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Real Ghost Stories

It Giggled


To start with, I would like everyone to know that I'm the type of person who would look for rational explanations on everything. Not that I'm a skeptic or anything, but as someone who has 2 degrees under his belt (not bragging. Just making a point), I believe finding answers as to why things happen the way they do is all part of being rational and scientific. If I were (skeptical), I wouldn't be on this site sharing my stories, would I?:)

I work somewhere in the middle east. Currently, the kingdom where I am in is in the depths of a recession. We don't have much projects as of now, so we are left with little to do. Boredom strikes me often and fortunately, I chanced upon this site while searching for some things related to horror stories. Being a fan of horror myself, I find it entertaining to read stories of such. What I find peculiar, and even funny, is that some stories here do not differ much from the things I experienced myself.

Having read tales from different people in the past weeks made me decide to share my own experiences starting with this incident from my childhood.

I can't quite remember when did this happen exactly. If my memory serves me right, I think this happened some time in the late 90s.

My siblings and I grew up in a town in the province of Nueva Vizcaya, the Philippines. It isn't like most towns in the Philippines because it is urbanized to some extent. We have huge establishments back in my hometown, but that doesn't change the fact that the province is still largely rural. Having said that, stories of superstitions and the like are still unquestionably existing.

Gadgets weren't as prolific as they are now so we had to rely on outdoor activities during daytime and watch tv at night to keep ourselves entertained. Meaning, our television back then was abused to the point that the remote control gave up on us.

This particular night was nothing out of the ordinary (or so we thought). I was watching television with 3 of my 5 siblings around 9 in the evening when we decided to switch channels. Our television back then was a Sony Trinitron. Not the flat-screen type, but the one with a huge box behind the screen. Lol

Since the remote control wasn't working, we had to use the buttons on the tv to change channels or control the volume.

Being the kids that we were, we kept on switching channels and arguing what show to watch. Until the buttons gave up on us as well. They had sunken in.

Afraid that our mom would find out and get mad at us, we decided to fix it ourselves.

We unplugged the tv, fearful that we might get an electric shock while trying to fix the buttons. Then removed it from the stand, and placed it on the floor. The four of us were seated on the floor surrounding the huge lump of old technology.

Just as we finished laughing at a certain joke one of us cracked up, I suddenly heard someone giggle.


It was the tiniest, highest pitched (is this even a term?) voice I have ever heard.

I thought I was just hearing things when my younger sister said "May nakitawa." (Someone laughed with us.)

To which I answered "Oo nga, narinig ko." (Yes, I heard it.)

Our younger brother then said "Ako din." (Me too.)

As for my other younger sister, I can't remember if she heard it too.

We weren't really frightened by what happened... I don't know why. Maybe because we were too young back then or maybe because we didn't feel anything negative about who or what laughed with us that night.

What I am sure of, is that it didn't come from the television because it was unplugged. It wasn't from anyone in the house because we were the only ones awake that time. And it certainly wasn't from one of my siblings because the sound was right in the middle of our huddle.

And it was, well, different. It was non-human.

I have a lot of creepy stories growing up. And I'm hoping to have them shared soon.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, tonichi, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

tonichi (1 stories) (3 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-09)
[at] BeautInside
Thank you! 😊

[at] Melda
No worries. Spook is a commonly used term anyway so no need for apologies. 😊

Thanks everyone! 😁
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-09)
KikiGirl - Don't you think that you should at least apologise to tonichi for providing incorrect information?

I realise that you didn't check the meaning of the word "spook" but simply assumed that it was South African slang. Assumptions can be very misleading.

Regards, Melda
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-08)
Hi Tonichi,

This was a beautiful and funny experience to read 😊

Good thing you unplugged the TV before trying to fix the buttons, because safety should always come first and it certainly helped you to rule out a logical explanation.
Really hope to hear more from you soon. 😁

tonichi (1 stories) (3 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-08)
[at] Melda
Our parents found out about the tv eventually, but she didn't get mad. Lol
Bought a new TV after. 😊

[at] roylynx
I did hear some stories about fairies (and elves) having olive green skin. But it's not as common as other beings in Philippine folklore. 😊

[at] Bibliothecarius
Thank you! I have more unexplained encounters mostly during my childhood. Things that just can't be attributed to imagination.
Hope to share more soon. 😉
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-08)
Biblio - Thanks for coming up tops again. I apologise for "using" you for back-up! (Is it perhaps your own fault?) 😜

Tonichi you will discover in your journey on YGS that Biblio is an absolute fountain of knowledge!

