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Things Are Getting Scarier


I am new to this space, as I was a non believer both in ghosts and God so websites and stories never attracted me. Now as I am experiencing these kind of thing very first time I need some genuine help in this matter as I do not know what to do. Now I come straight to what is happening from last three months.

I live in a rented house from past 2 years in Raj Nagar, Ghaziabad. I live on top floor of this house. As I work in a MNC so usually I have to work very late in the evening and as my office is around 12 km from my flat, I usually come late in night. In this area frequent power cut happens.

My flat contain 2 bedrooms, a kitchen, one bathroom, a big hall and 2 balconies. It does not look scary from any side and all was going very well until around three months ago when I experienced something unusual for the first time in my life.

It was morning and I was bathing. Suddenly I heard my TV switched on in the hall but no power was coming. I thought may be my bathroom light is not working. After few seconds TV switched off. After I came out of bathroom but light was still out, I checked my TV switch, to my horror it was off. I did not gave much attention to this, thinking may be my brain is playing things due to less sleep in night.

After few days one night I was working on my laptop suddenly I felt I am freezing with cold. It happened for 3-4 seconds and as I have no ac and the month was March I wondered a little but did not gave it attention. Same night I went to sleep around 12:30 am and I was fast asleep soon. I remember I left my sleeper just below my bedside as usual, but next morning it was not there, I found it in the kitchen. This time I wondered how this happened as I clearly remember I left it beside my bed.

After this some more little things like tablespoon falling without cause and books found other than their places and one or two more cold wind felling happened. But I never saw anything. As these things were happening very frequently but were not harmful and there was great work load from office to me I was getting used to them giving less attention to them.

Now the thing that forced me to search a website like this and ask for advice was happened 3 days ago. As I had a argument with my boss in office that day I was very angry when I returned home around 10:30 in night. I was in the hall sitting on the chair thinking about the matter. I listened water tap opening in the kitchen, as earlier I said I was used to these kind of things but that day what came over me may be due to office tension I yelled loudly "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE." And kicked the kitchen door with full force.

Yelling in frustration I closed the tap and again kicked the wall of kitchen. All of a sudden I heard steps running towards my bedroom. Although this thing was happened very first time, I came out of kitchen and ran towards my room. There was no one. In the same angry manner I said I do not fear and threatened it to kill it if ever it come in front of me and I searched every corner of room, throwing things from here to there in a crazy manner.

After some time I slept. I do not remember the time, maybe 1:30 am. I suddenly felt some one is pressing my chest and I cannot move. After some time when I was able to move, I found myself in sweat. Now I was frightened.

Two days ago I was in kitchen preparing breakfast. I heard loud noise of falling coming from my bedroom. I went there and found ceiling fan has fallen over bed. As it was not enough, same day when I returned from office I found window glass broken in my other bedroom.

Yesterday in night I heard someone walking and making scary sound outside my bedroom. I cannot understand what it was saying but it did not feel good and my bedroom doors were opening and closing heavily all by themselves. I was in the bed wrapping myself in bed sheet and hiding my head in my pillow and I did not have courage to look upon the door.

Now I am very much in fear and do not know what to do. I think whatever it is, I must have made it angry with my behaviour. I do not know whom to discuss as I do not think anyone will believe it in my locality.

Today in my office I found this website over internet and I am posting this in hope someone will help me as I do not have other temporary place to live and I have to live few more days in it as it will take some time to find new flat.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Rahul_Kumar, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Pragya (5 stories) (68 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-22)
Hi Rahul, I know I am late in here. Your experience is disturbing and I know how much it must have affected you. First of all I would love to know how are things with you now. I agree with rookedygin that a lot of the incidents might be happening as an outburst of your negative energy. As per your narrative the things started becoming more violent after you showed anger. I have done some basic research on the subject as I had once been subjected to experiences of similar nature. Try not to show anger stress or sadness when you feel this entity is around even if you start feeling it naturally try to ward it off. Because these feed off these emotions it is there charging point. Notice if things have been deteriorating in your life after you have moved in this house all the stress. Keep Hanuman Chalisa with you. Read Bajrang Bann before going to sleep. Play Hanuman Chalisa Gayatri mantra in full volume in your room. Have faith in God and feel strongly that God will let no harm come to you and his angels are around you to protect you all the time. Imagine you are in circle of white light protected all these spiritual energies cannot enter this circle. These are tried and tested things and will surely help you. Better still if possible change the house. Do keep us updated.
SAYURI (1 stories) (15 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-16)
please let me know if my advice was useful. If it doesn't work then call an exorcist because that will mean that it is not a ghost.
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-05-16)
Well, it certainly sounds to me as if it took your anger personally. I agree with SAYURI, apologize.
SAYURI (1 stories) (15 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-16)
Why don't you simple apologize? If it is true that it has became angry because of you then the only thing left is to apologize to it. I think that it may help you if you make it understand your problem. Weird advice, isn't it?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-15)
(Apologies to the O/P)


