When I was 10 years old, my family had moved to new Mexico and bought a big two story house, we lived in it for about a year. The first few weeks in that house seemed normal, but about a month of living there, me and my brother were sitting in my room playing video games when out of nowhere, we heard someone fall down the stairs. We went out of the room to look and no one was there, so we went downstairs to talk to my mom, only to realize that there was a note on the kitchen counter saying "Joey had to go pick up your father at the airport be back soon".
Me and my brother really didn't think much of the occurrence that had happened that night. Two days later the family was sitting around the dinner table eating dinner, when they heard laughter of children, then the power just shut down completely. My father and mother had thought it was just a blown fuse or something of the sort, grabbed two flashlights and went to the fuse box in our basement.
About a minute after the went to the basement, my brother, who by the way was seven, had gotten scared, so me and him went to the kitchen pantry where we had stored a few extra flashlight just in case we ever needed them. When we got the flashlight turned on we saw a horrible looking little man standing there with little red beady eyes, I had gotten scared and tried to hit it away with the flashlight but when I took a good swing at it it just laughed a horrible laugh. We ran as fast as we could into the kitchen about two minutes after the lights came on.
For weeks we would see the horrible little man, after a while we really didn't think of him as much of a threat, but about a couple months living in the house, we decided to move because my father had found a better job. One day, while I was loading boxes of my kid stuff down stairs, I felt something smack me hard on my back, I fell but caught myself when I went downstairs to tell my mom what had happened. She told me to lift up the back of me shirt, when I did, she seen a hand print on my back.
After that occurrence nothing else happened, it took us about two days to move out.
When I read paragraphs 3 & 4, I knew it was him! Nice to know the ol' boy is alive and well out there in New Mexico...