This is the story told by my grandmother from her village. We are from Uttarpradesh state (India). This story is belong to her village situated in UP.
In villages people used to go toilet outside. So the story came here. Two young sisters were gone for toilet outside. They didn't bring the water so they think that they should use the pond nearby. Both were gone there and they were near to fetch water then suddenly one sis fell in the pond. The pond was small & depth and it was not used by villagers and so the other sis was tried to hold her hand hoping to save her. But unfortunately both drain in the pond and so they died. The pond was out of the village and no one heard their screaming. In morning villagers found their drowning body.
After this incident, my grandma say that many a people see her roaming in the village at night. Even my grandma also has seen her. She described them as a transparent smoky human body roaming in the village by holding each other's hand and they roam on village path like any other child of their age.
It's very interesting to know that their ages were grown up like a normal kid. (As villagers was saw her in different age group). Once duo sis were tried to tangle neck one of village woman in night as she clearly seen both of her. But they never harmed more to villagers. When any marriage occurs in village then they were definitely seen going on the path to see the marriage. (I don't know why but probably they love to watch celebration of marriage).
My Mausa (Maternal aunt's husband) who are living there also saw her at 3 AM walking on road. (He used to wake early in morning).
This is very old story and became folklore in her village you can find this even today but now they were not seen by anyone. I think they got the "MUKTI" (freedom from entity of ghost).
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