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Posession By Nightmare?


I'm not sure this is a story I should tell as it's extremely personal. Even within my own family, there are those who would call me a liar for it. When I was about 9 years old I had, what the grownups termed a nightmare of epic proportions. I still remember it quite vividly, and to be honest, I'm still not sure it was a nightmare.

At the time we were living in a 2 story house. The upstairs had a short hallway that ran between two large bedrooms. Three of my brothers shared one room, while I and my younger sister shared the other. There was a unique area that joined the two rooms, a narrow passage way that ran behind the hall wall. In our room it's entrance was a doorway and in the boys' room it was a square hole with a pull-away cover. Of course my older brothers used it to scare the beezeesus out of us girls, so my parents used it as storage. Particularly a roll away bed that was visible from our end of the passage. It sat right in the doorway and blocked the boys from crawling through. It also created a barrier to the boogeyman they claimed used it!

The hall light was always left on at night so we could navigate our way downstairs to use the toilet, and our doors were always left open, unless getting dressed. In this way the hall light also acted as a nightlight for us kids. My brothers were 14, 13, and 4, my sister was almost 7.

This particular night, something woke me - a tapping on the bedroom floor. I sat up expecting my brothers to be pranking me - but what I saw was an old man's hand, raising from the floor! It motioned to me to come. I shook my head violently 'no' and hid in my covers, shaking. I felt it creeping up my bed covers. "Go away!" I squeaked, "You are just a dream! Go away!" I rolled and faced the wall as I had been taught to do by my father. "Go away, or I'll call my Dad!" I was so scared. The hand was then approaching me right through the wall! I could see the veins and age spots, the yellowing cracked nails, and the lion's head ring with ruby eyes it wore. "Go away!" I whimpered. Our dog, Rebel came in and began to growl, jumping on the bed between me and the wall. That was enough for me to give into the urge I'd had from the onset - I began screaming. I screamed so loud and long, I didn't wake just our household but the neighbors as well, who promptly called the police fearing the worst...

Of course my dad had come thundering up the stairs and had almost ran over my older brothers as they all poured into the room. By the time the police arrived, he had quieted down the others and sent them back to bed. Rebel, was pressed against me on my bed growling at the wall. I had ceased my screaming, but was still trembling, when the cops arrived. My mother, beside herself at not being able to climb the stairs to me (her health prevented her from doing so), let them in. I clung to Rebel, while my father went to speak with them. They insisted on seeing me, even after hearing it had been 'just a bad dream'. To their credit, they didn't laugh at me, but treated it quite seriously, even shining their lights under the bed, and feeling the wall. Assuring me, that sometimes dreams can seem quite real. That should be the end of my story. It should be... But- it heralded a change in my father's and my relationship.

At first I thought it was merely embarrassment at having the police summoned to our house. But over time and by degrees he became colder to me and even cruel, and became off-standish to my siblings.

A few months later, he brought up the subject of my 'nightmare'. Even then I thought that was weird. If it was just a dream, why bring it up months later? He asked me the oddest thing, if the hand had touched me, and if I recognized it! This bewildered me, and I only shook my head 'no'.

His behavior towards me, continued its downward spiral. He called me awful things like "Satan's spawn", and told me I was fat, ugly and stupid on a regular basis. He also took to punishing me with the belt, using it until he could no longer lift his arm. He argued with my brothers but I was the reason for everything that went wrong, and all his frustrations with the world. By the time I reached 10, he had started psychological warfare on me. He began touching where fathers never ever should. He warned me that if I should try to tell my mother or anyone else - it was my word against his and who would they believe?

