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Oaklawn Cemetary


I went on my VERY first 'GHOST HUNT' to a cemetery called "Oaklawn Cemetery" in downtown Tampa. My fifteen year old daughter, almost five year old son and three year old daughter arrived at this cemetery at around 4-4:30PM. Just to let everyone know, my children are not frightened by any of this. They are more respectful and very interested in the subject. My fifteen year old daughter has had MANY paranormal experiences in her young life and we together created a light bulb to brighten REALLY bright and make a buzzing noise and then dim and then repeat itself while during a heated argument that her and I had in her room one day. I believe that was the kinetic energy that was happening between us BOTH. As for my son, he has seen his Papa who past away a little over a year ago. He is fascinated by the whole paranormal experiences rather than freaked out. As a matter of fact, after an hour of him non-stop talking about it after we had left the cemetery, and wanting to see the pictures we took, we had to tell him okay enough! And my three year old doesn't have a clue yet.

It had been a bad overcast all day long so it seemed like it was around 6:30PM rather than the time it actually was. To get along with my story, I have been to this cemetery many times in the past. I would say the last time I was there, before this time, was in 1998. I always got this feeling when I walked into this particular cemetery like you are being watched, but not by anything sinister necessarily. I never took any pictures in a cemetery before and never this one. I have never went on a 'ghost hunt' before either. I've only accidentally caught them on film before. This time I went purposefully to capture some kind of spiritual activity on film.

So, we all start to walk into the gates of the cemetery and the wind picked up quickly and it was bone chilling cold. Now, it was not cold on this day, nor was it hot, just overcast (remember, I live in Florida). Then it started to sprinkle rain, then it started to pour! We saw a wooden shed type building painted in white with a covered deck to take cover. There were no benches or anything just a small covered deck to sit or stand on the floor of. I don't know what the shed was used for, maybe shovels, and lawn equipment or things to repair the headstones with when they are damaged. Who knows, who cares! It kept us from getting soaking wet! To get along with the story. The instant we walked in there, we felt pulled in all different directions. However, we had to wait under this white, wooden building until, hopefully, the rain let up.

Oaklawn Cemetary Orbs

So, we sat there talking while it rained maybe a good 10 minutes and then it lightened up. At this point, I stood up from this wooden deck of this building and was compelled to take a photo directly in front of me. It was my very first picture and I actually caught something unbelievably interesting! There were orbs with tails shooting up into the air all over the place and then by one of the last trees to the right, there is another orb but the tail end seems wider in girth. Almost like it was forming somewhat of a figure. Now mind you, it is lightly raining still when I took this picture. You can see the rain in the picture. Also, in the top right hand corner of this picture of orbs there is a strange looking, well I wouldn't call it an orb, but WHAT IS THAT?! It has the shape of a butterfly. Very odd to me. Now, I am one of the first to debunk or not give much thought on orbs because they could be caused by any number of things. However, these particular orbs are much different. Oh, and we were THE ONLY ones in the cemetery the whole time.

I really think that I actually caught something on this photo and I want to know what everyone else thinks of them! I also have another photo of what I believe to be a 'shadow man', but I am going to put that picture on another page/story so this is not so long.



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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, mustang, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-24)
[at] Bloodless: By "she", I meant my daughter. My daughter was standing near some graves at Oaklawn Cemetary and said just about the same thing you did about children and a fire.

mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-24)
[at] Bloodless: That's crazy that you caught the full bodied apparitions the same places I did. What's really crazy is that day that we went she was at some graves and she mentioned having an overwhelming feeling of children dying in a fire. Wow!

[at] everyone else who reads this story. I just wanted to let you all know that as much as I felt compelled to take a picture and thought I captured something paranormal and exciting, unfortunately these "orbs" are not orbs at all. The orbs were created by raindrops. You were right Ohio.:) I read a book not that long ago that I bought from Border's Bookstore and it explained how and why raindrops appear the way they did in my photo. Oh well, it was exciting to find at the time. 😆

Thanks for reading.
Bloodless (1 stories) (12 posts)
16 years ago (2009-07-08)
I, too, have visited Oaklawn for several ghost hunts. On our very first one me and my boyfriend caught two full body apparitions on camera. One near the back and one near the bus station. It was a very chilling experience. I have gone with my younger sister, my boyfriend, and my Wiccan friend for another hunt (but our camera died before we arrived >.<). Though we did feel something heavy.

