When my son was about two or three, we lived in a home I believe had a malevolent entity. He'd complain of a man that would be in his room at bedtime that was not friendly and scared him. Without fail, he would end up in our bed before morning and this was the story he'd tell when asked why he always ended up in our bed in the middle of the night.
One night, I put him to bed and heard him crying and went to his room. We lived in Florida where it was hot and humid all the time, so to enter a room that was ice cold was not normal. I could see my breath. When I sat on his bed to comfort him, I felt a presence, a malevolent one and was bombarded with an awful smell like rotten eggs. I turned towards the doorway and caught a shadow out of the corner of my eye and felt something rush past us and heard a voice that said Get Out! I picked up my son and gathered all my courage to run out of the room.
I asked some friends to come over to help me cleanse my house and they could barely stand to be in it and told me we needed to move. Whatever was there was not friendly. We moved shortly thereafter because I would catch shadows and hear things. I would also have that constant uneasy feeling and found it hard to fall asleep most nights.
Thankfully, we moved. However, I've had unexplained phenomena surrounding me all my life. A friend tells me it is because I am what she calls a "sensitive". I could go on with a lot more stories but would love to hear what others think about my experiences.