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Real Ghost Stories

Lost For Awhile


My story happened last 2003 in my grandparents' house. Every weekend we always stayed in our grandparents' house to spend the quality time with them and with my other relatives. Until something weird happened to me.

After we eat our lunch me and cousins went to the 2nd floor of the house to watch some movies. But because I feel sleepy I told to my cousin "lenlen" that I'm just going to sleep in one vacant room of the house (to be specific in our auntie's room who is in abroad).

When I got there I fell asleep so easily, without knowing that I'm already sleeping more than an hour. And the weird things happen during I'm still asleep.

They said that it's already 4 in the afternoon when my cousins are done watching the movie and so they decided to wake me up to take our snacks (meryenda). They said that the room (where I am sleeping) is empty. And they check the other rooms but still they can't find me. So they thought I already went down and play with my other cousins.

Until the dinner time came and everyone in house is already scared because they can't find me anywhere. They already ask for assistance from the 'barangay tanod' to look for me. our grandparents' house one of my uncle went up to the 2nd floor because he said that he heard some noise in my auntie's room (where exactly I fell asleep). And to his surprise he saw me lying in the bed and still sleeping. But he got a little bit scared because he saw me sleeping in a very straight position like a dead one. So he just shout and call the attention of the other members of our family.

When I got conscious, they demanded me to change my clothes and burn it. Because they believe that the 'engkanto' is the responsible of what just happened to me. And they said that I am lucky enough to survive this kind of experience.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, chowy23, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Bela_10 (3 stories) (51 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-29)
Charucharmy, engkanto are the Philippines' paranormal entities. You can google it if you want more info. 😊 I think it came from the word "enchanted".

Charucharmy (4 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-29)
what is mean engkoto can you pleases say. I don't know what it is actually. And this really different experience which I have never heared happened with anyone else. Its really nice. And your so lucky.
Bela_10 (3 stories) (51 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-27)
I'm sorry, I think I got the answer in your comment below.

Anyways, thanks for sharing this story. Ingat! 😁

Bela_10 (3 stories) (51 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-27)
Whoah! You've got one creepy experience there, kabayan! Don't you had any dream when you were asleep?

DeathByDonut (guest)
9 years ago (2015-07-26)
Thanks for the reply and it clears everything 😁

I just wonder what was the meaning of pure white dream that you had got. I don't expect that answer to come from you as might be mystery to you too but If anyone has any good answer please share it

Yours respectfully,
chowy23 (3 stories) (5 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-26)
Sorry for late reply...
For DEATHBYDONUT... My answer for your doubts:
1) Did you had any dreams while sleeping?
- - My mother also ask this question to me and I said that all I can see in my dreams is just a pure white background and I don't see anything or any one or any kind of elements in my dream.
2) How old were your cousins?
- -my cousin 'lenlen' is already 15 years old because I'm just 2yrs younger to her. And my other 5 cousins is 12,9,7 and 4 (2girls).
3) How many were down and how many were watching movie?
- -i don't remember how many are in the G/F that time. While in the 2nd floor we are 7.
4) Had your cousins checked the room neatly?
- -they said yes.
5) You said that you got conscious but you also said that you were sleeping. Then were you sleeping or had fallen unconscious?
- -I got conscious at the time when my uncle saw me. I fall asleep in my aunt bed.

6) What kind of noises your uncle heard?
- - he said that he heard a footsteps in the 2nd floor.
valkricry (49 stories) (3273 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-07-26)
Oh, no, sush. From what I understand they can actually 'kidnap' your physical being, and take you to their realm. The engkanto can be either good or bad just like all the other elementals (fairies, brownies, elves, et cetera). If they like you good things happen, if they don't...well let's say misfortune will befall you.
DeathByDonut (guest)
9 years ago (2015-07-26)
Thank you man for the valuable information. It helped a lot.

Please clear our doubts ASAP.

ElectronicaThundereZzz: 😁
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-25)
Good morning val and thanks for the information. That's really helped knowing what chowy had mentioned.
The engkanto, they took the spiritual body or they can change the dimensionso or could create a mirage sort of a thing to make the body disappeard?

valkricry (49 stories) (3273 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-07-25)
Perhaps, I can be of some assistance here for those unfamiliar with the terms:
*barangay tanod*, is similar to a security guard. They're the lowest level of the law enforcement officers.
*Engkanto* are a type of environmental/elemental spirit that can appear in human form. In Philippine folklore, the engkanto are said to sometimes take humans away, much like some legends of the fey. They can also possess a human and make them quite mad (crazy).
Hopefully, that helps some with understanding chowy's story.
ElectronicaThundereZzz (3 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-25)
Thank you that's really nice of you ^_^ And yes I agree with you I have loggined here recently but I know this site from quit few years and I really think that here there are really good people to talk with 😁
DeathByDonut (guest)
9 years ago (2015-07-25)
You might be right, there are such cases. And always feel free to post here and even if you are wrong then good & expert people are always here to correct us 😁
ElectronicaThundereZzz (3 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-25)
Hi I am new here so I may not be much accurate but if we see this story in paranormal way it can be dimensional shift that took place. And yes I too agree with DeathbyDonut and Shushantkar that the terms needs to be elaborated. Anyways still things arent that clear so I cannot write much on this.

~peace ^_^
DeathByDonut (guest)
9 years ago (2015-07-25)
Just like Sushantkar said, I didn't understand many terms and so wasn't able to completely understand the story and process it too.

Please clear my doubts:-
1) Did you had any dreams while sleeping?

2) How old were your cousins?

3) How many were down and how many were watching movie?

4) Had your cousins checked the room neatly?

5) You said that you got conscious but you also said that you were sleeping. Then were you sleeping or had fallen unconscious?

6) What kind of noises your uncle heard?

Sorry for so many questions but can't help.

Yours respectfully,
lady-glow (16 stories) (3158 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-24)
chowy23: how old were your cousins at that time? I ask this question because kids of certain age tend to be distracted and it is POSSIBLE that they were not paying attention when checking the bedroom.

As for the following paragraph:
" uncle went up to the 2nd floor because he said that he heard some noise in my auntie's room (where exactly I fell asleep). And to his surprise he saw me lying in the bed and still sleeping. But he got a little bit scared because he saw me sleeping in a very straight position like a dead one..."
What are the chances of you getting up or falling off the bed without waking up; your cousins looking in the room and assuming you're not there and later you going back to bed making the noises your uncle heard?

"...he got a little bit scared because he saw me sleeping in a very straight position like a dead one..."
Personally, I do not think this is paranormal, it is normal to sleep this way while breathing softly... You were tired and enjoying a good nap!

I guess your family was nervous for your "absence" and got carried away.

Thanks for sharing.
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-24)
Hi, It would be good for us if you could elaborate the terms 'barangay tanod' and 'engkanto' also because a person who dosen't belong from your part of the world, it would be bit difficult for them to know what actually they are.
As far as I know, for a spirit or any other entity, vanishing a complete human body which has its physical existence and mass is not possible.


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