You do not have to leave... We just try to Balance and UNDERSTAND what everyone is trying to say when they offer advice or aid. You did not even provide any background in your Profile so it was difficult to tell just what and where your Point of View was coming from.

I think there is a clue in the name you gave yourself...

Jyoti Mj: The life path number of is 3. The number 3 in numerology represents a triangle from the union of positive powers of the soul, mind and body. With this kind of balance contact and channeling the Elements (Elemantals) may come easy... But again this is all for the YGS's Sister Site (

I stand by the 'Ride of the Miss Demeaner' that I posted... We do 'protect and defend' our own... But this is becasue many of us are long time members and we have come to respect each other and our unique points of view. So please, stay awhile, do not let our questions scare you off.


Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-15)
*pssst* You guys, Granny kind of encouraged y'all to take it over yonder so's not to distract from Rahul's experience. *nudge nudge wink wink*
jyoti-mj (guest)
9 years ago (2015-05-15)
Rook: Ahh I see your techniques are grounded, like Cherokee ways. All about balance. Respected. Revering light respecting dark. Well this is your platform and I absolutely mean you no disrespect when I request you to please have sage and cedar guide you so that you can listen to earth and see with true sight about the my reasons.
A dream of believe. And I part.
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-15)
Jyoti-mj, not to be rude, but I was just checking my comments and noticed yours (first one above mine), and I'm sorry but I really think you should not have shared that feeling you got (I'm getting the impression that your a psychic, and that's fine, that's amazing) but you really shouldn't tell someone that unless they ask, because though you weren't intending to scare them, it still might scare them. And it's better for something to happen (like what you said) unexpectedly to the other, than for he/she to know that it will happen and live the day in fear until whatever does happened. But if they ask it is fine.

Also I'm not trying to take sides, but Miracles and zzgranny not we're just trying to help you (which the mods are good at 😊), I think you'd fit in a lot better at that other site, it's just like this one but its for people like you (not that we're really different, were all humans) and people over there will understand things like your comments far better than us, because they have more knowledge in that area. Even I didn't really understand what you said, I found it very confusing.

But it's your choice to do what you want, I cannot control you, the moderators can't make you go to the other website, it's all up to you. And your welcome to stay on this website. Miracles and zzgranny were just giving you advice and I hope you take it into consideration. 😊

Rahul_Kumar, I apologize for posting this on your page, but this can be helpful to others to. And also I just like to thank you again for sharing your experience with us, as I really enjoyed reading it. And I everything goes well even after you've read jyoti's comment with the feeling he had. Glad you got a new place to live, hope you enjoy it. If you have anymore stories to share, then I would love to read them. 😊 Take it easy.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-15)
(A multicolored, streached, double decker bus comes rolling around the corner, the Troll Patrol is on board and the music is LOUD... We join this PATROL already in progress...)

The Driver, Puff Bayram, points at 'jyoti-mj' as the
LOUD music BLASTS from the Bus: (Extream 'Get the Funk Out')

"I don't mean to be rude dude
But you'd better change your attitude

I don't like what I see here

You're all invited to the party
You know you didn't have to come
No rotten apple going to spoil my fun

Get the funk out
We won't try to force feed you
Get the funk out..."

Everyone here is very excepting of everyones point of view... HOWEVER when individuals start 'hinting darkly' towards other members, especily our MODS we circle round the Miss Demeaner (Our Troll Patrol Bus) don our best 'Bi$ [at] ^' names and run amoke for a bit.

