I was still in elementary when I had my first ghost encounter. Many people are skeptical when it comes to stories told by kids as it could only be a fragment of their imagination but after this experience, my supernatural experiences started to happen more frequently.
I was on grade 3 or grade 4 and as I said, this was my very first encounter with whatever it was so I don't have wandering thoughts about ghosts or supernatural being. I came home from school and it was about 3 or 4pm so its still pretty much bright and sunny outside. After I entered the gate to our house, I saw my mom, well what I thought was my mom, just a few steps from our main door. I gladly callout "Mom, I'm home", but I thought maybe she didn't hear me as she kept on walking towards the first bedroom.
I was already in our terrace removing my school shoes, as any Filipino would be able to relate whereby no one is allowed to enter the house wearing your outdoor shoes or slippers, and I was planning to surprise my mom since she didn't hear me when I called her. Our house is just a normal sized bungalow house with 2 bedrooms so you can easily spot where people are and I saw her enter the room. As I entered the same room, I find it odd as I can't see my mom inside. There is no way that she would be able to go out of the room without passing the same door she just went in. You know kids, they search in odd places and I'm no different. Since I was still so young so I thought maybe she realized I was trying to surprise her so she quickly hid. I searched under the bed, inside the closet (aparador), and behind the door which I just closed but I can't find her anywhere. It felt strange and by this time, I would say I felt mixed feelings of confusion and horror. I suddenly realized that a full grown woman can't fit in either under the bed or even inside the closet so I started screaming calling my mom.
My mom "from the outside of the room" opened the door holding a ladle asking me what had happened. She was asking me why I was screaming and I just ran to her straight and hugged her tight.
I told her that I was following her from the time I got home and I saw her go inside the room but I wasn't able to find her so I got scared. She told me she was in the kitchen cooking for dinner the entire time and she didn't even notice that I already arrived from school.
It was just me and my mom in the house by this time as my older sister was still at school and my dad was still at work so it was a big puzzle who or what I followed that day.:S
I'm so sorry to hear that and you are right. No place is safe nowadays.
I'll share my other experiences as well when time permits.:)
Always be safe! 😊