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The Unleashed Spirits 2


I'm back with the second part to The Unleashed spirits. All my reads can just call me Tobi. As you all know as I grew up I experienced a lot of the unknown. Alright let's get to the story; I don't want to keep you guys waiting any longer.

As you know my stepdad took the horseshoe from under the sink in the bathroom. The next week in some of the house rooms was cold, and it was hot outside, but it was that cold you get goosebumps from and you see your breath. It was a Wednesday that night my mother said someone was banging on the back door at 12:00 in the morning. My mother said that my stepdad went to see who it was. When he did no one was there. This happen three more time that night, until no one came to see who was at the door. One night there was a toy car that I got for Christmas, that started driving around by itself, got up put inside the toy box.

In the house things came up missing like money, jewelry, and my mother's important papers. The next week everything was calm, nothing didn't happen it still was a little bit chilly. Then one night I was sleeping on my back and had this weird feeling, like someone or something was pulling my soul from my body. This freaked me out, the next thing I know I'm looking at my body and I see black shadows and fingers people walk through the house. I go back to my body and lay down and I jump up out of my sleep and run into my mother's room and wake her and tell her what happen. She told me not to worry about it and mumbled something and feel back to sleep. So ran and got my cover and pillow and slept on the floor next to my mother's bed.

The next morning I told my mother again, she looked off into a gazed and said I shouldn't worry about it. Then she said if I see something like that again tell it to go to the light, I said ok and walked away. That night it happen again but this time I saw my twin brother outside of his body too. I didn't know what to do, so I went to my body and laid down, then I got up and turned on the light and shook my brother. He jumps up out of his sleep and ask me was that real. I said I don't think so, because I doubt that we had the same dream. We tell our mother in the morning, she did want to talk about it. I explain to her how it feels and see, she said that happen to her to before. She said it is called (OOBE) out of body experience. It is an experience that typically involves a sensation of floating outside of one's body and, in some cases, perceiving one's physical body from a place outside one's body.

She didn't know what to say about the spirits. All she could say is say a prayer or tell it to go to the light. I and my brother had OOBE's three to four times a week. One night when I was asleep something grabbed my wrist and legs holding me down. I could speak, it was like someone had their hand over my mouth and could not open my eyes. I tried to call my mother and say a prayer and all it did was mock me and said "He's not going to save you" and laughed, but something told me to stay calm and relax, so I did and it went away.

In the morning I told my brother what happen, he told the same thing happened to him too. So I and my brother made up a plan if we see or look like we are having a bad dream wake each other up. We also tried sleeping on our stomachs but it didn't work, it turned me over, and in the morning I always felt really weak and drained of energy.

I got tired of being bullied of this spirit, so I told my brother I'm going to try to fight it off of me. So the next time I get attacked by this spirit I was going to try to force it off of me. Two nights later I was attacked I tried pushing it off, but it was too strong all of an sudden something push it off it was my brother, and it feel like something just pulled me back in to my body. I didn't wake up until my mother came and woke me up for school. I didn't want to tell my mother what happen, because she was just going to say the same thing.

The rest of the week I slept well, until that Sunday I had another OOBE. Out of nowhere a little boy came up to me and said that he was lost. I told him to go to the light, he said that he was "scared to go", I asked him why? He said "he didn't know what was there" I said that he would be safe there. The little boy asked me a question. He asked can I come with him? I know I can't I have to stay here, and he just walked to the light by the window and disappeared. I told my mother what happen and she said if I went with him I would of had been dead. Three years passed and it was time for us to move again. That's another story when things start to follow you to another house.

Thank you for reading.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, TS94, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

TS94 (2 stories) (8 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-14)

Ok, I will try that, I might have to go buy one though, because I'm a cement mason all day I'm not around any plants. Thanks
adsouza (guest)
12 years ago (2012-03-13)
TS94 - I am still not clear... All I can say is be careful. The human mind has three main 'chambers' - conscious, sub conscious and unconscious. OOBE deals with all of them in different ways. And if your unconscious mind is what's causing the OOBE, I would recommend grounding yourself before you sleep. A potted plant in the room should do the trick. I am saying this because if you get 'stuck' anywhere during an OOBE and cannot come back, it will get ugly for you.
TS94 (2 stories) (8 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-13)