There's also a broken into mausoleum that has an almost sinister air about it. I do not suggest venturing inside, though, because the air is still stagnant and you will get a wicked upper respiratory infection.

The last time I visited I felt compelled to hang around the graves of four young Irish children that died, I believe, in a fire. As I was leaving I felt like something was gripping my legs tightly and wouldn't let go for several city blocks. It was unsettling.
Ohiowatha (11 stories) (415 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-07)
I don't question your honesty, either, Mustang, but I think you've captured rain drops in this photograph. I have captured raindrops in lots of photographs and they often come out looking like "orbs" with tails. It's just refraction in motion, I'm afraid.

Cheers! 😁
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-17)
Hi Alex. Thanks for reading my story and commenting on the picture. Unfortunately, on this picture, I do not see any faces. It's funny, out of all the pictures that I took, the only one that has lots of faces is the one from Oaklawn Cemetary II.

HauteCouture (2 stories) (18 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-16)
Ok, I just looked at the picture again and I can see more faces. I am going to read your next story about the cemetary...
HauteCouture (2 stories) (18 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-16)
I don't know if Tonith is talking about the center tree, if so, I also see a face but it is inside the white thing not the white thing itself.
There is a round shape that is lighter in color than the rest of the picture (the "white thing" I think we are talking about), in the top part of this is where I see a face. It is a man, he is smiling, and it is the left side of his face that is showing. He looks really scary. I don't know if it is just my imagination, but I immediatley saw this. It popped out at me.
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-16)
Thanks everyone for reading my story and commenting on the picture. I myself am skeptical of orbs and even though I do not think this are at all due to raindrops, there is a possibility. I thought rain drops, from other pictures I've seen, would not appear to be like what these orbs w/tails look like at all. Unless they were checked out by a professional, I guess I'll never know for sure. I really believe them to be real orbs only because of the tails on them and the shooting up look of them. I have NEVER thought much of orbs because they are usually easily explained but I honestly cannot explain these. There are few orb pictures that I believe in, this is one of them.

TheUnknown (1 stories) (192 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-15)
Ruthark,the mist is an orb that flew up. Those who didn't get the number of orbs in this picture, the number of orbs in this picture is 8.

Those who want to know more, tell me...
Tonith (1136 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-14)
I know orbs can be dust particles but I have never seen ones with tails of light like this. Ususally if you see a stream of light its connected to something that doesn't look anything like an orb. Now don't know if anyone else caught this but that white misty thing in the tree branch looks to have a face to me. Could be just my brain looking for a pattern which our brains will do. Great pic. You seem to have a knack for knowing when to take a picture.
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-14)
There is orbs here. At the right of the photo, can't quite make it out. Looks like a small mist of some kind. The rain is droping down to the left. The orb seems to be shooting up. Good story.
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-13)
I think if any one has read my previous comments, they know I do not put much stock into orbs,,, this however appears to be something entirely different. I believe you may have caught something here that can not be explained the way the usual orbs do.

Thank you fo rsharing your story about your first ghost hunt with us! I enjoyed the story very much!

God Bless!
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-13)
Allow me to say that FRAWIN said it all.It's not always what someone says but mainly who says that makes the difference and with you Mustang I have no doubts without having to be on this site for years.
Tam 😊 ❤
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2008-03-12)
Hello Shelby. You already know what I think of your photographs-I think you have caught something. I base my opinion not solely on the photos but also on the photographer. You are not a fairly intelligent person but a HIGHLY intelligent person- I feel you know the difference between a raindrop and an orb. I will close by saying I have complete cofidence in your judgment and that you are one of select group that I do not question their honesty. Take care my friend.

Ruthark (1 stories) (5 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-12)
Wow! What a great pic. It could just be the rain but look at the centre tree, across the bough on the right is a white mist.
JPing (guest)
17 years ago (2008-03-12)
Shelby, "straight ahead" is an angle. They call it 90 degrees. When comparing the angle of your 'orbs' with the horizontal wall in the background, it can be seen that they infact are at an angle. Please keep in mind that not every single rain drop falls at the same angle. Again, many factors involved.

