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Real Ghost Stories

Oh...excuse Me!


I am so annoyed with myself. I try so very hard to record everything in my Journal, but this one I have only the date and four words: Tuttle guy in kitchen.

A couple of months ago, yomomma submitted "Do Your Ears Hang Low" which made me remember this incident, and I fully intended to submit this then. And again when yomomma submitted her experience with her "Kitchen Shadow Man". So finally, 4 years after it happened, I am submitting my kitchen experience.

This is why I could kick myself. I can't give exact details, only what I think I'm certain of. It was late at night, I'm guessing after midnight, on June 28, 2012, and I had gotten up from bed and gone into the kitchen. If memory serves me well, I knew as soon as I walked into the kitchen that he was in there. Not only could I sense him, but there was a spot in my kitchen between the refrigerator and table that was darker than the rest of the kitchen.

I remember opening the refrigerator door and felt him step back. I could feel him standing there watching me, but not in an intrusive or creepy way. I wasn't afraid of him. I think I was curious more than anything.

When I opened the refrigerator, I reached down to get something off the bottom shelf; probably a bottle of water. As I was closing the door, I automatically stepped back. Right into who I refer to as our Tuttle guy. I felt him quickly move, as did I. And then I apologized to him for backing into him and went back to bed.

The reason I believe him to be our Tuttle guy is because it is the same feeling I had from the beginning when I knew there was a male presence sharing our home. He has spoken only a few times, one of them saying the word "Tuttle", earning him the nickname Tuttle guy.

June, and July as well, were pretty quiet that year. Most of my entries in my Journal are more of the psychic/medium nature than our resident ghostly activity.

Like I said at the beginning, I am very upset with myself over not having more details than this. I guess it's a case of you had to have been there to appreciate it.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Miracles51031, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-10-07)
Aww, applerose, I miss you too ❀ Sure looking forward to a new one from you 😊 Good to see you on here again ❀
applerose (13 stories) (139 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-07)
I love love this story... Wished I felt at ease when I would notice my visitors... They don't really scare me, but they can sit me on edge a little.
Hello my sweet friend... I miss you.
I tried to submit a story a few months back... But it would not go through, then my smarts in computer skills, I somehow ERASED the whole story. I have yet rewrote the story... But when I do... I sure hope it will go through this time... I miss my YGS friends ❀
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-09-18)
Reading this story back, I nearly forgotten about Miracles51031's Tuttle guy. I have heard a few stories about shadow-men and such "beings". Some said they interact with the living and some said they lived in their own world. There is a theory of "them" living in the same "space" but in different era of the time. Like some of my relatives told me, in old tribal places even if it is built modern, the spirits there is there since they are bounded to the land and not the people there. I somehow believe in that theory since we as a person somehow would be "addicted" to a particular place, it could be somewhere nearby or it could be far overseas, everyone's spirit is from different places no matter what our nationality now is. Well I could be wrong but I do have a place that I would need to go at least once a year and I have feelings against that place fortunate for me it's not too far away from where I live, but it's hard to travel there. Well, it's just my thoughts.

There is another theory; it is that the "shadow-men" have their own thoughts since they were once a living being, yes, just like many comments here, but eventually they would go back to where they belong, again my thoughts.

Love from SΓ£o Paulo

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-09-18)
I meant to add my daughter always saw hers in broad daylight. Once on a school bus, one in town, once with me while we were on our way home. By the time she got my attention, he was gone.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-09-18)
DandK - some of us have been trying to figure out what the Shadow Men are and why they are here. In my opinion, based on my experiences, my Tuttle guy isn't a Shadow Man. I believe he was at one time living. He interacts with my kids and me. The Shadow Man I experienced didn't act as if he knew I was even there.

My daughter experienced one several times after her father's death. He never interacted with her, just put in an appearance.
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-18)
Thanks Miracles. I'm working on the theory that shadow men use the energy from light to form in our dimension. This means they wouldn't be able to appear in a brightly lit room because of saturation with too much energy.

I haven't come across a case yet where someone witnesses a full shadow man in a brightly lit area, but I'll keep looking.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-09-17)
DandK - at that time I probably had a night light on the wall opposite the refrigerator but nothing more. He was darker than my kitchen.
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-16)
Miracles, were your kitchen lights dim? Did it seem like he was trying to be in a darker spot in the room?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-09-16)
Why_not - I've had many interesting ghosts over my lifetime. Some helpful, some mischievous, a few that scared me. But for the most part, they are very easy to live with.
why_not (2 stories) (6 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-16)
Well, that's a polite ghost I'd say 😊. Weird how ghosts (some) just watch you do stuff without any intention of scaring anyone. Just there, like 'hi'. πŸ˜‰
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-06)
Yep, this site be haunted or something. πŸ˜•

