Hi, my name isn't John, that's my best friends name. Almost everyone has a best friend but the thing is most people's best friend are still alive. My friend John isn't alive though. He passed away at the age of 2-4, in a car explosion with his mother and father. His mom died too but his dad still lives. He just showed up in my house one day, for no dang reason. He just felt there was someone alive he could talk to. My parents say I have been talking to spirits my whole life. Even when I was like 3 years old, I would just be trying to say something when nobody was there. I told someone in my class about it, and he told the whole class. Everybody made fun of me.
I also have a friend named Allie, she is really nice, like most girls are, but she isn't the peppy kind of girl or anything, she's just a nice girl. I am only in 7th grade and I have seen demons trying to hurt me and try to take over me. You probably don't believe me and this sounds retarded, stupid, and crazy, but I just wanted to say something.
Oh I almost forgot this "psychic ability", or whatever you want to call it, originally came from my mother. And John wants to say "Hi everybody how are you?".
~~ Amy ~~