During this same time, God sent me an angel. Maybe it was just a product of my subconscious trying to help me cope with circumstances I didn't understand, but Jamie was very real to me. He looked much like me, only taller and more athletic looking, and obviously a boy. While I laid in bed crying with the corner of my pillow shoved in my mouth to muffle it (if heard my dad would give me 'a reason to cry') Jaimie would come and give me words of comfort. He said he was my twin brother. At that point, I had no knowledge of being part of a set of twins, but I accepted it. (Later this fact would be verified by my older sister and mother.) He expressed anger at what my father did, and told me I should fight back. Bite, scratch, do what ever I could. Leave a mark as proof. I was afraid, and prayed constantly that I would be 'good' enough, that my dad would stop hurting me, and go back to loving me as he once had.

The 'touching' always occurred during 'rough housing' as my father called it. If my mother noticed he claimed it was accidental, and that he was teaching me to defend myself. Jaimie had whispered to me one night that I should cry out as if hurt, when ever this should happen in order to attract her attention. It worked well. 'Homework' became a good excuse not to go anywhere alone with him, or I would insist that my mother needed a break from the younger 2 and bring them with. Again Jaimie's idea. I was safe with witnesses.

We moved several times, but Jaimie never left me. When I was 12, my father said I should do the world a favor and kill myself. Those are his exact words. I won't lie, he really had me thinking God could not love one such as me, that no one could. I was 'bad', 'evil', no matter how good I tried to be. I seriously considered it, and even began to plot out how to do it. By this time my mother had been labeled terminal by the doctors. Somehow that was my blame too. Jaimie told me I couldn't because I had to live twice, once for myself and once for him. Looking back, anything I 'collected' to end my life with simply disappeared. The stolen pills, the razor blades, even the noose, I had tricked an older brother into making by claiming it was for a school project. I still recall the hardness to my dad's eyes when seeing me and snarling, "Still haven't offed yourself?" at me for weeks afterwards. But Jaimie made me stronger, arguing the opposite side.

One day, around the age of 13, my dad was arguing with my mother. Or rather she was taking his verbal abuse, unable to defend herself, he was threatening to leave her and then who would take care of her and her brats? I saw a tear trickle down her cheek. I was appalled. I had never heard him speak to my mother in this fashion before. Yeah, he may have hated me but he had always been loving to my mother as far as I knew. I heard Jaimie whisper in my ear and something snapped. I heard myself growl that I would. We didn't need him. He could just get the hell out. I advanced on him, ready to do physical battle. Logically I knew he could beat me to a pulp, but NOBODY was going to talk to my mom that way. Nobody. He backed a way a step then two. He paled. My mother gasped. I had no fear of being hurt. Looking back it was all very surreal. He left quickly and quietly, and I comforted my mother, who begged me to get him back. I said when he calls and says sorry. (Which he did several hours later.) Then she said the most peculiar thing, she asked where the boy had gone. I asked what boy? And she said there had been a very angry boy with me. Inside, I smiled. Jaimie... He had been with me all along.

I wish I could end this with a 'happily ever after', but Life doesn't go like that. My dad never really went back to being the father I once knew, and we still had teen/parent conflicts, but he did quit being so ugly to me. And in my 20s he did begin to try and make amends. I guess I'll never know if that 'nightmare' hand somehow possessed him, or made him think I was evil. But I do know that before he died, my old dad - my daddy finally said "I love you," like he meant it.

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Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-28)
Thanks, Val; I really needed to hear that.

My scars are from emotional manipulation, and I had to suppress a lot of who I am in order to endure everything: opinions, emotions, intuition, & precognition were all locked away. Your advice is right on target with my therapist's advice, too. I'm trying to avoid over-sharing, but I have a supportive wife, an established career, and role models who've shown me through their examples that it is possible to extirpate even the deepest ingrained patterns.

valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-07-27)
I totally get about exorcising our parents from our heads. I guess it holds true for anyone who had a powerful influence over us, you just can't always silence those voices. Of course the positive ones aren't a problem, it's those negative ones. They're just plain evil, undermining us, and tripping us up. It's like a double whammy when it's a parent, we're pretty much brainwashed into believing they're demigods of a sort. If they said so, it must be so. *Rolls eyes.* Even when we're older and know better, it's been ingrained in our psyche. Unfortunately, as adults we don't always get the validation we need at those times when the voices rear their ugly whispers and it seems they might have been right. That's when you need ammo to shut them up, and remind yourself that they are wrong. It isn't always easy, and I guess it depends on what negative seeds they sowed, but if you can have something tangible it helps. Sometimes all you've got is telling yourself ILAC (I am lovable and capable), and that you are so much better than they said. Heck even if they aren't physically here, you can still tell them, stand up to them, tell them to take their toxic negativity and - well you get the idea. You'd be surprised how much that can help.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-25)
I've only got a few pieces of "fancy" furniture because my in-laws moved into a different house. Most of my furniture has holes from when my cats were kittens learning to jump... 😊
(Sometimes, I'm discovering, it takes years to exorcize our parents from our heads, even when they've not been present physically. It sounds like you've moved forward, and that's a very comforting thought.)
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-25)
Val, I know a guy who was homeless in his teens. During that time he said he used to experience intense visions/dreams similar to what you've described. I really think you're onto something with your interpretation. 😊
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-07-25)
Tweed, I actually feel the same about reincarnation. Like I said, not sure where I stand on it, but this has been enough for me. Don't know if we're given a choice either. Someone once told me that reincarnation was two fold (no idea if they're right or not) one was you still had many lessons to learn, and we 'repeat' until we near perfection and can move onto a higher plane. However, this person also believed that we might reincarnate if there was a lesson to be learned from us, that's where the great philosophers, and wise ones come from. *shrug* I just don't know.
No worries, I don't/ didn't connect anything you said with my dad. Initially, I thought it was how I would die, but now I see it as a type of warning, and it can be construed quite a few ways. I haven't found a symbolic meaning for the ring, but the chair, the cup to me those are symbols of comfort and a decent life style. Also the women in my family (with a few exceptions) tend to pass in their early 60s or before. So my appearing to be in my 70s would be a ripe old age. In a weird way, it is sort of comforting to think perhaps it's just saying, okay you're struggling now but before you go you'll know this. At the time I had this whatever (dream/vision) I was living on the streets. To say it was a hard and harsh life is an understatement. But, I did manage to dodge most of the pitfalls many fall into as a way to survive. I don't think I was any better than most, just... I was not going to be what my dad labeled me. Hope that makes some sense. Anyway, given that, it's possible that all it really means is one day I'll be able to live comfortably.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-25)
No, no no, I meant there had to have been a good reason you experienced those paranormal things. I didn't mean for that to include any of what happened with your father. Sorry.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-25)
Val, I can't shake the feeling this creep was trying to scare you. If you think about what he did 'strangle', this might be symbolic of someone trying to silence someone. Which gets me wondering about the old motive and if that's to do with 'tradition' and/or 'religion'. Sometimes I wonder if bad entities have become what they are because of their beliefs and anyone who threatens their way of thinking needs to be silenced in some way. I don't know much about religion but I'm pretty sure strangulation is a big no no. Extreme thinking can really ruin some people.
Having said that I don't blame you for being a wee bit superstitious about the objects in the vision. But at the same time don't make it a self fulfilling prophecy. There had to have been a good reason you experienced these things and I believe a lot of it is down to awareness. That ring, and the rest, were things you were meant to become aware of for whatever reason. But that creep wouldn't stand a chance against you and your ghosties, reckon he knew that back then too. 😉

Reincarnation, yawn. 😆 It rubs me up the wrong way, it really does. I believe in it, but I don't wish to do it. My attitude: The buck stops here. 😉
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-07-25)
Well, I can tell you this: the 346 is the pattern number. There should be a crown above the name (if not it's a reproduction) which places it as 1950. Otherwise 1970. So you guessed really good! 😊 Yep, I googled.
As for the chair, well you need to look at how it's made in order to date it, especially the hardware used in it. But they pretty much stopped using horsehair in the 30's, I think.
Your Dr. Who crack made me laugh, but it also made me think a bit. If (going by the dates you and Biblio have 'supplied') and we use those dates of the items to establish the time line of the event, that would place this as something from the past. I was born in '58, so that would work with the idea of a past life. Although, honestly I still don't know where I stand on reincarnation.
On the other hand, if this was a portent of a thing to come, then at least I will be surrounded by something I love (antiques).
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-25)
Val and Biblio,

