One morning a couple of months ago I was working in my back yard and walked around the side of my shed near the back of my property. I had a wheelbarrow leaning up against the side wall and when I walked past the wheelbarrow, something on a concrete pad caught my eye. It was a light brown/creme color, about an inch and a half to two inches in diameter and nearly 2 feet long. My first reaction was "SNAKE!".I instinctively froze. Then it was like it had spotted me the instant I spotted it. It immediately bent in an arc shape as if by reflex and JUMPED about 2 feet and ended up under my shed, which is on piers. The weirdest thing was that it made a snapping/crackling sound when it arced before jumping. It all happened so fast that I was scared one second and confused the next. My first thought was that I had just seen something impossible because it didn't have legs and living things don't sound like a branch cracking when they move. On top of that, there are no snakes that color in Southeast Texas.Also,snakes don't jump. I also had the feeling that I wasn't supposed to see it. That was the feeling I got as soon as it jumped.
Anyway, I ran and got a flashlight to try to see what it was and when I got back it was nowhere to be found. I have rehashed this event over and over in my mind and have yet to come up with a rational conclusion as to what I witnessed. Anybody out there have a clue? I Googled the description of this thing and couldn't find anything that might point me in the right direction. Then I thought it was a dumb idea to Google it because Google surely won't tell me what I witnessed. I have a gut feeling that it was something paranormal because there is no rational explanation.