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Real Ghost Stories

Mindbight Madness


Hey everyone thank you for taking the time to read my experience and I will participate in the comment section.

I told my husband that since it was summertime and the weather is going to be warmer that I wanted to do some ghost hunting. I wanted to do it because the paranormal is both a passion of ours and it's something fun we could do together. My husband said that he thought it sounded like a fun idea so we found a place called Augusta Mental Health institute.

My husband and I did some research and a lot of really bad things happened there and it really does make me feel very sad when I think about the true neglect,abuse, and evil that took place there.

The building is still there but nothing is inside the place. Someone does own the place but hasn't decided what he wants to do with it yet so I told my husband let's go ghost hunting at (amhi) before the owner decides what he is going to do. So we go there 2 times. The first time we go we park our car far from the place and walked to the building but we had to be careful, because of Security cameras. We got to that building and let me tell you how creepy This place is just from the outside. Me and my husband tried to get in the building but we couldn't, we did walk around it. We kept hearing a loud knocking noise it was very creepy.

When you walk around the outside of the place you can picture how it looked back then, it's creepy and the place draws you in some how. Since we couldn't get in we go try to back but this time we brought back packs with tools to try to get into the building.

So my husband and me are walking towards the building trying not to be seen by the cameras, but then we get caught by a Security guard we tell him that we are trying to do ghost hunting but the guard didn't care and he called the police.

Me and my husband both have backpacks on with tools in them and now the cops are being called - great good times,lol, anyways the police came. Just one cop and he ends up being really cool about everything and just gave us a warning, and said not to come back for a year or we would be arrested. So for now we can't see what the inside looks like. But it was a fun two nights.

Thank you for reading pink496

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Posh9, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-21)
Pink: I think you should probably check again, because I believe the email you sent went to Miracles, our other Mod.

That being said, I'm going to issue a warning that any further comments not directly pertaining to this account will be deleted.

Let it go, guys.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3157 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-20)
There's a saying in Mexico that goes: " mΓ‘s pronto cae un hablador que un cojo" (the bigmouth one falls faster than the maimed one). πŸ€”

So much wisdom...
valkricry (49 stories) (3273 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-20)
From your story, "but this time we brought back packs with tools to try to get into the building." From your comment,"Also the tools that were in my back pack where a gps 2 flash lights a recorder and some snacks!" Two completely different things.
I know you said you were 'done' reading the comments, but this is a perfect example of what Miracle's was trying to tell you about. That single comment, right there, casts doubt not only on this tale of yours, but on any others you may have posted, now or in the future. And that makes me sad. There is no helping you.
I will tell you this, those who fabricate, even little nothing tales like this one evidently is, get caught out by the group, if not by the mods, sooner or later. And recovery from that, is extremely hard.
I'm done.
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-20)
Thanks a lot for clarifying Valkricry! I guess it makes sense now, sort of.
valkricry (49 stories) (3273 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-20)
I'm not sure, I know Cups asked too but never got an answer. But I think it's suppose to be "Midnight".
valkricry (49 stories) (3273 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-20)
Hmmm? Email must've been eaten by gremlins. I never got it. πŸ€”
Pink496 (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-20)
I have stopped reading the comments and will not be reading them anymore I am done here I know how to spell it's called being on a phone and typing fast and auto correct that will be the last post I make I am done reading this crap
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-20)
Hi Pink -

I'm confused by the title of your story. What is mindbight?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-20)
I honestly intended to leave this thread but something keeps bugging me so I have to get it out. I tried to leave it alone and hope it would stop that little nagging voice, but nope. So here goes.

I find this very interesting: "A little background on myself I am a social worker. I have been a crisis stabilization counselor. I have also worked in shelters for homeless women and their children. Before that I taught pre school and then middle school." Notice the punctuation.

The remainder of the same paragraph: "I was excited to be on this sight because the paranormal world is a passion of mine and the paranormal world as it's ups and downs so I thought it would be nice to talk to others who understand that's what I am about I am not about trashing on someone for a choice they make that I don't like when I don't even know them but that is just me 😊"

Copy/paste is wonderful πŸ˜†
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-20)
Hello Pink496,

I wondered if you took the time, when first joining Your Ghost Stories, to read the information given on the home page.

In dark print: To keep a level of maturity and civility on this site, moderators may delete comments that are deemed too juvenile, inappropriate or troublesome, to their discretion.