Sorry to inject myself into your discussion but ya'll have slightly weirded me out! We have a mustard fancy chair with dark wood trim in our bedroom and a violet tea set with gold trim! I don't think we have any tea cups, but we definitely have a couple of small plate things with violets on them dotted around the house. We don't use these plates for anything other than putting crystals and whatknot on. I don't know how old they are but they're certainly not modern. Anywhere from the 1950's to the 1970's I'd guess for these particular plates. Reproductions of an older traditional set I'd further guess. The chair, I have no clue about but it's stuffed with horse hair.
In fact, I have a plate right here. Don't know if this is any use to you but in case I'm some kind of Doctor Who agent from the future sent to set the time/space continuum right, on the back of the plate it says:
"Duchess Bone China England 346"
If all my watching Antiques Roadshow has paid off that number should date the plate, I think, I hope.😕
No lion rings thank god lol!

This is probably nothing but my reaction to reading bits of our place described!😳
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-07-25)
Well at least the ring I see is gold-tone lol. I have a couple of tea sets of my own, my favorite being dragon-ware. (I've a thing for dragons.) I love the wing-back style chairs, and I figure as long as I bypass mustard brocade, I'm safe. Alas I don't own any 'fancy' furniture.
You could be right about how that person is. You say you also had one about your death? Creepy as all get out, isn't it?
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-25)

I'm very glad that you live in Illinois: I have two yellow Jacquard wing-backs, I collect Japanese Lusterware tea services, and I have my dad's old tarnished-silver lion's head (garnet eyes) in a box somewhere. Not that they match your premonition/past-life nightmare, but there are a couple of odd parallels. Of course, there's the reassuring fact that I make excellent tea; however, I can only make a beverage which smells like coffee, but somehow manages to miss the mark on flavor every damn time!

While there is a whole related website for dreams, I do know how very different predictive dreams feel from regular dreams; I'd never considered the possibility of their being regression memories. I do hope you're right about that idea, given the dream/image I had about death.

(As I sit here, thinking, I had ab idea or two strolling through my head, do with them whatever you will.) He wears the ring to blend in. It's a calculated affectation because he's older than he looks. His soul is cold; he's learned patterns of rhetoric to engender trust and to dispel suspicion. There's a malign glee in his deliberation. He relishes the power he has to attack, but there's a perverse joy in waiting, in NOT acting, which whets his appetite. It's not the killing he enjoys, it's creating terror in his victims; he wants them to be shocked and horrified. (The images keep slipping off of my mind, like he wants to remain hidden and he's aware of being watched? Odd sensation.)
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-07-24)
Thanks, Biblio:)
I can still see that ring very vividly in my mind's eye. The information you gave me has me wondering about another vision/dream I had when older involving that ring. I was either 16 or 17, living on my own when I saw my future death. The details remain stark in my mind. I appear to be in my 70's, simply dressed but wearing a single strand of pearls. I'm sitting in a wing-backed armchair, it's fabric a mustard colored brocade, its wood trim is a dark oak. I'm sipping coffee from a bone china tea cup. It has a violet motif on it and gold trim. I appear to be talking to someone over my shoulder. (There's no sound.) I seem to be rather content, even happy. This person behind me reaches over the back of the chair and starts giving me kind of a neck massage, only he wraps his hands around my throat. I see myself struggle, I see that ring on his finger. I never see his face, but obviously it's someone I know.
It sounds crazy, but it is one of the reasons I avoid chairs matching that description, and fellows wearing that ring. But, given your information, I now wonder if maybe it was a past life's ending I saw? Guess we'll never know for sure.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-23)
Hi, Val:

While I was reading your newer story, about the Prairie Street House, I felt I ought to tell you something significant about this earlier, more traumatic story.

