In the beginning, my very good friend and I were intrigued as to what was happening in her house. Intrigued, curious, interested, but never scared. It just so happened that we were never actually scared when things would happen to us in her house. We became determined to find out everything we could about her home.
While doing research on the old house we came to learn that it was built by two brothers sometime in 1843. My friend went to do a little more research in the local cemetery, asking Jacob (one of the builders of her house) if he could help her locate the family plot. The brothers last name was Christ. After wandering the cemetery for over 30 minutes, she came upon the family plot where Jacob, his wife, and other family members were buried.
That evening we were fooling around in the parlor, where there was a large ornate gold mirror hanging right across from the downstairs bathroom. We had another friend over with us, and she was seated on the couch along with my good friend. I was in front of the large mirror goofing around, all of a sudden I saw a black mist that looked like an arm in the mirror, but it was actually in the bathroom. I stopped what I was doing and just said "whoa." My girlfriends jumped up and I quickly explained what I saw. We left the room because the other friend we were with wasn't all that keen on ghosts and as we were leaving the room, the door came back and hit our friend in her head.
Needless to say we believe that our spirit friends were paying us a visit. Not too sure why they would hit our friend with a door though...