It was the year 1968, my mom had a little girl her name was Linda, it was only me and my older sister which was 6, I was 5. We live in the projects, old government apartments. Baby Linda was 2, it was on a Saturday night around 10 p.m.
Me and my sister share a bedroom we had two twin beds. My bed was near the bedroom door, my sister bed was across from me. Anyway we live in a two bedroom apartment, my step-dad worked graveyard shift, my mom was a house wife, as I was saying we always kept the bathroom light on near the hallway. As I laid across the bed trying to fall asleep, I was looking out into the hallway, I notice a little figure crawling, I stood half up and speak out" Linda come to bed its late." She crawled near my bedroom door then stood up, walking slowly, I quickly got upset and said" hurry up, you're going to get me in trouble come to bed." She'd gotten half way in, I was about to get up out of bed and drag her, before I could she start walking backwards, gotten to the hallway then right before my eyes disappear. Yes that's what I said disappear, vanish what every you want to call it! I quickly jumped out my bed ran to my sister's bed, but there in the bed was my baby sister Linda! So tell me what the hell did I see, I talk to! It wasn't my baby Linda. I squeezed between them both afraid my heart beaten to fast, covers over my head, I could hear dragging footsteps around the bed. Oh my I was terrified, I saw a ghost it was my baby sis I never knew. She died before I was born.
I was young back then. My mom took to me to a psychiatrist after the burial. My point is I hope you were alright after what happened to you. Seeing your dead sister and everything.