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Real Ghost Stories

Lemp Mansion


This story takes place in a much bigger town, St. Louis, MO. My fiance and I moved their with his father in 2012. I was 19 years old.

There are so many cool things to explore and discover in St. Louis, but we all decided to take a tour of a haunted mansion called Lemp Mansion. My soon to be father-in-law wanted to do something scary for his birthday, being his birthday is in October.

You would think that what happened to me in my earlier years in life would scare me away from anything supernatural. But it didn't, it made me more curious. But what happened at the Mansion scared me straight so to speak. Everyone who was in attendance was my fiance, his father, his grandmother and his two stepsisters. And myself.

As soon as the tour started, Corey and his father began falling behind the tour group purposely, so they could take pictures of each room (we were not allowed video or audio, only photographs). And his grandmother and the girls were staying with the group. I was trying to be the link that connected my fiance and his father with the tour group because I didn't want them to get into trouble. So I ended up alone a lot. Well there are a lot of stories on the house and I won't explain all of it because you can look it up and learn much more than I can tell you. But for the most part every member of the Lemp family committed suicide.

When we all went up to the highest level of the home, I felt strange like I was not supposed to be their. Well we all went into this room and did "dark room" time. We turned off the lights and began asking questions. As we were doing that I heard something in the hallway and no one was out there (not my fiance or his father) and it was getting closer and closer to the room we were in. At this same time other people in the room said they were seeing shadows but I couldn't see a thing it was so dark.

After that the tour went back downstairs. My fiance and his father stayed behind I kept telling them they were going to get us thrown out, but they didn't listen. So I decided to do some exploring of my own. As I went to go down the stairs I hesitated for a minute, remembering the feeling I got as I came up. And then something pushed me. I would have fallen but I grabbed the handrail. Then I ran down the stairs.

The next thing I did would most definitely have gotten us kicked out if I were caught. I was going to go into the basement by myself (and no one was allowed down there). It was pitch black and I had no light, that was the first thing that stopped me, the second was almost an inner voice warning me not to go down there, so I didn't. I snapped a picture and left.

I then went into the kitchen area and began looking at pictures on the wall, and as I was turning to get a better look at a photo, I felt someone tug on my shirt and my purse. It felt like something a little girl would do. I actually expected to turn around and see my fiance's little sister. But no one was there. I yelled to the tour guide that something just grabbed me, and she said "Yep happens all the time."

That night when we went home we reviewed the pictures we took, and what I saw seriously disturbed me. The one and only picture I took was at the top of the basement. In the picture was an ugly demonic looking face within the shadows of the basement. My fiance and his father also took a picture of a room with a huge beautiful mirror in it and within the mirror stood a little girl in period clothing. I'm not sure whether the mirror caused matrixing, or the same with the shadowy picture I took. All I know is I sensed something very dark there.

I was so afraid that something had followed us home from the Mansion. And every time I looked at those pictures it made it worse so I deleted mine. I'm not sure if my father-in-law still has his. He very well may, I'll check with him on that. But ever since then I do not want to go ghost hunting or look for any type of spirits at all. It was that feeling I got from the basement. And that damned scary face.

I later found out that the basement was indeed a very bad place, one of the Lemp son's held a brothel down there and it also leads to underground tunnels, that leads to the Lemp Brewery. It is said that the tunnels go through sacred Native American land. Well I hope you enjoyed the story!

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kaykay3313 (guest)
9 years ago (2015-10-29)
Elgin I don't mean to make you further envious but I had a friend who lived in Goldfield and she wanted me to stay the night at her house so we could sneak into the hotel. But I said no that place gave me a bad feeling every time I passed it, and I am so glad we didn't go into the hotel because of what the ghost adventure team caught while inside. The owner (if it is still the same owner) doesn't let anyone inside. BUT in Tonopah very rarely they will open up the Mizpah hotel that one is said to be haunted by the lady in red, I have been inside and never saw or felt anything but you never know! 😁
Elgin (5 stories) (35 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-29)
kaykay, I so envy you right now. 😭