You can join us, here or on our sister site; Psychics & Mediums; (link at the top of the page) but as the song states...

"If you don't like what you see here..."

Puff Bayram (Driver, DJ and Chief Bottle Washer Aboard the Miss Demeaner, the Biggest, Baddest, Troll Chasingest Double Decker Party Bus ever.)
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-15)

After reading the experiences you have shared with us I need to ask ONE question...

Have you been feeling 'stressed out' and 'angry' the entire time these experiences have been happening?

The TV may have been a neighbors remote EXCEPT you mentioned NO power was on in the home (unless I misunderstood that part) But each and every one of these experiences you have described MAY be psycokentic (sp?) outbursts from YOU... Even the 'cold spot' may have been your body 'experssing' excess 'stress or anger' as 'energy' into the enviroment.

My suggestion... Take a walk in the park... Take off your shoes and walk through the grass and visualize any negitive energy, anger or stress leaving your body through your feet... Walk a bit... Take a few cleansing breaths and then visualize Positive energy and happy thoughts entering your body... Enjoy the day in the park...RELAX.

Keep Journal and keep us posted.


jyoti-mj (guest)
9 years ago (2015-05-15)
Zssgranny if I may ask was the content of my mail to miracle's hotmail id was shared with you?
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-05-15)
jyot-mj: I already have communicated with Miracles and we agree that this site may not be suited to you and your abilities. Thank you for understanding.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-05-15)
Rook: *sigh Okay, but just this once (maybe) 😆

Rahul_Kumar: Please excuse this break in your thread. Things will return to normal after a cruise around the block in the Miss Demeanor. Thank you! 😊
jyoti-mj (guest)
9 years ago (2015-05-15)
I have already sent a mail to Miracle51031explaining why I am here and what I meant. I don't have negativity so there is nothing for you to 'not tolerate' I derive my ability from ancient magic and the entity in this post has the quality of that form. Unlike the negative or positive, neutral entity can be very dangerous as one can't use the forces of light or darkness to chase it away. My intent is neutral. So I respect your way but I should request you to communicate with miracle so that you could fully understand my paradigm.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-15)

Can I break out the BUS now? Not for the O/P but for the troll? PLEASE! I have not commented 'to' this individual because 2 of our wonderful MODS are all over this but 'toes' are on a line that need not be crossed (if you know what I mean) So PLEASE let me break out the BUS.


zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-05-15)
jyoti-mj: Hmmmm. See, one of the things about being a moderator is trying to distinguish between posts that are detrimental or helpful for the poster. Your most recent comment could be construed as a threat toward Miracles, and I don't know if that is your intent or not. But let me say this: it better not be.

