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The Dining Specters of Fulton's Underground Restaurant


I can't live without my cell phone. Last week, I get a call from my cousin (I'm not saying which one), but he asked if I received a call from some mysterious person. I kept asking him what he was talking about, then he kept keying me in on some of the conversation from this mysterious person. I knew exactly then what he was talking about. I got a call, from some guy claiming he belongs to L.I.T. (Logistics Intelligence Taskforce), that their group is a secretive group controlled by a VIP, who doesn't want to be identified because of his position. He doesn't want to be associated with the paranormal, as if he had some kind of political ties. LIT is supposed to meet me at a private airport off Freeport Blvd and drive me blindfolded to a home that is plagued with a demonic entity. They want me to write the story. I was pretty excited about this and told Shannon 'Ms. Macabre' McCabe about it. Come to find out it was my cousin that played out this prank on me and had one of his buddies pretend he was the lead investigator of LIT. Ha...ha, very funny cuz, wait until I see you at the next family reunion, you won't be laughing then! My cousin would not confess that he was behind the OSIR call that I received before going to the Mount Shasta UFO/Bigfoot pre-investigation, but I suspect he was behind that one too! Oh by the way, if you want to see some of the cool photos we took at Mount Shasta, click on this link. This photo album was put together by Holly DeLaughter.

Let's talk about some of the calls I received this Saturday, October 20, 2007. A lot of my calls are from HPI. Michele Stump, researcher of HPI discusses an upcoming scouting mission involving two cemeteries in Oakland. One cemetery has the grave of Elizabeth Short aka The Black Dahlia and the other cemetery has the graves of the victims of the Peoples' Temple Guyana Mass Suicide. A strong possibility that there could be some residual haunting activities at both of these cemeteries? We will find out soon! Holly DeLaughter, investigator calls, she briefs me on another scouting mission involving sightings of Bigfoot in Mendocino County and the Round Valley Massacre residual hauntings. Chris Grissom calls and tells me about the Diamond Springs residential haunting investigation last Friday. Hanoko Zeidenberg calls and says she is going to be late for the Nancy Bradley - A Night at the Enchanted Cottage. Hanoko and a lot of the HPI members booked a seminar with Nancy Bradley - Psychic for the Stars and later get to investigate the Enchanted Cottage which is the office of Nancy Bradley and the office of Nancy's husband Robert Reppert of Gold Rush Ghosts. Why will they investigate the Enchanted Cottage, you might ask? Because it's extremely haunted. Wait until some of the newer members experience the haunted stairwell. I can't wait until I get the reports of the Enchanted Cottage investigation from paranormal investigators that attended like Lisa Holt, Chris Grissom and Debbie Talani. Of course Nancy Bradley will probably email me with a story about this night, she's such a sweetheart!

Well, on this night, I didn't go to Nancy Bradley's house, instead I went to Joey and Jean Paman's Hawaiian Luau Anniversary Party! Going to this party, I wasn't completely away from HPI. Joey and Jean Paman, Lou Paman and Dee Pizarro were at this party and all 4 are HPI paranormal investigators! So, with the 5 of us there, there was a lot of ghost talk at this party. I had people coming up to me and saying..."are you the ghosthunter?" One guy talked to me for almost an hour about his own paranormal experience, while I was trying to enjoy the buffet of Filipino food that was laid out at this party. There were hula dancers, a live band and DJ music, the atmosphere was festive. Even though I was at this party, I still couldn't get away from the paranormal. There were many curious people asking me questions and I found myself telling the Marysville full body apparition sighting and the 'being touched' Folsom cemetery story over and over again. As I watched Jean Paman's daughter do the Hawaiian fire dance, my mind drifted of seeing a fire dancer on top of a roof in San Francisco during the San Francisco Haunted Haight Tour and saying to Shannon..."only in San Francisco would you see something like that!" I mingled with the crowd and spotted my godson Mark Edward Landon Crews at this party and blew bubbles with my godson, he's only a little kid, so blowing bubbles with his dad Dirk and I, made him laugh. While I am headed home from this party, I get one more phone call, it's from Dead Pete. Dead Pete is some guy who claims he is a real zombie. Well, was once a real zombie. He wants me to meet him and interview him, but I am a bit hesitant due to his aggressive style of talking. I listened to his story and he claims he was vacationing in Haiti. He had a fling with a Haitian girl and her father is a Voodoo Shaman of the island. When the Haitian girl he had a fling with, saw him with another Haitian girl, he was a marked man. One night in a disco, he is stabbed in the arm with a hypodermic needle. He passes out and awakens in a coffin. He is buried alive. He is paralyzed, but is aware of his surroundings. He is dug up from his grave and he is used as a slave, picking sugar cane for 6 months. He somehow gets out of this comatose state of mind and escapes the island and heads back to California. He claims to this very day, he has skin lesions on his arms, legs and torso, because of his zombie transformation in Haiti. It's a great story, but I'm not buying it and if he sounded somewhat normal, I would probably personally meet him and find out his full story. Yep, I get a lot of strange calls on my cell phone from prank calls from my cousin, discussing the paranormal with fellow HPI members and then talking with a zombie!