Perhaps, pink496 you should read some of what you have written. Perhaps you owe the moderators an apology. Perhaps an apology to others as well.

I am sorry you chose to have such an argumentive attitude. I hope you will, in the future, only write about a real ghost event or experience.


This comment from Pink496 is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-20)
A note for Aporetic:

You are more concise and polite in your response than I was.

I have a mind like lightning and the typing speed of a rutabaga.

Pink496 (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-20)
Dank thank you for your kind words I do appreciate it. It's hard to tell somtimes how people mean things but I know that most people weren't nice I agree with what most people say because looking back it was stupid but I do not agree on how people went about it and I have never done anything like this in my life or been in trouble a day In my life.
Pink496 (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-20)
I really do take this stuff seriously it was not a good idea and I learned from it I have said this a bunch of times and I have apologized I sent Val and very nice email apologized to her so I am done with all this just because I made a poor choice anywways peace
Pink496 (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-20)
The first comment I made was happy go lucky like when I said big dog syle ghost hunts I was kidding but everyone wants to attack me I don't care anyone
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-20)
Wow this went south fast!

When I calmed down from laughing the other day, I wondered why this was posted. A cautionary example was the conclusion I came to, so ahh yeah.

Pink, I'm kind of shocked this thread went haywire. I thought this had been submitted half as a joke, just to be cheeky/humourous. I've never gone on a formal ghost hunt, so reading the comments from the mods about this got me thinking. I stand by my sense of humour, but the mods are right, going where you shouldn't for the thrill of a ghost chase is giving the honest folk a bad name. It's kind of like I want to punch anyone who says Chris Martin plays piano. There's enough, I can't say the w word, but you know, idiots out there supplying skeptics with their proof ghosts don't exist, it's counterproductive adding to their ideals. Makes us all sound dim, like Coldplay.

I can't turn off my sense of humour. Yeup.
Aporetic (5 stories) (125 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-19)
Greetings Pink496

I'm probably way too late to join this 'discussion', but I've read all the comments and just had to add my two cents. These are my observations:

1. At no point were you being 'trashed on'. You were given sound advice with regards to obtaining permission before entering premises -which, I think is caring, kind, and considerate.

2. You ask for comments drizzled in kindness, although several of your responses are oozing disdain, indifference, disrespect, and an attitude of 'don't tell me how to do things'. It is this mindset that has you misconstruing good, solid advice as being 'trashed on'.

3. Considering your narrative falls outside the guideliness, making it impermissible for publication on YGS, I would be personally thrilled if they use one of my submissions as a cautionary tale. But instead, you became defensive and tried to shift blame by latching onto the 'kind comments' in an attempt to make people feel guilty for speaking the truth.

I think if your comprehension skills weren't lacking, you would have seen the positive aspects in the comments. Now that might seem like an unkind comment, but it is not. It's the truth as I see from your responses - a truth that you are unable to digest. You were unable to rein in your emotions and this resulted in you allowing the horse to ride you instead of you riding the horse.

To me, your narrative reeked of juvenile tendencies - not because of what you do/did/didn't do, but the tone you employed. As a mature (middle-aged) adult, I could take offense to certain phrases you deemed appropriate, without considering your audience, then expect that same audience to treat you any differently than they would anyone else who acted the way you did. SMH. If you don't learn anything from this experience, take this away (this will definitely not sit well with you): you have loads of growing up to do.


Bibliothecarius, please don't analyse my scribbles. LOL
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-19)

Thanks for sharing your story. I just wanted to comment about all of the comments. I understand that getting criticism seems unkind sometimes. However, being unkind and being criticized are not the same thing. We all have values that are different, yet none of us really knows how someone else may feel when our comments are received. It may be easiest to try and get past the emotion you feel from being criticized, and hear what the comment is trying to convey. Just putting the emotion aside will help a lot, and it is a skill that is great to have. My impression is that everyone that commented is trying to help you (in the ways that they know how to help), but the way they word everything doesn't fit into the way you would say it. Therefore, you find it rude. Just know that your way is unique to you, not everyone, and often it helps to see someone else's point of view or intent instead of assuming an intent that really is your own feelings. I haven't seen any regular poster on this site ever purposely treat someone unkind. I'm certain nobody is purposely doing that to you.

