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Someone Walking Into My Home


This story goes back to when I was 14 years old. I was going through a time in my life where I was being bullied. I am not sure if what I'm about to tell you is correct but, it seems to be very coincidental. I'll explain as the story unfolds.

Throughout my life, I have had warnings. Okay, this will sound a little strange but hear me out. For example, if there was trouble waiting around the corner or something was going to happen to me; Fall over, crossing the road, that kind of thing. You know where there could be a potential danger, I was warned. No one said, "alright me ald mucker, don't go there 'cause you mite get a good lampin'" or "don't cross the road yet, you will get flattened", it was more of a feeling or I would feel something. Okay, so now we know the basics, let's crack on with the story. This story is 100% true, this happened to me and my two sisters witnessed it too.

So as I was saying, I was 14 and I was getting bullied by an ugly lanky streak of fungus riddled dog urine! And I'll be honest, I was really scared of him but, where he used to hang around was the area my friend lived in. I had a choice, not go and have no friends or go and bump into Shrek. So, I used to go of a morning, that way I could avoid the retched pile of vomit. 

So, one morning I had gone to my friends and left for about 13:00 and made my way home. As I come to my home, I opened the door and walked in. I then walked through into the living room where my two sisters where standing. My big sister said, "Matty, have you just walked in" I looked at my sister and replied "no, I dive bombed through the chimney". My sister laughed and said "no, I know you've just come in but, 30 seconds before you come home, someone opened the front door and walked into the front room, it even took a seat.". I was a little startled to be honest because my little sister also said the same thing. My big sister forgot to mention that when this entity walked into my home and sat down, the couch rolled back and banged against the wall. Now, I found that out because my little sister told me. Okay, so imagine the situation, when I come home and I choose to sit on the couch in the front room, I would walk in from the hall after closing the door, and walk to the couch and sit down. Every time you sat down though, the couch would always roll back and slam against the wall. Anyway, the conversation changed and the door opening and the couch moving was forgotten about.

I walked into the kitchen, via the living to make myself a sandwich. I walked to the dish cupboard and pulled out a plate, then to the cutlery drawer. Once prepared, I walked to the refrigerator to get some butter, ham and mayonnaise. I remember this very vividly, I remember opening the butter lid and placing my knife into the tub. It was then I heard a distorted, crackly, broken, deep voice. The voice didn't make a word or a conversation, just a deep voice. The sound was very similar to the noise of a bee flying past my ear, and no, there wasn't a bee in the room. Now, I don't know Latin or any other language apart from English but, this voice sounded foreign, maybe even Latin? Who knows?! 

So, as the day went on, I began to walk to my friends home. When I had gotten to my friends house, we both settled down and watched TV together, then there was a knock on the door. Yeah you got it, the anus bandit was waiting outside, wanting to give me a good hidin'. I was petrified, scared out of my skin. It then hit me, the sound that I had heard earlier that day was a warning, it might not have been but I like to think it was a warning. 

I hope you like my story and I'll be posting another one soon.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, MattyDude2009, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

MattyDude2009 (6 stories) (19 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-25)
Awww thank you Lakota73 I really appreciate that 😊 I think the best way to put up with a horrible situation is to laugh 😁 laughter is the best medicine 😊 I have another story to come. I'm just waiting for the posting part of the website to become available. Cheers Lokata xx
Lakota73 (5 stories) (108 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-18)

Your style of writing is unique and also made me chuckle and I agree with cosmogal about you having a great personality! Shame on the bully though.

Following on from what Javelina said, I too, from time to time, hear warnings or just know something is about to happen. I try to shut it off, but you have inspired me to keep tuned in!

Thanks for sharing your great story and sorry for the late comment,

Lakota73 😊
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-04)
You are the first one I've heard write about that feeling of knowing stuff will happen. The way you talked I figured it was much the same as me. Was I right?

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-04)
Although nothing is ever a "for sure" deal, I believe that the dead will communicate any way they can. I believe they can only use devices they were familiar with in life. For example, someone who passed away back in 1950 wouldn't know about cell phones. They may even have a problem with a land line phone if it doesn't have a rotary dial (instead of push button numbers).
But if it is electrical, and they used it in life, I feel it's their best bet. It is theorized that we should be able to pick up on their presence with an EMF detector. Which would mean that they either channel the electricity to communicate, or they are themselves made up of some sort of low level electrical field.
I'm still working on that one, but it seems like they have some way of manipulating electrical devices. At least if all these reports are even half way true, they do.