Enough of my cell phone conversations, let's talk about something else. Sometimes a ghosthunter/ghostwriter needs a break from ghosthunting, so this Luau anniversary party was a breather for me. I had another breather last week, when HPI threw a Halloween Costume Party at the Sierra 2 Center. It was a lavish party in which I came dressed as the Grim Reaper and surveyed the crowd and saw witches, vampires, a Klingon, the three Stooges and more. In fact some familiar faces were: Tony and Jennifer Baca, Carol Gillis all dressed as vampires, Debbie Talani, Shannon McCabe, Athena Quinn and Holly DeLaughter, all dressed as Renaissance ladies, Tim Hawkins dressed as a Scottish boy in a kilt, Donna Reynolds as a witch, RV Scheide and Larry as themselves - newsreporters for the News and Review, John Wachter/Michele Paykel, Joey and Jean Paman, Bruce Farrington were all dressed as pirates, Angel Kesti as herself, Jenna DeLaughter as Little BoPeep, Chris Grissom as a Fed Ex Driver, Robert Reppert as Alice in Wonderland's Madhatter, Lou Paman and Dee Pizarro as themselves. HPI is not always about work there is time to play, so after eating a ton of snacks and assorted food and tasting some of the fine wine, I ballroom danced with Shannon, as her husband Bruce DJ'd and then did some killer disco moves (well, I thought in my mind, they were killer moves) to Disco Inferno by The Trammps and Thriller by Michael Jackson. Yep! It was party time for HPI!

Before I talk about the Fulton Restaurant investigation, I am wondering if the Mayan prediction of 2012 is really starting to come to fruition? As I watch CNN News, there are two things that I have been focusing on. I see the rise of 2 of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse. The two are Plague and War. Why? There is the 'superbug', a staph infection that can become the flesh-eating bacteria that has been hitting high schools, causing the death of a 17 year old boy. This could be the Apocalyptic Horseman known as Plague. Then I hear that Russia has allied itself with Iran and feels that Iran has every right to continue with their nuclear activities. Russia does not want America to interfere and retaliate with a preemptive strike against Iran. Could this be a second Apocalyptic Horseman, that we all know as War? When I heard this, I had a dream that we were going to be involved with a few nuclear strikes in the year 2008 or 2009. I hope I am wrong, but my dream was pretty vivid. Maybe I was thinking too hard about the new cold war with Russia. I hope this was just a dream and not a premonition.

Enough gloom and doom, let's talk about the paranormal investigation of Fulton's Underground. Here is the haunted history of Fulton's as written by Master Hunter:

