was sort of shocking to me that my father, elder in the church had had direct contact with a spirit and the same spirit had contact with me.

Call bunk on it if you want but this encounter made a believer out of me!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, lilwoody, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-15)
I had to come back to this one more time to ask if you'd checked the cemetery for any of the dates and possible age at her death. For though her body may not have been discovered, they could have put an empty casket in the ground. It would have been improper not to do so. It's just a thought.
Please keep us updated on any findings.
Thanks again for sharing, and don't be a stranger.
JamesRobiscoe (419 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-05)
lilwoody--I join the crew in applauding the vividness of your writing. And quite an unusual story. Amongst the questions it raises is: Where DO spirits get the clothes they appear in?
Lilady4 (7 stories) (427 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-05)
Great story here lilwoody. Very intriguing and interesting. I was thinking tat it could've been part of an "Urban Legend" seeing as though your Father saw the same Spirit. Maybe the Spirit decided to adapt to the times, i.e. Your Father saw the same Spirit naked, but you and your friend saw her with a pink shirt on.
Love & Light, Rachel ❤
bacchaegrl (506 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-05)
This is one of the few really good stories that I've read on this site. True or not, I loved it! Someone probably already said this, but I don't feel like reading all the comments right now; perhaps she wasn't a ghost at all. The high heels and the teddy bear shirt are kind of strange, but to me, she sounds like a modern day nymph or water spirit. A lot of earth spirits wander around naked, don't they? I just wonder why her shoes were so important. Maybe they are more than just mere shoes. And when she said "They left me". It makes me think that she is an oucast earth spirit of some kind, a weird fairy or a fallen angel. Though what a fairy or an angel would want with a cigarette is beyond me. You have so many interesting details in this story I feel like I could comb it for hours!
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-05)
It is fun, isn't it? Thanks for getting back to me so quickly, that is refreshing. I was hoping I hadn't gone too far. I love stories like yours. You gave a lot of important detail, and your writing style gave me a better feel for the area where this occurred.
Then as I read through the comments and saw the emphasis you were placing on the things that stood out most from that experience, it started to become clear she was trying to retrace her last objectives, or last memories of what had happened that night to place her in this situation. Her needing to go back for the high heels for instance, the fear of leaving them behind. I'll bet it makes you want to bring her those high heels, huh? Perhaps you could leave some extra clothes too?
Just don't forget the cigarette, be a shame to leave that out, it can't hurt her now anyway... 😉

What really got me though, was when your buddy said that "she didn't smell like anything". Man, does that put you there, or what?
lilwoody (1 stories) (5 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-05)
Thanks for that insight, it makes a lot of sense. She did appear pleasant for her situation not jaded like a "woman of the world" would have. This narrows the field for research as the for hire girls, especially then would fall by the wayside without notice. The high heel aspect also leaves credence to this scenario of events. Until I found this site and started getting feed back on this experience I was just going to regulate this a unexplained life events that would stay be retold and unsolved. Two heads are better than on. In this case it seems to be dozens.
outsider (guest)
13 years ago (2011-05-05)
i personally think you encounted a demon from the binn tribe, they inhabit the seas and rivers and are exclusively female. They are confined to certain distances from the're permanent stations, they can manifest in giant females with long hair coming down to the're feet or in mermaid form or can take the appearance of a human who lost the're life in the demon's permanent station area.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-05)
Now this is the kind of story we need more of. I'm of the same mind as the rest, this is too detailed and expressive to have been made up. Also headed to my faves.
I don't think she was a hooker at all. I'm wondering if she might be the victim of unintended consequences?
If she is the same girl, and it does sound likely, that your father had encountered 50 years earlier, this may have been an accidental death.
This was an era of no television. It was a desolate area. I'm assuming the town was much smaller and less populated. Which means there wasn't much of a local night life. We used to say our town rolled up the sidewalks at 9 o'clock. So what do you do for fun? You use your imagination is what. When I think back at the days when there were only three channels on TV and FM radio was just pirated radio stations with no commercials but played entire albums, I can relate.
That's where the "Swimming with the alligators" comes in. What if it was a dare, or initiation into a group or club? And what if something really did happen that time? What if she drowned or actually got killed by an alligator? Well, you certainly wouldn't want that to happen again. So that's the end of that game forever, and no one speaks of it after that. It gets lost in the local history on purpose. Too sad, too much survivor guilt, and it's never spoken of in front of the kids. Don't want to give them any ideas.
Why the naked girl? In nothing but her shoes? It was the times they lived in, girls and boys had separate clubs, that was the norm. This was long before co-ed anything. So the dare could have been to jump in the water naked, in February, count to whatever, and you're now past the hardest part. You've almost made it into the cool kids club. But what you didn't know was they had stolen your clothes and run off. The shoes? We did that, only we wore Keds. Mom's were always worried you'd step on something and get Tetanus, so if you were at the lake or beach, you wore them. Either way, you didn't dare go home without them.
And since they were the cool kids club in my scenario, the cigarette could have been the last thing she had to do to complete the initiation.