I hope this helps and allows you to feel more comfortable. I'm sure everyone is interested in hearing about your experiences. But they will give advice and opinions based on their own huge amount of good experience. Reading the comments is like being able to take a class and learn without having to pay for those experiences yourself, and we're really fortunate that everyone here is willing to share like they do in the comments.

Good luck with everything!
valkricry (49 stories) (3273 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-19)
Pink, no one ever called you a liar. What was said is when stories keep being added to, or totally changed in comments by the O/P, it could look like they are making things up, add to that, you were being told as an FYI for future submissions. It was meant as a helpful comment.
valkricry (49 stories) (3273 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-19)
Pink, I'm glad you learned your lesson. I always thought you had, which is why I thought you were offering this up as a cautionary tale for all the wannabes out there. This line from your story, "Me and my husband both have backpacks on with tools in them and now the cops are being called - great good times,lol, anyways the police came," led me to believe you meant it as a funny moral lesson. I opted to publish it as such, and even attempted to support why it was even being published in the very first post of this thread. Obviously, I made a terrible call in judgement. Instead of laughing along, you were evidently insulted. So, I guess I should apologize for having published your story?

Since you keep insisting that,"<guidelines>...says to be nice and welcoming to people and to be kind but most of you haven't been even though no of you have met me also there have been a few people who commented on my post and all I have been to them is nothing but kind of you read through my post to others there all kind comments", I suggest you go back and re-read your posts.
I'll save you from scrolling, this is from your first comment, directed at me; " but yeah I don't know how 100 year olds do stuff or whateva but as far 28 and 31 year olds like myself and my husband go we love to mix it up and do things like breaking and entering that is kiddy shiat me and my husband like to do big dog style ghost hunts! We like to live a little." Tell me, is THAT kind? Is THAT respectful? What if I had replied with a knee-jerk response? Or even just deleted it? In hind site, that may have been the best choice - deletion of your comment. I'll explain why in a bit.
Not once did you apologize to me, but in a comment to another poster, who had pointed out its rudeness you said, "I didn't mean to be rude but I didn't like what Val cry said so I wrote how I felt. But it's hard to know how people are saying things because you can't hear how I saying it but it's not my intention to be rude to anyone..." I thought, "Okay, just let it go." Guess I could've gotten bent over the mangling of my nic... But hey, it begs for typos. Lol Again, my mistake, maybe I shouldn't have let it go, because it led up to the following:
So then Miracles points out - because YOU had said, "...myself and my husband go we love to mix it up and do things like breaking and entering that is kiddy shiat me and my husband like to do big dog style ghost hunts...", which TOTALLY gives the impression, it's something you have the habit of doing - breaking into places, that "You and your husband are the kind of people who give ghost hunters and this business a bad name and reputation 😠 If you are doing it for fun, you are not doing it for the right reason..."
Which, if you had taken it in context is 100% true, the idiots who break the law in order to get 'a thrill', do give the legitimately passionate ghost hunters a black eye. You had NOT as yet corrected the impression YOU had given that breakingin to ghost hunt was a habit with you and hubby. So you really can't blame her for that, can you? Instead of correcting the impression, you went to the aggressive stance and being quite rude to her, "If you have nothing nice to say don't bother commenting. I have been nothing but nice to people on here and you want to trash on me because you don't like a choice I made well that's on you but treat people how you would like to be treated." I believe that was just your 3rd comment on this thread. Let's see... 2 out of 3 posts of you 'being nothing but kind' in your comments, where you were verbally rude and insulting to one mod, and pretty much telling another mod to shut up. πŸ€” Yet, we continue to let you have your say. We continue to be polite in our comments, even attempting to offer you help so that you can avoid the same pitfalls in any other submissions you might make. Yet you are determined to try and paint yourself as being 'bashed' or treated unkindly. *sigh* Again, my fault- as promised my explanation as to why the best choice would have been deletion of your first comment, if I had simply deleted it the following may not have occurred;
When she pointed out that as MODS, part of our duty is to try to prevent other members from doing something that could get them hurt or in trouble, especially something another member has done, you became even more unreasonable, which also means we sometimes need to comment when we'd rather not, as well as the need, at times to be quite blunt. How you take that is up to you. She is NOT "picking and choosing" what rules to follow from the Guidelines, but rather attempting to explain, in terms anyone should understand why she is responding the way she does. Completely inline with a response ANYONE would give to someone who had just pretty much told them to 'shut up' and NOT do their job.
Pink496 (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-19)
It does how ever say in the commenting guide lines not to insult people so when you called me a lair that wasn't an insult? Oh ok I get it you only follow the rules that you WANT to. You say you have mod next to your name well your a poor example.
Pink496 (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-19)
Also if you call walking around a building and looking in and seeing if we could get in was not commiting a crime. Hahaha it's not like I tried breaking in through a window or anything I walked around a building if the cop thought it was funny and said this a joke and so I am going to just have you sign something saying you won't come back for a year if it was a crime I would have to go to court. So is me answering to the person who said that. It's not something people should do I get it but I am done being treated like crap for a poor choice I made which I am sure all of you have made mistakes maybe even worse then this so when your perfect come talk to me. πŸ€—πŸŒΉβ™₯️
Pink496 (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-19)
I am definitely going to slow down when I type. I am commenting on something someone on here said. I was told it says in the guid lines to respect your author but someone said that It doesn't say in the guid lines that you have to be kind and not talk down to people but if your respect your author or anyone your talking to then you wouldn't talk down and you would say what you need to say in a nice way that's my problem I can admit when I make mistakes and Already said that it not a good idea not something I would do again. People like to pick and choose what rules they want to follow anyways best of luck to everyone peace and love ❀️
valkricry (49 stories) (3273 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-19)
If the fast typing is responsible for the way your posts read, then perhaps you should slow down a bit? I understand that not everyone expresses themselves well with the written word, and using one's phone for it - well, autocorrect does a number all on its own. Then too, as Cups pointed out to you, "There is also a nifty preview & edit tool built into the comments section - I find it to be very useful. πŸ˜‰ (wish we had that on social media!) " Perhaps it would benefit you to use it too. As would letting us know to whom you are directing your comment to. There is definitely a learning curve to using forums like these.
Pink496 (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-19)
I do know how to spell and use grammar but I type fast so that's why that happens somtimes
Pink496 (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-19)
You have never been respectful this whole time that's my point! I will not answer anything you have to say I don't care if you believe me or not all I asked from you was to be nice to me when you say things you can't so I won't talk with you have a nice life
Pink496 (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-19)
It's going to take ma a sec to go through all this but all me and my husband did was walk around the place try to look inside and see if the doors were in locked that's all. I never got in trouble for trying to break in it's for walking around the outside which I got a warning so not really in trouble but not something I am going to do again. And not something I think people should try I definitely learned from it not because of anyone's posts I already felt like that it's been a few months since it happened
Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-19)
Biblio - high-five, hat-tip, & a big thanks to you. You've managed to address every issue I have with this, and then some.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-19)
Greetings, Pink.