After I login I usually go to my profile page to click whatever threads I recently posted on. Just now I did this and whilst scrolling down my profile I notice *this* experience from Miracles in my faves list. Bit of a discrepancy with that, however, because I didn't add it to my faves.
I'm in the habit of adding 'fave members' when I enjoy someones input. Then, by adding a member, I have a quick link to their profile, thus experiences. No need to add a member and their experiences. This is merely my 'cataloguing system' which makes sense to me. Therefore my experience fave list is mostly made up of older posts and those from people who don't post that often or new members etc. With the exception of a couple experiences from Val, which I added when I first joined, there's no new submissions listed by faved members, like Miracles. Blimey I hope that made sense!

So, unless I accidentally added this experience to my fave list at some point without realising what I was doing, I've no clue how it got there. Would love to know how long it's been there too. Ah, the riddle within an enigma that is YGS.πŸ˜‰
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-05)
Aww Mod love ❀

Compared to all of you I've been here about five minutes.πŸ˜† But in that short time I've noticed if submissions get posted quickly, before long this attracts trouble makers.

I don't mind how long it takes for new submissions to get posted. I either read older experiences or do something else entirely.😊

So Miracles and Granny keep doing what you're doing, it's ace!
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-04)

Thanks to my upbringing, I can usually find the clouds when I'm being shown the silver lining. My wife sometimes tells me to list five good things I accomplished today, just for a little perspective; they don't have to be earthshaking, just "up" moments to lighten the bad days. Try that in the evenings, as it usually helps me to sleep better.

Winston Churchill once famously observed, "When you're going through Hell, *keep going*!"

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-09-04)
Thanks, everyone, for your support. Granny and I, as well as all mods before, try our hardest to make this site a good one.

I can't address everyone directly because I'm on my phone but I do want to say, Rook, you and Granny have both been around longer than I have lol
And Biblio, out of my 51 years, I have to admit this had been one of the most challenging. It's not the worst, but it certainly hasn't been the best.

I can't promise there will be new stories tomorrow since we are celebrating Labor Day, but we will try and get a few new ones out soon.

Again, thank you to all who support us and understand ❀
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-04)
Oh, Rook, the comment trolls! 😠! They were the reason I would "lurk" on this site instead of participating. I'd drift away for a few months, and when I returned, the same 6 or 7 individuals (unless I include the 5 "alternate" versions of one in particular!) were having the same damn feuds over stupid, stupid disagreements and grudges... They'd pushed my buttons enough that I didn't read most of the comments, which was an unfulfilling experience. I didn't realize the trolls had prevented my enjoying the narratives until I joined to participate.

Miracles and Granny are excellent moderators. If it takes a while for them to sift through to get to publishable materials, or if their real lives demand their attention, so be it. I know exactly how reading essays can feel: it is often more exhausting than writing in the first place! Dragging one's mind through the murky logic and grammatically-muddled sentences of well-intentioned but awkward paragraphs is worse than doing manual labor. When you've put in a hard day's work at, say, landscaping or washing windows, at least you can SEE the difference you've made. Moderating the discussions on a website and reading through the submissions on a regular basis is harder work than most people do at work. It's like mopping the floor: people only notice you're responsible when they're not happy with the result.

Would everyone like to join me (in D major):
"For they are jolly good fellows;
For they are jolly good fellows;
For they are jolly good fellows,
Which nobody can deny..."

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-03)
A BIG THANK YOU to both of our wonderful MODs. I remember a time slightly before both of them joined... A time where False Experiences and Comment Trolls were more common than they are now... Remember they do not only review, edit and approve new experiences they also moderate the comments section as well.

I give you both a bow of appreciation and offer a hug of thanks.

(And yes ladies... I checked... I was a member before either of you.)


zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-09-03)
Thank you all for your support! It means a lot to know the majority of the community empathizes with us. We appreciate it more than you know. ❀ ❀ ❀
RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-03)
I would like to add that I think the mods do a great job.
They do quality work and handle themselves in a very professional way that impresses me.

While it takes NO effort to sit back and say "serve and entertain me"
It takes a great deal of effort and commitment and time away from their own personal lives to read and manage the stories that go up on this site.

There is a wealth of archived stories here that should be able to keep a reader enthralled for quite some time. Though they may not be "new" stories they are experiences that are just as valid as any new story.

So with those comments I would simply like the extend and big
"Thank You" to the mods and the great work they do.

Myst (63 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-02)
I have had some small editing experiences, so I do appreciate how difficult and time consuming a task it can be. I congratulate the mods on their patience, and their tact.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-02)
Paul & Miracles: When there are fewer updates than usual, I find that I have more time to take up the thread of the next supernatural encounter I wish to submit to YGS. I start re-reading it, clarifying descriptions, editing out unnecessary details (okay, not as many as I should, but they're MY unnecessary details, dammit), and getting it ready to send in.

