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Real Ghost Stories

Hair Tinkled By An Orb


It happened during a summer during the time when I was Primary Five. I used to live in an apartment with my family near Liberdade. I joined a local swimming team and had a long practice. I went home late that day since the coach asked me for a part time job to clean the swimming pool.

I came home around 9pm that night. My mother was away at a relative's house to play mahjong, and my father was fast asleep since he had to work early in the morning.

I ate the leftover tacos and took a shower, and went to bed around 11pm. I was tired and I felt light headed during my sleep, I felt every part of my body tinkling, I thought it was a start of muscle pain, minutes later I felt my hair tinkling as well. I felt strange since hair does not move or have any muscles. It kept tinkling, and I thought I will have to be brave. So I turned around quick so that I can scare away whatever that was tinkling me.

When I turned around, I saw a white light flying away from my bed to my closed bedroom window. I thought that it was a fly, but I did not hear any buzzing. I saw it went through or disappeared at the closed window. That moment I felt victorious since I can finally sleep in peace, but thinking again, what I have seen was very strange.

That day on, I did not experience or seen any strange paranormal things until today in my early thirty's. Is what I saw an orb, or will it be just some other things or living things? Where I live that time is nowhere nearby any haunted spots (at least what I thought) and nor is my house haunted since we do not have any strange happenings so far.

Love from São Paulo


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, roylynx, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments but I won't participate in the discussion.

roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-05-19)
I think I better put this comment in my own and only story.

Took me nearly a day to read all the "problematic" stories... I have a couple of questions and comment that I need to make.

There had been so many field trips around, was it LOVELY? I thought you can JASSIE in ZERO seconds, KENT you? Oh, I have language problem...

I think the donut hole can fill up the holes on the cheese if that's how ITALIAN will make ENGLISH muffins; I bet MACANESE will think that is a new type of JAPANESE dish since their news are all covered up.

There, I have been around the world, I'll be back to São Paulo in a minute. (Oh, I need aspirin)
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-04-27)
Tweed, senhora! (Sorry for the overreaction)
Glad to see your comments, what I thought that time was it was playing around which made me felt irritated, I did had blocked ear too, but I thought it was just water in my ear from my practice.
I don't think it was trying to tell me anything since that really was the first and the last time I experienced such thing.
It had no sound but it was "tickling" the backside of my head on my hair.

I will be reading the two stories; I would love to know that there are people with similar experience, just to make sure that it was true.

Blessings from São Paulo
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-27)
Oh, here's another coincidence, have a read of Bingham Lights, newly posted part two, but read part one first. Very similar light to what you describe. 😊
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-27)
Roylynx, Sir, interesting encounter!

Bit of an odd coincidence I just submitted something with an odd apparition buzzing around the bed. I felt a strange sensation with it, like having blocked ears. Do you suppose this being was trying to alert you to something? Or do you think it was just curious?
Also did it make any sound?

Thanks for sharing.
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-04-27)
BloddEman, hi sir, did you mean it's a firefly? Fireflies in São Paulo? No way! They could only live where there is clean water places lol
By the way, fireflies glow all the way long, they will only stop glowing once they stop moving (I might be wrong, but that's what I have been observing as a child) and they are usually greenish (light green most of the time), and even if it was a fly or any insects, there must be the wing flapping buzz sound.
Well what I saw was white, rounded and it flew free like it has life, unlike dusts. I wish there were smart phones back then so that I could take a picture of it.
Yes, I saw that third eye post somewhere too, but was it this site?
I turned quick so that I can make it go away really, it was kind of irritating for me that time, but if it was a pale lady I am sure I will be shouting and I will get a smack from my father, you are right I was lucky lol

Well to be more detailed, I live nearby an Asian community, that month of the year was called Obon for them; they will light lanterns and let them flow on ponds and rivers hoping that the spirits of their passed ones will come back. I am not really sure for that custom but according to my grandfather whom had live in Japan, Obon is a season where people will go back to their ancestors' grave yard and pray for them and will even clean the place for their ancestors since it is believed that the spirits will visit them. Well, this might just be a coincident though; I am not really a believer on that.

And yes I remember I was flipping my pillow around and even checked the closed window hoping I can find some traces, but there were nothing.

Great thanks from São Paulo

PS Did you misunderstand that São Paulo was my name? It's the city where I live. People there are full of love and I was hoping I could share the love through my comments. Obrigado novamente (thank you again)
BloodEman (2 stories) (59 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-27)
São paulo (Rolynx)

I think it could be a fly. What is the name of those kinds of flies who produce a light by itself at night? Can't remember the name... It could be that kind of a fly. Because I never have heard that light orbs can touch ua or communicate with us.

But the thing flew over to the window could be an orb. Maybe there was a insect in your hair which made your hair move and you may have seen a real orb of light when you turned back... I really can't tell you that my suggestions are correct as I don't have any evidence...

Did you check the bed after seeing that orb? 😊
However I heard that seeing light orbs and shadow people from the corner of your eye means that your third eye is opening... I found that in a post... But not sure

However you was lucky to see a light orb...hahahaha...I never turn that fast to see something behind me at night because what happens if there was a white pale lady instead of that orb of light... LOL...hahahahah...don't take it seriously...

Anyway I think it will be much better if you can provide more info about the incident... 😊

Regards from Blood...
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-04-26)
Wish-not, so tickle is the word for that blobbing feeling that you get after sports? Lol
Thank you for correcting. As you have noticed most of my comments will be from a TV show or stories told by others, this one here is original and might be the only one I am writing as a story because that's my only experience so far. Thank you for reading!

Love from São Paulo
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-04-26)
Big thanks for Miracles51031, I thought my story failed and so I wrote part of it in my profile and deleted it thinking it was not appropriate.

Greatest regards from São Paulo
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-26)
roylynx- Ok, um maybe it's just a different country/language type of thing but I'm thinking "tickle, tickling, tickled" is what your going for here. If not it would be quite the mess.

Interesting either way though. Especially IF it's the original text.

Thanks for sharing

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