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Let There Be Light


Sometimes when things happen I often wonder "Is it just me?" but lately things have been happening in front of other people.

I'm unsure whether to call this a Ghost Story but I am interested in your feedback...

The first time I noticed something odd was when I walked into a friend's house. As I entered the living room (she was sat across the other side of the room), the living room light on the wall next to me flicked off plummeting us into darkness. I had to flick it back on again so we could see.

The next time was crossing the exact same threshold again. My friend has a small room attached to her living room that she uses for storage. She also has her dryer in here. As I stepped in to the room, the dryer exploded and the door burst open. All of the clothes that had been drying flew out all over the place.

After that I started to notice the street lights flickering on the road as I drove past. The "Matrix" signs on the motorway would flash or turn off/on as I drove towards them.

One morning when I was driving to work, three street lamps on the road I was heading down took it turn to switch off as I drove under them.

It also wasn't so long ago (roughly 3 weeks) when I was heading up to the motorway in my car with 3 of my friends with me. As I drove up the junction and onto the motorway, the entire row of street lamps all went off. I turned to my boyfriend and even had a bet with him that by the time I was due to come off the motorway the lights would come back on and sure enough, as I indicated to turn off and drive down the slip road, all of the lights flickered on again.

Recently my boyfriend and I were parked under a lamp post in a car park around 9 pm waiting to pick up our take away, the second I parked underneath it the light started flickering and by the time we were driving off it had stopped.

My house seems to be the worse. There have been several occasions where the lights downstairs have flickered off then back on then off again.

My boyfriend was taking a picture of me and my friend on his phone in my living room. It was dark so he had the flash on. I told him to turn the flash off (purely because I look hideous with red eye:D) and the living room light switch flicked to the off position and once again I was stood in the dark.

I was also the cause of our kitchen light exploding and shattering into a million pieces all over the floor when I turned it on.

I know this isn't ghost related, but does anyone have any ideas what this may be?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Hanbobs, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Morticia1 (6 stories) (162 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-17)
[at] hanbobs yes have to apologise too for going off topic so much. Get a little passionate when it comes to the tech stuff though 😊

[at] Jav no they don't make hearing aids! 😆
MizMiMi02 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-07-15)
Jav- No worries, I got some really great info that I have been wondering about. Also explains a few encounters I have had, and that has resulted in an ah-ha moment, that has further resulted in a story I will be submitting. I'm so excited to know that these things I have been experiencing are real!
Hanbobs (20 stories) (119 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-15)
How can I be mad when my fellow SLIders from across the world are uniting?:) x
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-15)
I swear I could write a commercial for those guys. Here's another selling point that Bose should use. (maybe they have and I just missed it)

My father in law is nearly deaf in one ear. If you aren't standing on his 'good side' when speaking to him, he simply cannot hear you. He loves music. The old stuff, you know. The kind that was made back before computer generated sound, before synthesizers. Every note actually played on an instrument by a human. It was his only regret, once his hearing began to go, that he would eventually lose that simple pleasure that brought him so much joy.
He had been researching the Bose products for quite some time and decided to try it out. He called me the next day and I have never heard him so happy. He could actually hear, in his bad ear, all the instruments and vocals he hadn't heard in years! (I just have to note at this point that this man will research an item he is thinking about buying for months, sometimes years, before purchasing it. And once he does, he gets his money's worth)
Here's my question for Bose. Do they make hearing aids? And if not, why not?


[at] hanbobs,
Sorry for going off topic here and for so long. But I 'm done now and it won't happen again. Thank you for not getting mad. ❤
Morticia1 (6 stories) (162 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-15)

OH I know and that isn't even arced right up I bet! Theyre damn good I have heard them many time when at, um yeah his work (oops nearly swore there! Lol) they always sounded great.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-14)
You caught me going off topic... Yikes! I thought I could sneak in here and post before anyone else showed up. Then it dawned on me (DUH!) that I'm on Mountain time and everybody else has been up for hours!