We do not tolerate threats, real or imagined, on this site. Please do yourself a favor and take your threats elsewhere. We don't want or need the negativity here.
jyoti-mj (guest)
9 years ago (2015-05-15)
I accept your premise but reject your conclusion. As you have already checked in one of my post I wrote " accept it or not is your choice" that means I don't need to make people understand or have anything to prove to anyone. It matters less to me what choices others make but all I care about is what my instincts says. I ain't a psychic, I am a full time engineer so if you are thinking of those kind of money-maker stupid thought then better forget I am not that ttype. And I do accept that ppls in this site might not understand but as you would have check d I post for only those whom I feel to warn. I don't like been told what to do and I sense that suggestion of your was more negative than positive so I humbly thank you and ask you to consult the expert in your sister's site about the reason and ramification of me finding you or I could suggest a more convincing reveal ritual of myactions in last month. You ll know what I mean.
Thanks a million for your concern.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-05-14)
jyoti-mj - I think one of our sister sites would be a better fit for you. There are people on that site who can communicate with you better, and understand, than our site. Http://
jyoti-mj (guest)
9 years ago (2015-05-14)
No I am saying when in actual need I can commune with elements and call forth the energies from which these entities derive their power and model those energies into character which is necessary for fulfilling the objectives of calling them.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-05-14)
Mmmkay - so you are saying you can call forth these entities?
jyoti-mj (guest)
9 years ago (2015-05-14)
It means a one should not play with these forces and their wielders because they are as fire can help you or burn you. Those who deal with these forces actually yield neutral energy which is then shaped as positive or negative by the wielder. If he seek my help then he should really in the need of it else the entities I call forth can be dangerous as they will be forces of indulgence and if they don't find the indulgence for which they are called for which is in this case to destroy that negative spirit's holding on rahul, they won't hesitate to destroy his own spirit's holding on his body as they will take it as a mockery on them. Like inviting to a party and not serving food.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-05-14)
jyoti-mj - I know you addressed your comment to Rahul_Kumar but I have a question. What, exactly, do you mean by ' if fire can create life it can destroy too'?
jyoti-mj (guest)
9 years ago (2015-05-14)
I don't mean to scare you but I can't help the feeling of you will be followed... Anyways all you need to remember is it's just a type of energy, it can be good or bad depending on the wielder... Fear will weaken your fifth and can allow dominion over other four... I hardly bother to react to any situation but when I read your's I felt like I need to tell you this,"The forces that are not in flesh can be very dangerous but remember hope and believe are strong forces too when in doubt look into your past, bring back the child within you to life and youmay be able to walk away from that danger."
What I am and what I know and can do are my business so take the advice or not that's your wish...
Though I ll b chking for your comment, in case of help do post herthen we can find a way to be in touch but mark this ' if fire can create life it can destroy too'.
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-14)
Rahul_kumar, sometimes I get random feelings of my body getting cold for a few seconds also, it kind of starts below and quickly comes up to my head and then it's gone. I don't think it's paranormal, I'm sure there is a logical explaination for it.
Dont get this confused with cold spots, because those are totally different.
I probably sound like an idiot asking this, but what do you mean by "sleeper"?
And holy cow! Whatever is in your house did some damage, maybe you ticked it off when you yelled, and maybe that's it's way of getting back. But I don't know why it didn't listen to you, it seems to pushing you. I think you should cleanse or bless your house.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-14)
Hi Rahul_Kumar, welcome to YGS and thanks for sharing your experiences. You are living in an apartment or a house? You said it is a house. I would like to ask you some questions. You said that you live on the top floor of the house. How many floors are there in the house or the apartment? And who are living on the ground floor, first floor and all. Did you discuss with any of your neighbours and if your property owner is living in the same house, have you discussed with him about your experiences? If you have not done so and if you have not changed to the new flat, please do so. Please also try to investigate by asking your neighbours. That could throw more light into the whole episode. Please do post your comments.

Regards and respects to you.

sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-13)
Hi, Rahul... I think you need to talk room owner about this matter... Meanwhile you can follow rook's method I've personally used this it is much effective... Chant Hanuman chalisa... It'll give you mental power to fight this invisible entity...

Regards, 😁
sharmarke (1 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-12)
Hi Rahul.
I can't really imagine, if you want to get rid of it, you really need to believe that god exist and the devil too, I might not believe in ghosts or dead people's souls are arround some where, except in the heaven or in the hell, but not in our world, living with us, but I believe there is devil among us.
So please you have to believe in god and have faith, and that god is with you and protecting from you all evil things, whit out beliving in god. Is going to be hard to be safe.
cute_princess (1 stories) (7 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-12)
Similar things had once happened with an elder living near delhi... Although he didn't angry anything so much... His mother was a typical kashmiri, therefore she made our traditional yellow rice and kept it out for night... It surely seemed to work because he has no problem now... And it is his 5/6 year in that flat...
He had also some feelings of being touched, things going here and there and utensils falling from place
Rahul_Kumar (1 stories) (3 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-12)
thanks to all for their advices, luckily I got a new place to live. I am going to shift there within 2-3 days. Meanwhile I am living in a hotel. I am happy that I am going out of this crap.
mysticalavenger5 (1 stories) (11 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-11)
Dear Rahul,

The forces of light are real, the forces of darkness are real.
God is real. The devil is real. Choosing not to believe will not stop evil forces from coming against you. As you believe, so shall you receive. Try saying a prayer of protection in the place of your fear in the name of God. Blessings to you and a prayer of protection for you. Nama Ste...:))

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