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Mother's Doppleganger


This incident happened a few months ago in my bedroom, where most of my encounters have been. I always get an uneasy feeling in the bedroom, like someone's there with me. First, the light in the cupboard. Then, the door opening by itself. This incident confirmed that something was in my bedroom.

I was doing my homework at my study desk when my eye became itchy. I decided to blink rapidly like my Dad had told me to whenever something happened to my eye. I blinked 5 times as fast as I could. In the 1st blink, nothing was in front of me except the cupboard and my shelf. I blinked a 2nd and 3rd time, still the same cupboard and shelf... On the 4th blink, I saw my "mother", with her back facing towards me, floating 2 inches off the floor.

I immediately slammed shut my eyes while sweat accumulated on my hands. At that moment, I could feel a very strong presence in my room that went away after 3 seconds. By this time, the eye itch was gone and I slowly opened my eyes...

I immediately dashed out of the room and into the home office and asked Mum if she came into my room just now. She said no and I explained to her about the ghost that I had just seen. She brushed it off as a hallucination and continued with her work. But, deep in my heart, I know that it actually was a ghost that I had seen.

Till this day, I have no idea what the ghost wanted. It was definitely NOT a hallucination because I felt the entity's presence and saw it right in front of me. And how could a person simply run in and out from the room in total silence?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, sbst_gh, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-25)

We keep posting about the 'mind stuff' because everything normal, natural and NON-PARANORMAL must be ruled out before we can consider ANYONES EXPERIENCE paranormal. It's not just you, its everyone's experiences, so please do not take it personally. The only way to forward paranormal investigation as a search for solid fact is if we, as investigators, prove we are not jumping at every shadow and calling it a ghost. Science MUST be applied.

Thanks for sharing... And do not freak out... Yes you experienced something... Just what is still TO BE DETERMINED.


sbst_gh (2 stories) (6 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-25)
Use an adblocker [at] rookdygin. And [at] otteer The lion is the only thing I had in England when I experienced the hauntings.

[at] everyone. I don't know why are you posting about the brain related stuff but it IS an entity showing itself in a familiar form. Not a hallucination.
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-17)
You know I am guilty of one of my own pet peeves, not reading a post thoroughly, I missed the part of the first sentence "where most of my experiences happen". I then looked up and saw this is your second story. So, I had not read that, so I apologize. I just read your 1st story and now this makes sense. I don't think this was a doppelganger I think this was the spirit finally showing itself, but like I said earlier, in a familiar form.

You asked earlier if the "feeling" of a presence was paranormal. Let me ask you this. Have you ever been somewhere and all of a sudden you get the feeling someone is staring at you, and you just can't stand it and have to turn around and someone IS staring at you, and they quickly turn away or smile? What was it that made you feel like this person was looking at you? I think it is a transmission of energy between the two parties but this situation would not be considered paranormal. But, if it can happen between two humans, why not a human and a spirit? They are both made up of energy! This would be considered paranormal because we can't SEE what is projecting their energy, we can only rely on our senses to tell us it is so, but until we can SEE what is projecting it we can't say it is paranormal to anyone but ourselves or we get poo pooed lol,

I just think something that can operate on your frequency is attracted to you or something in your room (since stuff has happened in your room in two different locations), if something in your room, possibly something that is old and was with you in England? Can you think of something that could possibly have something attached to it? What about the toy in the closet?
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-16)
P.B. I can understand how my comment may of confused you, I did throw in a bomb of well founded theories in short that are actually very complexed and long in detail and do take time to comprehend, they may or may not relate to the authors account as Tweed pointed out, we are just looking at possibilities. However looking at the facts alone, we do see everything in the sight centre of our brain... Whether it's a dream, hallucination, paranormal or the world in front of us. Our eyes are just lens, the point I'm making here is, that the authors mother is being viewed inside the authors brain and just appears to be floating two feet of the ground,... Here's a link related to that of which you may find interesting.http://www.mindpowernews.com/WorldInsideYourBrain.htm

There is another possibility worth putting on the table, was there some interaction between the blinking and the authors pineal gland? The pineal gland is responsible for switching us across from consciousness to sub consciousness of which takes us into dreamland... Was there some type of confusion between the two states of consciousness that activated the illusion of what the author had described?... If reality and dreaming are viewed in the sight centre of our brain, there may have been some type of superimposing going on that the author viewed from what appeared to be a waking state?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-16)
Feeling a presence and an actual presence in the room can be two different things... Many different things can make an individual 'feel a presence' in the room... Residual feelings or emotions from a dream and high levels of EMF come to mind.