Sorry if I've wasted the space... 😉
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-14)
Yeah, luckily they were a gift! My brother in law is a sound exec at a major movie company. He has this tiny set of Bose speakers that they use at home. They live near the top of a canyon in Santa Barbara, Calif. When you are driving up the canyon from town, all you need to do is follow the sound to find their house. And I am totally serious about that. Those canyons are so easy to get lost in, but the two tiny Bose speakers give out such beautiful sound that carries for miles in a canyon. It's amazing!

Jav 😁
Hanbobs (20 stories) (119 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-14)
My story has turned into a forum, awesome!:D so happy I'm not totally crazy haha
Morticia1 (6 stories) (162 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-14)
[at] Jav don't worry I know what you mean! I'm the same with a lot of my things specially my puter! And yes Bose stuff is pretty expensive but it IS worth the money they're that good, which is why I'd go for them personally even if I had to save forever to get them 😊
Seeker1 (3 stories) (58 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-13)

Well you know how those "people of wal-mart" are. I wouldn't worry too much lol they freak me out
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-07-13)
granny - some of my favorite childhood memories are of being at my grandparents' and sleeping outside on their porch swing (huge freaking porch LOL) during the rain. Old farmhouse with a metal roof. I loved that old house 😊 ❤
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-07-13)
Miracles: Those metal roofs are freaking awesome... Even a sprinkle sounds like a torrential downpour LOL
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-07-13)
Seeker1: Maybe the "Walmartians" were scared of me 😆 😆 😆

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Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-07-13)
granny - I'm going to have my boyfriend reroof my trailer in the next few months, adding a porch to my front deck. My existing shingled roof? Gonna be a brand-spanking new metal one! LOL I'll just have to convince Jerrica and Dalton that they're going to love hearing the rain on the roof when it storms 😆
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-13)
Oh, I love to watch it, but from the safety of my sofa. When you have seen it touch ground as often as it does here, you tend to take the observation part at a distance more suited to survival. Of course, when I lived in Reno I was more prone to believing the odds would be in my favor, so I would sit outside and watch it from the porch as well. But here? Not a chance! (total gambling references)

Jav 😲
Seeker1 (3 stories) (58 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-13)

You were rockin' it out with "authority" girl! The spoken word with "intent" behind them is more powerful than I think we can ever imagine. 😉 😉
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-07-13)
Jave: I'm one of those people who love to sit outside on the porch during thunder storms and soak up the ozone... Crazy biotch, I know LOL 😆
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-13)
Holy Crap granny! You got "The Stuff"! (total reference to 'Highway To Heaven')
I have to admit that I haven't noticed one way or the other. When there's lightening going on, that's my focus. I go into safety mode first. We are behind only Florida as far as lightening strikes are concerned, and they are #1 for lightening strikes in the USA. So when I know it's coming, my survival mode kicks in. But now that it's monsoon season, which means lightening occurs at least 3-4 days a week, I am going to pay better attention. Thanks for the heads up, I'll keep you posted.

Jav 😊
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-07-13)
I was telling Mizmimi about one time when my son and I went to Walmart and I didn't want to go in so I dropped him off at the door (he was just running in for something)...There was a storm brewing, no rain but thunder and lightening and monster winds... As I drove in front of the store I saw a shopping cart that had been caught by the wind and was running straight for my truck, so I stuck my hand out the window, pointed at it and yelled "STOP!" and it did 😆 right in front of an oncoming truck... I got some really strange looks from the other passengers 😆 😆

So I ask all of you fellow SLIders, do you feel "super-charged" during electrical storms?
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-13)
Oh shoot MizMiMi!
I missed your post. I'm sorry. If you still need help let me know. But really, granny and I are on the same page with this topic. And she is the Google Queen. Think there's more room for another crown around here? Because I say granny has that one sewn up!