Regards, Melda
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-07)
Greetings, Tonichi, and Welcome.

First, an aside to Melda: "Perhaps Biblio, in all his wisdom, can assist with that?" Yikes! I was happy just up-voting your comment, as you were correct. "Spook" has been a noun in English since 1801, and used as a verb since 1867. As with most words in English, it has taken on new meanings over time, but it did originally mean "Ghost," and the sources suggest that it came from Middle Dutch (circa 1150-1500), "spooc," and Middle Low German (circa 1200-1500), "spok."

Tonichi, being a skeptic is a very healthy attitude toward supernatural events. Having had the experience, it is sensible to rule out any possible physical causes before suggesting the supernatural is involved. There are several respected members here who always try to find alternative explanations for what the writer has felt, seen, or heard. When all of the obvious explanations have been deemed impossible, *then* it is time to suggest supernatural explanations, just as you ruled out the unplugged television and your siblings being responsible for the laughter.

I enjoyed reading your account, partly because I remember my brother and I broke things while our parents were out and tried to concoct plausible "the dog did it" lies. I can't imagine how your parents reacted when they got home and you tried to tell them that the damaged television wasn't the important part of the story...

Thanks for sharing this,
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-05-07)
Melda, OK OK, got you LOL

Tonichi, just one simple question, have you heard of tiny green fairies? I am not sure if it is spiritual but I have heard that it is like an urban legend around Asian countries. They are known to bring people good luck, maybe I am kind of superstitious?

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-07)
roylynx - I think you misunderstood me!

I did not for one minute think that you were against me. Perhaps we have a language barrier here 😊

I was simply trying to explain to you that the word "spook" does not originate from South Africa, it is a very well-known word world-wide 😊. We are definitely on the same page.

Regards, Melda
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-05-07)
Melda, that's what I am saying. Spook is not a slang of any term. It's just the way people had used the word, because my sister speak that way too and we have no African background. Sorry if I sounded if I was against you, I was trying to appeal that we are "in the same boat". Peace on Earth!

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-07)
roylynx - As far as I know "spook" originates from Dutch but is widely used in English as well, meaning ghost or spirit, plus other meanings, such as spy. It definitely is not "Afrikaans slang".

Perhaps Biblio, in all his wisdom, can assist with that?

Sorry Kiki, I hate to contradict you but I can't have other readers believing that we Safricans have invented this word. I do realise that you did not say that to intentionally mislead.

Tonichi - I think you had a wonderful experience. Appreciate it for what it was 😊. By the way, did you ever get the TV fixed up?

Regards, Melda
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-05-07)
Tonichi, Nothing to be afraid of and I feel cuteness from your encounter. I don't know why but I feel warmth.

Melda, there is a song I think it is from the Disney's Haunted Mansion called "Grim Grinning Ghosts". In the song they use the term "spook" too for a spirit or a ghost, it's an old term of English I guess (not Old English, I know it's different).

Blessing from São Paulo
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-07)
Kikigirl - I'm sorry if I appear to be critical and nit-picky but "spook" is a very well-known English word, just pronounced differently from the way we in SA and the Dutch pronounce it. (I'm sure you are aware that it is actually derived from Dutch) 😊

Regards, Melda
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-07)
tonichi - At least your "friend" had a sense of humour! I'm very pleased to know that you weren't frightened by it.

Honestly, I find your experience extremely amusing. I can just imagine it sitting there with you and thinking - "how are they going to explain this mess to their parents" 😆

I would also love to know what the joke was, or was it just perhaps a remark made while working out a scheme of what the excuse for the broken TV would be?

Regards, Melda
tonichi (1 stories) (3 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-07)
[at] Tweed
I forgot what we were laughing about back then. Haha
Something really funny, I guess. Even the unseen found it funny. 😁

[at] KikiGirl
Haha good thing everyone had a good time, including the 'spook' 😜
KikiGirl (8 stories) (207 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-06)
tonichi, thank-you for sharing your story!

When I read the title of your story, I really thought something awful was going to happen! But I must say that by the end of it!? I was laughing with you and the "spook" ("Spook" a slang word used in South Africa for a ghost or spirit).

It seems that you, your siblings and the spook ALL had a secret joke!
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-06)
Hi Tonichi, welcome to YGS

You wrote this really well, really enjoyed reading.
Do you remember what the joke was you were laughing at? Glad you weren't spooked by it. Sounds like it meant no harm.
Thanks for sharing.😊

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