"Phantoms at Fulton's

Standing across the street from Fulton's West End Bar and Grill in Old Sacramento, one might easily get the impression that an entire building is missing. But closer inspection reveals an opening in the wrought-iron fence, leading to ancient brick stairs that descend surreptitiously into a quaint courtyard. The surrounding walls that form this secluded, outdoor caf, hold 150 years of often turbulent history, which supposedly manifests itself in occasional unexplained occurrences. Situated at the confluence of two rivers, Sacramento was plagued by repeated floods, with no less than five during its first 12 years. After 1862, residents decided that the existing levees were insufficient, and raised the level of the entire city by 12 feet. As a result, the first floors of the existing buildings became the basements, or were abandoned entirely. The building that houses Fulton's predates the raising of the city, and the old brick retaining walls which were constructed are clearly visible in the restaurant's main dining area. Much of the labor was done by Chinese immigrants, who came to California in droves during the Gold Rush. Being the manager, Brian Rodriguez spends a lot of time at Fulton's late at night, after the customers and most of the staff have already gone home. He admits that he doesn't particularly like being in the building alone. "You get this weird feeling," Brian said. "It's like someone's watching you, someone's checking you out. You don't even have to see anything." He admits, however, to glimpsing occasional shadows, which he tries to tell himself "must be explainable." The restaurant's previous owner, who sold the business in November, 2004 and moved to Denver, Colorado, swore that there was something very strange about the place, Brian said. Brian believes that Fulton's may have been the site of an old mission. The building later served as the assessor's office, and at one time, may even have been used as a jail. April Williams has tended bar at Fulton's for six years. Shortly after she started, she found that on some mornings, chairs inside the restaurant had been turned backwards during the previous evening. April, as well as other employees and patrons, have also felt certain cold spots -a phenomenon often associated with spiritual activity. As an experiment, a customer once took home a vase of dried flowers from one of the "haunted" dining booths, where patrons had sometimes complained of chilly drafts. When she woke up the following morning, the chairs at her dining room table had all been turned backwards. She promptly returned the flowers. April said that the staff usually warns new waitresses not to be alarmed by the occasional tugging on their skirts by unseen individuals. In the past, servers have been so unnerved that they have quit. April has never had a ghost tug on her clothing, but she recalls standing near the back of the restaurant one day, and feeling drops of liquid on her head. Looking up, she expected to see wet paint or leaking water from the rafters, but there was no sign of either. In 1992, a waitress claimed to have seen the spectral figure of an Asian man with a ponytail. Although the apparition was first spotted in the banquet room, he has appeared other places since then. In October, 2005, a pair of mother and daughter psychics visited Fulton's, and pointed out certain areas where they said that people had died. The so-called Mafia Room - a large, private space with an oblong table and paneled, wood walls- gave off such negative energy that the two women refused to even enter. Shortly after the two psychics departed, Brian got a lesson in humility. He was joking with some of his employees about their haunted workplace when a large, potted fern about 20 feet from where he was standing suddenly fell over, making a loud clang. The group bolted from the room. Brian is a bit more careful about what he says now..."

On this day, I brought along HPI paranormal investigator Debbie Talani that has the inside scoop about Fulton's Underground restaurant. Debbie introduced me to Brian Rodriguez, the General Manager. Fulton's Underground is located at 900 2nd Street in Old Sacramento. I began the interview process with Brian and Debbie both. Debbie was once a waitress at Fulton's and has had her own experiences. From my interview with Brian and Debbie, this is what I gathered.

Sometimes chairs are turned around backwards from the dining tables. Certain areas of the restaurant has a 'weird' feeling to it. At times the patrons and staff feel like they are being watched, this especially happens in the pool table area of the restaurant. One night a patron claims he saw a man and a woman sitting at a booth, as if they were enjoying their dinner and when the patron continued to watch this couple having dinner, they no longer were there. There is a place in the cellar where people feel the presence of a lady that sits in the corner, they feel that she is unhappy with the remodeling of this restaurant. In one area room, called the Mafia Room, there are stories that people died in this particular area and the feeling of gloom sometimes is felt by the workers. Note: Many people lost their lives in Old Sacramento, due to the flooding of the Sacramento River. This room is called the 'Mafia Room', because of the way the dining table and chairs are set up, it's like a scene from the movie Goodfellas. Many people have felt presences in the Mafia Room. The Mafia Room is notorious for it's chairs being moved. There was a night that a waiter had left the Mafia Room and came back to find the chairs on top of the dining table. Another time a waitress felt a hand placed on her shoulder, when she looked back, no one was there.

Brian has heard many stories, when he is alone in the restaurant, he simply ignores any strange sounds and brushes off the fact that he is being watched and continues his work. Sometimes when they are cleaning up, they place the chairs on the table and when returning, the chairs are mysteriously placed back on the floor. Some people smell a strong odor of perfume in certain areas of the restaurant. In fact Debbie remembers one time the perfume smell was so strong, that it seemed to have a life of its own and started moving from room to room, then it dissipated and the smell was completely gone. When Debbie worked at this restaurant, she remembers customers telling her that menus were snatched from their hands from an unknown presence. Brian remembers how some menus were neatly snacked and put away, then later that night the alarm was set off and he had to come back to check on the alarm and found all of the menus on the floor. Many of the workers dread going into the linen room, even Debbie doesn't like this room and will not enter it anymore. When I walked into the linen room, I felt a heaviness in the air. After interviewing Brian, Debbie and I decided to have dinner. The dinners here are tremendously delicious. Debbie had the cheese pasta plate, with salad and tea. I had the chicken parmesan with beef vegetable soup and a Coke. The food here is tantalizing to the tastebuds, I savored each bite of my melted cheese chicken breast. As Debbie and I ate, Debbie tells me how one time a wine glass broke in half and the bottom portion of the wine glass flew onto a customer's lap. Debbie tells me that on other times, forks have been snatched out of customer's hands.

