My brother and I have 3 cats. Tasha (my cat) is a long haired Angora, Menew (My dad's cat) is a short hair Russian blue. And then there is Jesse. Jesse was my brother's cat, and she lived a long, happy life. She lived to be 17 (that's REAL old for a cat, if you believe in that dog years thing that applies for cats, she would of been 119 years old human years).
She was loved by all of us, and we would pet her, and we would love her as much as all the cats. Well, my cat Tasha is a little B*tch. She will attack any cat I pet. She would attack Jesse, and I think one day she really hurt her. Jesse would just lay on our floor and stay there. We knew she would die soon. We put food next to her, water and even my brother would sleep next to her. When she died, I was the last one petting her, and laying next to her. We buried her in my grandmother's backyard. My brother wrapped her in his favorite blue blanket. All our cats are girls, also. Even as I write this, although she died a year or two ago, I am crying like a little baby.
But one night, I was laying down and I felt a cat on the bed and I go to pet her, thinking it's my cat, and I feel nothing but warmth. I was sure it was jesse. I don't know why she came to me when she was Tyler's (my brother) cat. I felt comforted though, so I fell asleep. Then my brother got a new cat from my uncle, and he named it teddy (our first boy cat). It was scary. The kitten looked just like Jesse when she was younger. We got him spaded (neutered) and he would go to the bathroom all over. We brought him to the pound, with everyone crying, and we ended up getting him back, since we couldn't take it. After that, I saw him meowing to another cat, and there was not one there. After that, he stopped going all over.
Please, someone help me clear this up.
Thanks for sharing your story. 😊