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Beyond The Veil


About two months ago, I started a thread about visions/sensations during meditation on my story The Cat and the Angel ( In a nutshell, I was looking for confirmation/reassurance and guidance on some twists that meditation had taken for me. Now and then I would add some small updates. Miracles, Hecate, Tweed, and Rook were of great support for me, and helped me feel more secure about the changes I was experiencing. Normally I would have just slipped this into that thread, however as I thought about it, I thought it might make a decent submission... So here goes:

It's Sunday morning, September 13, 2015 and I'm stretched out on my bed meditating, trying to consciously make the energy in my hands form spheres. They had just reached 'solid' feeling when the floaty feeling over took me. I traveled through the gradients of black to the foggy whiteness that Rook calls the 'veil', and quite soon the fogginess dissipated to reveal the valley I have grown accustomed to seeing. I'm above it looking down, to my left is a white foot bridge, bedecked with garlands. Above the valley (but below me) I see the lone hawk making lazy circles in the sky. For me, it symbolizes my son, for when I had scattered his ashes in the river one had done the same - only witness to my farewell. Below him, the valley stretches, a river winding through it, as trees reach heavenward. So many shades of greens, browns, and blacks. The carpet of grass below dotted with flecks of color I think are wild flowers. It's so beautiful, I ache.

From the corner of my eye, I catch movement on the bridge. It isn't unusual for a parade of people to be passing me. I never really 'see' them in detail, but I know they're there. They never seem to notice me, perhaps I'm invisible to them, I don't know. Just as I'm not sure where the bridge leads - try as I might I can never cross it. Still I look in the direction that they travel, trying to steal a peek of the other side of the bridge, but it's too long and the people filing past block what ever view I might have. This time it's different. A lone woman is standing still on the bridge, turned towards me and STARING right at me! She beckons me to her. I don't recognize her, yet I know I have some connection to her, if that makes sense. She's in a hospital gown, and barefooted.

There's no fear, and I begin to make my way over the bridge to her. Others traveling the same path seem to step right through me - a tingling sensation and I see she is clinging to the rail, as if resisting the urge to keep going with the others. There's still a gap of about 3 feet between us when I become unable to move. She smiles at me and utters my name. Her voice is somewhat familiar, but I can't quite place it. She thanks me for taking care of her boy, and asks that I continue to do so. Then it all abruptly ends, and I'm jarred by the phone ringing.

Caller ID informs me it's a local hospital, and I snatch up the receiver. The voice on the other end asks for my roommate, but he's at church. I ask if I can be of assistance. The news is not good at all, his grandmother has been admitted and isn't expected to last more than a few hours.

In order for this to make sense, I should tell you that my roommate was raised by his grandmother. He often called her 'Mom' and she called him 'son', which could be very confusing to hospital staff as well as others. My roomie, let's call him L, suffers with physical and mental disabilities. Although he is 34, mentally he has just seen 14-18. When she had to go into assisted living, L was made a ward of the state. When he first came to live with me, about 5 years ago, he was in the 10-12 year old spectrum, but extremely socially challenged. So, he does grow mentally, just at a far slower pace then others.

As I spoke to the hospital chaplain, I realized the woman on the bridge was his Grandmother, whom I'd only ever met via phone conversations. She passed at 12:15 PM that afternoon without regaining consciousness.

