We live in a group of flats. What the Americans call "projects" specifically build for mixed race south africans. A group of guys went out to drink one night and because I had converted to full Evangelical Christianity two years before. Basically I was off the party scene. I was concerned for two guys Cliffy and Terrence as these two hated each other with passion.
Of the five guys who went that night, four returned. Terrence was murdered by the four. The story goes that after beating him they ran him over. Cliffy accused Terrence of screwing his wife it was true and we knew it. Two weeks later after the funeral Terrence's sisters came to me with a bizzare story.
Every evening at six the family would see terrence sitting at dinner speechless for about five minutes then he would disappear. This is Africa where the dead are heavely venerated.
My faith taught me that the dead have no part with the living. I went to see this and lo and behold he did not just appear but wamked in bloody dirty and with a terrible smell. I gave my bible but he threw it angrily accross the room. This was a Catholic home and I never believed that Catholics were Christians simply because they honored the dead and prayed to Mary in intercession for us. This sisters began praying hail mary and our father. He laughed at them more like a gaffaw. In the name of Yeshua Messiah born of a virgin who died to atone for the sins of men I vanquish you!. He dissapeared.
I annointed every entrance way, doors windows, etc with oil. He never returned save to the other four, but in dreams.
Within a year they were all dead by various means (all were brutal). Clifford shot himself. Nearly ten years later I have been asked to deal with all kinds of spirits. In the case of Terrence the anger from his death created a familiar - this is a demon that mimicks the living and is innitiated by higher demons to return to the family for gifts and offerings. Terrences familiar was not your normal ancestral demon, many who mask behind human form.
I have done far too much work in this area to be a sceptic. My measuring stick is historical literarure. Has this happened within the history of human existence. Are there any others who have experienced the same. I find that an experience is much more potent than an experiment. It is easier to make coffee than chase a demon. But this always depends on the host. Spirits of the dead can be very very difficult to deal with until you get the knack of it. I know some will give me lots of beef about this story. I have been critisized by the best who are you, bring it on.
There is hope and good people in the world., don't lose your faith in humanity. Pray to the lord that your gift was indeed intended to aid people., and not sent by the great deceiver.
My best wishes for you.
I'll be looking forward to your next post.