Jav 😁
MizMiMi02 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-07-13)
Well, I appears I may have my answer. Thanks for the input zzsgranny!
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-13)
This is freaking great! I love that there are so many of us here, it is beginning to prove granny right.
SUPER SLIders! That's awesome! Thank you for giving us another place to post this information. We've got the link posted on three stories now. Two that came up within hours of the each other, and one that started the day before.
[at] shellzy,
The fact that we both have low blood pressure is very interesting. I wonder if any of the others do as well?
[at] Tish,
I'm telling you, if those headphones hadn't been given to me as a gift there is no way I could have afforded them. They are one of the things I am very possessive about too. I NEVER lend them out to anyone. I don't even like to share them at home. I mean it, I am not that way with most things. But those headphones and my metal detector are basically off limits. Both are precision made instruments and I consider them tools. Very expensive, personal tools. Touch them and die.
[at] koolrud,
Thanks for the props! And for posting the link.

Jav 😁

Hanbobs (20 stories) (119 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-13)
Great feedback guys! Was unable to comment sooner as everytime I came into contact with my computer it would turn itself off. (kidding!) :)
I appreciate all of your comments and the links are very interesting! Thank you for posting them. I'm glad there's a name for this and I'm pretty chuffed that I'm a SLIder:D it's like I have some sort of power haha Super SLIders!
Imagine if we all got together - surely the world would blow up! Haha
I've never noticed any other electrical devices reacting to my 'super powers' and I don't wear a watch so that might be a good experiment to see what happens when I do!

I'm going to look more in to this so any more info would be greatly appreciated! Or even experiences - please elaborate:)

Hannah x
Jesus_soldier (guest)
12 years ago (2012-07-12)
Shellzy: We might be loopy enough to join the X-men, wait forget that, we have our own club.

SLIders UNITE! 😁

MizMiMi: Yeah, I would have helped, but I'm still new with this subject. Granny will be able to help though.

HappySpirit: That '3 paddle' line had me laughing so hard. 😆

JS aka Brandon 😁
HappySpirit (187 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-12)
This is a most illuminating! Shocking! Even enlightening! 😜
OK, sorry guys. 3 paddles on the arse for that. I'm not a SLIder but love hearing these kind of stories. So much we don't understand about the human body.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-07-12)
MizMiMi: You can e-mail me...

Fifty characters fifty characters
lsandhu (2 stories) (360 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-12)
I have had the experience of street lights going out when I am near them, but in my case I think they were just coincidences. To my knowledge, I've never affected any other electrical equipment. I blame most of my unpleasant encounters with technology on either Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, rest him.
MizMiMi02 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-07-12)
Anyone willing to let me email them and ask a few questions about SLIders? I have had a few things happen recently, and would like some input. Thanks!
Morticia1 (6 stories) (162 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-12)
Right have bookmarked the site to read later!

Loved reading this and yes seems to be a few popping up at the moment similar.

[at] Jav ex has the same problem with battery operated watches in particular! The ONLY watch hes ever had that has ever worked for him is the one his current boss gave him a couple of years back for xmas 😆 And as for Bose products he sells them for a living and they ARE a VERY good product without a doubt. Know some of his customers wouldn't have anything else and niether would he if he could afford it!
shellzy (8 stories) (218 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-12)
JS I read this story pretty much straight after yours and I have to admit it was a pretty bizarre coincidence!
It is a truly fascinating phenomenon and I do have to agree that perhaps SLIders are more likely to experience paranormal events. I was gobsmacked and excited to learn that there was an actual name for this and that so many others have had similar experiences to me! And a little relieved that I'm not totally loopy lol!

Jav, your experiences are similar to mine. I go through car headlight bulbs like crazy! I used to work in a department store and the display lamps would go crazy when I passed them, street lights go out when I pass directly under them then come back on... The list goes on! Funnily enough I have low blood pressure too which needs to be monitored regularly, maybe no connection but certainly interesting.

I don't think it could be studied scientifically in a controlled environment either. Like you said it can be totally radom and is not something you can control.

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