After we dined and I took a few digital photos of the interior of the restaurant, we got back in my vehicle 'Ghost Tracker' and headed to an unknown location. Debbie said she had a surprise for me. She took me to a residential haunting, a home we will call the Hess Home. The occupants bought the house in 1987 and the paranormal activity started in 1990. I will detail the accounts of the activity in each room as told to me by Occupant #1 and her two children and mother.

Kitchen: Stove knob once popped off on it's own and flew 10 feet. The coffee machine turns off and on by itself, this has occurred three times. The faucet would drip three times and then stop, this process continued three more times and the occupant told the faucet to stop and it did.

Living Room: The occupant's brother died in this house, he had heart problems and in his weakened state, he would knock three times on the wall for assistance or help from the family members. When he died, the occupants of the Hess Home, heard the three knocks on the wall the following night, as if the occupant's brother was still alive. Occupant #1 once felt something was in the corner and felt a gentle stroke on her arm. Sometimes their cat Lynx goes crazy in the living room, like he feels something is around and darts around the room like he is crazy or on catnip.

Backyard: The backyard is huge, with a beautiful swimming pool and jacuzzi. One day Occupant #1 was taking a picture of her son at the storage area where her brother would keep his things. When she saw the photo of her son, he was surrounded by a strange white mist. Jiggs, a Yorkshire Terrier and family pet is buried in the backyard and Occupant #1 feels at time, that Jiggs plays with her cat Lynx. Lynx has been observed by the occupants of playing with an unknown friend in the backyard. I was shown where Jiggs is buried.

Hallway: Lynx the cat sometimes stares at the wall as if he sees something and then starts running up and down the hallway in a frantic. In one digital picture taken by Occupant #1, there appears to be a purple ray coming from the ceiling. We both determined that it was a reflection from the hallway light, but can't understand why the light ray is purple in color. Occupant #1's children have seen 'shadow people' near the hallway bathroom and across the hallway area. Both children attest that they have witnessed 'shadow people'. Occupant #1 feels that there is two entities in this home, one entity is possibly her brother.

Brother's Room (which is now her son's room): TV turns on by itself. Fan turns on by itself. This is sometimes the hottest room in the house. When walking into this room, I noticed that the atmosphere seemed somewhat gloomy.

Occupant #1's Bedroom: One night entering this room, the doorknob would not move and the door would not open. She struggled with the door and finally after a long time, the door just opened. The TV in this room has turned on by itself. Another night, they all heard a strange scratching noise in this bedroom and Lynx the cat freaked out. Then the scratching noise stopped. One of the most mysterious things that happened in this room is that a mysterious green dot appeared on the wall. She tried to remove the dot to no avail. There was no light source for the dot, because when she placed her hand over the dot, the dot did not appear on her hand. Then the next day the green dot mysteriously vanished. There is a strange discoloration on the walls and there is no explanation for the discoloration. The atmosphere in this room, seemed heavy at times.

Occupant #1's Mother's Room: The mother says that at times she hears a knocking on the shower door. The strangest event is when a loud crash sound emitted from this room, when all of the occupants ran into the mother's room, both shower doors were completely shattered for no apparent reason.

Special Note: Occupant #1 is part of the Wiccan culture and has a gazing ball in the backyard and steps that read 'magickal'. She is also a Harry Potter fan and her license plate reads 'HGWZXPS' - if your a Harry Potter fan, figure that one out. The license plate frame reads: King's Cross - Platform 9 3/4.


I sat in the Occupant #1's brother's room for a long period of time. I used my Listen Up sound enhancer and I asked if there is anyone here? After asking the same question several times, I finally got a male's voice whispering..."yes". Then I asked is there anything you would like to say. I said this several times and the answer was "why?" Digital photos were taken of the Hess Home and in one photo, there seems to be hollow circle orbs. In one photo there are two hollow circle orbs and the next photo shows one hollow circle orb. The third photo shows no hollow circle orbs. This is the first time I have ever taken pictures of hollow circle orbs, usually I take pictures of round ball like orbs of various colors. While talking with occupants, we did hear some strange sounds coming out of the garage area, like small knocks.