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valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-11-21)
That's ok, as long as you're ok now. 😊 I get like that sometimes too. I'll just feel 'off' with no clue as to why, but it passes.
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-18)
I'm so sorry, Val. I'm okay! Many of my friends and I were shaken up that particular week, who knows why. I feel pretty good now. I come to YGS because you all soothe me.:) I guess I was more off than others that week. And it all seems so silly now. But I'm so glad for having this site.
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-11-09)
Are you alright? Your post read rather oddly (I've only just seen it - sorry) and it causes me some concern.
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-29)
I can't understand or process a lot of this at the moment because I've been experiencing a "disturbance in the force" the past couple days. (Logged in to post a stream of consciousness thing but... Nope. Reading stories for confirmation bias instead. Hi! I guess I forgot I won't know 'till the stories from two days ago are published...) But I just wanted to say I am SO glad that you are seizing control of your abilities, and that you have people to guide you. Sorry, ball of happy sad angry weird energy right now. I love you all. And it makes me happy this site exists in the first place. You'll figure it out, that's all I know. With a little help from your friends. ❀
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-07)
Actually that makes a lot of sense to me. I've just finished doing a 'read' for a friend, on top of a full day's work, and I'm afraid my mind's a bit spent. But I find your theory very intriguing.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-06)
Val, interesting you say it was a extremely large room and btw, your mother sounds like she was a real fighter, I think she pulled some strings on this one Val to give you something to remember her by. You know the last few years, I have endured a lot of hours, studying consciousness, quantum mechanics, read theories on Biocentrism, the Orch orr, String theory, the Anthropic principle and even Michael Tablot's book on a Holographic Universe and again I should say, these are my own conclusions based on what I have learned and are only my opinion... Our universe is just one giant Hologram with consciousness at the base of source, our brains are the receiver which can perceive reality in a 3D physical realm with space and time based on Newtonian law and just like a radio picks up music and plays that sound, both the brain and radio are in a sense transducers of consciousness that's able to pick up on a frequency... Now here's the deal on how I think they were able to do it Val?... From the other side, they are looking into our 3D reality from a four dimensional one, as they can't always interact with the hologram enough... (just like us sweeping our hand through a 3d projection man made here), they basically change our frequency, just like one would change the dial of their radio and here we are, in this sort of matrix realm white house building, that seems real enough where they can interact with us for what ever reason... Hope this makes some sense, I have a real fascination in understanding how it works, I'm not always right, but I try my best to explain it!

Regards Daz.
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-06)
No this wasn't a field. I had the impression it was an extremely large room, like what one would experience at a train or bus station like Grand Central. Everything was this brilliant white. I'm afraid I don't recollect much detail as I was completely concentrated on my Mom. (In real time this would have been about 27 years ago.)
When I was 12 they gave her 3 months to live, and she made them liars for 16 more years, stubbornly refusing to give in until my youngest brother could 'stand on his own' as she put it. I tell you this so maybe you can grasp how thunderstruck I was by seeing her healthy, her eyes clear. Eyes the colour of faded blue denim, twinkling and shining, with a smile that went all the way into those eyes. I knew she was free of the pain. Everything else simply melted into the background for me. Except for the elevator. You asked if I saw a light, and I'd have to say no, I don't think so, but stepping into that elevator was like stepping INTO a light. I don't think I can explain it very well, but sort of like stepping from brilliant white to dazzling white. Does that make any sense?
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-06)
Val, I should further clarify what I mean by white open space, because I think there's probably a difference between our accounts and I did leave some detail out, although I do believe we were both at the same venue if we can call it that, I do have a couple of questions for you... First of all, I found myself inside a white building with semi glass/gyprock wall frame about 3 feet of the ground and perhaps 4 feet of glass, the white openness for me, was the view through the glass into the other rooms that extended for as far as I could see, everything was white except the glass off coarse, near the end of my conversation with my father, I saw a white light, about 4 times larger than a basketball, moving rapidly through the rooms towards me from about 5 rooms away, I got the impression my time was up and perhaps I shouldn't have been there,... Now a question, you said, you felt like you were in a lift, did you see a building in your experience, or was it in a field and you just felt a lift? And did you see any sort of white light?

Regards Daz!
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-06)
You're so right, that is 100% gold you had with your Dad. Even self validation is important. Lets us know our little trolleys haven't left the tracks. πŸ˜‰
Speaking of Walter's D&M cheers, did you guys happen to catch Biblio's going all 'teacher' on him? Actually corrected his grammar and syntax.
Way to go, Biblio! πŸ˜†
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-06)
Tweed, maybe 'shadow' vs detailed is linked into the recognition aspect we talked of, when you astral. You mentioned friends you knew - well you KNOW them right? Their physical being. Hence you see them as 'them'. But with someone like Rook, you only know OF him. I'm guessing you've never even seen his picture (it just seems safe to use him as the example too) so shadow no real details, because you lack the recognition 'programming'. Of course that's just conjecture on my part. Shadow people could be something unrelated to astral travel. Like I've said, don't think I astral or have OBEs. Although sometimes I can 'reach out' and come up with a good many details, I don't think it's the same.
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-06)
Red, no worries. Sometimes referring to one of our own accountings is the most efficient way to handle a comment we want to make. (Short cut to Red's story:
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-06)
Tweed, your astral accounts are quite interesting and I love it when we can validate them, I used to OBE often a few years back and on this one occasion,I'd manged to wake my wife up, in short... And with my father, that was gold for him to give me the material he did to clarify back in this realm
Regards Daz!
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-06)
I have to write a story about trying to meditate before going to sleep.

