this is my first and only paranormal experience until now. I was born and bought up in Pune, both my parents are working so usually on Saturdays when I had holiday I had to stay alone. This experience occurs after an incident.
When I was in fourth standard, I was too young to stay alone at home so my mom dropped me at my neighbours. They were like old couple, basically parent figures. That's why I went into a trauma after I was sexually abused by the old man. I kind of lost control and no one knew about it. I started writing death threats on their wall. I just can't explain, it wasn't theatrical.
That incident left me with permanent wounds. I was scared even to go near my own dad. And after a month he died of an heart attack. I didn't cry. I hated him like no other.
I moved on with life, though. Once when I was in 9th, I was sleeping in my room and I saw him in my dreams. But it feels so real. I was choking, crying, I was coughing furiously, I wanted to open my eyes, call "papa" but couldn't. After some time, I was able to open my eyes, I was still choking and coughing furiously. All the while my dad didn't have any idea what was happening. Then again I closed them but he was still there. And I swear I remember opening my eyes. Then all he said was, "I am really sorry" and I yelled, "I hate you". After that I fell from bed and woke. Finally I could breath.
That day I went to the temple and cried alot. And I said, "I forgive you." After that moment I felt nothing towards him. You may call it just a dream or wishful thinking. But seriously you never dream when you know you're sleeping.