I went on an OBS course about 2 years back (2017 now). In that camp, everything was going fine until the second night, where we were asked to do a guard duty at the 3am shift to chase away wild boars and other animals that were potentially there. When my friend and I started, it was all going fine until the temperature suddenly started to drop tremendously. I was joking with my friend, telling him that a demonic ghost is nearby us and would attack us soon.
Just minutes after I said that, the wind starting picking up pace, it was actually a very hot night that night with no signs of incoming rain. After the wind picked up pace, I looked up at the sharp tipped flying fox building, and saw a shadow figure with red eyes staring at us. I was feeling quite uncomfortable thus I headed to the toilet to wash my face. When I got back to the tents, I looked back at the place where I saw the figure, I thought to myself, 'thankfully it's not there anymore.' I just casually looked away then I realized where it did go. It went straight to the top of the trees near our tents and at that moment, it dashed straight at me and I blacked out. Next thing I know, it was daytime and I was outside my tent with my camp mates surrounding me.
After going home, I realized I have 3 scratch marks on my back and I got a high fever which caused me to be hospitalized. Every night for 3 weeks after that, I had the same nightmare of being stuck in a forest and getting choked by an unseen figure until I woke up in cold sweats nightly. It happens now from time to time, where do I get help?