I'm able to contorl it now, when I have a that feeling that it going to happen I wake up out of my sleep. I don't like them, after I saw that movie Insidious, 😨
adsouza (guest)
12 years ago (2012-03-13)
TS94 - So your OOBE causes you to be able to see your body. I am concerned for you now - does this happen often? Or have you learnt to go through OOBE through someone?
TS94 (2 stories) (8 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-13)
To all readers,

I will edit my story, I guess I type my stories too fast and read over it to fast, and adsouza, my oobe experences felt like as if you was getting up like I normaly do and when I look back I see myself still laying there. The reader that thinks I'm just making this whole thing up, If you think it's a lie don't bother reading, I think you think it a lie because you never met someone that experenced so much things.

silentBob (1 stories) (8 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-13)
Tobi I think you need to put the horseshoe back under the sink, maybe the spirits will not annoy you then. I think you must be a spirit walker Tobi with all your OOBE, you can go wherever you want, totally cool man 😊
maes (1 stories) (4 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-12)
I understand everyones frustration but this was written by a person who had feelings and you're comments aren't meant to criticize their grammar or whatever else. If you want to criticize, talk about their experience. I don't understand why some of you are saying that this story was 'written by a young adult' but please, you yourself need to be a little more of an adult and get over it! Use your imagination and try to think of what the person is saying. I didn't understand fully but that's not the point here. They are trying to tell us their experience and if you can't read out, then don't!
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-12)
[at] zzgranny,
You want I should muss 'em up for yaz? Take 'em out the back dere and give 'em a good workin' over? I'll do it. Just say the woid.
Nobody's going to mess wit granny whilst I'm around.

Jav 😉
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-12)

I did not say it WAS a case of 'ding, dong, ditch' (we had a less politically correct term for it). I was offering an alternative possibility as to what that may have been. (For the record, we loved 'ditching' on second and some times third floor Apartments... Part of the 'thrill' was trying to run as fast and silently as possible...😲)

You seem to have experienced a lot of 'things' in a relatively short time span... I (I...I...I as this is my opinion) I have to wonder if some of these events are 'dreams' that have been 'remembered' as 'reality'.

I suggest a Journal... Two actually... One for the times you know you were 100% awake and things happened to you/others around you and one for those 'I 'returned' to my body and 'woke' up experiences. By doing so it may help to separate real experiences with 'spirits' from dreams and any possible OBE's.

Just my thoughts and opinion. After 6 to 9 months please come back and share your findings with us and just maybe some light will be shed on just what is going on.


zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-03-12)
It's really easy to criticize when you're sitting on the sidelines... This person has a story they feel they need or want to relate... Who the hell are we, as editors, to say they have no right to do so?...If this story made the cut, just use your imagination about the ones that don't make it 😆...

We have four editors on this site, five including Martin... But speaking for myself, I'm getting pretty tired of taking all the crap from you people who can do nothing but bi*ch about us, like a bunch of Monday morning quarterbacks... Like I said, it's really easy to criticize from the sidelines...

That said, TS94 already answered the question about his native language in Part 1...

"rook, and Vanessanda

If I'm in the middle of the stair case my shirt can't get "snaged" on any thing, and english is my first language."

I suggest everyone take a hint from Rook, and be a lot more respectful of this poster's abilities or lack thereof...
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-03-12)
mellybarr - I agree with your comment. Sometimes it takes a second reading to get past the grammar and language "difficulties," but sometimes that second reading is worth it.

There have been times I have proofed my own stories and comments several times and then, after I've submitted it, realized I have missed a huge mistake.

And sometimes it is hard to figure out what someone is trying to say, especially when the concentration is centered on criticizing the spelling and/or grammar.
mellybarr (4 stories) (46 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-12)
Nikky - I agree with you in regards to grammar which is why I was disappointed to read such bad grammar in your comment. I was, however, able to decipher it unlike our friend Tobi's story.
SnoWQueeN (5 stories) (100 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-12)
Whoever rated my comment low is grammatically idiot as well.

What's the deal if I say the truth btw? It is hard to read.
isis80 (3 stories) (51 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-12)
You all are being hard on this person and I don't think that English is his/her first language.
JackalLantern (1 stories) (14 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-12)
Not a lot to add to what's already been said. Grammar and spelling gave me a headache as I tried to follow the story. BS blanket on standby.

herohead (2 stories) (61 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-12)
Bluefoxx that comment sucks.