Lion's head rings were popular around 1901-1910 with the well-dressed and rebellious intellectual dandies of the Edwardian era. Post WWII, the "Teddy Boy" style of tight-fitting trousers, popped-collar jackets, waistcoats (often brocade), re-established this look, but with a more aggressive form of rebellious social consciousness (in the US, the style overlapped with the Zoot-Suit & young Tony Curtis look). Since that time, the rings have re-emerged as fashionable for about a 3-5 year period every 15 years or so. I have no idea if this information will be of any use to you when reflecting upon the horrors of your childhood, but I do hope that it provides a starting point for any future research you may wish to do.

2nd1st (1 stories) (118 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-18)
By taking control of dreams are you meaning in a lucid dreaming sense or using cues to identify when you are dreaming?
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-04-18)
Facing the wall was something we were taught to do for nightmares.
Lol - running backwards being counter productive. It would be some feat though wouldn't it?
I'm really not sure what the logic behind this teaching was. It's just something we were told to do by my dad. And you NEVER questioned the why on something he said. He said, facing the wall stopped bad dreams so... *shrug* It was my mom who taught me to take control over my dreams, when I was a bit older.
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-04-18)
Thank you. I'll collect on that hug, and give you one in return. I'm so sorry you had experienced something similar. I was mildly surprised at how many have come forward to say they 'understood' because they too had been there at the hands of someone who should have been a protector. I say 'mildly' because I know too well that this sort of thing goes on far more often then we care to think. I'm not sure this will come out right, but I take no comfort in the statistics. It's something I wish wasn't so 'shared', and my experience was an isolated event. All those little children (both girls and boys) past, present, and future suffering from mistreatment from those who should love us most... OK, I better stop before I start crying for them. I can only hope and pray that each one has a 'Jamie' looking over them.
2nd1st (1 stories) (118 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-18)
I am curious about you being taught to face the wall. Was that strategy taught to you for use when experiencing a nightmare or to use when under attack?

I haven't been able to establish the logic behind such a teaching. When under threat one should always face the threat, never give it your back (unless running away of course as running backwards is usually counter productive).

I noticed someone ask whether you had tried to contact your fathers spirit. I think you are wise in your decision not to. Sometimes it's best to let sleeping dogs lie undisturbed.

Thanks for sharing this, it can't have been easy.
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-17)
I know you posted this a while ago, and I didn't know you did.

First I want to thank you, for having the courage and strength to share this with us.

I have gone through something like that but with my grandfather. Not the one I write about so often.

To beable to forgive, is something a truly honorable,gentle,loving,and pure soul can do.

I started tearing up as I read this. I could feel the pain,terror,and unhappiness you felt.
I am glad to read that your Loving protective twin came to help, love and watch over you, in those moments.

All I want to do is go back to your past and hold you close and hug you.

Thank you for sharing all of that with us. I'm sure it has helped some of us get through some tough memories.

Again Thank you ❤ ❤

valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-04-17)
Thank you for reading and commenting. It was a very dark time of my life, but I think in many ways it made me stronger. Our relationship never reached a 'comfortable' stage. Not for me at any rate, I could never quite let my guard down completely. But carrying around all that negativity inside me just wasn't worth it. I won't lie, the memory still hurts of all those years of inflicted mental and physical pain. When you come to terms that it really is a type of sickness, it becomes easier to forgive the actions... But forget? Not bloody likely.
sweetsunshine1800 (4 stories) (85 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-14)
Hello Val,

What a sad story, it brought tears to my eyes only imagining what pain you have gone through, I guess that "hand" wasn't only a dream, it could've been a negative entity, who might've possessed your father to do something like this, how brave you were to go through this phase of your life and thanks to Jaimie for helping you go through this hard time and standing up for your mother, I feel sorry for the loss of your mother and dad too 😢, stay blessed always ❤ this story is going straight to my favourites Val:)