It's interesting that you bring up the point about it being overcast. Because I can't help but notice that the trees are cating a shadow. The clouds aren't blocking out all the sunlight.

My "I'm not going to lose any sleep wondering..." was a figure of speach.

I may has misjudged you, but that doesn't in any way change the way I view your photos. And it's the photos I'm chiefly interested in. The hard, cold (or in this case - digital) evidence, not the fluff that goes with it.

You seem to be getting a little defensive towards the end of your post. Please don't think you need to be. I encourage anyone to post a story if they think they've got something to share. Even if I do disagree with it.

"Thanks again for your input. And if you felt that in your posts you were a harsh and arrogant, then you probably were! Wink"

lol, I've admitted to being harsh, but my apology only applies if YOU think I'm being arrogant. 😊 Be that the case I'll arogantly tell you that I wasn't. 😉
chelleck (3 stories) (56 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-12)

I too have lived with some strange occurances most of my life. Somtimes I wonder if there is something in me that attracks these things. I only know of a higher than normal electricity level (is what I'm told).

Anyway, I appreciate your photos, and immediately saw orbs.

I've always been interested in the supernatural - my first experiecne was at a very young age (about 4-5 years) and to my knowledge has not stopped, although it has been a while.

There are many things I do not understand, such as: why there are orbs sometimes, somtimes shadowy figures, somtimes voices and no visual, somtimes being touched, but no visual. Somtimes feeling like you haved walked threw an icy mist with no viusal ad somtimes the icy mist seems to just blow by. These are some of the experiences I have encountered; so I'm a believer.
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-12)
JPing, got some questions for you. You said angle of the camera, right? The camera was aimed straight ahead not angled in any way.
If you look at the angle of the rain, it is going to the left, and as for the orbs they are SHOOTING W/TAILS behind them straight up, not at any kind of angle at all. Also, like I said, I think a few time in my comments and story, there was a complete overcast. There was not even one beam of sun coming through those thick clouds. It had been like this ALL day. So the sun had nothing at all to do with it. I honestly did not think anyone on this site, let alone you, would lose ANY sleep over a pictue of orbs in this submission.

I would also like to add that I am definitely NOT one of those people that get any kind of silly compulsions to do things like, "OOHH, I felt a tingly sensation on my skin, it MUST be a ghost or something 'supernatural'!" That's why I sayed you do not know me at all because I am not anything like the average person when it comes to the paranormal. Especially with me living with 'THEM' most of my life. I do agree that people are receptive to there environment and every little aspect of it and that the factors can influence our emotions. That is why this referrence does not relate to me. I knew I was in the setting of a cemetary and there are dead people buried right underneath me, but it actually doesn't creep me out AT ALL. I know that sometimes houses are NOT haunted just because they are not taken care of and are decreped and spooky. I factor all of this in. I don't spook that easy! In this case, on this day, this would not be the case as far as I'm concerned because the next day we went to a very old cemetary and felt nothing nor caught anything on film. And, most people who go LOOKING for the paranormal or to take pictures or videos of them usually never get them. In my case, I thought I got EXTREMELY LUCKY with what I got and I thought that I would share it with you guys. Sorry if you are one of the few believers in the 'feelings of being compelled to snap a photo' being a fluke. I am a very logical thinker and believe more in science than anything else but there are some things you can't explain. You didn't burst my bubble by stating your opinion because there was no bubble to burst. I just thought that I would share these pics with the YGS familyAnd I am not nor planned on trying to convince you. I was merely explaining MY side of it. I have been reading and studying the many aspects of this subject for a long time so I know all of the possibilities of what causes things to happen or when taking pictures or videos what could logically, or scientifically be the answer to something that seemed paranormal. Thanks again for your input. And if you felt that in your posts you were a harsh and arrogant, then you probably were! 😉

mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-12)
Hello ChrisB. Thanks for reading my story and checking out my picture. What you said in your comment was exactly what I was thinking. You know, I didn't jump right to paranormal when I first looked at this. I did think about the rain, the lighting and A LOT of other things. From what I understand, is that when raindrops are in a picture with the right flash from a camera or lightening they form a Octagon shape of some kind. THIS is not the case on this one! I do have other photos, many actually in doors as well as outdoors, that I do not submit to this site because I pretty much debunk them or don't feel there is anything significant to them or special. I believe that this photo is just a little more than the normal 'orb' photos. Thanks for your reading and commenting. Talk to you soon. 😊

mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-12)
Thanks TheUnknown again, for your support. I find them remarkable myself in comparison to a lot of other orb pictures I have seen well, atleast so far anyway! 😊 Talk to you soon!

mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-12)
Hi Buffy. To answer your questions, the flash is one on the top of my camera, I don't even think if I've ever heard of a flash being at the bottom. There was NO water on my camera AT ALL because I was under this deck that was covered by a roof. There were no lights on the outside nor the inside of this building when the pictures were taken. So NO solar lights. I have been by this cemetary at night and they have the gates closed at 6PM and there aren't any lights inside or even directly around the cemetary. There was NO sun involved either because it was such a bad overcast so it was very cloudy outside completely covering the sun. Even though it looked like it was getting dark outside, there weren't even street lights on let alone any lights on in the cemetary. There was not another LIVING soul inside that cemetary with us. I am VERY aware of my surroundings and like I said in a previous statement/s, I am VERY observant of everything that goes on around me and for me to see the man getting into his car and NOT see the 'man' or 'being' standing only a few feet away is a little, well, not likely in my personal opinion.

If anyone else has any other questions, BRING EM'! I'm ready for anything and everything anyone has to say or even offer! 😉 😊

ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-12)
Hi Shelby. Those are great pictures. I to believe that in most cases orbs can be explained very easily. But yours caught my intension mostly because the orbs were flying around in the picture. You can tell by the tails of it. And you can see the differences between the rain drops and the orbs. This was you first ghost hunt and you were luckey. I believe you caught some ghost on that picture! Keep up the good work and keep taking pioctures 😁 I hope to hear fr5om you soon and take care
TheUnknown (1 stories) (192 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-12)
Shelby,for a pre-teen like me, I always wanted to do investigations on 'The Supernatural'.This photo is the first real ghost orb photo I've ever seen, so please make more on these orb stories. 😊
JPing (guest)
17 years ago (2008-03-12)
Thanks for not getting upset at me for what I said (some people can be very touchie, and rightly so when people try to completely debunk their stories) but I still stand by comment.

I think you've summed me up perfectly, orbs are too easy to produce. There are very, very few photos of orbs that I have believed to be remotely authentic, and none of those are ones I have seen on this website (excluding some in the 'pictures/videos' section). You'll find it right hard to convince me of anything when the chances are so overwhelmingly stacked against it being the real deal.

I understand that it may appear from the photo that the 'orbs' are shooting upwards. I don't believe they are. Due to the angle of the camera, the angle of the rain falling and the angle of the sun - the light catches the tail end of the raindrop.

Personally I have no qualms with the shape or brightness of the orbs/raindrops. They're blurred as I previously explained.

I agree (for a change) with you that a butterfly probably wouldn't be flying in the rain. If not a butterfly, then I have no idea what it could possibly be, but I'm not going to lose any sleep wondering.

I never intended to imply that you were being in any way untruthful. I believe that you believe what you believe (try saying that three times).

What I meant was that all too often people associate such feelings as compulsions to do something with what they believe is a supernatural event when in fact the two often have little, if nothing to do with each other.

As human beings we are extremely receptive to our environment and every little aspect of it. The factors that can influence our emotions are infinite. In a case such as yours where you are looking for ghosts in a cemetary, I would not really on your emotions as they are biased by your desire to associate them with the supernatural.

I realise I am not giving way at all. View it as arrogance if you will, and if you do then I appologise again. But I am dead set that in this case, I am right.
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-12)
Hello TheUnkown! I am always the VERY first to debunk something as being paranormal, especially orbs. But these were different from what I have ever seen before and found it very interesting. I KNEW, and even told two of my good friends from YGS that I sent the pictures to first, that I would be putting myself out there to be criticized or have them debunked. That's fine though, everyone has their own opinion and I like hearing other people's thoughts and explanations on the matter. But, YES, I did realize that I DID catch A LOT of 'orbs' in this picture. Thanks again!

whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2008-03-12)
Hi Shelby,
I cheated.
I read through both of the stories first, and checked out the photographs. Thank you for adding them, by the way. So often we see stories on here with the promise to add photography, but it never happens. So, thank you.
You know how I feel about orbs, too, Hun. I have a couple of questions about the picture taking process. Is your flash at the BOTTOM of the camera? Were there waterlines already on the view finder lens? Were you standing over any type of lighting (like those solar lights that some places have so that you can clearly see the path you are to walk)?
The reason I ask these questions is that the lighting appears to be off to me. It looks like the "streamers" are going in the wrong direction. Now I do not have that photo shop that some people on here do, so all I can see is what the photograph enlarges to when I click on it, but that seems a bit odd.
The shed that you took refuge under it's tarp seemed to give you some intense reactions. Did you happen to take other photo's around there to see if there may have been someone around checking your family out as you huddled under it's protection? It would be interesting to see if the feelings were just as you were in a rainy cemetery (pretty creepy in itself there, lady with nerves of steel) or if perhaps an out of work caretaker were trying to lead you away...
Thank you.
TheUnknown (1 stories) (192 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-12)
Wrong calculation,Shelby!There are 8 'orbs' in this picture! That means that you have caugth 8 ghosts on this picture. Like my previuos comment, 1 orb for 1 ghost.
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-12)
Thanks for commenting on my picture of 'orbs' TheUnknown and JPing.

TheUnkown: I'm glad that you found this picture as interesting as I did. It does seem that there are a couple following each other. Thanks again for commenting on my picture.

My dearest JPing. One of my fav posters! I knew that when I posted this picture that I would get the same response as you gave. I am ALWAYS the first to debunk orbs. I usually disregard them altogether because they ARE so easily debunked. However, if these WERE/ARE raindrops, which it of course is possible I guess, then why are the orbs shooting upward. You also would think that if it WERE a picture of water drops (rain), then you would think that the shape and brightness of the orbs would be different. I am no expert in the subject of photography by any means it was just a thought! Also, why would a butterfly be flying in the rain? When butterflies wings get wet, they can't fly. Remember, it was raining really hard and then all of a sudden the rain lightened up A LOT. I went to this cemetary because I hadn't been there in a VERY long time. About ten years ago was the last time. I never took pictures when I went there in the past nor had I tried to take pictures to capture ghosts. This was my first time trying to capture something in this cemetary because of the way it always made me feel in the past and wanted to see if I could capture anything. I remember always getting the feeling of people in the distant, not people of the living world but another time in space, curiously observing. Who knows maybe they were bored and want to come out and play or just observe like I said. I DID NOT add the "compelled to take a picture" in my story attached to this picture to try an up the coolness level. I was just being honest about my feelings. I guess you don't know me that well because you haven't been on here that long but I am a VERY honest person. Anyway, I want people to be objective to what they think but I honestly DO NOT think that these are raindrops as raindrops fall down not up. But who knows for sure, I could be very wrong!:) Thanks again for reading my story and commenting on my picture!

JPing (guest)
17 years ago (2008-03-12)
Sorry mate, but those 'orbs' are raindrops.

Not only are they all of the same shape and all traveling in the same direction, but they are also all traveling in the same direction as the rain.

The camera is focussing on the background so anything in the foreground (ie. The rain) will appear blurred.

The orb-shaped specks of light are most likely caused by reflections from the sun or possibly the flash of your camera (if you used one).

I'm not sure what that thing in the top right hand corner is, but you liken its shape to that of a butterfly, so maybe just perhaps in could possibly be a butterfly. It's clearly a solid object at any rate.

I've said it before, compulsion to take a photo means squat, zit, nadda. It's just something people add to their stories to make it sound spookier. I'm not trying to suggest that you're lying, but what about all those times you've been compelled to do something and the result has been... Nothing? The word 'compulsion' is just a fancy way of saying 'I felt like it'.

Don't lose hope though. Keep us posted on your other ghost hunts.
TheUnknown (1 stories) (192 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-12)
This is cool Shelby, thanks for the orb photos you took. 😊 They say that orbs always follow the spirit of the deceased person so, you migth have caugth 5-6 ghosts in this photo(note that 1 orb folow 1 spirit). Happy ghost hunting!

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