If I look over anything I've previously submitted, I find I've still got two or three mistakes, on average; either because I edited two separate sentences together, or I typed a word incorrectly (e.g.: stare/state require a difference of 1/3" on the keyboard, but can really change the meaning of a paragraph). EVERYTHING could use a second glance before being printed.

As YGS is also an active online community, I suppose it couldn't hurt anyone to ask Miracles and Granny if they're okay. Sometimes, people just need to know that we participate because we care not only about the quality of the stories, but also about those individuals with whom we've created an amiable rapport.

To that end: Miracles, how's everything?

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-09-02)
And, Paul, you say no offense, but continue to criticize us.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-09-02)
Paul - if you've been a member for 5 years, you know why I moved this line of conversation. Please respect the o/p on the other story and continue your questions/comments on my story.

I am sure you realize a lot of things can happen in five years. And our personal lives take precedence over this site every day. When there are things going on in our lives, catering to this site is not high on our priority list. Don't mean to offend anyone, but that is how it is.

Not only that, but there are days when there are no stories that meet our guidelines. I would truly love to publish every story in queue as it is so that everyone gets a taste of what we deal with. Maybe then there would be some understanding. Then again, probably not.

And just so everyone knows, if granny and I were to spend a day or two editing and publishing stories, we would be out of stories to publish. And, of course, someone would b*tch about that.

It is impossible to make everyone happy so we have to make those happy that we can. And those are the ones we see every day.

If you continue to be unhappy with the way we handle the stories, please contact Martin.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-09-02)
Paul - we are completely aware of how many stories have been published lately and how long it has been in between new stories. We don't need a reminder every month or whenever someone gets bored. And you know the funniest thing? People who have submitted their experiences are a whole lot more patient and understanding than our members who just read.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-19)

What Tweed stated makes a lot of sense to me.

Tweed, your analysis of the M.P.Disorder incorporating "sleeping" personalities is entirely consistent with fugue state actions of dissociative persons, and of outrageous behaviors of some people who react badly to sleep-aid medications. (Once, when I had been pushing myself through a stressful & sleep-deprived month, I woke up in the shower, already shampooing my hair, because I was on "autopilot" and didn't even notice I'd gotten up! The strongest thing I had been taking was coffee.)

That point of agreement made, sometimes people do manifest psychokinetic abilities, O.B.E.s, etc. There are a few recorded cases of "imaginary" friends beginning to take on lives independent of the person who imagined the entity (see footnote), but these are more difficult to document than any other types of psychological or parapsychological phenomena, unless someone else witnesses the imaginary friend (even then, it's likely to be a case of *folie Γ  deux*).

There have been testimonies to people seeing spirits of individuals who are still living (doppelgΓ€ngers may fall into this category, but there are certainly records of RESIDUAL hauntings from traumatic events, even though the living person has moved on --with much help, therapy, time, and love-- to a new location and is living a better life). Perhaps the "splitting" or "fracturing" phenomenon can be accounted for by distinguishing between a residual and a sentient haunting?

Interesting train of thought, Tweed, and it is entirely possible that the 'pie chart' and my perception of how much of him was present are the same. I've said many times that I don't always know how my brain makes the connections and leaps it does (sometimes I've been horribly wrong), but the more I trust the imagery it generates, the more interesting and surprisingly useful the ideas are.

Much thanks to Miracles for getting this started!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I read a case of a Bhikkhuni, a Buddhist nun, whose jolly imaginary male assistant began sweeping the room and fetching water from the well when she wasn't even imagining him. He really became a problem when he started following the other monks and nuns around during a pilgrimage of some sort. I wish I could give a more accurate accounting of this, but I read it about 30 years ago... πŸ˜•
yomomma (11 stories) (81 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-19)
Hi Miracles51031! Loved your story. Wish my shadow man would offer to help. My shadow man and I have a love/hate relationship. Love knowing he likes it enough here to stay and hate it when he spooks me. 😊

I believe my daughter and her friend caught my kitchen shadow man on recorder. They were being silly while making frappes in the kitchen one night. The friend was recording their conversation on her phone. One of them asked, " So Mr. Shadow Man what frappe flavor is your favorite." Later when they reviewed the recording they heard a very boisterous, "Chocolate" in reply to their question. His voice sounded very deep and jolly. I try to keep that in mind whenever he makes his appearances.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-19)
Thanks Biblio, that does make sense. I believe mental illness in all it's forms is an extreme manifestation along the spectrum of otherwise 'normal' beheaviour. That is all mental illness consists of intensified, and therefore counter-productive/hindering, 'normal' traits.