Took digital photo of the Mafia Room and captured a small orb against the wall.

At the end of this paranormal investigation, I head home after dropping Debbie Talani off and get a call from my neighbor Nick Asevedo. Nick once lived in a haunted house in Reno and believes the ghosts of this haunted house now reside in his home in Elk Grove. He believes the ghosts followed his family from Reno to Elk Grove. He tells me that his blender turns off and on, he captured an orb shot when taking a picture of his son, the TV switches channels on its own and claims his girlfriend has witnessed this too. Now here is the funny thing, his house is across the street from my house. I tell Nick..."yes, I will do a preliminary investigation of your house sometime next week..." I tell Nick goodbye and then the thought comes into my head..."it never ends..."

As I write this article, I get another call on my cell phone. This time it's a lady I will call 'Rotunda' in Compton. She is crying, she is frantic because an entity in her home is scratching her daughter. She does not want to get off the phone with me. As we are talking an ungodly deep male voice is heard on the phone about 6 times. She asks if I am the one making this noise. I tell her..."no ma'am". She becomes even more freaked out. I suggest having her church bless her home, we say prayers together on the phone and I keep her on the line as I look up on the Internet for Los Angeles based paranormal groups. I send out emails to 4 Los Angeles based groups, letting them know that this woman needs immediate assistance. I give her Janet Milchak, psychic and spiritual counselor's phone number, so she can talk with Janet, to calm her down through this crisis. I inform Shannon McCabe immediately, who will do a follow-up with this lady. The chills went up and down my spine, as I heard this strange deep male voice on the phone, while this poor woman is begging for help. I ask the lady if there is a power pole near her home and she says there is a power pole directly in front of her house. In most cases with extreme activity like this, homes are near power poles where entities are able to feed off the energy from these poles and are then able to move objects and touch people. I suggest that she stays with a friend this night and she says she will. She thanks me profusely for staying on the telephone with her and says she is calling Janet immediately. While we were talking, she saw three shadows moving towards her and she becomes more frightened. As I was talking with her, the goosebumps were all over my arms and I felt chills going up and down my spine. I am usually never scared of anything, but the thought of this poor woman and her daughter being terrorized by an unseen force made me scared for both of them. I will say prayers for them tonight and hope a paranormal group will assist her through this horrible ordeal. Godspeed to them both.

Fulton's Underground Restaurant 1
Fulton's Underground Restaurant 2
Fulton's Underground Restaurant 3
Fulton's Underground Restaurant 4
Fulton's Underground Restaurant 5
Fulton's Underground Restaurant 6
Fulton's Underground Restaurant 7

For more on H.P.I. Haunted and Paranormal Investigations of Northern California and Haunted America Tours, go to the following websites at: and

Paul Dale Roberts, HPI Ghostwriter, HAT Staff Writer


Paranormal Cellular Hotline: 916 203 7503 (for comments on this story).

If you have a possible investigation call: 1-888-709-4HPI

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, PaulDaleRoberts, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Ohiowatha (11 stories) (415 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-30)
Haha, is there a ghost story in there somewhere? Is this the ghost of Kerouac?

Thanks for sharing.
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-29)
Hi Paul, as always, I read your story with great interest. My ears always perk up when I see a story with your name on it! Thanks for letting us in on your adventures. I'm curious about the woman with all of the activity that you were speaking with. I know it's not your usual style, but I was wondering if you could give us an update on her situation? Can't wait for more!
haleybug (10 stories) (89 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-29)
i liked the story but as for the pics I'm with shane. Orbs are just dust or light reflected off of something. And just to note something you said the "superbug" staph infection is mrsa and the flesheating bacteria are commen thing found in your bathroom and both can be handled. You meida people need to really get facts straight before you cause mass panic.
ozone_baby (2 stories) (28 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-29)
Really great story, I think I would move! 😊 and the license plate is cool, my kids would love to ride the "Hogwarts Express"
Ozone ❤
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-29)
I love reading your stories and your encounters.

Thank you for sharing!

God Bless!
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-29)
I hate to be the devils advocate on this one, but the orbs appear to be light reflecting off of the CD's laying on the table. Not to say that what they are experiencing is not real just an explaination for the orbs. Thanks for the great stories Paul.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
Athena (9 stories) (222 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-28)
Hi Paul GREAT PICTURES! Seems hi-res or something. (also thanks for mentioning me, except I was suppose to be Medusa 😆) I feel bad for the family, but your story was alive with detail, Right on Ghost writer!

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