As for those people who don't want to be reincarnated maybe you could read my story Outter Heaven. I've tried several times on this post what it's about but was never happy how I described the story.

Val I'm sorry to advertise my story on your timeline but I was like, duh I'm not explaining this right

Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-05)
hahaha! Daz I encountered some of those D&M's this morning, at least he's entertaining.πŸ˜†

This white space is intriguing stuff! Cool you've both experienced something so similar😲

Val, in regards to how we appear in astral form, I've heard of people being seen as shadows too. This was talked about in one of the books I learned from. With the man I saw leaving the apartment, assume this was Rook, he did look 'shadowy' but I somewhat attributed this to it being dark. He looked like the way a person would look walking through a dark room for about 2 seconds with the outline of clothes, nose/forehead/profile etc. When he got to the window area he 'dispersed'. I *think* because he was 'going home/elsewhere'. By the time he'd reached the window area he was more of a shadow mass than a clear apparition.
When hubby and I astral together we see each other clearly/normally, usually wearing the clothes we wore that day.
Over the years I've attempted to 'wake' a few friends for an 'astral experience' on an agreed upon time and day. It only sort of worked once. Each time people look the same as they do 'in life'. I see them sleeping within their body, or slightly above sometimes. The one time it sort of worked I woke up my friend, she looked at me briefly, freaked out and zapped back, waking up instantly like she'd had a 'bad dream'! I left immediately. (This is a prime example of why this sort of thing isn't a good idea, *most* of the time!)
What she didn't know is I decided I'd wear a big silly red bow in my hair (not something I'd ever normally do) as a way to confirm if something really happened. Next day she said I woke her up wearing a red bow. But she thought this was a dream she'd given herself because of the build up to 'the day'. She saw me as 'me', not a shadow.
I've seen some 'shadowy masses' while 'astraling' and I feel as though some of them are fellow astral projectors. But I don't fully understand the shadow form. πŸ˜• I wonder if it's linked with confidence, which was one of my hurdles when I began. But I honestly haven't a clue!
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-05)
Val,yes my father and I had a reasonably decent conversation, I'd remembered being clever enough to ask him, if he knew something I didn't know, so I could verify it with my mother as a means of validating our account and he did... When he was a young teenager, he came to sydney at the age of 14, he stayed with two people of which I had no knowledge about, Harry and Edna, my mother later confirmed that with me when I had asked her... My older brother was training a greyhound he also told me it will only ever be placed once in it's career and sure enough, 13 starts for 1 placing and he also asked me to tell my mother he loves her... In regards to the info on the transducer, I don't know if you want me to open up that can of worms here, you may think I'm totally nuts but it does involve the Roswell Crash and information extracted around that event,I'll leave it there for now, I don't want Walter over here giving us one of he's D and M's cheers for now.TTYL
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-05)
Daz and Tweed,
First off, thanks a lot for making me snarf my soda pop, Tweed!
πŸ˜† Implants in the here-after!?! I don't see why she can't 'keep' them either. Like you, I think we'd still see us as we appear in the mirror. But then from an astral point (mind you, I've not done that, not like you and Rook do) did you not say you saw Rook (or thought might be him) as a shadow? Think about that a minute... If when we astral project like that, we appear as shadows, maybe shadow people are astral travelers? Hmmmmm...
Maybe after we traverse (as in crossing that bridge) instinct kicks in big time. Maybe a sense of going 'home'. I don't know. I do know L's grandmother thought anything paranormal was of the devil. L mentioned some of our 'ghostly' encounters once, and she had her church praying for my soul, that quick. Had no qualms telling me either. (Her intentions were good. So, I was ok with it, even if there is no need.)
Daz, that transducer spiritually, sounds interesting. Got any decent links?
So you have seen the white space too. 😊 Did he speak to you? (I'm just being nosey).
I hope this post makes some sense. I caved and took a pain pill.
OMW! Dang it! I forgot to mention Hecate in all this. Shoot. She's been real supportive too. How did I leave her out? Hecate, if you see this, I am soooo sorry, because I really do appreciate your words of encouragement.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-05)
Hear,Hear Val and well said, you know I try super hard not offend anyone's belief system here and your right, it's finding that commonality that usually makes most sense for us to go off and to draw on when determining our own conclusions. We should just agree to disagree if something doesn't align right when sharing experiences and opinions. Personally I keep an open mind on all possibilities... Are there these levels to reincarnation? I don't know for sure and I kind of think by design we are restricted from some truths for the purpose of our journey, I was merely quoting Edgar Cayce and putting that forward for you to have a think about, my personal view, would only be an educated guess, Alan Watts once said, "Imagine if you had done it all, lived for thousands of years and dreamed many lives and then you came across a button that if you pressed it, you would forget about who you are for about 70 years when always knowing, when that dream was over,you'd end up back to where you were... Would you press it?" Alan Watts was also asked, would you like to live for ever as Alan Watts and his reply to that was..."what an insufferable bore that would be"