Ts94, I'm confused you sound to me like you are writing fiction to your "hungry" fans.

And "the midnight knock" was popular with me and my friends as well.

adsouza (guest)
12 years ago (2012-03-12)
I agree with Snowqueen... While publishing the experience, the requirement is to put the data through a check for grammar and spellings. That's one of the guidelines. The other one is that there is room for only real experiences. And still...

TS94 - The experience that you shared has some questions around it. Are you saying it is impossible to knock at an apartment on the 2nd floor and scamper away?
About the OOBE - Please help me understand what you felt exactly, and I will base my next thoughts around what you tell me.
SnoWQueeN (5 stories) (100 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-12)
I don't understand why this kind of stories are published here? There should be clean grammar or the lacking ones are rejected but this one did not 😕 Not only this account, there are many accounts I've been through which lacks grammar and neatness in narrating the story. I didn't feel any smoothness while reading and this is one of them. Either the fictional stories are published or the one lacking grammar. Frankly, I felt as if a 1 grade child was telling his story to his friends " I got up then shook my brother and he asked was that real I said don't know... I fight with ghost bla bla bla!"
I'm not getting rude but blanky for sure.

~ Nikky
TS94 (2 stories) (8 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-12)

I see what you are talking about, for now on I'm going to proof read my stories. I need to put more detail into my stories. You say that it was kids knocking at the door. In other words ding dong ditch, I don't think so, we was lived in a duplex, up on the second floor of the house.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-12)

I asked my 15 year old daughter to read your first 'story' and this submission to me... She gave up and was only halfway through Part One...

So, for the record... The sake of argument... And the hope that the schools in Wisconsin are better at teaching English that what I am observing I have a question... I do not mean to be rude but I have to ask this...

Do you have a Learning Disability? I ask because in both of your submissions you have written statements like these...

"The next week in some of the house rooms was cold, and it was hot outside, but it was that cold you get goosebumps from and you see your breath."


"The next morning I told my mother again, she looked off into a gazed and said I shouldn't worry about it."

Maybe it's just me... But this is not the grammar I expect from a young adult (my opinion I understand that, but I'm voicing it... Like I stated... My 15 year old had a hard time reading your 'story')

I'm trying to keep an open mind and be objective... There is one thing I can make a statement about...

The 'midnight' knocking and no one being there was a 'game' we used to play back in the day... Just to 'get on peoples nerves'...We'd knock and run and hide and watch the reaction of the homeowner.


Lamourbonez (1 stories) (17 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-11)
same exact thing happened to me, you are not alone it happened to me last year things was touching me and stuff. I had to sleep next to my mom on the floor and they would let me sleep.
SnoWQueeN (5 stories) (100 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-11)
One day I left my body to use the washroom since my body was lazy and later I felt my bed was wet then I shook my body then did some Lock and Pop and jumped into my body- got up and walked to the mirror and asked " What the hell just I read? " 😳
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-11)
You crack me up! I look forward to your comments every day. They're like getting a really cool prize out of a cereal box. 😆 😆 😆

adsouza (guest)
12 years ago (2012-03-11)
LOL bluefoxx!
This by far is the best I have seen from you! I am still rolling with laughter!
bluefoxx01 (81 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-11)
Last night when I left my body I walked outside and there was a giant unicorn in the front paddock, then a dozen ninjas flew down from the tree's and beat me up, I tried to run away but they were too fast. I crawled back inside and a fairy godmother appeared and blessed me, instantly healing all my wounds. I heard something on my roof and wondered what it was, I looked out the skylight and saw Pegasus the flying horse, he telepathically told me that he was looking for one of his lost shoes, I told him to go and see you Tobi, I hope your grandfather hasn't thrown it out.
Zander (7 stories) (146 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-10)
I had a similar experience with my younger brother when I was about 20 and he was 14. My room had three walls of windows so it got really cold in the winter time. I would sleep on the couch in his room on below zero nights. One of these nights, I felt myself leaving my body. I didn't see around the room or see myself below like you did... But I remember telling my brother " I keep leaving and I don't want to go". He said to grab his hand if it happened again and sure enough, that stopped it. It a very scary feeling to be going up and away like a kite, like that.

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