Yeah, I know I get carried away sometimes, but the hooker label didn't fit this girl at all. I had to put her somewhere else, and even getting the other details wrong doesn't matter as much as getting that one right.

😉 😊
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-04)
Something my mom told me, in the 30's around the time your dad sawthis poor soul, high heeled shoes were prized because they were expensive due to the depression and rumblings of war. Heels got lower and lower as the 30's progressed. Hollywood made heels glamourous with sequins and crystals and everyone wanted them, if they were lucky enough to get a pair, they were very well taken care of because they had to last.
Maybe this is why she was so insistant on getting those shoes! ❤
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-05-04)
Lou - did not know about the alligators thing. Thank you for that information. See? This is why I like this site. You learn all kinds of things, or at least I do anyway 😊
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-04)
lilwoody thanks for update and I hope you get some feed back when you ask around, would be interesting to fund out just how many people have seen her 😊
lilwoody (1 stories) (5 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-04)
Posting this and the responses that have been so openly left has restored my interest in this event in my life. My wife and I discussed this again last night. She was present when I had the discussion with my father about it and she was kind of floored with his response too. He did not go into too much detail about his encounter and I didn't pry but he made it plane that it was a spirit and it he felt it was the same spirit. The only one of his siblings still alive is a younger brother and he's 92. I am going to ask him a few questions about this subject and see if my father ever confided in him about this.
I have been back to the area dozens of times and had been going out there for years prior. It has now turned into a place where many ATVs use the grid of roads and the remaining swamp that's accessible to have fun. I'd like to talk to some of those folks and see if any of them have bumped into her.
They are also changing the face of the area. During the building boom drag lines were working 24/7 to fill the general area where we saw her. Thankfully building restrictions kept them from sprouting houses like mushrooms. Last I checked the digging had stopped but they have turned a 4 square mile area there into a barren flat plain of rolled limestone fill. I sure would like to talk to those drag line operators and their maintenance people who were out there all that time.
dragonwalker (5 stories) (77 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-04)
This is totally going in my favorites. Holy smokes! So she never does the *exact* same thing twice? If I missed this in a previous comment, forgive me, but what *specifically* happened with the encounter your father had? Did she go sit under a tree like she did with you? Did she avoid (intentionally or by random design) physical contact with your father as well? I wonder what would happen if someone gave her a cig. If she had shoes with your father, but only a t-shirt with you, and then freaked out about the shoes... I wonder if someone gave her a shirt at some point and maybe someone else found her shoes (somehow washed or otherwise moved away from the body), but her body is still out there somewhere. She sounds intelligent, but stuck. Good luck if you go back looking for her.
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-04)
Here's a twist on "swimming with alligators". Gator handling was a popular attraction in the 1950s drawing audiences from across the globe. Gator handlers routinely ventured into the swamp to capture gators for their shows. Some shows featured scantily clad women who would indeed, "swim with the alligators".
I doubt they wore high heels, but it wouldn't be the first time a woman chose presentation over practicality...;)
I don't think the people who "left her out there" were the ones who killed her. I think she was waiting for someone and someone with ill intent found her all alone and took advantage of the situation... Or not.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-05-04)
taz and Darkness - taz, yes, the same threat as "swimming with the fishes" and "concrete boots." That's what I've been thinking. Nobody "willingly" swims with alligators. Not under their own unaltered will. So, as you said, Darkness, I also suspect foul play in the highest.

My thought on the t-shirt and high heels thing is that when witnesses, like lilwoody and his dad, have seen her, they've seen her at different stages of undress maybe. Still thinking this one through though.
vicuttie8 (7 stories) (92 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-04)
It sounds to me like she was a girl who had some men take advantage of her. Or maybe she was a hooker. But it sounds like she was raped and then left in the swamp to die and then the alligators got her. If she was a hooker then she must have been poor so it wouldn't be uncommon for anyone to notice she was missing. And if your dad saw her years ago, then it must have happened years ago. If I were you I'd do some reasearch on the area maybe see if any girls went missing or any bodies were found.

Tori ❤
Lislani (guest)
13 years ago (2011-05-04)
I really liked your story. I was thinking about the answer she gave when asked what she was doing there. Could it be that the girl was a person who didn't know how to swim and was thrown into the swams. And encountered alligators, or just drowned and now spends after life in water.
About the shoes that's just a way to get someone to find her body and finally rest in peace. Have you gone back? It would be interesting to see if she were to appear again.