MattyDude2009 (6 stories) (19 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-04)
Thank you for informing me Javelina. See, I'm not that clued up when it comes to residual energy and intelligent energy. I believe I'm susceptible though, maybe not as susceptible as you. I was wondering if I could ask you a question. Now, this may sound bizarre but, I am genuinely curious. I have had something talk to me once, it's in one of my stories. Anyway, this woman asked me to help her and it obviously frightened me A LOT! I have had something else speak to me, well it was more of a noise than anything. The point I'm trying to get through is, can spirits or demons communicate with people via a telephone? A landline or cell phone? I'm only asking because I know someone who had a phone call on a different landline, then the same person rang again 3 months later on a different land line. Whatever this thing is, it's frightening my friend. Anyway, thank you for your comments before 😁 hopefully I'll speak to you again soon x
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-04)
You just pay attention and mind that 'gut feeling' when it tells you not to go. Trust it over everything else and you'll be alright. Anyone who knows you at all, and doesn't believe or understand, should know better than to think you would steer them wrong. They should be thanking you. 😐

Jav ❤
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-04)
I'm back. Sorry I had to walk away for a minute, but I know YOU would understand.
Now, about you getting home before yourself. To get this one you need to know the difference between an "Intelligent Haunting" and a "Residual Haunting". Since you aren't here to answer that I'll just go ahead and explain, quickly as I can.
An "Intelligent" haunting is when the ghost/spirit communicates with you, answers questions, etc. It doesn't have to speak in words, it can be simple as making an EMF detector spike when asked to do so, knocking or tapping back at you as an answer, or a voice on an EVP that answers when you ask a question. Any sort of communication back and forth between the living and the dead that proves it understands you.
A "Residual" haunting is like a home movie, or a small clip of one. A recording of a person or event that plays back as if it were on replay. Sometimes it will replay often. Sometimes just once or twice. But it is just a recording. Talking to it would be the same as talking to the TV set. It doesn't respond to anyone. It is just a replay of someone doing something they probably do all the time. The how it works part is where it gets tricky. It could just be the electrical wiring in the home that makes the recording possible. If it's outdoors, it could be the mineral content in the environment, or elecrical lines. Who really knows? The fact that it happens at all is just an accident of nature anyway.
I call your experience a "Living Residual" because it's you, and you are living. You have a habit of coming in the door the same way, going to the sofa, plopping down, it slides and bumps the wall. You got recorded in the process of doing the same thing you do all the time anyway. It went into replay, that's all. The only thing different between this and a regular residual type haunting, is it went into replay long before you ever died. And how an accidental recording would even know if anyone were dead or alive anyway, is beyond me.
I hope this helps. Ask questions, if you don't understand, and I'll do my best to help.
However, this is just my opinion. I wasn't there when it took place. But from what you reported, it sounds about right to me.
Thank you for sharing, you made this one a lot of fun.

Jav 😁 😊
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-04)
I know what the feeling is that you get, I get it too. I have had that all my life. I just call it my "Gut Feeling". When you know something's coming, you don't know what it is, but you get a feeling that you shouldn't go somewhere. Something will happen, something not good, not fun, not nice. And every time you have ignored that feeling, something bad happened, huh? Me too. And no matter how you try to explain it, nobody gets it, right? They say, "Your nuts! Let's go!" And you know it will turn out bad, but you went anyway. Then after the smoke clears, you look at that idiot who didn't believe you and say, "See, I told you we shouldn't go!" And that dipwad turns around and has the nerve to say, "No you didn't!"
Makes you want to just smack them, doesn't it? 😠

Just talking about it pisses me off.


Oh yeah, I have a theory about your other problem too. I'll be right back with that. I have to walk this one off first.
Precaya (1 stories) (10 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-03)
Hello matty first of all got to say love the humor in your story I used to get bullied when I was in school but my friend has a sense of humor like yours which made it a lot better.

Second as to the warnings I have only had a few myself but one I will never forget. It was a few weeks ago around 6 in the evening pretty dark out. Me, my auntie, her 2 year old and my mother had just gotten off the bus from shopping and were walking home, my auntie had stoped to put my cousins shoe back on and me and mum went to cross the road. We had taken about 2 steps when I got this sudden fealing of utter dread I stoped and pulled my mother backwards then litterely seconds later a car came speeding pased no word of a lie the driver was doing around 70 mph we stood there shocked if we hadent of stoped I know we would have been hit.
Just thought id share my experience as well I don't think what happened to you was coincidental
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-02)
MattyDude2009: Love the descriptions you have included to describe this entity that bullied you. Laughter in the end is an absolutely terrific medicine! I am glad you are no longer harrased by it! 😊

Thanks for sharing


*Cosmo lmao a girl with a mullet lmao geez that's hilarious I'm glad you fought back!😊 It made me feel sad that someone would pick on you cosmo!😢*
MattyDude2009 (6 stories) (19 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-02)
Thank you for your comments 😁 I am made up so many people can relate to me, regarding spirits and the bullies. Obviously I don't get bullied now, I am 25 but thank you for your concerns 😊
unknown_madness (8 stories) (36 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-02)
wow, this is cool!
I also get wierd warnings sometimes, like in dreams and stuff. You should try and concentrate on each little thing, cause you never know when it may be an important warning! I hope that rotten bully gets his punishment soon!
princessLotus (2 stories) (555 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-02)
Matty, dude. ^__^ Hai! Warnings can come in so many different ways. I get them all the time. Some times in the most retarded ways & I'm liek "DOH! Thats what that meant!" Like, I don't realize its a warning until after sh! T goes down. Now, in school early like 3rd grade up to my freshman year. I was tormented by these four junks, but one was uber bad. Bad like, she was demonized. No she didn't walk around possessed with crazy eyes, vomiting green yak, speaking Latin with a spinning head. She just had some "friends" if you will. I don't even think she realized it. But I see things in & on people that others dont. So anyway. Crazy things would happen to me that would scare me so bad or I would get real sick like, that spiritual sick if you know what I mean? It happens a lot to me. But this would happen when the girl wasn't even around me. She would pull some asshat stunt on me afterward & I even think that these things would happen to me while she was plotting them. You know? So I do believe you & thank you for sharing. Bless you & yours & much love.

