When I was a little girl, I had an imaginary friend, like most little kids do. I called her Gena. We would play together and such. My mother never thought anything about it, as her friends children had them too. But as I got into kindergarten and started getting more friends, I decided I didn't need her anymore. I remember telling her to leave... but she wouldn't. I would get so upset and tell my mother. My mom told me to tell her to leave and if she wouldn't she would come up herself and tell her to leave. I went upstairs to tell her (I don't remember what I said exactly)... but I knew she didn't leave. My mom came upstairs and told her to leave, but I told her she didn't. My mom just tucked me into bed and told me we would do it again tomorrow. She bugged me the whole night keeping me up.. I was so angry. Finally after I ignored her she left. I was very happy and relieved.
When I turned 18, I flew over to England to see my Grandmother and other family. I was looking through one of my Aunts old family albums and came across this picture of this little girl. She looked familiar, like I had seen her before. I asked my Aunt who she was and she told me it was her cousin, who had died at the age of only 8. I asked of her name and she said Eugena. I was startled! I told her of the imaginary friend I had and how I called her Gena. My family is very spiritual and she said it was probably her cousin visiting with me.
When I returned to the states, I told my sister. I didn't live with her when I was little because she lived with her father. She said she had one and she called her GG. I also told my cousin and she had one who she called Eu(u). We believe it was the same little girl who just wanted to meet us and play with us. We don't think of it as a bad thing, when we think back, we realize it was a family member who just wanted to meet us.