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-05-04)
lilwoody: One question I just thought of: how far away from the source of water had you driven when she asked to return for her shoes?...
MsPitstop (3 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-04)
Great story, well written.

It would be great if someone found out who she is/was, especially if she was a missing person/murder victim.
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-03)
miracles are you thinking of sleeping with the fishes? A sweet gangster threat oh and with concrete boots on too 😊
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-03)
Exactly Miracles I feel the exact same way I distinctively get that feeling she met with foul play.😢 I'm racking my brains here if she has been given a physical material shirt to wear whilst a spirit, can she continue to appear wearing it. Hmmmm going to have a bit of a think I ams! 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-05-03)
Darkness - that whole "swimming with the alligators" thing has bothered me ever since I read it. I keep hearing something along the lines of gangsters or something. Just really, really bad no matter what it is.
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-03)
lilwoody: Great account I thoroughly enjoyed it. Was kind of thinking what granny touched on regarding the shirt if this was given to her at some stage by someone else knowing that she was naked she has used this for her own good leading to an intelligent haunt. She is repeating her actions also but at the same time being intelligent about it, I have the feeling she is very confused and is kind of looping her actions but cannot seem to leave that area, if that makes sense. You know I have the feeling that if you continued into town that she would have dissapeared from the back seat.

Would be great to know exactly what happened, her saying "I've been swimming with the Alligators" is a bit unnerving.

Thanks for sharing your story. 😊

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-05-03)
taz - guess what color my eyes are 😆 Not green, not blue, not hazel. Yep, BROWN! And I'm completely full of it most of the time! But not about ghosts. Never about them. 😐
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-03)
thanks granny would never have guessed that one, so your full of it are you!?! Hmmm will have to watch for brown eyes now 😆 😆 😆
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-05-03)
"Your eyes are brown because you're full of poop"...or, "You're full of poop up to your eyeballs"... 😆 😆 😆
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-03)
[at] zzsgranny YES! Finaly got in with a good thought first lmao
So what's with brown eyes then?
Never heard anything about brown hazel yes brown no!?!
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-05-03)
lilwoody: I was going to mention the water factor, as taz did, for a source of energy...Also, there's another story on here, "The Plaid Blanket", where this poster's ghostie actually accepted this gift, and used it... My point being this: I'm thinking it's possible that perhaps someone gave her a t-shirt at one point, during their encounter with her...

I wonder, too, what you may have found if you'd taken her back to the place where she left her shoes...

Interesting that it seems you and your friend are the only ones to have seen her clothed... I say it "seems", because if everyone who's had an encounter with her keeps it to themselves, then we don't know, maybe someone else saw her in the T-shirt, too...

By the way, I have brown eyes too, and I have heard the reason why many, many times! 😆...Great account, going to my faves, too!...Thanks for posting 😊
lilwoody (1 stories) (5 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-03)
LouSlips my eyes are blue.
Neither of us ever touched her or got closer that 10 feet until she got in the car. She left no impression on the seat or heat where she had sat. My wife and I have discussed this many times (she has been visited by sprits more than once, she has a gift, let's say) and we figure she travels or abides in the water where she probably perished who knows how long ago. Maybe she is trying to lead someone to her body, maybe she is toying with people, maybe she is trying to provoke people to try to take advantage of her. What ever she is there for I don't really know, I know one thing for certain, she is there.
I'll add the bit more that I know of this spirit. Like I said I kind of kept this to myself for a while but then when my father matter of factly hit me with the fact that he had bumped into her I told a few of my close friends. One of them, that I have known since high school just so happened to have seen a girl out in the same area, around the same time of year only a couple years later.
He and his girl friend were out at night raising some cane in his 4X4 truck and out of nowhere a naked girl ran in front of his truck and stopped in the middle of the road. He served around her, then whipped the truck around to render aid. The only problem was there was only a empty road behind him. He lit his roll bar mounted Kbar lights, that lite up a area the size of a football field but nothing was there. He crept along searching and his girl friend used a spot light on the freshly planted fields and no sign of anyone.
After a while they put it together that what they saw might not have been of our plane of existence. Like me they kept it to themselves because they figured, as I did no one would believe them. This is the only other personal account I know of with credibility but have heard that others have seen her too. It's suppose to be common knowledge at the migrant camp that sits on the north end of the area that there is a spirit in the swamp but I have never heard anything first hand from the people there...
lynrinth (guest)
13 years ago (2011-05-03)
Wonderful and nicely detailed account. Wow, she sure has been there for a loooong time. Funny how one person can see one way, and another person sees something a differnt way. Glad it was benelovent encounter, and not a bad one. If you have more, please let us know!

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