Before I read beyond the second paragraph of your narrative, I decided to look up AMHI. There are four clickable thumbnail images here:
I'm something of an architectural historian, and I love the planning required to build massive structures like train stations, libraries, prisons, and -most of all- mental hospitals.

The original structure is a light-grey Kirkbride institution; the next four sections (proceeding along the axis of the first building) are all redbrick University Gothic, and the first of them occupies what would have been the original courtyard, thus undermining Kirkbride's attitude of "open spaces for healthy minds." University Gothic is quite nice, as the Victorian-Era progressive thinkers didn't want "hospitals" for the mentally unstable, but "institutions" that took an educational approach to mental wellness. Sadly, the first Gothic building has had additional renovations to expand its space that look like they were done between 1920-1940, plus additional wings jammed on to the second building about the same time, and three of the outlying buildings look like 1960s Brutalist college dorms.

When you state that you went to the building, I'm presuming you mean the large, white structure and the first two Gothic brick buildings that are connected to it with covered walkways. Theoretically, you would probably have had greater success getting inside if you had broken into the generator building with the massive chimney stack, gone to the basement level, and followed through the tunnels that piped steam heat all over the original campus. Note that this is a *hypothetical* scenario only; I am in NOT encouraging you to break the law in a more effective way than when you were trespassing and carrying implements for breaking-and-entering or burglary. I'm less concerned about your personal history than I am by your ineptitude at committing a straightforward crime.

I am far from innocent on the exploration of abandoned structures or decrepit ruins, but there's a difference between overgrown properties in the wilderness and property with an owner who has installed cameras and pays security guards.

