This isn't a long story but it is a freaky one.
In the middle of the night I was laying in my bed, I couldn't sleep for some weird reason, I just had a weird feeling about something and I didn't know what. A few minutes later as I closed my eyes, I started to hear a girl crying. The crying sounded like it was right next to me. My heart started to race, I looked at the end of my bed and I saw a dark figure at the end staring at me. I couldn't move, I was frozen but I wasn't scared. I was freaked out and as I closed my eyes and reopened them the dark figure was gone. Now every time I walk in my room I get a weird feeling as I am being watched, but tears also come to my eyes, as if I was about to cry, with no reason.
The day after this all happened I told one of my friends about it and he looked at me in surprise because he started to shake and told me next time you see the figure be careful, he didn't say anything else after that and we went quiet until I went home where walking into my room was something I didn't want to do. As I walked in I automatically got a weird feeling as I was being watched. When I went to leave my room for dinner I heard the crying again but I couldn't see any dark figure this time but I felt really uneasy.
I was trying to lie down and listen to music but I felt like someone was saying something to me even though I was in my room. I took one of my headphones out and I didn't hear anything. But I then heard something again but before I could take my headphones out to listen I started to hear the crying again and then I blacked out for 1 hour. But I didn't leave my room I just laid there.
Several years ago I had the EXACT experience... Woke up to the sound of a girl crying etc. Mine however visited me again, this time no crying but closer up the side of my bed. Blinked and it was gone. The third time I awoke to it right next to me... And this time it didn't disapear with blinking. I sat up and backed against my headboard, tears in my eyes and reacted as a 200lb male would. I shouted right at it "what do you want!". It vanished and I have never seen it since.
FYI. My house at the time was a brand new modern build in the suburbs... Not creapy at all?