I have always wondered why those that are sensitive (or those that happen to just experience a supernatural event) experience them so individually. Some people see black and white entities, others in color, some have been able to speak to them, or hear disembodied voices as clear as day. I find this to be such a strange phenomenon regarding the human senses. I ponder if it's due to the fact that entities are just as spontaneous or meaningful in their decisions as they were when alive or if it is dependent on the abilities of the living.
Both my mother and I have had experiences with entities for a very long time, both starting in childhood and continuing onward. Though there is a particular difference in our experiences. My mother has seen solid apparitions in full color while I have only seen sheer ones.
When my mother and father went on a trip when I was a little girl (can't remember my exact age but this was when we were living in Cali so I was definitely under 9). They were staying at a hotel. One night my mother woke up and saw two solid apparitions of what looked like men from the 1800's. My mother described them as looking like farmers or miners because they had overalls on. She still is not sure of the time period they could have come out of. One man was African American, the other was Caucasian. They never looked at my mother. They just kept looking out the window. She pulled the blanket over her head and when she looked back up they were gone.
For me personally, I've only ever seen apparitions and entities that were shadow figures or sheer. And most of my experiences have been through hearing disembodied voices, being touched, and feeling the atmosphere of a room suddenly change. I haven't seen an apparition in years.
Why is it that contact with the paranormal is experienced so differently? Is it down to ability, situation, or what the entity wants to reveal? Is it all of the above?