I'm afraid that your segue from introducing the topic and the history of the building was a bit disturbing: "My husband said that he thought it sounded like a fun idea so we found a place called Augusta Mental Health institute... A lot of really bad things happened there...neglect, abuse, and evil that took place there." While this does make you "sad," why did you decide to interfere with spirits whose lives had been hellish in the first place? Did you presume that they would just be happy to see you and want to chat coherently now that they are dead? The dead who linger are either residual impressions or are unaware that they have died. They do not have personality transplants after death and become more whole and complete persons while trapped in their delusion of continued fear/abuse/trauma/whatever.

Now, I usually read through all of the other comments before I write out my responses, but my first four paragraphs were typed into the "Comment" box as they occurred to me, before I read everyone else's reactions, questions, observations, etc. Clearly, you were becoming frustrated with the general responses, and that will only lead to angry typing. I've skipped over all of the simple typos (such as "of" for "if") and all of the punctuation errors (commas, semicolons, colons, terminal punctuation, etc.). The following list is an attempt to clarify some of the more rapidly-typed messages, along with some questions I had about your experiences:

1. "me and my husband" should be "my husband and I" because "me" is a Direct Object.
2. "appreciate you asking" should be "appreciate your asking" because "asking" is a Gerund.
3. "me and my husband" again...
4. "we learned are lesson" or "our lesson"
5. "in the Gide lines" means "contained in the writings of AndrΓ© Gide" not "in the guidelines."
6. "even though no of you have met me" should be "none of you has met me" because the word "none" -to correct "no"- means "not one." "None" is a singular Pronoun, not plural, and the Verb must agree with the Subject.
7. "other then me typing" should be "other than my typing" as "then" describes time & sequence, while "than" is a comparative Preposition, and "typing" is a Past Participle used as a Noun (a "Gerund" again) so the proximal Noun of ownership is "my" not "me."
8a. "what am talking about about again" is a baffling repetition of "about"
8b. And to explain the question "about what?" the sentence ends with "thanks or the kind of words!" which doesn't really identify what you were trying to communicate... πŸ˜•
9a. See 8a.
9b. See 8b.
9c. "And drying the day your aloud to walk around the building so everyone don't get your pants in a twist!" drying/during is an obvious typo. "your" and "you're" are homophones, not synonyms; "aloud" and "allowed" are homophones, not synonyms.
10a. "your aloud" see 9c.
10b. "your aloud" see 9c again.
11a. "Hurd" is "heard"
11b. "nigh" means "close to," "night" is the word you needed.
12. You have my sympathies because "I have a head injury from an abusive boyfriend." You were a figure skater, which is physically demanding, but you had a boyfriend who gave you A HEAD INJURY? I sincerely hope you pressed charges against the bastard. 😠
13a. "A little background on myself [:] I am a social worker. I have been a crisis stabilization counselor. I have also worked in shelters for homeless women and their children." GOOD! The world needs people who support others and help them through difficult times.
13b. "Before that I taught pre school and then middle school." As I am an English teacher and a librarian, this was the sentence that scared me the most. *What* were you teaching to middle school students?

I hope you can see that list of potentially-rude critiques is, in fact, a little light-hearted teasing on my part. πŸ˜†

When you take the time to identify your tone, to explain your attitude & mood, and to reassure the reader that you have indeed "learned my lesson" from the experience, be as clear as possible in the original narrative's details. As with Tweed's response, my first reaction was laughter! I thought you were taking a lighthearted approach to your experiences at the Institution. It was the attempt to be lighthearted about the end of your experience and to reconcile that tone with a lighthearted investigation of tormented souls in a criminally-abusive mental health care facility that gave everyone the *impression* you were being reckless and disrespectful to the owners of the property and to the deceased.

I do hope that your future stories will not run into the same issues.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-18)
Pink - one more thing and I'm done. When you make a statement about something, make sure you state it correctly.

This is what the Comments Guidelines say: "Ghost experiences can be a sensitive subject and is not accepted by mainstream society. People publishing their stories deserve to be addressed with respect so this web site can be a safe haven for people wanting to share their experiences. If you disagree with the authenticity and the veracity of a story, you can express your opinion, as long as it is respectful ("I have an another theory for what happened", "I do not believe this to be true because...", etc). However, you cannot be abusive toward the author ("your story is lame", "you're a liar", "you're wasting our time", etc)."

Nowhere does it say "to be nice and welcoming to people and to be kind" or "always be kind and helpful and to not talk down to people".

I do say I'm sorry when I feel it is needed and if I am sorry.

I'm also honest enough to say I don't believe you.

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