I have heard and again this is just someone else's conclusion of which I'm warming to, we currently have, what they call a transducer spiritually connected to our physical mind, that for 99 percent of the time, confines us only to this reality, the other 1 percent may explain our paranormal accounts and maybe it's 10 percent depending on how psychic one is?, when we physically die, this transducer is removed so we can remember everything? Is that correct? I don't know for sure, it does make some sense based on what Alan Watts quoted and would I want to go on for another millions years as myself? Probably not, I'm a little with Tweed on that one, I'm not sure if I'd want to come back to this reality either, I think I would like to explore other dimensions and have different experiences.

BTW, I don't normally like to share my own accounts on other threads, but I have to tell you, I too spoke to my dad in one of these white open spaces you were describing and it was in 3D... He looked about 50 years old, so I have two accounts of seeing him at different ages... I just found it interesting when I came across Cayce's interpretation of reincarnation... Although it may be us transforming their light to the sight centre of our brain interpreting their age for what ever reason, I guess if Cayce were right, it may also validate that. I take aboard your points and appreciate them also.

Regards Daz
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-05)
Val, I'm pretty 'meh' about reincarnation lol. I was raised to believe in it, yet I feel it's a choice. There are loads of ghosts out there who've been 'out there' for hundreds of years or more.
Personal feelings here; I don't want to be born again, don't want any other parents, don't want any other life. I'm content with who I am. Not perfect, have no interest in being perfect.
This may sound outrageous to those of other faiths. But I really don't understand the 'appeal' of reincarnation.πŸ˜• To me it's like, dude why not make *this* incarnation *the one*. Whatever the heck that means ha! Man, I REALLY don't wish to offend anyone with all that!
I have a few odd 'memories' that I attribute to a previous life. Just have no desire to be reincarnated again, if that makes sense.😊

As for appearance I can only think of it like 'as in life so in death'.
I think our appearance is as much a part of us as our experiences etc. I think it's connected to our personality much more than we realise. Age wise I think we look how we feel and tailor it to suit communication needs, as C does with you and D.
Similarly some ghosts manifest with violent imagery (injuries etc), perhaps to communicate betrayal or express frustration. Then there are those who identify with good health, like your brother. I take these details to indicate how they feel, emotionally.

I guess I'm coming at this from the angle of someone who 'astrals'. But I haven't noticed any changes in my appearance. The idea of 'becoming' a ghost/energy/soul is a little topsy turvy to me as I feel we are already ghosts, inside a physical form, which is part of our identity merged with how we feel.
This is the feeling I got from how L's Grandmother appeared to you, still in her hospital gown and barefooted. Either she was still somewhat 'in her gown, barefooted', mentally/emotionally, or she used it as a detail to communicate who she was. What's really intriguing about this is that, even if she hadn't had much to do with paranormal communication in her life, she still *knew* instinctively what to do in that moment. I believe we all 'know' on some level. Still, I think that's very impressive to act as quickly as she did in the moment!