An actual presence in the room would manifest as more than a 'feeling'...something physical would happen that 'supports' the 'feeling' and whatever physically happens needs to be debunked before claiming the event is paranormal.



(Ok is it just my tablet or is anyone else getting an annoying advertisment poping up on the bottom of their screen? In my case it's for Sausage cornbread stuffing... If so WHY?)
sbst_gh (2 stories) (6 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-15)
It was not a hallucination, as I said in the story there was a presence that I felt. I blinked 4 blinks in a second to be precise. I was also not fatigues at that time. Yes, mum is OK.

(replying to all of you in one comment)
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-15)
Could be that you are feeling something, it could be fear is producing it, who knows. If it is to be believed, people who can see spirits say they are all around us, your moment of vulnerability may have been the time for one to present it's self, possibly in a form that would be less distressing to you. Again, who knows? Since it seems to be a one time deal, hard to say. Sorry could not be of more help. Is your mum ok by the way? Maybe it was a helper directing your attention to her needs...
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-15)
Paranoid Believer, we're only throwing possibilities around. I don't know of any documented theory that rapid blinking opens the third eye. But given how little we understand about consciousness, it's an interesting theory worth testing, I think.
Feeling a presence in the room can mean someone is there, but it can equally be caused by a number of physical things too, like fatigue for example. Working out if there's a presence can take a long time. 😊
Paranoid_believer (1 stories) (35 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-15)
I'm totally confused, please could anyone clarify two things for me. Firstly,'does rapid blinking open a third eye at that exact moment?' Secondly,'does feeling a strong presence in your room classify as paranormal?'
With respect...PB!
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-15)
Your account is an interesting one that's for sure, I'll offer this for you to have a think about, it is a scientific fact that the eyes are responsible for transforming light into an electric signal by means of the cells in the retina. This electrical signal reaches the sight centre in the brain. The signals create the vision you see when you look out of the window for example In other words, the sights you see are created with in your brain there is no out there or the colour and shape of a world we think is and that's a fact, the Orch Or theory suggest we have about 40 concious moments per second that give us the perception of movement and real time and according to Albert Einstein time itself is the big illusion...it's interesting that you were probably blinking your eyes quicker than 40 conscious moments per second and I wonder if you just in a blink, pardon the pun... You had a flash of a parallel Universe in the sight centre of your brain where at that point of time, your mother was in the room?... String theory suggest there are countless universes of which we live in, some identical to this and others not and consciousness in my opinion, is the means of accessing them.

Regards Daz
Amzu15 (19 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-14)
Cool one! I agree with tweed. This is a 50-50 chance thing! X.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-14)
Hi Sbst,

Apparently when we blink, as far as our conscience is concerned, the world 'disappears' for a split second, but we don't notice this blip in reality.
With this in mind, it *could* be an hallucination, including the feeling of a presence. But it equally could have been a ghost because rapid blinking probably plays havoc with our physical senses, making visual 'matter' which is normally invisible.

Hope that made sense lol. Thanks for sharing, this is very interesting, you've given me something to think about! 😊

Oh and the ghost may not have been a doppleganger. This could have been your perception placing a familiar, or 'expected' identity on whomever you saw the back of. In reality it could have been someone who looked similar enough for you to assume you knew who it was.
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-13)
Holy crap! That would have scared me to death! Is this your only paranormal experience? Wouldn't it be weird if your rapid hard blinking actually triggered something to appear?

Good one! Thanks for sharing!

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