When I was a child, my family would go on a family holiday to visit my Uncle and my cousins,. The farm was build by Grandpa over a hundred years ago. MUM said that my Grandfather actually ploughed the land with his bare hands, even today the piles of rocks are still there today.
Getting back to my experience, it was late at night, my cousin and I were excited as it was Christmas eve, we were laughing talking, we decided it was late. I hopped back into my bed (we shared the same room) as I rolled over to fall asleep, I saw a evil horrible looking hand clawing in my face, the hand had long skinny fingers which had long dirty nails that turned in at the tips also quite hairy.
When seeing the hand I ran and jumped into my cousins bed, my dad came in told me off and was put into my bed, I was really worried that the hand would still be there thank GOD it wasn't. After this we heard footsteps walking around IN the middle of the room (MY dAD HAD LEFT the room) I said to my cousin is that you No she said. I still today remember this and swear this really happened to my cousin and I.
The next Morning we told the adults about what had happened in the night but of course my parents didn't believe us, my cousin and I knew what I saw and we both heard the footsteps walking around the room. My UNCLE SAW A lady in old fashioned clothes about 15 years ago, HE REFUSES TO SLEEP there (my uncle was quite scared to see a ghost) (HIS SONS RUNS THE FARM) MY cousins girlfriend also saw the same lady).