I knew/know a woman with 'multiple personality disorder'. Sometimes, now a ghost, she and/or one of her 'alters' pays me a visit. Although these alters are different to her, they're still a part of her, each an extreme reactive part. Findings in recent years indicate parts of the individual fall asleep during an episode. Following this reasoning, and the idea mental illness is intensified 'normal' behaviours, I don't think a soul can truly 'split' in a bilocation sense. I think parts of us can fall asleep while other parts remain awake. A functional reaction, serving the well being of the individual as a 'whole' emotional being, as you say 'bifurication'.

Out of curiosity what made you think of Tuttle's height? I had images of like a pie graph type concept showing the differing amounts of an individual's emotional frame of mind at a given time and thought maybe the height factor was representative of this.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-19)

I do apologize for those times my comment go whizzing overhead; I don't want to confuse anyone! [In all honesty, it's easier to explain ideas with magic markers & a whiteboard, music, paintings, video clips, maps, etc. I have no idea how anyone manages to teach "on line classes"; my classroom looks like the Discovery Channel collided with the Louvre...]

I do not wish to hijack the comments thread on your story (especially since you're a mod!), but I fear my last comment provoked consternation, given Tweed's reaction to it.

Sometimes, people develop a bifurcation of personality as a coping mechanism for trauma ("multiple personality disorder"), so that the "bad" events happened to the "other" personality, and when recollection of the trauma provokes a response, it's that "other" person who does reacting. Now, this is a highly-oversimplified version of a rare and extreme coping mechanism. (Keep this in mind while I weave in step two.) When anyone thinks of his or her favorite places he or she becomes nostalgic; the place at a certain time of day or night, or a specific season of the year, is more significant than at other times, so that's what the individual remembers and becomes "lost" in a few minutes of wistful reverie, before being brought back to the concerns of the present time and location. (Hold both thoughts, and we'll tie up everything together.) Now, for a moment, think about someone who has died, but in a state of confusion or of trauma. Nothing is going to bring him or her back to the present, because he or she is stuck at that moment, but his or her "other" self is the one dealing with the problem, so he or she is able to walk around and to function like anyone else (except death --which happened to the "other" person-- prevents this) who is in a happy state of mind in a favorite location. The "soul" or "spirit" of the individual can kind of split (as with split personalities), such that part of the person may move on to whatever is next, part of the person is stuck in the trauma (this is usually a more "negative" aspect), and part of the person may choose to linger and to wander around not being dead, because that happened to the "other" version of him or her. [I do hope this is sort of clear...] While semi-aware of being dead, it's a bit like the spirit is in denial, too; he or she simply refuses to think about that bit, and keeps milling about and enjoying having developed new "invisibility" powers which seem perfectly reasonable, as the "other" part which always dealt with the aftereffects of trauma has protected him or her again from the truth.

My concern for Mr. Tuttle was that he had some form of dementia or Alzheimer's disease, and he had not come to terms with his own death, so he was constantly being surprised by the fact he was dead. (He may even have been asking Miracles "Can I help you?" as though she were invading his space.)

I know I do a lot more reading than is healthy for one person, and I'm pulling together sources & accounts from all over the place, then using a potted version of psychology to explain it, but there is some precedent for souls fracturing or splitting according to the accounts of some mediums. I may well have been off-target when I initially speculated about Mr. Tuttle, but it was my gut reaction; Miracles says he was about 6' tall in life, and I believe her. My sense of his behavior was that he was incomplete and that he was missing some part of his awareness (other than his physical body!).

I do hope that was not too long-winded and muddled, but I've typed this out instead of getting ready for bed, and it's nearly 2 am.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-07-18)
C2C - I hope that's not the case because I want to always be filled with wonder and amazement about this part of my world. I never want to be ho hum about it. Every experience should be unique and fascinating. If I get to the point where I feel it is just yawn-worthy, I need my butt kicked.

During that time period my psychic/medium abilities were in overdrive. That and I think this experience was so rare for me that I imagined I would never forget the details.

Did you tell your husband what you experienced? If so, did he notice anything when he was doing the walk-thru?
C2C (3 stories) (62 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-18)
That experience would have been AN EXPERIENCE for me. It was similar to the one when my hubby and I were looking at a house and I exclaimed excitedly to him that I just loved a particular room, and then realized he was in another room. I know that a presence was right next to me who I thought was my hubby. That experience and how I felt at the time will stick in my mind forever. Basically I think you didn't remember too much about this experience with Tuttle because you have so many experiences, it didn't really make that much of an impact. What is abnormal for me is normal for you. You've become blase!
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-07-18)
Tweed - my use of the term energy simply means what I can feel. Sort of like static that I can trace with my hands.

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