On the topic of appearance one of my friend's wonders if she'll still have 'implants' in the afterlife! πŸ˜† Now THERE'S a can of worms! Actually when I thought about it I didn't see why not, if that's how she feels internally. But gosh it made me laugh!
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-05)
Tweed and Daz,
I've been thinking over this whole appearance /aging of ghosts...
If when we shed our mortal shell and become energy/spirit/soul, call it what you will, there really would be no need to manifest a body would there? I mean we certainly wouldn't need it. So, logically it would be for the benefit of those we wish to interact with, no?
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-05)
Yeah, L's mom is the type that has to make everything about her, yet doesn't want to take responsibility for her own actions. If she's expecting any kind of inheritance, she's in for a rude awakening, Grandma had nothing to leave of any worth. She was receiving SS, and nothing else that I know of. Between the nursing home and hospital, pretty sure there's nothing of that left, and I do believe payments stop after death.
Some puppy you have there! Lol You might try meditating at bedtime. That's generally when I do it. Don't worry if you fall asleep.
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-05)
It could well be that the elevator was symbolic of my Mom moving to another level, and much like I'm unable to cross that bridge, I wasn't to go up another 'floor'.
You said, " I should add that, all what I have said, is just my opinion and own conclusions." When it comes to the paranormal, I think that's all we really have; a collection of opinions and conclusions, shared and compared in an attempt to find a commonality. There's no hard and fast rules, no concrete evidence. Much like religion, you either believe or you don't. I'm not certain that there IS a right or wrong to it.
Reincarnation is something I waffle on. Perhaps because I was raised Catholic (Roman Catholic to be precise), however I've been exposed to many other religions and belief systems. Personally, I've learned a great many interesting things, and found parallels between the major religions both Christian and non. Primarily, it seems to be agreed that after death we're sorted, as it were, into good and bad. However, there's another category seldom spoken of and that's the 'betweeners': not good enough to move up and not bad enough to be damned. What happens to these perfectly good souls that have suffered a bit of wear (sounds like a used car)? Catholic's have limbo, a place for unbaptized babies, the betweeners, and the righteous prior to the coming of Christ. (Where that came from, I don't know. It isn't mentioned anywhere in the Bible.) Which, PERSONALLY (not knocking anyone's beliefs) I find rather...wasteful. I'd rather think they'd all be given another chance. Reincarnation seems the answer to that, yet I can't seem to fully give myself over to it. πŸ˜• Again, not trying to stir up a religious debate or anything of the like. Just pointing out that sometimes, even when something makes sense to a person it isn't always completely accepted.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-05)
I've never known any ghosts to change the appearance of their age over time. They always look either younger or the same as when they passed. But it never fluctuates. It feels like an expression of identity to me, of emotional and physical traits. I think Val's onto something with how her and D experience C's appearance. That feels right somehow. 😊
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-05)
I have a feeling that L' s mom came around to see if he had inherited anything from her mom. Why else for the visit as she doesn't seem to give a darn about L. You are such a good person for watching over this young man. It's as if his grandmother wanted to thank you personally.
I'm glad you are moving along so well with your meditation.
There's never enough quiet around here to meditate. If it isn't one of my grown kids,husband,or mother in-law wanting my attention it's the puppy. Or all. Now when I say puppy I don't mean a cute and cuddly little thing. Kaia is at least 60 pounds and isn't even 5 months old yet. πŸ˜†
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-04)
Val, I'm reading your reply and wondering if this phenomenon I'm talking about, rare it may be, has already happened to you before. You said:" I wasn't meditating or asleep at the time, Everything around me turned into this white open space, and there was my Mom" and it was just after she died, hmm Ok, as I posted on my wall, Albert Einstein said life is an illusion, Well actually, it's all happening on a frequency wave to be more elaborate in my view, also supported by some very excellent theoretical physicists with some sound theories. Just like a TV box picks up signals and presents a two dimensional image inside it, it also has channels from the outside of the unit, and I'm sure someone can change our channel from the other side as simple as we can, with a television " A portion of whiteness parted and we stepped into what felt like an elevator"..."but there was a rising sensation's" is the elevator reflecting some type of metaphor that your mother is moving up a level? Not sure on that but maybe? And in regards to the age of our loved ones, I held an opinion for a long time, that we can appear to look what ever age we want, my father looked about 21 and my mother looked about 40 when I was fortunate enough to see them both after they died, I have spoken to my mother from this plane and remember feeling the peace in her voice, it was so calm and full of serenity, it got me thinking when I stumbled across the Edgar Cayce readings about the levels to the afterlife. I should add that, all what I have said, is just my opinion and own conclusions.