Best wishes and,
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-09-12)
Thank you for reading and commenting. Consider your hug, not only accepted but reciprocated.:)
I don't know if my nightmare triggered something for my dad, or what. I only know it heralded the change in our relationship. As I said, it wasn't until much later he began trying to make amends. We never really discussed that night or anything he had said or done.
At least not in so many words.
Something I've learned about Life is that it takes a lot of energy to drag around negative emotions like anger, resentment, and especially hate. The past is past, it's what you choose to take with you from it that counts.
Again, thank you for reading.
Khili180 (3 stories) (78 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-12)
Dearest val, I am new to this site. I've read quite a few stories here but yours seemed to move me to another level. Want to give you a huge hug right now. So sorry for what you had to endure. You have immense strength that you could not only have the power do endure it at such a young age but also stand up straight today and share it publicly (my respect for you has grown even more, because I know it must have been awfully difficult to share this and relive this time of your life). Also hats off to you and a big thanks to jaimie for standing up for your mother that day. Once again, cudos to you for having such a big heart- I don't know if I would ever have the heart to forgive the man who wounded me thus.

About the hand I am inclined to badjuujuu's explanation more- it sounds like the hand reminded your dad of some repressed memories and he took it out on you. Possibly he had his own share of abuse as a kid. But the possession theory is possible too. Either which way, I am glad you've moved past the whole thing. Once again, a tight hug to you. And love to jaimie:) Take care:)
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-02-11)
MISTER_MAGIC - there is nothing in val's story that even hinted that you had a valid reason for you asking the questions you did. If she had suggested that any one of those possibilities existed, I wouldn't have deleted your comment.

As I said, leave her alone. And drop this subject. We've had a round with it before and it didn't go well. We're not doing it again.

This comment from MISTER_MAGIC is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

This comment from MISTER_MAGIC is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-11)
Wow Valkricry, not one story has made me feel so terrified, shocked or emotional upon reading it until now. Sending you a huge virtual hug right now. Thank God Jamie was there to give you the courage to live. And what a bittersweet ending. I'm truely gobsmacked at the whole thing. Thank you so much for sharing.
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-11)
Oh, Val, this story gives even more meaning to the newest story you posted. I hadn't previously seen this when I read that one.

I just want to say you are such a beautiful person. My heart breaks for the little girl you were then, but I am glad you found strength, more strength than so many of us have -- the strength to forgive.

I, too, wonder what it was that affected him like this. It does sound very surreal, and I'm inclined to believe it wasn't really him. It's hard to say.

There are despicable people in this world who do terrible things completely of their own volition, but I wonder if maybe someone hurt him like that, and the hand you saw was a residual of that? Maybe your "nightmare" brought back those haunting memories, and he took his anger toward someone else out on you.

Thank you for sharing this, Val. And thank you, Jaimie, for preserving her!
CrystalLeo (27 posts)
10 years ago (2014-02-11)
Hahahahahaha yea I agree with Val, Miracles. I also apreciate what you are doing on this site. I'm still debating on the stories I have yet to post on this site. But if I know that you are there to keep a good eye out, I think I can post in ease.
Haha and thanks for replying on my comment Val.
My Dad walked out on me, my mom and brothers when I was about 6/7. Although he is still alive he also did some pretty scary things after his Father (My favourite Gandfather) died. So my mom kicked him out, and I haven't really heard from him since. Even though my situation might not have been as bad as yours, I can put myself in your shoes.
Best Wishes
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-02-10)
val - 😆 that is an awesome compliment! Thank you 😆

Seriously, though, most of the time I'll copy the comments before I delete them. This one I didn't even do that.
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-02-10)
If you were a guy, you could be my knight in shining armor. 😊 I have no idea what MISTER_MAGIC had to say, but if you say controversial, that's good enough for me. Thank you for being protective.

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