I'm 16 and I wanted to write this to get it out there and to see if anyone can help me. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Okay so to set the stage I'll explain how my living situation works. I originally live in San Antonio, Texas. I am a Sophomore and started online courses in order to graduate early and focus on my music aspirations. I am really close with my Uncle and older Cousin who live in Dallas, so at the moment I move back and forth about every month. Ever since I can remember I have felt the presence of something different at times. In the past didn't pay much attention to it, but as I've gotten older the feeling has become more present.
The stronger feelings started about a year ago back in San Antonio. Anytime I was at home alone or in my room at night I would here footsteps sometimes even voices. When I started moving back and forth they slowed down a little but since I have moved more often it seems they have become more present than ever as it follows me.
In Dallas my room is at the end of the hall on the left, my cousin's across from me on the right. In between us (straight ahead) is the guest bathroom. For the past two months EVERY night I hear footsteps coming down the hall and after I have fallen asleep they proceed to my room, loud enough to wake me up. There has been several times where the voices are so distinct and present I can make out every word and even the little "qwerks" in them. When the room is dark I can see a tall figure, very very dark, standing by the door. Often times it will dart to different corners of the room sometimes even to the upper corners towards the ceiling.
Now, in San Antonio I'm in a small apartment and this is where things get very interesting. In my closet I have a home recording studio, this includes the sound buffers on the walls, professional recording mic, Mixing Board, the whole get up. When I record I usually have a camera on me as well and I can be in the middle of a song and stop, and clear as day I can hear this thing talking, even breathing close to the mic. I have heard several phrases including "you're very special", "lets go", "ended", "never ever" none of it really adds up. About the time I hear them in the playback I can almost always see a flicker in the camera lens.
The most recent incident was last night when I was in my room hearing the familiar footsteps then turning the light on quickly and seeing the black figure fade away from the foot of my bed.
Though I cannot make out what this is I just want help, really... Anything. Thank you.