You're practically living the ghost adventure dream of being in one the most hunted places in the US. I gotta put this in my bucket list! I gotta visit all this beautiful locations! ❤
kaykay3313 (guest)
9 years ago (2015-10-29)
Elgin I have seen the show Ghost Adventures I know they did go to Lemp Mansion. They also covered the Goldfield hotel, in elementary school I went to school in Goldfield. (I lived in tonopah) But my house was technically Goldfield county, so I had to go to school their. I used to leave school every day pass by the hotel to get to the only store in town and buy lunch. That place was creepy even in daylight.
Elgin (5 stories) (35 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-29)
Hi Guys! Not sure if you watch the Show "Ghost Adventures" on Travel Channel but they had an episode on Lemp Mansion and their Brewery. They did experience some things there but like I said its a show so its up to you guys if you believe them or not. Cheers! ^_^
Jaiicee (3 stories) (8 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-28)
I must say I am ALWAYS skeptical of anything that happens in these haunted houses, simply because it would be so easy for the owners to fabricate things. However the photo evidence that you got seems awesome! I am not sure how they could could set that one up!
kaykay3313 (guest)
9 years ago (2015-10-27)
Rook in my grandmother's word's. That makes to much sense haha I never thought of that! I would love to hear another's story on Lemp Mansion. I'm very curious if that has happened to someone else.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-27)

If the mansion is hoaxing people the individual 'racing away' is an actor not a paying guest so the cost of room does not factor into the matter.

BUT...let's ask YGS members a question...

Have you... Or someone you know... Gone on a tour of Lemp Mansion and had a guest 'checking out in fear' at the beginning of the tour?

If many people answer and say yes... Then it may actually be an act for tour goers.


kaykay3313 (guest)
9 years ago (2015-10-27)
I'm sorry all. I just checked with Corey's father and he doesn't have the photo anymore he had them on his phone and never got around to getting them off of their and he has a different phone now. I do believe his picture had some matrixing in it because of the mirror. I'm not sure what to say about mine. I guess I should say I'm a very strong believer in my faith and I do believe I captured a demon in the photo and that's what made me delete it. I guess this makes this story seem fake. Honestly I don't really care if it does I know the truth and you all can make your own assumptions I won't get my feeling's hurt haha. Have a great day everyone I hope you liked the story kaykay3313
kaykay3313 (guest)
9 years ago (2015-10-27)
I was so scared of this place after this experience that I could barely look at the place as we drove by... But I will talk to Corey's dad and see if he still has his picture's. I will post them if he still has them.
kaykay3313 (guest)
9 years ago (2015-10-27)
My fiance's grandmother is convinced the place isn't haunted because when we first arrived a woman who had rented a room their insisted that the tour guide open the door because she wanted out. Debra (my fiance's grandmother) thinks that was a set up to scare us. I don't. It costs around 175$ to rent a room their and that's a lot of money to just walk out on. The woman wouldn't tell anyone what happened to her. Also no one in the family experienced anything else except the photo's they took, and also the girl's told me they felt the same way on the top floor, as if something wanted you out of there
kaykay3313 (guest)
9 years ago (2015-10-27)
I have to say I knew you all would want to see the photo and I'm sorry I deleted it now but at the time it unnerved me BADLY. Also SDS I understand why you would think why would she want to go down there after being pushed. All I can say is whatever pushed me didn't push me hard. It was more of a little shove the only reason I almost fell is because I was already in the motion of taking a step. I don't feel it was trying to harm me I believe it just didn't want me up there. I didn't go into the basement because I got a terrible feeling as I was going down there, also it was dark I had no light and I didn't want to get into trouble.
Bushkin87 (2 stories) (7 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-27)
Wow what an experience, and thank you for sharing!
I do have a question though...
Why on earth did you delete the photo?
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-27)
Hi kaykay3313, I don't know about Lemp Mansion. I would definitely google and check it out because I am from another country.

Ghost hunting (haunting?) tours are generally disturbing. But it is a pity that you have deleted the picture. Why don't you check up with your father-in-law if he does have the photos he had taken and if he does have it, please do upoload it. Would like to have a look at the photo.

I could realise how you would have felt when you were pushed down the stairs and you caught hold of the handrail from being fallen. Quite scary. But what prompted you to go to basement and what stopped you from going out there because when something pushes you, it would have taken a lot of courage to go to such a place like basement.

And how did others feel about the tour and what were their experiences? Please do respond.

Thanks for sharing.

Regards and respects to you.


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