shellzy (8 stories) (218 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-02)
Hi MattyDude

I totally understand what you mean about getting warnings. It is a hard thing to explain! I usually get the oddest and sometimes most intense "feeling" that I can't seem to shake. And I can guarantee that something will happen, sometimes this lasts for days or hours.

By the way I love your colourful description of your bully, I hope Shrek eventually got what was coming to him! 😊
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-02)
[at] calvert: That is what I like to call a "Ralphie" moment. If you have ever seen the movie "A Christmas Story" there is a scene where Ralphie snaps on this kid who keeps bullying him and beats the snot out of him. LOL! I was teased and bullied a lot when I was a kid too especially by this one girl in high school. She was bigger than me, had a mullet (no joke) and was always fighting. She used to come up behind me and pull my hair, punch my arm, or push me until one day I snapped and pushed her pretty hard. I almost cried when the back of her head bounced off the locker. I thought she was going to kill me, but she just looked at me and said "Oww, that really hurt" and walked away.

Everyone who is bullied has their own "Ralphie" moment. So Mattydude, maybe if you push back a little this thing will leave you alone. 😊
calvert (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-02)
awsome story bro. So did you flatten the shriek in the end? I was bullied bad as a young teenager until I cracked I grabed this bullie by the neck lifted him off the ground an throw him to the ground funny thing was I never knew what I did until people aplaused me.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-02-02)
MattyDude - I absolutely enjoyed your story 😆. Humor is sometimes the only thing that helps get us through the day and I'll take a dose of it anytime.

As for the way you receive your "warnings"...I can identify with that. I get visions the same way. So for those of you who don't believe him, that's your choice. (Resisting the urge to stick out my tongue here and say "so there!" Trying to act like the adult I am 😆)

As for the "entity" that preceded you into your home, there could be a couple of different things going on there. One could be energy from you and others in your home just reinacting something that happens every day and builds up over time creating a "residual-type" haunting. Even though no one is dead, this can occur. Another could your classic ghost LOL.

Either way, I truly enjoyed your story and look forward to reading more of them. Carry on 😉
MattyDude2009 (6 stories) (19 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-02)
Oh, I'm sorry Venky, I didn't realise you are the Oracle! See, the stories I have posted are real. What's with the 5 stories and 12 posts thing? What does that have to do with anything? You can't say anything, you have 1 story and 25 posts! It's as simple as this Venky. If you believe that my stories are fake then don't read them. It does state when you post a story, if yourghoststories (website) find it childish or unbelievable, they will not post it. So like I said, please don't leave negative comments because no one really cares about what you think or have to say. Oh, by the way, your story is utterly ridiculous! Just so you know 😁 and I have humour in my stories because unlike you, I'm a positive person. Okay, bye bye Venky the Oracle. You take care now.

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minimom (50 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-02)
You have a way with words child! I've never heard a neighborhood bully described quite so ummmm, richly. Lol.

Don't fret about the creep. Bullies are often scared and insecure people who treat others the way they were treated.

As for your getting home before you got home, it's not all that uncommon.

Hang in there! Oh, and submit more stories please.
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-01)
Thanks for responding. I am not sure what this dog/man is but I hope you are able to get rid of him soon. If anyone in your family has the same ability maybe they can help you figure out how to control what you are hearing and seeing. Good luck mattydude! 😊
MattyDude2009 (6 stories) (19 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-01)
Hey MissiB. I am glad you like my story 😁 I don't really understand why you find it hard to believe. I did state in the beginning of the story that the warnings maybe be a coincidence. Why didn't the movie make any sense? I thought I made myself clear when writing the story. I heard a voice, that night someone wanted to give me a pasting. Like I said in the beginning, I get a feeling or some sort of vibe and something happens, not always. Ah well, I have some more stories if you would like to read them 😁
MattyDude2009 (6 stories) (19 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-01)
Hey Cosmogal926. Thank you:) to be honest, I'm not sure. See, I have also heard a woman call my name too, that's another story I have here. I really wouldn't know if this demonic dog man thing is following me, I just hope not. I'm glad you like my story:)
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-01)
MattyDude, I have to say you crack me up. From "dive bombing through the chimney" and the words you use to describe this dog/man thing that is following you I can't stop laughing. 😆 😆 I am happy that you are able to keep your sense of humor through this. You have a great personality. I am confused about how this dog/man thing started harrassing you. In your last story "Demonic Figure" you said you saw it when you were five. Is this the same entity?

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