Regards Daz!
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-04)
What you say makes sense, although I am more use to seeing spirits either in dreams or on this plane. There was one other time though, I felt like I was 'elsewhere'. I wasn't meditating or asleep at the time. It was back in '81, shortly after my mother's passing. Everything around me turned into this white open space, and there was my Mom. She didn't look younger, but healthy and the constant pain was gone from her eyes. A portion of whiteness parted and we stepped into what felt like an elevator. Again everything was still white, but there was a rising sensation. My mom asked me for a cigarette, and I obliged, but she held out her hand, taking my pack and lighter saying, "You don't need these anymore." She reminded me to 'look after' my father and asked if I remembered my promise to keep the family together. I nodded, and she said, "They're all grown now, *nickname*, so just try to keep them all in touch." The elevator, made that funny hiccough they do when stopping at a floor. Then she told me I had to get off there, and that she loved me. *BOOM* I'm back in my reality, standing in the kitchen cooking dinner.
I remember thinking 'Well, that was strange', yet I knew I had just been with her.
I think maybe, they appear to us the way we 'need' to see them. For instance, family members tend to appear to me looking like the last time I saw them, only healthy. My oldest brother who had lost both legs and a hand, was whole and walking. Definitely younger looking then his years, but the age I had last seen him. My twin aged right along with me.
Now here's an interesting twist that I think lends credence to the 'look' we perceive: my oldest sisters C and D are twins. C passed on over a decade ago. Recently when she appeared to me she looked as the last time I had seen her - not a day older, but D has told me that she sees C age along with her.
Maybe it's like body language. A visible sign as to how they're fairing. Youth equals wellness, happiness, being carefree. Sameness - wanting to be sure we recognize them, maybe? Aging along with - they're still watching over us. Of course those are guesses.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-03)
Valkircry, A few months ago, I stumbled across a paranormal phenomenon I never heard of before, or realized was happening and after hanging around here on and off for about the last six years you'd think I had read it all, suffice to say, one of these accounts are not around here somewhere, I just don't know... But apparently, when someone dies or near death, often loved ones, friends are consciously pulled out of their bodies normally the people close by the person (by who?) and taken to a place where the great clairvoyant Edgar Cayce referred to as the "borderland "and then from there, there are 7 more levels to reincarnation without offending any ones beliefs system here. Upon each level, you are able to return to earth and visit, you'll return with peace in your heart and often look younger like both my father and mother did to me (not to get of topic here) and you do move forward and have a better grasp of your own spiritual journey through the processes of the afterlife, here's the challenge for all of us, the place you must get across after you take your last breath is the boderland.

If you turn back to stay, then unfortunately this reality will consume your mind, with the pain of frustration and grief for the living, it will haunt you (six sense) until your ready to cross over and I think, that this is what this women was contemplating"turning back"... Now, this phenomenon and your account. "She Beacons you to her" I don't think your timing to meditate was all that random Val, our guardians and Angels do a lot of work behind the scenes in order to help each other through our travels and they managed to bring you into their equation of helping this women cross, BTW... You may see this women again, same too as your room mate, but I'd suspect by then, if you do, she may appear to look somewhat younger. Thank you for sharing a well written story.

Regards Daz!
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-03)
Thank you for your kind comment. I'm not too sure that my care of L is selfless really. There's a certain sense of victory/satisfaction (really hard to describe) every time he manages something others had written him off for. I'm constantly astounded by the basic things he simply was never taught as it was thought beyond his capabilities/understanding. Either that or they just didn't have the patience. I don't know which.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-01)
Val, I have no doubt she'd have found a way to contact you through other means had you not been meditating at that time. I was impressed with the timing of her visit while you were meditating. That through her contact in this way, she's helped you put the valley and bridge into context. 😊
Holy moly about L's Mother, honestly wonders never cease.😐 Don't blame you for losing it at her, probably a long time coming, and maybe for the best.
dreamer01 (1 stories) (117 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-01)
what a fantastic experience.

Reminds me of something that I once read.
I think it was called " the talons of time "
By paul twitchell, pretty heavy reading.

It did make me question the astral plain and
Different dimensions. I think I have had similar experiences
But not as profound as yours.

I hope your friend is doing better and I think
That there are good things coming to you soon
For your selfless care of this friend. 😊
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-01)
otter and Silent,
Thank you for reading. I'm glad that you enjoyed it. 😊

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